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Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
rdonj, another familiar name?
C Quote:
Every time I read one of these posts, it makes me rethink everything I've done! (It's a good thing!) When I post replies with lots of historical data, it is not to prove anyone wrong or display some sort of superior knowledge; it is merely to show where I was coming from, what I had in mind and what is *historical.* It may change things for your own thoughts if you understand the *supposed* nuances I was going for. Then again, it may reinforce them! Don't hesitate to wax philosophical further on the subject of dominions! Thanks! |
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
Thanks! Everyone has such good contributions. I would hate to have to rate them! Gregstrom, please do a little more brainstorming and expound some more on your own thoughts. It may be foolish/impossible to please everyone, but I would rather one poster like my mod than two non-posters not like it. Not because I don't like people who don't post (I trolled this site for over a year!), but because the people who post are generally the most committed and most likely to provide real substance to a mod! |
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
Not sure where you'd know my name from. I do post a bit on this forum, but otherwise I can't think of anyplace online where I actually use this name, other than the dom3 IRC channel. Glad to know I wasn't coming on too hard, I did try to keep a sense of levity in there. You haven't either, for the record. In order not to create a gigantic quote string, I won't quote you too much ;).
Tengri definitely needs to be nerf-nuked. There is just no way around it, unless you want to do something crazy like make him a 600 point pretender :P The 150 lightning resistance is just... an aberration. There is no unit in dominions, no matter how immune to something, that has more than 100 resistance. And while there are a small number of effects (ironskin, army of lead/gold, maybe an artifact but I can't think of any) that will decrease shock resistance, everyone else has to cast a spell or use a misc slot to counter this. So it's very undominionsy. If you're going to nerf-nuke him, I would suggest something like: 20-30 less hp, 18 mr instead of 20 (ALL pretenders have 18 mr), reduce att/def values to 14 or 16, remove the magic boost, awe no greater than 2, lose the extra shock resist (again, no unit in dominions has more than 100 even if it's completely immune to it), smaller siege bonus, no more than 4 storm power, 2 misc slots only (very typical for this sort of pretender), and consider giving it 1 encumbrance, but this part may not be necessary. I would also strongly consider removing the immortal tag. The dominion definitely needs to drop, to 1 or 2, whether the immortal tag stays or not. Having done all this he'll be something like a 150-200 point chassis. Bay-urgen - If you want him to have the ivy king ability, you should try #copystat-ing an ivy king. That should give him ivy lord 3, which is quite respectable. However I'm 99% sure this won't help him summon them without actually using one of the spells ;). Having actually played him shortly in a test game, the domsummoning wasn't as bad as I thought. However, I got all ivy kings and no vine ogres. I would remove the ivy king summoning, since it's potentially exploitable, but leave the vine ogres. And make sure that you're using the proper unit number to summon them. Suggested changes: hp reduced by 50%, fire susceptibility, awe reduced to no more than 2 (you will hear this a lot ;)), give him recuperation, increase attack skill to 8, reduce misc slots by 1 and call it a day. Gazar Eej - I didn't put a whole lot of thought into my price suggestion. Yeah, lose a misc slot, awe reduction, increase price. But increase the price to at least 125, not 100. That's too low. What I did is basically compare her to the titan sitting right next to her. The titan is likely a better expansion pretender, but she has lots of useful abilities and is a better SC later on, and is probably worth closer to 150 points (and lower her dom to 2). Genghis - One thing you have to remember, is that as a pretender the unit automatically scales with your dominion level. So it's not 100% necessary to have him actually be any stronger than them. Misc slots to two is a good change, and fear +3 is probably okay. Other changes sound fine for now. Elrik - The thing with #onebattlespell-ing undead mastery, is that it completely shuts down entire strategies just by having one unit. Most undead has pretty bad mr, i.e. less than 10. Undead commonly used as thugs tend to have around 14 mr, which basically means that undead thugs used against you have to have an mr pendant, or they'll have an excessively high