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-   -   Map: Faerun 466 - Adventure Map! (UPDATED!) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40776)

konming October 29th, 2008 05:25 PM

Re: Faerun 466 - Now with Adventure Map!
I should have said it clearly. You currently do not have #killfeatures for province 161. So you might want to add it. ;)

konming October 29th, 2008 05:38 PM

Re: Faerun 466 - Now with Adventure Map!
I just started a test game, and I started in province 453. It hasonly 4 neighbors. Two of them are heavily garrisoned. I think it is better not to count the big garrison province as a neighbor for starting provinces.

Edi October 29th, 2008 06:04 PM

Re: Faerun 466 - Now with Adventure Map!

Originally Posted by konming (Post 649095)
I just started a test game, and I started in province 453. It hasonly 4 neighbors. Two of them are heavily garrisoned. I think it is better not to count the big garrison province as a neighbor for starting provinces.

I know. I'm actually right now in the middle of fiddling with the map file to fix the known border issues (326/327), province 453 needing to be nostart, as well as a few other nostarts, adding in one more special province (Hello, Szass Tam in Northern Thay!), deleting Corwell and Caer Callidyrr from the scripted lists (they get bigger pop unscripted) and modifying some terrains in some provinces I just caught.

Oh, and Raurin Desert, I just checked it. Not being killfeatured was a deliberate decision with that one, but not a very good one in hindsight. The scripted sites are good, but just changing their order makes the thematically better ones appear with more regularity. They might get overwritten with the current settings and there are too many common sites that are not so good, so getting a rare one would not be guaranteed. With the scripted sites it's a guaranteed 8 gem income of various types (FAESD) plus a little something from one site, so the #killfeatures is definitely going in.

Suspect design decisions like that omission tend to happen when you edit map files at 1:30 in the morning. :)

Edi October 29th, 2008 06:20 PM

Re: Faerun 466 - Adventure Map! (UPDATED!)
The fixed map files have been uploaded. See first post for location.

konming October 29th, 2008 06:49 PM

Re: Faerun 466 - Adventure Map! (UPDATED!)
Great! Thanks!

Aezeal October 29th, 2008 09:20 PM

Re: Faerun 466 - Adventure Map! (UPDATED!)
My last suggestion for a underdark map didn't have a reply I was wondering
a. you don't like the idea
b. you don't have time for it
c. something else

I've seen a pretty nice underdark map now of good quality and my idea would be to add the underdark but with obviously less province than faerun it self but it as good potential for some nice province and could make for some well defended shortcuts across the map and a nice starting site for a cave nation.

Edi October 30th, 2008 04:30 AM

Re: Faerun 466 - Adventure Map! (UPDATED!)
If you can point me to a suitable Underdark Graphic, why not, but there are the following problems:
  • not enough time
  • it requires altering the map graphics, which means completely redoing all names, terrains and borders, so in effect a different map
  • I do have other interests besides Dom3 and aside from the bug list etc, I feel like doing some of those for a time, since spending all my free time on Dom3 related stuff, especially if it's not playing, is liable to cause Dom3 fatigue. That's not a good thing.

Edi October 30th, 2008 04:32 AM

Re: Faerun 466 - Adventure Map! (UPDATED!)
I should add that the Borders map file is meant for easier modification of nostarts etc, the contents of the terrain/neighbor info can then be pasted to a modified map file that contains the specials.

Aezeal October 30th, 2008 10:08 PM

Re: Faerun 466 - Adventure Map! (UPDATED!)
what is suitable... the ones I was thinking about where these:


these are a bit darkish but they are of good resolution (they can be blown up a bit) and with some names on them. And they actually belong with the map you've used so....

I understand it'll be a lot of work.. and that it might not be worth the effort (at this or any moment) it's just a suggestion which might further improve this already great map.

Edi October 31st, 2008 03:06 AM

Re: Faerun 466 - Adventure Map! (UPDATED!)
Not happening. Too much work, a complete redo of the whole map and I don't have any idea of what should be where. What sourcebook is that map from? Because it's one the few I would like to acquire of the new Faerun at this point. I have limited myself to the old Forgotten Realms, 1st Edition and 2nd Edition AD&D, not 3rd Edition and newer D&D.

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