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-   -   What is the story with those dominion ads?? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=38479)

Ironhawk April 22nd, 2008 04:38 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
DC, I see what you are saying - and the truth is that I dont really watch that many ads on TV (thanks to my DVR). But that said, I have come to expect low-brow advertising for low-brow products like Budweiser, etc. And occassionally I will get offended at something else anyway. Its just sad to think that Shrapnel, an indy game publisher is choosing to resort to this kind of advertising when they arent even competing in the mainstream space.

DonCorazon April 22nd, 2008 04:51 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
I guess I see it more as ironic (the juxtaposition of pin-up model craving uber-geek product) and thus humourous as opposed to gratuitous.

The two bikini clad women fighting in a Bud commercial is what I'd call just gratuitous (that said, I must confess to enjoying that commercial http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

There is certainly more titillating material on the web than the Dom 3 ads, but I respect that people might find all this offensive.

Luckily for me I find it funny. I don't like feeling offended.

Saulot April 22nd, 2008 07:12 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
Despite not caring for the ads one way or the other personally, IMHO there is no such thing as bad publicity.

As far as I can tell ads which are humorous, controversial, divisive, mysterious, or otherwise memorable, are the most successful.

You're all noticing the ads, thinking about them, and some of you are even physically taking the effort to talk about them.

Threads like this one, and the previous one (which was 7 pages afaik) which were started to complain about the ads, just reinforces whatever reasoning there was to create them in the first place.

(This is very much a win/win for the ad creators, because whether you like the ads or dislike the ads, you're feeling something. This reminds somewhat of Oblivion (a la vaultdweller), where because it was called an Action/RPG every Action part that was off and complained about was replied with "duh it's an RPG!", and every RPG part that was off was replied with "duh it's an Action game".)

Sombre April 22nd, 2008 07:23 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
In what sense? We all already own the game so who cares how much we talk about the ads on here? It proves nothing. To someone who has never played dom3 (a prospective buyer) there's nothing to talk about and nothing controversial. Just another crappy advert. It isn't like I'm going to be pointing my friends to the adverts to convince them to buy dom3 either. If anything I'd now be wary of pointing a prospective buyer to this site without telling them to please ignore the stupid adverts.

I don't buy that "look you're talking about them, they must work" logic. They'd get even more reaction on here if the women were naked riding crocodiles covered in jam and eating flaming tophats with chopsticks. Does that mean they should have done that? Well yeah I guess it does.

Wrana April 22nd, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
To Ich:

so the game becomes more appealing to the target audience: Seduction and Corruption will be played out in some kinda dating sim fashion. Blood hunting will be played out in some other kind of mini-game as well (no details)

It was the 1st April post, for Cthulhu's sake! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
You may find the humor in question a sick one, but don't say that you didn't get it from acronims included (the engine mentioned here was named LAME, iirc!).
As for ad-munchers, etc., it just seems that they are not used by enough people to enter into equation. Probably if we would advocate their use actively enough... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Saulot April 22nd, 2008 07:43 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
Well yes, we all bought a copy, and some even more than one (belated Christmas gift for my brother, heh) but the shrapnel site does cater to more than just Dom3 players, though it is debatable how interested others would be in Dom3, after all historical wargaming is quite different from Fantasy TBS, and quite different from Scifi 4x.

vfb April 22nd, 2008 07:50 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
I'm pretty sure the ads appear on other sites. I found out about Dom3 by clicking through an ad on the AC or Civ forums, can't remember which one.

lch April 22nd, 2008 08:17 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??

Wrana said:
It was the 1st April post, for Cthulhu's sake! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
You may find the humor in question a sick one, but don't say that you didn't get it from acronims included (the engine mentioned here was named LAME, iirc!).

Huh, what are you referring to? The Aprils fools forum thread? I didn't really read that one, just glanced over it.

I was just ad-libbing. But if things progress in that direction you may soon crown me as the great visionary that foretold those changes.

VedalkenBear April 22nd, 2008 08:45 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
I can tell you this much totally honestly. If I didn't already own Dom3, and I saw that ad, I would be mightily disinclined to purchase it.

This is also true for any product IW makes in the future, since I assume the ad ran with their consent. If not, IW, please let me know.

lch April 22nd, 2008 08:48 PM

Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??
IW was as surprised as the rest of the forum members. I'd suppose that Illwinter is taking care about developing the product, and Shrapnel of everything else, including decisions regarding how to advertise and market it.

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