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Meglobob April 27th, 2007 06:13 PM

Re: Help! How do you use these 10 spells?

ologm said:
Number of deathgems generated by ravenfeast was squareroot of corpses divided by three.

I agree Ravenfeast is a (virtually) useless spell, it would be easy to fix really, just change the formula to squareroot, full stop or if that makes it too powerful, just divide by 2 not 3.

I have played loads of MP and the most corpses I have seen in a province is 500 or so and thats rare.

Velusion April 27th, 2007 06:31 PM

Re: Help! How do you use these 10 spells?

Meglobob said:

ologm said:
Number of deathgems generated by ravenfeast was squareroot of corpses divided by three.

I agree Ravenfeast is a (virtually) useless spell, it would be easy to fix really, just change the formula to squareroot, full stop or if that makes it too powerful, just divide by 2 not 3.

I have played loads of MP and the most corpses I have seen in a province is 500 or so and thats rare.

In the Eventide game I was Ashen Ermor and was completely liquidating populations via pillage with gigantic armies. I got up to 1500-2000+ corpses pretty regularly I remember.... in two turns I could usually clear an entire province.

Unfortunately I didn't have an air mage high enough to cast Raven Feast but I had about 20 priests that were raising the dead and moving with the army.

Taqwus April 27th, 2007 11:36 PM

Re: Help! How do you use these 10 spells?
If you were raising those corpses... might have been worth it for somebody else to cast Raven Feast to reduce your likely meatshield count.

Sombre April 28th, 2007 01:06 AM

Re: Help! How do you use these 10 spells?
Kind of a big if, that.

Sorry to break topic, but that thread linked to by morkilus was hilarious. I had no idea Dom2 had such characters. Deny deny, deny, leave. Awesome. He could run for office.

Velusion April 28th, 2007 02:15 AM

Re: Help! How do you use these 10 spells?

Taqwus said:
If you were raising those corpses... might have been worth it for somebody else to cast Raven Feast to reduce your likely meatshield count.

Bah, I could only raise a small percentage of the corpses before they rotted away even with the 15 dedicated priests.

PvK April 28th, 2007 03:08 AM

Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
You could've used the spell that raises 100 at a time...

Velusion April 28th, 2007 04:24 AM

Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!

PvK said:
You could've used the spell that raises 100 at a time...

The death gems I would have spent to cast it were always much more important than chaff. But I would have liked to trade air gems for death gems as Ashen Ermor though...

I suppose all this to say that I think the spell can be very useful but only in very limited circumstances.

Dedas April 28th, 2007 04:52 AM

Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
Yeah, I wonder if Norfleet is still here somewhere reading this just now? Naaaah! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

calmon April 28th, 2007 05:07 AM

Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
In combination with black death or tidal wave i use raevenfeast in mp games sometimes. Playing LA ermor helps too.

The spell could need a buff but not a big one. Otherwise the strategy to kill half of population and then cast ravenfeast will be too strong.

Rathar April 28th, 2007 07:54 AM

Re: Nominate the most useless spell here!
I get a sick laugh everytime someone links to that norfleet is busted thread. Tis unimaginable to me that someone can be such a ****tard in a game, any game, but then I remember that we speak of humans, such incredibly vain, selfish, inconsiderate, egotistical, win at all costs beings such as we are and I am not surprised anymore.

Still blows me away how brazen this norfleet ***' lies were. NO shame, no guilt, nothing but blame for others. Just the sort of garbage I fantasize about exposing to sterility inducing chemicals for if they lie about things such as this which truly do not matter at all then should they have the possibility of breeding?

Pardon my vitrolic manner but I have had a bit to drink and by all the gods I am HEARTILY SICK of selfish ****ers like this..

Anyways yeah, Raven feast sucks donkey balls.. Used it several (3-4) times and never even got close to receiving what I spent on it (if you convert em) and the touch spells are ridiculous even without the 50% chance of casting when in melee range!


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