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Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
When the gathering was over and the high priests were off with their duties (one of the youngest without his tongue) the prophet Johannes Kurkunkastaja made the catamites write down the details of what he had seen during his nightly trance. Only one false god seem to be alive, it was the dead fish, a rising serpent with two heads. And on the each of the two heads there were written mocking names for the true believers. The dead fish seems to be spreading his influence fastest, making him the one that most worried Johannes. The dead fish's armies had conquered already five provinces, hinting the dead fish had got two field armies since the second moon, and the worm seemed to have strong aura of dominion, also. It was this smell of dead, rotting fish that made Machaka people sick and, if weak or sick already, die only in hours. The other contestors seemed still be stirring in their slumber, based on the fact that no rumors of extremely powerfull entities with or without field armies had been spreading around yet, nor any significant research break throughs havent been made either. While the dead fish's lands grew larger by every passing moon, the rich kings and mystics from the East were right after him. Johannes was right, he knew it, by stating that they bought their armies with endless mountains of gold. Mystics and kings from the East had also fielded two armies marching different directions. This endless wealth could only be a work of geniuos master of coins, and it proposes the kings and mystics from the East had a strong economical output in their lands. The ape-folk, of who Machaka often ridiculed, were not a subject for laughters anymore. They seem to have over taxed their own people and had bought foreign mercenaries aid their own, weak infantry. They also had several raiding parties, it seemed, but what happens when the mercenary contracts end? Johannes also knew the ape-folk being paying over-price for their contracts, because he had made some contract inquiries him self. Because the mystics and kings of the East were so rich, maybe they were up for some mercenary contracts after the ape-folk lost their extra cash? The ape-folk and the mystics from the East seemed to have claimed four territories, placing them second larges nations just after the dead fish, who had five. Other people seemed to remain carefull and modest conquering simply single territories, one after another. They now hold three provinces. Slow motion was of course the safest way, but it also surrenders leverage to those who field several different armies at the same time. It would remain to be seen how long the top three contestors could be claiming two new terrotories every turn. At least the kings and mystics from the East seemed to have a whole bunch of sacred troops with them, most likely those abominable flying men Johannes had seen in his fever tormented trance, because the upkeep seems to be way too cheap. And yet the exploits of war had not brought magic gem income for any of the false gods. Dead fish apparently rushed into some, not-so-well hidden water gem stash. Johannes was happy that the Machaka people had made friends with a village of some woodland critters who willingly gave up theirs small stash of gems, placing Machaka and the dead fish ahead of the curve. When Johannes had almost done with his keeper of the scrolls, a winded and fainting messenger arrived from north. The man was a member of Machaka field army and brought a word from one of the most prominent of men, the commander of Machaka armies and a hero of unsurpassed strenght, Chief Mganga. The commander was resting with his army at the coast, when water started bubbling and soon exploded to the sky making the sea rain all over the Machaka armies. Simple infantry men ran for their lives, but the commander had stayed behind with his spiders and saw what monstrous, foul beings were rising to the surface from the deepest holes of the sea floor... but before the messenger could finish, he passed out and soon after died without ever coming to his senses again. What killed him was the same sickness that tormented city folk yesterday. |
Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
To Hunger without Thought, Aguadillas, Lord of R'lyeh
The Great Jörmundgandr, God of Primodial Waters, welcomes the coming of the mind lords. He has asked me to make His thought intelligible to your own intermediaries, so that mutual understanding between our races can be reached. Surely two wise races as old as the oceans and the mountains of this world can find a common ground, whatever metaphysical differences they may have. In this perspective, my Master wishes to recognize the dominion of Aguadillas over all things oceanic. This means that the Agarthans, who are so famous amphibians, will be happy enough with dwelling on dry land and the shallow waters beside our temple. Your captains will have noticed that our main temple has its pillars diving deep into the Sea of Plenty. Grottoes and cavern networks directly connected to the Hall of the God of Primordial Waters Himself are connected to this Sea. This is why this single sea, of such mystical signification - and, excuse us of such trival considerations, security implications, when you think that anyone can reach our Lord's Hall from the sea bed - needs to remain under Agarthan direct control. We are happy with letting your troops pass by the sea for the time being. Our underwater administrators will present themselves to operate the transfer of authority as soon as you notify us. We are also ready to open negotiations for a reasonable compensation of your "right of first conquest" over this little sea. Finally, our Lord is willing to extend further friendly relations if you wish to consider yourself a friend of the Oracles. Nur-i Tagh, the Light from Within the Rock on behalf of Jörmundgandr, the Whirlpool |
Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
To the military HQ:
In our glorious, against-all-odds battle at Saeborea, where the combined forces of our formidable markata archers and atavi stormtroopers showed those tailesses what's our race capable of. And there was that little help from Magnus and his dogs. After that I wandered northward to meet up with reinforcements, while Magnus pushed forward as we split up. It was a magnificent sight, the most formidable military genius of the monkey people (I have to refer to my humble self here) outwitting those savage two-handers. Using nothing more than a couple sophisticated maneuvers with elephants and tigers. Bah! Sometimes it seems impossible to believe, that these humans were our ancestors, as the famed yogi Darwiputra tells. So we had only two hands before we got up the trees! :lol According to Darwiputra, long ago, the most enlightened human ever died, then reincarnated as a markata. Anyway, it seems the scout i sent northward just returned, so back to duty: give a little push these humans in that settlement on the way of evolutionary development. Aruna, distinguished war hero, bandar commander. |
Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
Terror of the abysms, lord of the fish, water fright and lord of the blanket Aguadillas.