chance to be turned. And if your opponent is really unlucky, they could send a tartarian SC at you and have you capture that first turn, before they get any buffs or anything. Having darkness instead is quite annoying also, but is easier to deal with and would make him more interesting as a combatant while still justifying his insane pricetag. Further, getting a really good strategy together to utilize the darkness seems like it would require a lot more work. You only have guaranteed d1 mages, a decent number of 2s, and a few 3s (under the current system, but I recall reading that you were considering changes to the magic to lessen it, which is a good idea). You would have to recruit mainly these guys as mages, and they have quite possibly the worst research-gold ratio of all your mages. And as you said, it would hurt your own troops, which is another reason it's a better idea ;) As for Elrik's magic, try removing the blood pick and lower death to 2, keeping the astral. This would be reasonably in line with standard dom paths. I only really use CBM consistently, and I've never tried mythology pretenders, so I don't know what those are like. Mainly I play nation mods ;) Quote:
As for the death worms, I don't know, from your description it sounds like they could get away without having any aoe at all (with a precision and range boost to make them not useless. Range increased to 10 is probably warranted anyway). Also, they have fear 15, which is a completely nuts value. For a unit summonable so early, that is just too much. Suggestions for this unit: Again, maximum aoe of 1 on both weapons, fear no greater than 5, cost at least 5 per worm, and no more than 1 or 2 at a time for a level 3 summon. You could possibly make a higher level version of this spell that summons more at once. Another thing that might be a good idea would be raising the level of conjuration required to summon them. One last bit of advice: Weigh sombre's comments more heavily than mine. He is actually a modder, and there are plenty of things I have no good idea of pricing for. I've also been known to make snap judgements and be way off the mark in some cases of balance. |
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
As for trying out your mod, I think that I'll wait for the new version. It seems that this version has gotten a lot of feedback already. Although, I have read this thread and some things caught my eye that I'd like to rise up. You mentioned something about wanting the nation to have "really poor late game", to sort of balance its early game power. I'm sorry to inform that won't really make it as a MP nation (if we are aiming for MP balance here). There is all sorts of rage going about boosting Tir'na'Og that has sort of similiar power curve. If the nation works too much by "+early power -late power" principle, it will eat up 1/2 nations by turn 40 and then get simply obliterated by something that can do something in the late game. That really won't be fun for the nations that get overwhelmed by the nation's early power nor will it be fun to watch your empire crumble to dust. You also seem to have a lot of national pretenders. IMHO, it's a bit of a waste to have more than 1 or 2 national pretenders. Players are only going to use one (most likely the most powerful one), even if that, so the rest of them are sort of "wasted". I think that the four gods could be unique summons to give something to aim for in the late game. Also the randoms on the mages seem really unnecessarily chaotic to me. It would be absolute infuriating, for example, to recruit ~5 Priestess of Gengri and not get single A3. It would be just as unbalanced to get 5 A4's in the row. Sure, the odds for those are unlikely, but are they really so necessary as to justify for those games simply spoiled because you just couldn't hit those randoms you needed. You could easily combine 70% X/Y + 30% X + 30% Y into one 100% X/Y random. Also, you have a lot of commanders. To tell you the truth, opening the recruitment screen was sort of overwhelming. The thing with having many commanders is that (sort of like with national pretenders) is that the players are only going to use the ~3 most powerful ones, because commander slots are really tight. Especially true for mages as diverse as in this nation. My suggestion would be the same as for the pretender. Make the excess into summons. I'm not sure if it fits with your idea for the nation, but perhaps the servants could summon the priests/priestess's of their relative faiths? Do not take offence by any of this, the idea and the theme are really cool. And this focus on Horse Archers is really unexplored territory for Dom3. All the pieces are there, it just needs some polishing. (I've been itching for a mongol nation to dom3 ever since I got my *** handed to my by them in Medieval: Total War) |
