![]() |
Re: Interesting
Yes, if anyones reputation is damaged it is Franks for not letting go, not Meglobob for backstabbing (or whatever happened) in a computer game.
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
All I want to say here is that I think it makes both of you look bad when you carry things over from an old game and hold grudges. It looks bad to everyone when you yell to make a point or use negative language like "misdeed".
Please consider how much fun everyone in the community has playing this game. Please give thought to how unneccessary negativity can have an adverse effect on the general spirit of sportsmanship and good will around here. And if you feel the need to make a point, find a way to make it positive. Keep it mature and gentlemanly, and try to couch your messages in diplomatic language, humor and positive wording while avoiding personal reference or reference to past games. Writing it in role-playing character is also fun and very appropriate for D3 and helps avoid this kind of bad crassness. This is my last post in this thread. I don't want to add any fuel to a fire that should be allowed to burn out. Picking at the scab is not going to help it to heal over. (Sorry for the mixed metaphors). |
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
Me and Frank were just observing the game-theory behind the popular back-stab and evaluating it from a gaming perspective. I don't think either me or Frank are passing judgment on the moral character of anyone here (at least I wasn't) - just pointing out the obvious consequences to performing the act. Some people do care about oaths/pacts in a game, others don't. Some people will hold grudges, others won't. Some people will make a big fuss about breaking a deal, others won't. Those facts will never change. |
Re: Interesting
And some people roleplay...
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
Frank. You don't know a thing of what happened and make an oppinion. Just should not.
If I have diplomatic messages going on and my neighbour don't answer them I just assumed he was hostile. The fact that he remembered me and old pact after the attack (wich I am not aware but it´s probably true) made me stop the advance to give him a turn to regroup. Ganging on a weaker nation is disgusting and I see myself as a balancing factor, and balance is what I like of a game. Otherwise is plain boring. I could attack him at the beggining of the game when he looked weak but I didn't to let him anjoy the game. I even discouraged Machaka to attack Abysia like he wanted (shmonk). And he can testify that. |
Re: Interesting
(too bad there is no way for me to notice who is doing it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif) Quote:
btw. i dont understand, why here is so much controversy about backstabbing, its i tactical move, and you dont just gain from it, as when you break a NAP you become an outlaw and a your other neighbours might start fighting you as a preemptive strike. |
Re: Interesting
Your words of contrition fall upon deaf ears, oathbreaker. Your fate is sealed and all know how far the nation of Arcoscephale can be trusted. As your lands burn around you and all men know you for false, you should consider that honoring the agreement you made would have cost you a mere three months. Bleat all you will about how weak the children of the Smoldercone are while your legacy turns to ash for you will get no quarter from us and all know that in future turnings of the wheel the words of Baalz can be trusted. I can not imagine any choosing to bed down in friendship with a serpent known to be poisonous regardless that his forked tongue proclaims how fair and balanced his treachery will be. I invite you to test your strength in future turnings when I appear weak, for to come after the fact and claim that my nation exists because of your charity is insulting.
Re: Interesting
Hadrian II: Pay me 1000 gold and I will tell you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
The Atlantian Mafia |
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
Look what I started (sort of). I can attest to Manuk's comment, my first thought was to go to war against Abysia, but he suggested I not attack Abysia that soon (for various reasons). So I listened to him and started looking at Mictlan instead, like a dummy (slaps forehead "Doh! Coulda had easier prey with Abysia, maybe"). Mictlan must have seen me comin' and launched a pre-emptive attack. Granted, it was not against my capital (as Abysia first claimed, minor mistake there), just an outpost. But still it chewed up my resources. And troops. And my god! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif
Well, here's to the next round of global warfare (of all remaining nations). Let's see what the next year brings... besides a lot of carnage. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Interesting
I hope Machaka and Arco are colluding, so at least there is some reason for them to be the last one's to submit turns.
Re: Interesting
hehe No such luck. For me the turn wasn't available until I got off work 4 hours ago, it must have hosted after I checked last night. But after eating and other RL stuff I have submitted my turn.
Re: Interesting
You'll have to forgive my impatient words. The last few turns have been very exciting.
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
Wow - now that was an interesting battle Meglo...
