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-   -   Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34526)

Cainehill May 3rd, 2007 10:39 PM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!

Oh _goody_. Still no bloody Tab-research toggle, and for some reason, Windows user are stuck with a bleeding .exe file instead of a _SAFE_ .zip file which the other platforms have.

With the greatest irritation in the game still there, I'm getting disgusted.

Reverend Zombie May 3rd, 2007 11:12 PM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!
Joining the disgruntled Cainehill:

LE C'tis apparently *still* can't summon Tomb Wyrms. That's been broken going on a couple of patches now. You'd think that stuff that *used to* work and got broken along the way would be fixed by now.

Saxon May 4th, 2007 01:48 AM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!
May I make a suggestion about this sticky? Can you put the date of the new patch in the subject line? For those of us who are slightly less than hard core, we don't remember the version number we are using. I checked the old thread a few times to see if there was a new patch. But for a post by another user, I would have missed this one.


Endoperez May 4th, 2007 04:45 AM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!
Reverend: how is Illwinter supposed to know what to put in as high-priority? They aren't keeping up with the bug reports themselves, and they started going through Edi's list in the order he lists the bugs. Shocking, isn't it? They still have 26 points in the buglists (not counting the magic/undead/demon leadership list and hp discrepancy, which seem quite minor) before the part Edi has named Nations. The Tomb Wyrm problem is fourth of the nation-spesific problems. 11 of the 26 points left to do are about maxage changing with mod commands that shouldn't change maxage, and there are two pairs of almost identical problems (two bakemono poptypes not having commander, two versions of the smouldercone not increasing heat). If they continue going through the list in order, I'd expect them to reach and perhaps finish the Nation list for the next patch, which might not be that long way off considering that the Fomorian nation is almost finished.

Edi does have a color-coding system for reporting more severe problems; perhaps you should ask him to let you color-code the bugs so that the important stuff are fixed first. The ones that got broken in earlier patches (3.04, 3.06), as an example.

Cainehill: I didn't even remember the tab-research request any more! I don't know WHERE Illwinter are supposed to check things like that. It doesn't even seem to be listed in the Dom4 Wishlist thread... And also, as Reverend reminds us, there are still a host of bugs left to be fixed.

Edi May 4th, 2007 05:44 AM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!
The shortlist is going to get reworked now that the new patch is out. However, I do not have unlimited time, so it is going to have to wait until next week before it gets completely sorted. A lot of issues are going to get color-coded at that point. The reorganization will also clear up the way the things are now sprinkled haphazardly around.

The C'tis Tomb Wyrm issue is going to get a higher priority.

As for the "tab-hide researchers" thing, unfortunately we are not going to get it back. Not for the tab key anyway. It has been requested by several people at several points and was a very popular feature. I would ove to have it back, but all indications from IW are that it is gone for good.

MaxWilson May 4th, 2007 05:54 AM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!

Cainehill said:

Oh _goody_. Still no bloody Tab-research toggle, and for some reason, Windows user are stuck with a bleeding .exe file instead of a _SAFE_ .zip file which the other platforms have.

With the greatest irritation in the game still there, I'm getting disgusted.

I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to with the Tab-research thing (you want Tab to hide researchers on the main screen as well as the army setup screen?) but the site-searching fix is saving me more annoyance than researchers have ever caused me. I say, Yay for Illwinter!


Juzza May 4th, 2007 06:32 AM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!
Oh, I too am totally disgusted, I mean all illwinter has done is made a great game that hundreds of people are enjoying and you two Cainehill and Reverend Zombie are off having a hissy fit about a few bugs, all I can say to you is that if you are so disgusted with the game, don't play it! we don't want to hear your (removed by poster), if you want to report a bug do it properly don't wine about how bad the game is.

Endoperez May 4th, 2007 07:01 AM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!
They own the game, they've played it for a long time. They have right for their own opinions about what is good about the game. They are also probably right in that the change would be very good and in that Tomb Wyrms should reappear. They did nothing wrong, they just voiced their opinions in angry tones. That's no reason to be rude.

Reverend Zombie May 4th, 2007 08:00 AM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!

Endoperez said:
Reverend: how is Illwinter supposed to know what to put in as high-priority?

I make a post complaining about this issue after every patch in which it is not fixed; that would be one way they could determine what should be a high priority. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Olive May 4th, 2007 08:32 AM

Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!

* Esc works when right side menu is hidden
* Can use monthly cast multiple site search spells of the same type.

Was waiting for both. Thanks. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

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