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Sombre March 21st, 2009 10:11 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
The Verminlord is finished and does have an attack animation. Maybe not in the last public version though. The reason for the communion animation when you hit something is the doom glaive is a vanilla weapon and that's the animation from its secondary effect I guess. Nothing to do with me.

They have a bonus hoof attack which is more than most SCs get. If they had a bonus hoof, bite and claw attack as well as two hand slots, it would be pretty ridiculous. So the answer is Verminlords /could/ rip you apart without any weapon at all, but they don't, because they have weapons. You shouldn't be using them without any kit when they have full slots other than head :P

I'm not going to give them disease cloud because it would primarily be irritating and doesn't fit their description - it's more of a flavour description than one to point out a gameplay ability. They are the right hand of the god of decay after all.

Skaven aren't a dual bless nation, ideally. You can play them that way but the censers are more of a support troop than anything that wins battles on its own, which is what you need to justify a dual bless. It sounds like your best bet is to go down construction early and use the warpfire throwers behind a wall of skaveslaves etc to cause casualties. If you're worrying about your own losses and trying to come up with elites than win battles without taking any, you aren't playing the skaven right.

I will update Skaven fairly soon with a bunch of little tweaks and probably a first go at the EA version of them, which will require more tweaks and balance based on feedback.

alansmithee March 21st, 2009 10:41 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
Thanks for the advice. I didn't think they were a dual-bless nation ideally, either.

I've been rushing construction, then blood. The thought being that I could use cheap rats for the chaff to launch warpfire/lightning over. When I first played them, I was able to do it with slaves, and I ignored the blood aspect. But I was using normal AI. The problem I'm having on mighty, is I'm facing multiple armies of 100+ guys, many of them archers, in year 1. So I can't really attrition them, because even if I'm throwing out 30 slaves a turn (which is still 300 gold and 150 resourses) I'm not able to keep up. It might just be a play style that doesn't work against higher computer AI.

And I'd like to say I've really enjoyed all of your warhammer nations. The models are all great and very detailed, and I think you've done a great job with balance (although the Ogres could use some boosting, don't see how they're viable after year 2 or 3).

llamabeast March 21st, 2009 10:56 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
Perhaps you could try to make crushers or lumber constructs as more durable blockers? I don't really know, I haven't played the Skaven much at all.

I just noticed by the way that Vaettiheim and Avernum are missing from the list in the first post Sombre. I guess it's still a work in progress? Or are they deprecated?

llamabeast March 21st, 2009 11:31 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
k, I can confirm that crushers work very nicely indeed in combination with poison wind globadiers and warpfire throwers. Definitely worth trying. You need to put the crushers right at the front and the war machines right at the back though, otherwise they'll overtake the crushers.

Sombre June 8th, 2009 08:25 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
That crusher idea does indeed work rather well. I also found that summoning living statues with my pretender worked great with massed poison (the skaven have no shortage of these attacks with pestilent breath, censers, globadiers and gutter runners).

I'm sort of posting here to announce I'm getting back into dom3 and will be updating mods shortly (I promise this time). I want to get EA Skaven up first, then I'll do a lizards update, then either ogres or getting all my mods fully up to date with the latests versions of dom3 and cbm.

rdonj June 9th, 2009 03:49 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
I usually like to play mod nations on a no independants map, such as sombre's version of Shahrivar. On a map with no independant recruitable commanders I don't feel too bad about spending some time recruiting normal commanders instead of mages and you can produce enough slaves and rats with commanders that it's not too hard to find a decent supply of them for every battle. I haven't tried crushers/living statues but I can certainly see how that would work.

Welcome back Sombre, I'm eager to see how all your different projects turn out.

Sombre July 7th, 2009 09:46 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
Ok, with the Ogre update on the horizon, I need to know what you fine people would like me to work on next.

Here are your options:

1. Get to work on a beta of Warhammer MA: The Empire
2. Make a small scenario map featuring a mod nation of your choice
3. Update and upgrade the neglected Tharoon nation mod
4. Make a llamaserver MP game featuring several of my mod nations and update based on feedback from that

Quite limited I admit, but if you have a better suggestion I will listen. Keep in mind I won't start work on this next project until the Ogres are updated, which will take maybe a couple weeks.

llamabeast July 7th, 2009 09:53 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
Well I think we should do 4 anyway, when I've slain my thesis (three days...).

Apart from that, 1.

rdonj July 7th, 2009 11:33 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
I'm with the llama.

There are a lot of mod games going on recently. If it kept up that would be a nice trend.

Amonchakad July 8th, 2009 03:53 AM

Re: Sombre's Mods
1 Attachment(s)
Well, I was already planning to start a mod-nations only game, as soon as one of the 3 games I'm in is finished, and I already prepared a mod with 8 nations in (the 4 warhammer ones, + Arga Dis, Avernum, Jomon Broken, and New Ulm), with the CMB and llamabanners incorporated. I also played with it a little and found no problems so far.

I'm attaching it here if anyone wants to have a look...regarding the game, if you have other suggestions for more mod nations, or want to start the game yourself, I'm ok with that.
As long as i get a slot in it:p

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