![]() |
Re: Stalings et al.
Thank you for your concern! I even reconsidered travelling to T'ien C'hi to keep Soapy company; It would do my arm no good to overtax it now! Or was it leg? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Stalings et al.
Server is down again this morning http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Stalings et al.
(Due to limbo having some problems with his connection, I fill in... Bribes accepted, of course! Mmmm... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif or [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Martini.gif[/img] or perhaps even [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Woman3.gif[/img] and [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Woman4.gif[/img]...) |
Re: Stalings et al.
I guess I'll post a sub-search anyway, what's to stop the sub from playing with the masterkey anyways? |
Re: Stalings et al.
I've got a possible replacement. It's an old friend, who is fairly new at Dominions. The fact that I know him shouldn't pose any problems as he usually does what he thinks best - not what I tell him.
If we agree to take him in as the new God og Ulm, I'll have him post here, and bring him up to speed on the game so far. |
Re: Stalings et al.
I say that's just perfect. Anyone have an objection, be quick about it.
I have set the game to quickhost only, so that he can have the time necessary to acclimate himself. |
Re: Stalings et al.
i boarder ulm and am a war with man (Knudsen)
it would be like i am fighting the same guy on both sides. just let him go ai and be done with it. it would be the fairest for those who boarder ulm. |
Re: Stalings et al.
on new ulm if the new ulm would agree not to attack ermor and/or if "man" was fighting a two side war this would work. but i vote AI. |
Re: Stalings et al.
i say, let knudsens friend fill in as ulm. ulm has enough problems with ai pangae and indys. and if ulm would be ai also, then it would be way to easy for ermor to conquer dem northern lands. can we make non-agression-agreedment between new-ulm and ermor for a 15 turns? would that be ok for rex_havok?
Re: Stalings et al.
I'd say let Ulm make decisions for himself... He is not Knudsen (right? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif), so it is not a given that he'll be attacking Ermor or anyone else... Although he does have only two neighbors and a substantial amount of gold and gems that have accumulated with his stales http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Stalings et al.
? newbe question when someone goes AI what level does the computer play at (ai impossible - easy)? ?and does ulm get a master key ? (recon can make a huge difference if he can see all. and shares the info http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif). |
Re: Stalings et al.
Some trust for others, eh, rex? What fun is it to use a master password to scout stuff? And fun is what we play for, right?
And the AI-level only changes the points usable for god-creating (harder=more); it doesn't affect its gameplay. |
Re: Stalings et al.
So in particular when a human player goes AI the resulting computer player is like a very easy AI opponent (compared to the AI that folks normally use for SP), except with the advantage of having been played by a human for a while. When that human hasn't done anything in many turns, though, that advantage diminishes. I'm glad we've got a sub.
Re: Stalings et al.
after my 1st game (this is my 2nd) i have no trust.
stabed in the back twice (differnet players). and a very rude(actually verbably abusive w/ personal death treats) player. has left a very bitter taste. hope this one is substantually better (cann't be much worse). (note:the 4 other players i had contact with were very good). ?are you implying that he will have the master password? what can one do w/ the password? i play for fun and would be happy to do boarder skimmies till the cows came home but other are very aggressive and have different goals (as my 1st game pointed out). I will see how this game goes and ajust my dom behavior to match.(ie if everyone backstabs or gangs up on one, conversly players hold deals true(barring mistakes) and attacks one another). but look out i have soulless and not afraid to use them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif BTW what is the ratio of soulless vs vineorges w/ mages? 50-1? i find the AI to be tough but i must lack experience by the tone of the disscussion Boards vs AI. |
Re: Stalings et al.
Backstabbing is just a sign of different gaming culture... Certainly not on par with actual cheating, which using the masterpassword to one's advantage would be! Verbal abusiveness is another matter again; although very loutish, it isn't cheating either, and should be handled the usual, social way.
