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Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Ok, first bug of my own:
The Sea Father's (indep water mage) description needs to be updated for Dom3. It said: "Sea Father can bring more people with him underwater than ordinary Water mage". Since water mages can not bring people underwater now, the description is outdated. |
Re: Bug thread
Deathmatch can give a mindless commander experience.
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]Alphabetical Mercenaries
After playing several games I notice that the mercenaries always turn up in alphabetical order - I always seem to get Edward Blackfist early and then the remainder of mercenaries turn up in alphabetical order - I think the selection should be randomised so it is possible that any mercenary turns up. Edit: Only seems to hppen when you first install game 5 had random selection. GM12 |
Re: Bug thread
Sea King's Court spell description says Sea Troll King can lead ordinary people underwater.
More about philosophers: now that you mention, yes, there are some hints that philosophers work better in slothful dominion, but NOT in unit description. I think unit description should be updated to avoid further confusion. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Bug: Several times when I was using gem searching spell on some province in messages I got report "magic site has been found", but when I looked in the province in question there were no new sites there.
I am playing Glory of Gods SP map, the spell I was using was Earth Lore. |
Re: Bug thread
Not sure if qualifies as a bug, but it gave me a laugh.
Watching a battle, I saw a "-15" damage floating over one of my Machakan Spider Knights. The rider was hit when he had 2 hp left, then the resulting spider had 17. Makes sense, but -15 damage doesn't really seem like the right way to show that. |
Re: Bug thread
Major Bug: When any single member of a missile squad is - or becomes - unable to shoot, the entire squad will stop shooting and immediately charge in to close combat.
This is having major repercussions. It arrives most commonly through injury in battle (eg. lost an arm), but can also come about because of disease, spell effects, or unit capabilities such as spirit form for the Yomi. It also prevents Marvarni Horn Blowers and the like being attached to missile squads. Not only does the missile fire stop, but also as most missile troops are hopeless hand-to-hand they usually get slaughtered. While I'm currently seeing this in solo play, I can also imagine that it could be an horrendous exploit in multiplay. |
Re: Bug thread
Major Bug: The AI can commit suicide if it chooses a sleeping pretender, as it has no idea how to avoid an almost immediate dominion defeat.
I have seen this particularly with Mictlan. With no or low dom spread the AI will implode very early (turn 5 in one game). It needs priests, and temples, and a prophet to be developed if their god is asleep to have any hope of surviving beyond turn 15 or so. Also creating negative dominion effects and low dominion strength during setup should be looked at if the AI decides to have a sleeping pretender. |
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Pheasant, this bug exist but is rare. After having it in my first game, I've tried many times to reproduce it, and it looks like this bug is far to be automatic when you mix melee and ranged troops, it happens sometimes but in about 1/20 fights with a mixed squad ordered to fire closest. I think only when melee units are the first in the squad.
This bug has also been listed in this thread 3 or 4 days ago. Here a save with the bug. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
^^^monsterpretender.dm (sorry I should have made a save without it, as my game was just a test to recreate the bug)
The bug is easy to reproduce with Man (ME) : at game start take your archers, mix them with the melee squad, order the squad to fire closest and they will attack closest (tested 3 times). But if you create other mixed squads later, the bug won't happen everytime you do that. |
Re: Bug thread
This is not a bug - at least, not in the conventional way.
Why do you order melee troops to fire at closest? They can't fire anything and therefore advance to go into melee. One may argue that the archers should stay put ... but the game cannot split up squads on its own and give those units individual orders, at least in general. And here's where the bug might be: Missile troops run out of ammo, and otherwise devoid of missiles, are supposed to resort to their secondardy (melee) weapon and advance into melee. Now, your longbowman did have launchers and ammo, but the game failed to recognize this. Or maybe randomly fails to recognize this at times - maybe it does not check all units in the squad... . However, what you saw is more a limitation of the game engine than a 'real' bug. A very realistic one, I must say - image some mediaval soldiers, half of them infantrymen, the other half longbowmen, all of a sudden squeezed into one squad .. I guess they would have been pretty confused http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif In short: If you want missile troops to fire at enemies, set up a missile squad and order it to fire. That sometimes those Mavernian Slingers forget about their slings and charge even when on their own and set to fire, is another issue ... . |
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Independant temples?
An independant water temple defended by water trolls had a temple built. What dominion will it spread? anyone conquering that province will destroy it, i guess. Demo game in glory of the gods. |
Re: Bug thread
Monthly site searching is erratic if there's more than one mage searching for the same type of site. Sometimes it realizes that a province is already being set to search and doesn't double up, but sometimes it doesn't. After the first 20 or so turns it doesn't seem to ever do it right.
Also, site searching rituals set on automatic will target capitals. I'm assuming that capitals still don't have random sites, right? |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Bandar Log (ME) needs a description.
There's not even the standard description of priest-types, magic, etc. Very problematic. </font> |
Re: Bug thread
Kind of a bug, putting it here anyway because the developers check this thread!