The water domain and fishing banks of the Sea of Plenty are a most valuable asset to the R'lyeh Void Lords. Neither you nor the Ermor abominations on the other side of it will lay hands on them. The Wrathful Snake pays taxes to noone. Thy shall keep your demandsssss to yousssself. |
Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
Eater of void, depth of darkness, teacher of orphans, Lord Aguadillas.
Thissss knowsssss where you all are. Thisss knowsss what lurksss our nightmarezzzzzz. Itssss me. And 200 lobo guards. Who will be the chosssen prey? |
Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
Magnificent Giant Snake, leader of the starspawns!
I would like to bring you this wagon of bananas as a symbol of good will and peace from the kingdom of Bandar Log, country of markatas, atavis, bandars and vanaras, nagas and enlightened beings of upper existence (including the elephants). We offer you an agreement of peace, one with a season-long insurance time. Aruna |
Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
What unspeakable secrets the deepest abyss of the sea withhold, the commander Mganga never discovered. The stench became unbearable and even the poison resistant, giant spiders needed to escape. The army marched south, away from the suspicious shores. The prophet Johannes Kurkunkastaja met them later that month him self.
The foul vapors caused by dead, rotting fish were almost gone. However, a new threat was rising from north-east. The thousand eyes of Machaka had alarmed priest-lords. 1-eyed giants were approaching the Machaka allies, defenceless smallfolk. Envoys were equipped with a banner of peace; giants surely possesed no threat to fearsom Machaka archers but because no-1, not even Johannes, knew what terrors were lurking in West and South, it was considered safe to try and contact with these giant olms. The message said: Greetings, Nur-i Tagh and you other olms. We the humble spider-folk would like to reason with you. March no further, for the small village called Glimmering Fields belongs to our sphere of influence. If you halt there where you have camped at the moment, we shall consider that an offer of friendship and it wont go unheeded. Machaka people has long memory, and their friendship is eagerly wanted gift from the nature herself. With prayers and exitement Machaka shamans, the commander Mganga and the prophet him self sent the envoys to meet up with these strange beings from the deepest corners of the earth. |
Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
Our Lord the Councilor of Gods wishes to share the conclusions of his latest meditations with our Southern neighbors.
"Water is the source of life, streaming from the mountains where Agarthans constantly keep the guard, to flood into villages of all other nations' villages, wells and fields. Thus We declare it natural that major rivers should become the matrix where the Agarthan civilization meets with the other civilized nations of this world, exchanges and develops mutual beneficial relations." In His desire for a world of peace and mutual respect based on these principles, the Councilor of Gods sent me, his trustworthy servant, to implement His wish. Taking act of the positive attitude of neighbors in this area, I will make sure that the sole Agarthan presence both in the Glimmmering Fields and in Saetica will consist of a liaison office in charge of commercial and cultural relations, just on the other sides of the respective bridges. No political, spiritual or military Agarthan activity will be developed on the other side of the rivers. Equivalent embassies are invited on our own side of the rivers and local lords will make sure appropriate real estate assets are made accessible to these nations' representatives. A banana plantation surrounded by coconut gardens has already been prepared. We further declare that 3 full months should elapse after a declaration of war with our Western neighbor before the actual beginning of hostile actions; and we propose the same pact with the monkey folk. Nur-i Tagh, the Mountain Light on behalf of Jörmundgandr, Councilor of Gods |
Re: Fame and Riches - full, waiting for pretender gods to announce their right to god
The kingdom of Tien-Chi has been through a great many changes recently, but none so shocking as the revelation of the new prophet, chosen by the divinely beautiful Li Xue. For the Goddess of the land has chosen a concubine, not a king or general, as her holy representative in the world.
Now, the Red Guards once relegated to royal protection have had their ranks greatly expanded and the divinely inspired Du Qiunniang uses them to carve out a great empire in the name of the true god, Li Xue. With the Empires borders pushed out, strange new nations only once whispered about in legends have appeared with the coming of new seasons. A single Red-caped rider ventures out on the Eastern frontier with a message: To the Ancient Earth Dwellers of Agartha, though the nation of Tien Chi covets the beautiful fields of Villia (85), the most enlightened one Li Xue claims that the cosmos have dedicated those lands to you in perpetuity, should you follow the right course and agree to a peace agreement with Tien Chi, with one season as a warning time (NAP3). - Du Qiunniang, the ridiculously beautiful prophet of Li Xue |
Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Our Oracles have observed you for a long time, East-folk of Tien' Chi. Not long ago, while our most skillful craftsmen were adorning our deep halls in exquisite marble neo-classical decorations, your people was still a tribe of savage hunters-gatherers. But we have also witnessed your fast awakening, just a couple of millenia ago. We are aware of your finest philosophical findings, which are truly impressive and inspire our respect.
In this context, it is natural to treat you as a civilized nation as well. The Deep Council has approved proceeding with the exchange of embassies; it has accepted the terms of the treaty the most enlightened Du Qiunniang has proposed to us. Nur-i Tagh, the Mountain Light on behalf of Jörmundgandr, Councilor of Gods |
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