With the master password one open any players turn files and do the same things the player could. I'm willing to trust a personal friend of one of the players with it; indeed, consider the alternative, some screen name whom no one knows! To comment on backstabbing some more, consider this: If the game's goal is perceived as giving one's best within the limits set be the rules, and the joy in the game is derived from performing well, backstabbing comes naturally: Indeed, at some point of the game, one might consider a player who _doesn't_ backstab a clear winner to play poorly and to ruin the game for others. (If you know the classic board game, Diplomacy, please compare!) Well, I could go into detail, but suffice to say that as long as it's within the limits of the rules (both overt and "hidden") it's ok with me. Some might consider it poor tact to do some things, whilst others see them as necessities to satisfy the collective need to do one's best. I wouldn't want such a trifle as getting a sub to sour the mood, though, so please rex, check the graphs and see that Ulm can't touch you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Oh, and the AI is pretty straightforward to deal with as Ermor; it doesn't often dare to attack against your massive hordes, so just put a couple hundred dudes on your borders and attack at your leisure. Pan mages are not that hot against your horde, and vineogres can't hold out against superior numbers; you could consider just swarming the ogres and flanking his mages with cavalry; vineogres dissolve when all mages are dead IIRC. |
Re: Stalings et al.
the masterpassword can't really be used to mess w/ someone's turn, w/out it being completely obvious (since he'd have to do the whole turn himself, and it would bear little relation to what you sent in).
however, it can be used to illegitimately scout out an opponent's empire. I wouldn't worry about it if the guy is personally known by someone else. You have to be on the level of a norfleet to do that. |
Re: Stalings et al.
i am leaving for about week. so i have to change the hosting things. you know what i mean. sorry guys:) ill try to find a comp to use there where i will be..
-limbo |
Re: Stalings et al.
1. I'll not bring a friend into the game, if one or several players distrust him, before he has had a chance to make his own mark. 2. I already wrote the former Ulm player and suggested a joint move against Ermor. Which is a perfectly natural thing for neighbours of an undead empire to do. Any new player should be free to make his own decisions. Other- wise we may as well let the nation go AI. I have also made very little secret of my intention of attacking Ermor before their hordes darken the sun. 3. In my experience the exchange rate is around 20 wandering undead to a vine ogre. Keep 'em coming and my archers will all end up with 5 star experience :-) |
Re: Stalings et al.
i say, let knudsens friend fill in as ulm. ulm has enough problems with ai pangae and indys. can we make non-agression-agreedment between new-ulm and ermor for a 15 turns? would that be ok for rex_havok? please invite your friend to play. |
Re: Stalings et al.
I don't think whoever is taking over Ulm should be restricted in their diplomatic choices...
Re: Stalings et al.
I have send my friends mailaddy to Limbo, so they can work out the practical side of replacing Ulm.
Re: Stalings et al.
Rex, why are you so suspicious of anyone subbing for Ulm? I mean, why would Knudsen's friend do any other decisions than would someone completely different? I'd like to get a player as soon as possible, so as not to stall the game any longer. Although with limbo taking a trip we could look for someone completely unrelated. I however, would feel more comfortable with a personal friend of someone than I would with a name on the screen, since the master-password can be abused and all. |
Re: Stalings et al.
Even if Ulm DOES do something "weird", well that's how the game goes.
People are unpredictable, unreliable... that's just part of playing multiplayer. |
Re: Stalings et al.
Latest news
My friend, Rasmus, is all set to take over Ulm. But he ran into trouble logging in with the password he recieved and is currently awaiting further guidance from Limbo. In the meantime. Lets talk about how evil and unnatural the wandering dead are ;-) |
Re: Stalings et al.
...news ?
Re: Stalings et al.
Is this thing dead?
Re: Stalings et al.
I hope not!
Re: Stalings et al.
I'd guess (wish) things get moving once again when limbo returns from whatever limbo he's been banished into.