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
My own feedback on a few issues:
Encumbrance of lighter armors: With games that go by small dice rolls (this is essentially a 2D6 mechanic game, right?), there is always a problem with granularity. I always personally loved the broad possibility curve of D100 pen-n-paper RPGs like Rolemaster. That said, sometimes you have to lose a bit of thematicity to the lack of granularity. I think, unless the armor is extremely light, keeping the encumbrance of it above 0 (i.e., 1) is a must; 0 is "perfection," at least in a sense. My own approach is to respect the difference in small numbers, whether in a low-granularity game or a high-granularity one. A simple increase of 1 in protection (or damage, or precision, or what have you) for a category or item above its equivalents/commensurates is a respectable advantage; 2 is incredible and rare, and 3 is legendary/fantastic. As long as flavor text/thematic element is reflected in some numerical manifestation, I think the it maintains both feel and real advantage. The special nature of the Mongols is going to come through and shine even with more modest numbers. General Power Curve: I agree on balancing it more and not making it an early power/late ragdoll nation. If you want to go with MR hit, I would make it no less than 9. Commanders and Randoms: Aw, I love the selection of commanders. Perhaps in the intense economizing of MP games the top three might be the only ones chosen, but, at least in an SP game, I see myself loving the variety. And on randoms, perhaps a slight bit more predictability may or may not be in order, but I like the theme and random element keeps it fresh and interesting. Regular units with spy and assassin tags: Seconded on removing the tags. While it makes for more fun with GoR, I find that excessive. Bows: What rdonj said seems pretty persuasive to me as well. The Semitic giants here are the mechanical representation of actual giants, not just large men with well-constructed/designed bows. And those giants with well-constructed/designed bows! It seems that the limitations of the game in its current state force you to choose between (1) trying to find some way of making them distinctive and special with vanilla Long Bows; (2) making them definitively special with custom bows, at the cost of making your nation (or at least those heavily-used archers) egregiously miss out on the most important spell to an archer-heavy nation; or (3) use bows meant to represent what 1,200-pound giant archers with well-designed/constructed bows use. At least to me, (2) seems fairly unacceptable (from a designer standpoint -- if you did it anyway, I'd still play it :)); flaming arrow compatibility is essential, and (3) cheapens giants and is just too broad. I dunno -- very hard choice. But also remember that the devs represented inhumanly-strong size-3 Japanese dai bakemono archers using Japan's bows as Long Bows as well. In the end, if you went with Long Bows and gave them a nice precision bonus, I think they'd still be very special. Horse archers with bucklers and long bows sound very scary indeed. Sprites: Oh, by the way, do you have an overall color scheme in mind? Tans and reds, for example, or something as a guide? And, if you have specific requests and ideas, let me know, and I'll try to put something together. |
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
rdonj, again!
sombre, again! thanks for the warhammer mods, should've said so earlier! Quote:
As far as the sabre is concerned, it is an even more unique weapon when compared to a short sword or falchion; longer and easier to wield (slashes, instead of stabs) than a short sword (which you rightly compare to a gladius, other that the fact that a gladius was broader, they were functionally the same weapon); lighter and faster than a 'traditional' falchion (this is more subjective, some would consider a falchion the same as a sabre, many would not; some would say a cutlass is a scimitar, some would call it a sabre; some would say a scimitar is a sabre, others would say it's a falchion; others still would say it's semantics and that they are all the same weapon because they all have medium to long length, variably curved, blades, thin to thick in width wielded primarily from horseback in a slashing motion, in this sense a shamshir and a dao are also the same weapon as the rest. I could easily have used either to represent a sabre; and if people prefer, I will replace the sabres with short swords or falchions. This was not brought up by anyone yet, but why not nip a potential problem in the bud? Quote:
Thanks for the valuable insights, and to anyone who actually read this. rdonj I've already made most of your pretender suggestions. Thanks! Quote:
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
Burnsaber, hello! I like Dwarfs. A lot!
