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Xrati May 16th, 2009 10:34 AM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I smell a 'NEW timeline' forming here!!! :D

Black_Knyght May 16th, 2009 12:20 PM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Yep - Word already has it that in the NEXT Star Trek movie they will deal with "an uncertain timeline".....

Azselendor May 16th, 2009 10:16 PM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
The writers have hinted they want to explore the Kahn-Kirk relationship in this storyline already.

Kana May 18th, 2009 09:23 PM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories

Originally Posted by Baron Munchausen (Post 690803)
According to Trek lore Vulcan is supposed to orbit 40 Eridani, which is known to be about 16 light years from our solar system. Covering 16 light years in "five minutes" would require a speed of 1,681,920 times the speed of light. I don't think any warp scale ever used in the Trek universe goes that high. :) One way or another, either in depicting too high a speed or failing to depict the passage of time correctly, they goofed.

Warp factor

Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek content. A warp factor is a term indicating velocity in the subspace realm where faster-than-light (FTL) speeds are possible. Starfleet and the Federation has used the Cochrane scale up intil the early 24th century, whereupon a revised scale was put into effect when a more complete understanding of the nature of subspace was reached.

Cochrane scale (22nd and 23rd centuries)

In the 23rd century, the warp factor, WF, was calculated as follows:
<DL><DD>WF = http://images.wikia.com/wikitex/imag...138e7390a1.png </DD></DL>where v is the speed of the signal or starship and c = 3.0x10<SUP>8</SUP> m/s (the speed of light). At Warp 1, a starship reaches light-speed, or c; at Warp 6, it reaches 216c. This continues up to a then-theoretical maximum (as of 2295) of 3511c, or Warp 15.2, for ships of any size. The speed of data transmissions through subspace are only limited by the power of the transmission itself.
{Book: Starfleet Dynamics))
FASA Scale (TOS Era)

The FASA published Star Trek roleplaying game had a simple warp scale of
<DL><DD>3<SUP>wf-1</SUP> = X multiples of c. </DD></DL>giving a speed of 1c for Warp 1, 3c for Warp 2; at Warp 6 it reaches 243c.

Revised Cochrane scale (24th century)
In the 24th century, the warp factor, WF, was calculated as follows:
<DL><DD>WF = http://images.wikia.com/wikitex/imag...91fa985f11.png </DD></DL>where v is the speed of the signal or starship and c = 3.0x10<SUP>8</SUP> m/s (the speed of light). At Warp 1, a starship reaches light-speed, or c; at Warp 6, a starship reaches a speed approximately 392 times the speed of light. This formula continues up to nine at which point there is no formula - merely a hand drawn curve which approaches infinity. The maximum speed ascertainable appears to be just under Warp 10 (transwarp) - for most civilisations. However The Borg (and a few other races) have broken the transwarp barrier. {Book: Starfleet Dynamics))
<!-- NewPP limit reportPreprocessor node count: 13/1000000Post-expand include size: 0/2097152 bytesTemplate argument size: 0/2097152 bytesExpensive parser function count: 0/100--><!-- Saved in parser cache with key startrek:pcache:idhash:9172-0!1!0!!en!2 and timestamp 20090513172944 -->Retrieved from "http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Warp_factor"

Using this calculator below. Traveling at Warp 5 for 16 light years will take 46.752 days.


Black_Knyght May 19th, 2009 12:14 AM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Ow !!!

My...brain...hurts now......

( ;) VERY nicely presented though. Kudos!)

Xrati May 19th, 2009 10:57 AM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
So much for bringing applicational theories to the movies!!! :doh:

Atrocities May 22nd, 2009 10:25 AM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Well in just 14 days the movie has done over 200 million world wide. I'd say it was a hit. :) I think that there are now 200 million dollars in evidence that SciFi is alive and well in the hearts of everyone, and that the rumors of the death of Star Trek were greatly over exaggerated.

There is even some talk now of a new TV series. :)

Kana May 22nd, 2009 10:50 AM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
And talk about crossover marketing.


Black_Knyght May 22nd, 2009 11:39 AM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories

Originally Posted by Atrocities (Post 692286)
Well in just 14 days the movie has done over 200 million world wide. I'd say it was a hit. :) I think that there are now 200 million dollars in evidence that SciFi is alive and well in the hearts of everyone, and that the rumors of the death of Star Trek were greatly over exaggerated.

There is even some talk now of a new TV series. :)

Well, I'd have to say I agree. Whatever misgivings I have, it seems to be a hit !!!

GuyOfDoom May 24th, 2009 05:08 PM

Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I enjoyed the movie a great deal. Although it did have a few minor problems I accepted them merely for the fact that Star Trek had been written into a corner and needed to be redone.

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