Re: Stalings et al.
it has been so long i can hardly remember what this game was about.
something about how good and green the man's lands look and it would be a great place for others to visit. ....yummie trees.... now would be a good time to nibble harvest a few trees while he is not looking. quick before its to late.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Stalings et al.
Re: Stalings et al.
i remember dreaming of a nice quite grave yard when suddenly moving trees started beating my peace loving souless to peices. wait that wasn't a dream aeeyyyyyyy my lovely graveyards ruined by rampaging ogres, nastly priest and men with pointy sticks. help help is anyone out there who can hear the dead scream.
"i see dead people" but do you hear them to. ps i never take my skeletons out of the closet. |
Re: Stalings et al.
Probably not :-) |
Re: Stalings et al.
Whither limbo?
Re: Stalings et al.
Re: Stalings et al.
Requiem for a dead game.
Re: Stalings et al.
Why not set it to AI and just keep going?
Re: Stalings et al.
Re: Stalings et al.
I guess we are waiting for Ulm and limbo... but we can't wait forever, so I set the server to host in 24 hours, notify your neighbors and allies!
Re: Stalings et al.
Alright, I went through the Mosehansen web front-end with limbo's password and found it does display the master password there. I tried to open my own turn file with it but it didn't work. Anyone know why that is?
More importantly is there anything to be done with Ulm if the master doesn't work? It's needed for setting the nation to AI, too. I guess we could just leave it be, essentially 24h fixed hosting; that cool with everyone? |
Re: Stalings et al.
one warning - there was a bug (probably still is http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif) whereby if you use the masterpassword to set a nation to AI (or play his turn probably) while still playing your turn from the same install you used the masterpass from, you will get a forced stale for your own nation.
ie. try to have someone else do it |
Re: Stalings et al.
What about finding replacements, rather than just AIofying them?
I know it would take a bit longer, but we've waited this long and it just seems a shame to throw them away. |
Re: Stalings et al.
It seems the master password doesn't work at all, so we might have to go with the staling. All the more reason to yell and scream our remaining players back to business! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
I have e-mailed Mose about the problem with the password, so let's hope that he will find a solution to allow us to get subs for missing players. If not, then I guess we should pool our national passwords on some third party to avoid such incident again, and let Ulm stale until its gone. Anyways, new turns in ~20 hours, so stay tuned, and wake up your allies! (Especially those not seen on the Boards or elsewhere in a while. In fact I guess it wouldn't hurt to PM or e-mail every player who hasn't been active on the Boards lately. Could someone do it please, I'm in a hurry!) |
Re: Stalings et al.
hello and sorry for my unexplained vanishing.. but im back from limbo as limbo as limbo can be. i dont know what is wrong with masterpassword either. i hope somebody knows.
Re: Stalings et al.
and didnt even miss a turn!!! thanks guys.
Re: Stalings et al.
Well, Mose didn't have any additional light to shed on the master-password problem. I guess we will have to do without http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
That means that the schedule is then 24h fixed and that Ulm is going to stale until dead. I propose we pool our national passwords on some third party so as to prevent such from happening again. Preferably some hopeless junkie, who hangs here reliably every day http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Stalings et al.
i had a full stall this turn.
i did my turn a long time ago and recently tuned up the rnd. but instead it looks like i did nothing Last rnd. if anyone else stalled i like to know, otherwise i will assume i made a clerical mistake somehow. |
Re: Stalings et al.
if you connected from another machine, the undone turn would have been uploaded. or else, if you accidentally chose "redo turn from beginning" or whatever that would also do it.
Re: Stalings et al.
Man, that sucks! But on the positive side, it gives Man a fighting chance http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Stalings et al.
if "man" would give me a truce( back off for a little while) i could concentrate on removeing Ulm from the game.
then we would not have to have ulm stall every turn till who knows when. Quote:
Re: Stalings et al.
Thats an interesting diplomatic angle... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
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