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Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 12:32 PM

Re: Modding Help
Back to messing with the Boomers again.

I want to use the 329 effect "slime" as a secondary effect. I would like this effect to *always* slime them. Unfortunately slime appears to have a mres tag, which means it's checking against mr each time one of my guys tosses vomit at them.

Is there some way around this so that I can get the slime effect on the weapon every time they're vomited on?


Endoperez March 15th, 2009 01:13 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 680090)
Is there any way to clear the undead/mindless/lifess/never heals/cold resistance 100 status from them? I tried using #clearspec and #clear but if I do that I lose the explosion part.

You can't get rid of all tags. That's why I wasn't sure you could use them. IIRC, there's no way to make a 0-hp secondshape that dies instantly. There might be some clever way to make a monster die instantly on the battlefield.

Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 02:52 PM

Re: Modding Help
I just figured something out. I was using the vomit attack and attaching an AoE command. I thought that the AoE command would mean that anyone getting hit by the AoE would also suffer the #secondaryeffectalways.

Not true! Only when the projectiles hit their targets does the secondary effect fire.

So what I've done to better simulate a bunch of opponents getting slimed is raised the firing rate so that the boomers get one big volley in to begin with and that's it.


Sombre March 16th, 2009 07:21 AM

Re: Modding Help
Yes, if you make an attack short-mid range (or str based range) with only 1 ammo and a high nreff, it can be very useful/interesting. Fire then engage.

Jazzepi March 16th, 2009 08:24 AM

Re: Modding Help
I have a strange problem. I'm trying to erase all the regular leadership from the national units.

I have one unit that has no magic and I do this.

1. I call the #noleader command in the unit's section.
2. I call the #okmagicleader command in the unit's section.

Now that unit has 0 regular leadership and 40 magic leadership. Exactly what I wanted.

I have these crest of the allspawns and they have magic as can be seen below.

The problem is I call the #noleader tag, and then the #expertmagicleader tag and the unit ends up with zero leadership in all three fields, which is not what I want.



#newmonster 2609
#copystats 2500
#copyspr 940
#name "Crest of the Allspawn"
#hp 15
#mr 17
#armor "Thick Slime"
#armor "Pair of Antenna"
#gcost 345
#magicskill 6 3
#magicskill 5 2
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 50
#custommagic 2048 50
#custommagic 2048 10

I also have faceless lords that have some magic. I call the #noleader tag and then #goodmagicleader and they lose all their leadership as well.


#copystats 2501
#copyspr 521       
#name "Faceless Lord"
#hp 70
#size 4
#mr 17
#mor 18
#gcost 350
#rcost 10
#armor "Thick Slime"
#map 2
#att 14
#str 18
#ap 10
#ambidextrous 5
#fear 0
#itemslots 28702
#magicskill 8 1
#magicskill 6 1
#magicskill 2 1
#magicskill 5 1
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#maxage 100

Is it possible I'm overflowing the leadership field amount, somehow?


Sombre March 16th, 2009 08:59 AM

Re: Modding Help
Leadership has always acted screwy. It used to be that you couldn't copystat units with 10ldr and give them 40ldr for some crazy reason.

So what you're describing doesn't surprise me. It's probably just another of these bugs.

Jazzepi March 16th, 2009 09:12 AM

Re: Modding Help
Sometimes, when I'm doing this modding stuff, I feel like I'm driving with the blood of a pedestrian on my windshield blocking the view.

It just keeps getting thicker, too.


Jazzepi March 16th, 2009 11:51 AM

Re: Modding Help
Another strange problem.

#startfort 5
#defaultfort 11
#farmfort 26
#mountainfort 32
#forestfort 7

Those are my fort commands, but for some reason when I go to build a fort on a territory that says "forest" as its own terrain type, it tries to build the default swamp fort instead.


chrispedersen March 16th, 2009 12:26 PM

Re: Modding Help
modding can be an exercise in patience.. I do suggest that after substantive changes, change the version number, unload the mod exit dominions, reload the mod.

That has fixed a lot of screwy behavior for me.

Sombre March 16th, 2009 12:40 PM

Re: Modding Help
There are no bugs relating to fort type settings afaik, so recheck what you typed against the mod manual and reload the mod I guess.

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