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-   -   Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - tratorix/Agartha & Valerius/Vanheim win (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47744)

BrodieSWR September 15th, 2011 04:07 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.91, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
1 Attachment(s)
Well, I need to go to bed, and I've been working on this all night, but I should be able to finish it this afternoon.

Here is what I have so far. I am currently making it in photoshop:

If you guys have patience, we can play this game on a really nice, custom map. :P

BrodieSWR September 15th, 2011 01:16 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.91, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
1 Attachment(s)
Here is an update just to show my progress to you guys!

Please remember that the quality is being reduced by the JPEG conversion process on the forums when you upload the file!

BrodieSWR September 15th, 2011 03:16 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.91, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
2 Attachment(s)
The map is finished! I have to leave for work now, so I don't have time to set the provinces/neighbors/start locations etc. right now, but I will do it when I get home tonight!

Here is the semi-finished product for you guys to look at if you want to while you wait. Feel free to load it up in the Map Editor to check it out!

I also included a small preview image. Remember, the quality is reduced. :P

Valerius September 15th, 2011 04:38 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.91, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Very nice! And it looks like it will play quite well. Thanks for going to all the effort to do this. :)

I feel kind of bad asking this but I think we may want to move the top three, or even five, water provinces to the bottom of the map. One of the issues for water nations is keeping their dominion in their provinces. If the water provinces are in more of a block, rather than strung out, it helps them do this. Sorry, I should have been more clear about that.

Another good thing is that each water province won't border quite as many land provinces as now.

But if PriestyMan is ok with the current setup we can also leave the map as-is.

PriestyMan September 15th, 2011 04:55 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.91, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Well i would much rather have more lake-like water, but i'm not going to complain too terribly much.

Valerius September 15th, 2011 05:33 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.91, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Well, if you're ok with it then let's make things easy for BrodieSWR and leave the map as-is.

It occurs to me that as a no diplo game it might be good to have victory conditions. What about holding four caps for three turns?

PriestyMan September 15th, 2011 06:20 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.91, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Btw, the thread title says CBM 1.91, but i assume it will use CBM 1.92?

Valerius September 15th, 2011 09:11 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Yes, we'll use 1.92.

Valerius September 15th, 2011 09:57 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
PriestyMan, are you definitely set on playing R'lyeh? I've been thinking over my bias against water nations and I find I reach the same conclusion as before - that I just don't like the way water nations are implemented in Dom. While it's no longer the case that you can conquer the water and clam the whole game, you still have tough penalties for troops fighting underwater. CBM has helped with the attack/defense penalties but the encumbrance issue is even worse and that still exists. But the biggest problem (by far) is that you have to forge a water breathing item for every mage you want to bring underwater and since most nations don't have a forge bonus that just got more expensive. Meanwhile R'lyeh's commanders and units are now amphibious and don't have that cost to deal with. Really, it just doesn't seem much fun to me.

I'm guessing you and llama would like to test the changes to R'lyeh but can I can convince you to switch to a land nation for this game? I'm fine with powerful nations being in the game (heck, take Niefel if you want) but I just can't get enthusiastic about water nations.

BrodieSWR September 15th, 2011 10:48 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Well, if PriestlyMan chooses to play a land nation, it's gonna be a little difficult placing the start locations, unless of course you want to let them be random...

I drew the map with the intention of having 6 land players and 1 (optional) player in the ocean.

The current start locations were hand placed by me to ensure that all capitals were at least 4-5 turns away from each other and that they each had a minimum of 4 surrounding provinces and at least 1 farm for income.

There are currently 69 land provinces and 9 sea provinces. I can set 7 land spawns, but just to be fair, I need to warn you guys that it will be a very, very fast and brutal game, with many early conflicts, especially without diplomacy.

So it's your choice guys! Just let me know!

And by the way, I can edit the map... but I'd rather not. I already flattened the main .PSD file in Photoshop, so it wouldn't look as nice and might have seems somewhere in the ocean.

But, if you really want to, I can! You'd just have to wait another one to two days for it to be finished. :P

Anyway, everybody let me know what the deal is, and I'll set the start locations!

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