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Fyron March 5th, 2007 01:22 AM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
Didn't say or imply there weren't.

Suicide Junkie March 5th, 2007 01:31 AM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
There is no problem with a doubleclick if you have to do it only occasionally.

Atrocities March 5th, 2007 01:43 AM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
I see the spread is pretty even and stable. Despite its flaws SE V is still the best 4x game to come out in the last five years. (Say for SE IV Gold)

Kamog March 5th, 2007 03:32 AM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
SEIV was addictive. The more I played it, the more I wanted to continue playing. SEV is the opposite. The more I play it, the more frustrating it becomes and I increasingly want to do something else other than play SEV. And I don't think it's just because I'm used to SEIV and I'm resistant to change. I had no problem switching from SEIII to SEIV many years ago even though I was used to SEIII and SEIV was different. I really want to like SEV. I've started many games of SEV and spent dozens of hours playing it, to get used to the interface.

The main problem I have with SEV is the crashes. In order to not have the game get stuck while processing turns, I have to keep saving the game, quitting SEV and restarting every 5 turns or so. Otherwise the turns go slower and slower until it eventually crashes. If the memory leak problem gets fixed, that will solve about 50% of the frustration for me.

The other frustration I have with SEIV is the user interface. It's not so much the number of mouse clicks or the way the menus are organized that is really the biggest problem. I could live with the awkward user interface if all the functionality I wanted was available somewhere, even it took a lot of clicking. One of the annoying things is that some of the screens get increasingly cluttered as the game progresses. For example, the obsolete ship designs never seem to disappear from the ship list in the combat simulator, so after a while you've got hundreds of old ship designs in the list that you don't want and can't get rid of. You can't delete old construction queue fill lists so they pile up as well. Plus I agree with a lot things from Slick's list, especially the ones related to the ship design screen.

Slick March 5th, 2007 01:06 PM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
Fyron: My bad. I guess it looks like I was responding to your comment but I was just making a general statement.

SJ: thanks for the edit. And I also agree with the double click position. I think they are just another mostly unnecessary time consumer in the UI. *checks wrists for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome*

Atrocities March 5th, 2007 03:26 PM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?

SEIV was addictive. The more I played it, the more I wanted to continue playing. SEV is the opposite. The more I play it, the more frustrating it becomes and I increasingly want to do something else other than play SEV. And I don't think it's just because I'm used to SEIV and I'm resistant to change. I had no problem switching from SEIII to SEIV many years ago even though I was used to SEIII and SEIV was different. I really want to like SEV. I've started many games of SEV and spent dozens of hours playing it, to get used to the interface.

I couldn't have put it better.


For example, the obsolete ship designs never seem to disappear from the ship list in the combat simulator, so after a while you've got hundreds of old ship designs in the list that you don't want and can't get rid of.

My understanding is that this is a feature and intended to be this way. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif x 10 to the 10th power.

Very Nice list Slick.


Allow turn progressing with game minimized.

This has been fixed in a recent patch.

Fyron March 5th, 2007 03:32 PM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
Never being able to simulate with obsolete designs would be terrible. Rarely do you have an empire consisting of only the utmost latest designs, along with all of your enemies' empires. The screen could still use a toggle, of course, but it should never just filter out all obsolete designs automatically.

Spectarofdeath March 5th, 2007 05:30 PM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
I was playing with the balance mod and having fun with the shipsets, but even in a small universe with just 5-7 empires the turn processing was taking way too long. Probably going to try it again once this new patch is released since it's supposed to speed up combat and allow the turn to process even with the window minimized (YEA!!!) I would have prefered the SEIV interface to the new one, because it just seemed more friendly. When I click on a facility I should be given the option of upgrading or scraping there, not having to exit out of planet view, click on the planet, go to the CARGO menu (I never knew buildings were CARGO) and then scrap it. Not saying the new one is all bad. It's not a game breaker for me.

StarJack March 5th, 2007 08:37 PM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?
Once in a while I'll play for a while, wishing the interface wasn't a clickfest. Wishing I didn't have to play detective to figure out why a fleet with overwhelming superiority turned and ran this time. Wishing something as SIMPLE as a 'Systems to Avoid' filter was available on the Planets List menu so the send colonizer button could be used to simplify at least one aspect of this game. Wishing it didn't take several seconds to pull up a menu in large games, and minutes to process a turn. Wishing the person who wrote the game actually played it, to have a better feel for the UI and game play in general.

Mostly, that addictive pull to play 'just one more turn' that was ever present in SEIV just does not exist in SEV. I usually just quit in frustration because once again a perfectly healthy and well supplied and ordinanced fleet turns tail and runs instead of flattening a nearly defenseless planet. Or I get tired of waiting on menus to pop up, or turns to process, or a stupid AI decision makes me realize I'm playing against one of the most retarded AI's ever produced for a game.

And I wait, and wonder IF the game will get much better, and how many more months that will take. If it wasn't for a handful of helpful people on this forum, and the modders, I would've uninstalled the game right after purchase.

Atrocities March 5th, 2007 08:59 PM

Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?

Mostly, that addictive pull to play 'just one more turn' that was ever present in SEIV just does not exist in SEV.

I have been trying to think of how to best describe what I feel when I play SE V. Your comment nailed it. A sincere lack of JOMT Syndrome. In other words, the game doesn't produce a sufficient high. A failing that does not make this game an addictive product.

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