PATCH IMPROVEMENT REQUEST/BUG/S Better starting AI at game start, turn 1 or 0 if u prefer (as that's where the problem lies), AI's r dieing of dominion death turns 1 - 10 or stagnating in there home province due to taking bad scales, becoming easy kills, lvls normal to difficult. Overall the AI Is very good when it gets going, just a starting problem with a few who seem to get the game setup wrong. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug Thread
Re: Bug Thread
Victory Point Provinces with 2 or 3 Crowns only shows one crown on the map within randomly generated games. Not sure if the same is true for premade maps. The crown icon will sometimes appear on the province border making it difficult to determine the actual province which owns the crown... unless it's manually conquered. I recommend adding the crown icon to the province information next to the scales. |
Re: Bug thread
Even if this turns out to be non-buggy and completely consistent, then I will say that it would be nice for it to be altered in a patch, because the ability to place standard bearers and high morale units into archer squads is useful. [Update]: I just tested it quickly, and it does look like consistent behavior. I guess archers are just supposed to be units that rout easily, unless a nation has a particular archer type that comes with high morale. I'm glad this doesn't affect my chariot use, because I never set them to just fire anyway. I can think of a way to exploit this behavior. Put archers and melee units in a squad with no orders. The melee units will charge forward and attack, but since a large portion of their squad is safely in the back and not taking casualties, the chance they'll rout is GREATLY reduced. An example would be something like War elephants which tend to rout easily when left on their own. Also, I can imagine if you have more melee units in a squad than archers, then opposing players who set orders to "fire archers" or "attack archers" will ignore those archer squads and possible go for another decoy archer squad that you set up. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif =$= |
Re: Bug thread
"Y" key buggy when Breaking out siege
When you order an army to break a siege and send another (or more) to help, y key "army setup on destination" is buggy : you can see all troops in the list but the castle defenders/breakers don't appear in the troop setup window (the one you place the squads on the battlefield) and can't be placed. |
Re: Bug thread
It's the same for all troops staying in the target province. The y key only show the position of troops moving to it.
Re: Bug thread
So it's not a bug fix but an improvement that we need http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] In Scale Magic 3 Golden Eraīs Philosopher has research 4
It was posted earlier but someone said itīs not a bug. I think it is because their base research is 5 and It was my magic scale. |
Re: Bug thread
alt tabing to windows and then alt tabing back messes up the graphics. to fix this you have to go to video setting and pick another resoultion. this wasnt a problem in dom 2.
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
A simpler workaround is to get forth and back to fullscreen/windowed (Alt-Enter twice), graphics are redrawn. |
Re: Bug thread
Mod Bugs:
-Head armor is /2 for some reason (Helm of 18 gives 9 protection, helm of 36 gives 18) -Awe is -1 of what it should be (#awe 1 is 0 in game, awe 2 is 1) -Custom poisonous weapons dont poison(dont seem to have poison effect on them) |
Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Azure Mage and Azure Iniciate can't enter underwater, even as their descriptions says so.
Demo, downloaded yesterday. Seems that the removal of the defaul water magic waterbreathing got some units broken. </font> |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Azure mages
Or more likely the descriptions simply weren't changed. |
Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]
Flame Corpse Construction spell doesn't work When casting the spell a normal Iron Corpse is summoned instead. </font> |
Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Playing the demo...
I attacked a Kappa province - on dry land - and when I conquered it and tried to recruit units, the local population type was Tritons (and when I tried to recruit one, no surprise, he just drowned). </font> |
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Class: Showstopper. Description: Game corrupted. Rightclicking anywhere on map results in "end-of-turn". This persists through saving/reloading and only applies to that specific game in progress, not to other games. How to reproduce: Load the save game, exit the message summary, and right-click on the map. Savegame attached. After 6 turns without taking any actions while testing the reproducibility of the bug, the game is looking really interesting (AIs have put up global enchantments like mad), so I'd love if the developers had time to hotfix my savefile while looking for the real problem (he said hopefully). Otherwise, I guess I'll just have to abandon ship, which sucks but then, that's life. I would TRULY hate to have this happen to me in an MP game, effectively being eliminated from the game by a bug. |
Re: Bug thread
This just happened to me in my Mictlan game. I was like "Wooo Kappa! Oh...wait...Tritons. O_o" |
Re: Bug thread
Must be freshwater tritons, living in lakes. The brighter ones stay behind. :p
Reminds me of the one time I saw a Ghoul Cave (enter to recruit free ghouls, w00t) in the same province as a magic site that caused local Purgatory. Braaaaains... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: Bug thread
no fireshield seen around units which should have one natively (some Abysian units of early age). One may wonder if the ability is really in effect then
<font color="blue"> IIRC there is no graphical representation of fire shield on units thet have the shield natively. There should still be an icon in their stats. The reason is thet most of these units have great flames on their sprite (like king of flames) and it looks a bit strange with stationary flames and real flames, but it might be a bit confusing. I should perhaps redraw the sprites and use the battle graphics instead </font> |
Re: Bug thread
Late Era Agartha doesn't seem to have any heroes, _or_ there's some other bug keeping them from getting heroes. Have now run 6 games through at least turn 40 (sometimes over 60) and with Luck-3 each time, never had a hero show up. Made a separate thread asking if anyone else had seen LE Agartha's heroes, and apparently not.
<font color="blue"> There are some heroes still missing. I'm not sure if late agarta has the same ones as the early ones, but it might be that they deserve an update hero-wise. </font> |
Re: Bug thread
National spells for Pangaea mention Panic Apostates casting Carrion Centaur/Lady/Lord - but there are no Panic Apostates except for Late Era. Having the most magical aspect of Pangaea only available in Late Era (when magic is at a minimum) seems odd. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
It does show up in stats, and the effects can be seen when an enemy hits it, but IMO it would be cool if Fire Elementals, Kings of Fire etc. were surrounded by the fireshield effect. It would also be cool if units with the Banefire shield would show up with green flames surrounding them...
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Attached battle replay in Hynaphe, shows commander Delling getting afflictions and dieing, after combat he's alive and well in the province.
Re: Bug thread
Actually, I checked it and it works. But it's true, it would be good if those units have fire shield effect on them.
Re: Bug thread
Units can radiate both heat and chill at the same time, for example by a phonix casting breath of winter.
Re: Bug thread
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