Gandalf Parker |
April 14th, 2013 11:30 AM |
Re: Steam Greenlight
Originally Posted by Fantomen
(Post 819229)
The reason why "we" want the game on steam is to attract more players to play with, more modders to make mods, more new friends to be friends with and so on. I personally don't care that much, there is lot's of new players already since the desura move and I don't use steam. But more MP players is always nice, and steam availability would probably keep the game alive longer too.
That is true. We would benefit from the influx. Illwinters newer game Conquest of Elysium 3 is on Steam and it has already sold more units than all of the dominions put together. I look forward to the Steaming Horde.
But "keep the game alive longer"? Wow. In the case of Dominions 3 that brings a smile. It is already a surprise to people for maintaining such an active playerbase for so many years. There are not many games in the same class for longevity.