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Maraxus February 26th, 2008 06:24 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Nice one, is that a 2 or a 3 Pixel Blade? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I bet this would look extra cool if etheral ...

If it's supposed to be a Rapier, maybe make the back-hand visible on he rear side (So, that he is standing in a fencing-like pose).

Okay, I have uped the Smith's random element to 25%. I still encourage the Pretender to have at least 2 earth to forge the first earth boots for the smith (to have them cast Gnome Lore, to forge more earthy stuff) ... At least if the other mages will be good. If they are bad enough, trying 16 Smithes for that one Earth-Double sounds not to bad, too, if you get one Earth-Fire Forger along the way. Oh, I also increased the price to 110 for this. I think the Quarter randon and the forge bonus make him at least as valueable as a Lizard Shaman.

Then there are the spells:
I have played a bit with flysprites and Explosion Sprites and now, both spells have no flight animation and the Land War spell has a nice Earthy animation, so that you see, where the misses land. A bit further testing showed, that the balancing is okay, I think.

However, then there is my Mass-Buff-Spell.
It looks like "Summon Earthpower" is a commander-only buff. I did not even know, this existed.
The Spell uses #effect 10 with damage #damage 65664 which means stone-skin plus strength boost. And then it uses #nextspell 438 - this should be "Summon Earthpower".
Now, Every unit and Commander in the Area gets Stoneskin and Strength but only commanders get reinvigoration and only Earthmages get +1Earth Magic (does not stack with Summon Earthpower, intentionally).
...Hey, this could be an effect of this strange "Special" field. Summon Earthpower has 8404992 here, what is "underwater" plus the strange 16384 might this be "commander only"?

Answer: No, it seams not. If anyone has an idea, just say so. Spell modding is a secret art. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Oh, btw, the spells are set to level 0, so that you and I can try them. In the fianl, they should be more like level 7 or 8.

Valandil February 26th, 2008 10:57 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Wow, I must be eight hours behind you people.
Re Dr.P: No, I'd have to spoof quickness using def/att, and a 2x weapon. Quickness would stack with the spoofing, though, and produce a real beast- going to have to scrap that idea. I don't want to use ice stuff, primarily because the element in question is water, and to me that implies, well, flowing water.

As for djinni, here I believe you are mistaken. While the western cultures have certainly revised the original mythology, it seems to me that, since the djinni were formed of subtle fire, that there is at least some elemental connection. I would agree that the best Djinn mention that I can find, in Sura 72, refers only to the Ifrit as a spirit of strength. Marids, though indeed part of the original mythology, are certainly associated with the sea only in modern times (and once with glass, as I recall,) though I do not doubt that the original tradition had some place for sea spirits, as every other culture has.

Nonetheless, I will take your advice- in any case Al_Khazim is the only Djinn in Dom right now, and he's pretty mighty for a non-unique summon. 16 points of magic, IIRC.

Will post tomorrow (well, tomorrow for me) when I've finished some stuff.

Foodstamp February 27th, 2008 12:37 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Anyone have any objections to late era?

P.S. going to let sign up run one more day. Then we will dive into phase two of the project.

Agrajag February 27th, 2008 04:33 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project

Foodstamp said:
Anyone have any objections to late era?

I have a preference for LA seeing as how my first unit (which is the sacred, BTW) wears full plate mail and a full helmet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Nice one, is that a 2 or a 3 Pixel Blade?
I bet this would look extra cool if etheral ...

If it's supposed to be a Rapier, maybe make the back-hand visible on he rear side (So, that he is standing in a fencing-like pose).

The blade is 2 pixels wide. And if you compare it with the Barbarian's blade (which I had in the background) it is ~4 pixels longer, so this is more of a great sword than a rapier. Also, the weapon is swung and not thrust http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

As for etherality - I'm sure they would appreciate it, seeing as how thanks to all their armor they have a whopping 5 defence.
Which leads me to say that I'm very confused as to how much I should price them.
On the one hand they are sacred, have a long high damage sword that inflicts unresistable stun damage (in addition to normal damage), they have partial fire resistance and lots of morale.
On the other hand, 5 defence, 9 encumberance, 12 HP and a great resource cost make him somewhat underwhelming.

Endoperez February 27th, 2008 04:45 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Look at the similar sacred units. MA Man Wardens, MA Vanheim Skinshifters (werewolves instead of sacred), and Mictlan Jaguar Warriors (skinshifters AND sacred, worse equipment).

Also, that is a custom sword right? IIRC, normal Great Sword gives 3 defense. I think that's there to imitate half-swording and other special techniques that enabled the sword to be used as a make-shift polearm, in grappling etc.

Agrajag February 27th, 2008 05:12 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
According to the 3.10 (uber-awesome) DB, a great sword is 9 damage, 1 attack, 2 defense, length 3. This sword is 9 damage 2 attack 1 defense length 4 + 10 unresistable stun damage*.

*-Hmmm, I need to see if that affects lifeless or not, since it shouldn't. (I'm guessing it does :S)

If I compare the unit to an MA Man Warden (in CBM), he has -1 HP and strength, +1 morale and effective attack, +2 mr, +3 encumbrance and +4 protection. + the awesome sword. So I guess a 25% markup compared to the warden is fair, for a total of 50 gold.
If testing proves this is not a good number, I'll just change it. My hunch says they are still underpriced.

Maraxus February 27th, 2008 05:33 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
This is the interesting part about this project, I had totally thought of something else as fire warrior. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

For late era, I might reconsidder my units' armors. 14 protection is not really though there, even for the light Infantery.

Agrajag February 27th, 2008 05:39 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Yeah, it's a bit unexpected, I know http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Here's a little explanation to help you: (description still subject to rephrasing and changing)
#name "Charred"
#descr "Charred are powerful warriors of fire that have undergone a painful transformation to achieve their power. Their strength lies in a ritual where a potential Charred is burned alive with a sword. Those who survive become the Charred. They wear a full suit of armor to hide their terrible appearance, and their charred swords emit a cloud of ashes that makes breathing difficult."

Foodstamp February 27th, 2008 07:27 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
We are in phase 2 of the development of the new nation.

2. Choose Element / decide on name of mod nation, special themes beyond element focus, any support magic paths, temple picture.


I would ask that the modders submit names for the nation. The names will be compiled in a list and voted on.

Also, please post any other special themes you would like to see the nation adhere to, as well as any support magic restrictions, and your desired temple picture. If you do not know the numbers of the temple pic, just describe it.

chrispedersen February 27th, 2008 08:31 PM

Cult of the Eaters of death.
This is a cult who militarily is inferior. But rather, their whole intent is to infiltrate other dominions until they can take over.

Most units are stealthy - units like.. horsemen of the apocalypse (four types) that spread disease, famine( by consuming food via gluttony), war (by attacking province) and dissension (increasing unrest).

You could also have a unit that has a negative on fortunetelling.

Other units.. lepers - with a contagious disease.

Favorite pretender - a carrion dragon with the -morale breath.

The eaters of death would get (free) spawns in a territory, even if they did not control it - so long as spawning units were in those territories.

National Spells - would resemble random events. Barbarian hordes. Vampire counts. Other, seemingly national disasters.

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