globu, sorry bud, trying to make this quick. I think I got it worked out; think I'll go to two armors. KISS, never my strong suit, and not my favorite band. ;) One at enc-1 the other at enc-2, two prot difference. MR 9 it stays. Commanders: I'll need to sleep on that. And talk to my bro. A lot of this is what he or I wanted, or thought was neat. I may have been pretty far off from what is appropriate though. But I play by myself, and my bro plays by himself. I rush, he turtles. While combining what we both like to do into one nation seemed tough, we both thought I came up up with a unique way to do it. You guys know better what would work in the 'real world.' i.e. MP Btw, my bro is real cool and nicer than me, he won't care at all what gets changed, as long as he gets to turtle. The randoms will have to be more predictable. Quote:
Anyway, thanks all! I will try to get something done for you guys! |
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
[quote=kennydicke;731880]Burnsaber, hello! I like Dwarfs. A lot!
[quote] Yeah, I noticed that you mentioned it in your first post. Thanks for the compliment. If your brother likes to turtle, I assume that he likes it too :D. Quote:
Some other cool things you can only copystat: -> Construct lord -> Research without being a mage (used for dwarf Clan Kings) -> Lose paths when leaving home province (although you will get "#magicbeing" and "#ethereal" that you can't get rid of) Quote:
1) Copy-over the Hinnom "Summon Lord of Civilization" spell and replace the Grigori with your own units. Then it would work like "Summon Spenta" for Caelum or like Arch devils. Pros: No used spell slots Cons: It would reduce compactibility in single-age games 2) Have each god have it's own summon spell Pros: You could make each god it's own summon spell, like reguire air mage for Tengi, death for the death god and so forth. Cons: 4 spell slots, players will likely focus on the most powerful one. Quote:
IMHO, you could have really erratic randoms on one mage (it's not bad when you decidedly take the risk, but it IMHO is if you are forced to take the risk). If everyone has crazy randoms, it also makes it hard to plan in advance to what you will have access to and even more crucially, *when* you will have the magic available. Quote:
But remember that not all summons have to be magical in nature. You could have a remote summon, for example, that summons a strike force lead by the "Qayan Warrior Woman", if you were to knock that out of the recruitment screen, but wanted to keep in for thematic reasons. Quote:
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
1 Attachment(s)
Well, I can't promise fast work, but here is Mongol archer 1 for preliminary review. Feel free to make demands -- how does it match the concept? More armor? Change the whole shirt to metallic color? Hat too big? Want me to find a way to put a more prominent spike on top? I know you mentioned axe and buckler before, and I can tack those on, but here is a base unit. Again, most work done, but not yet finalized (i.e., I haven't looked at it in game and gotten rid of the inevitable dark edges and artifacts).
Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
OK, so, I got *some* sleep; bear with me people. ;)
And soon I'll have to reread everything posted; I may have a large memory but, when I'm winding down from a manic episode, I tend not to retain a lot. And as far as my strange sense of humor, I'll try to refrain from being specific, ok guys? As far as the I do things, I've always been more of whittler than a bricklayer. What I mean is I start with a large unformed mass (read: too much stuff, uber stats) and carve it down into art; as opposed to a person to likes to set a solid foundation, and then build up until they have a monument. I can't swim, but I've always been able to jump into the water and find my way out; when I try wading in slowly, that's when I drown. Burnsaber Quote:
->That probably explains why just giving a #researchbonus never worked for me! -> That could be interesting for Tengri as he already has those tags, and still seems strong. Quote:
There is not much of a "modding etiquette", but reserving a bunch of spell slots really serves no purpose (they are tight as they are!). Well, I didn't really plan on using them for *summons*, I just had extra space from where I started (3950?) and called it that. Quote:
Call of the Mastodon was a spell I made to check out what 'border summon' is; that could easily be a ritual, independent or otherwise. Although, something really gets me about the mage making the elefant sound, and then a bunch of mastodons show up. Quote:
globu Quote:
Thanks guys. Hopefully I will be done soon. |
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