The Tribute
Re: Interesting
Besides, I'm still looking to get *my* big smack from Ermor http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
The true story of Grebeg
Learn the true story of Grebeg:
At last, Grebeg, the beautiful, vegetarian lady from Atlantia, stood shivering in front of the giant ice doors of Caelum. She had an urgent message from the careing beloved Godfather to the Lord of Caelum. Bloodthirsty monsters were seen in the ocean, heading to Caelum! The wise and old Godfather, who was called "Granddaddy Seaflowers" couldn't help but send his only daughter to warn the foreign people. He always said: Strangers are just friends you haven't met. It was a dangerous journey and only her love and her joyous soul kept her alive, as Atlantis was without money, Granddaddy Seaflowers had nothing more to give to his daughter than his trust and love. (All money earned by the Godfather is donated to benevolent causes.) She knocked at the icy doors and was lead to the Lord of Caelum. "Whaddas you buisness 'ear?" the Seraph barked "cant ya see we planning attack on the beasts o' Pangea? *@#°!$ !!" "My dear lord of Caelum" the maiden answered "Please I have urgent news of my Father, the good Godfather of Atlantis! Monsters are on their way to Caelum! We could help you fight them, but we need 300 gold for the care of the wounded, widows and orphans, because there will surely be injured or even dead Atlantians in the battle." "Mwuah wuah wuah!" the Seraph lauged "Only dead fish smell good. We luv teh smell of rotting fishes as much as of rotting Tien Chi's who we will fight after extinction of animalz of Pangea." "Oh no, my lord," the maiden said with widening eyes, "not the cute and lovely animals in Pangea and not the friendly, hardworking Tien Chi's!" "Oh yes, we love the meat and need the fur of the Pangean beasts to manufacture toiletpaper and furcoats against the cold. And to manufacture these, we need Tien Chi slaves. Mwuah hua hua. Otherwise we couldn't let open our fridges, that's where the cold comes from. Mwuah hua hua." "Oh no, think about the CO2-emissions and the energy-spoilage!" Grebeg shouted with tears in her eyes, "I begin to think that you are not a nice man." "How dare you!!" the Seraph shouted "for that insolence my evil army and I will destroy your temples, pillage your provinces and litter the coastlines with plastic-things from six-packs so all seals, dolphins and other cute animals will suffocate!" After being sexually harrassed by the Seraph, Grebeg was kicked out of the doors and left to herself. Silently crying, she began the long way home, while the evil army of Caelum began to drink all the beer they have robbed so far to gather the plastic-things and to get brave enough to attack the defensless province. Poor Grebeg, please make her laugh again and donate 1000 gold to Granddaddy Seaflowers, Atlantis. |
Re: Interesting
Btw well done on enslaving some of boguses dudes, not encountered that before in MP, getting a few free thugs is always cool and your 100% guarenteed there magic items. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Interesting
How can you use magic items if they are controlled as units and not commanders?
Re: The true story of Grebeg
It seems that caelum decided that they dont want to be our enemies. That is very nice as now Atlantis is out of funding and will fall quickly.
We hereby ask Atlantis to unconditionally surrender before us, as we are beginning to forge Manuals of Water Breathing and also, celestial beings from other planes are being summoned. You have no chance to win! We offer you and your people to lay down arms and join us as slaves or else be killed. We had to find out, that shambler stew has become very famous in our costal provinces. We want now to ask if its moral to eat shamblers like fishes, or if we should bury them like people. Also the Celestial Masters want to know what CO2-Emissions and plastic-things are as they never heard about such things and are thinking the leader of Atlantis might be delusional. |
Re: The true story of Grebeg
We are not at war with you, Hadrian. Do you declare now war on me??
Pah, we will throw the manuals of water breathing to the rings of water breathing we bit off the fingers of your consorts we catched sniffling around our palace... Errr, I mean: we found them on the poor things that must have been attacked by wild nasty sharks. They are a real threat to the sea life! Anyway: Rings of Water breathing to sell! Do I hear any bids? Soon in our shop: Manuals of waterbreathing! Reserve them now! |
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
However, there are spells that steal commanders and preserve their commanderness. Hellbind Heart and Charm are two, not sure if there are others (though not what was used judging by the context).
Re: Interesting
Re: The true story of Grebeg
btw. consorts are cheap, and so are rings of water breathing. |
Re: Interesting
Re: Interesting
I'm getting a weird display error where only half of my mages are showing up on the main screen. This means I can't move them or give them new orders.
Is there a way to re-download my turn without setting off a cheat detection flag? |
Re: Interesting
I believe you can just go to your savedgames folder, then this game folder (Radiance), and move the .trn file out of that folder and to somewhere else. Then when you connect to the server it should download the turn again. Probably wouldn't hurt to move both the .2h and .trn file out of that folder just in case (so it's empty).
Re: Interesting
Eh, thanks.
Turns out that the problem is that the UP/Down arrow vanishes. So weird. |
Re: Interesting
Velusion\'s Game Servers Updates
I have created a thread concerning the server that hosts this game. Please check it before posting that the server is down.
Velusion's Game Server Update Thread |
We hereby ask leaders allover the world to join us in our war effort against Rlyeh. We are crushing them, but there are some parts in their empire that are just too far away from our homelands so that other leaders are invited to conquer them.
Re: Rlyeh
Now he comes on his knees and begs the Godfather for aid in battle against our neighbour.
Re: Rlyeh
I love the whole mafia thing you got going. If you ask me though, needs more forgetaboudit.
Re: Rlyeh
Re: Rlyeh
Ah, the T'ien Ch'i are the teller of tall tales. Where, precisely did this 'crushing' take place. We must of missed it...
Re: Rlyeh
Thanks Megloblob and BigDisAwsome for your kind words. It made the Godfather smile and lead him to this proclamation: The nation who cuts off the head of the Tien Chi pretender will be rewarded by the Godfather. A reward worthy of a God.
Re: Rlyeh
Re: Rlyeh
Oh that is so very depressing. The one with no honor has golems so far up my butt I can taste clay, so I oh-so-cleverly empower and equip with penetration items 3 bad *** astral mages with a banner of the northern star scripted to cast opposition X5. Apparently, however, golems are not magic beings! Oh, the humanity! Not much my astral mages could do other than turn into toe jam under his fire/lighting/cold/poison immune lifeless/mindless/non-magical juggernaut. There was however much screaming at the screen until I figured out they weren't just choosing to ignore my scripting....;)
In related news, it seems unlikely at this point that I'll be able to come back against the oathbreaker, he back-stabbed me too good which made a great opportunity for my other two neighbors to engage in a land grab. I do have a couple dozen lightless lanterns, about twenty blood stones, 6 or so clams and a ring of sorcery looking for a good home before I'm eliminated and they will certainly be distributed to anyone who will join common cause against the guy who will be topping the charts once he finishes taking my territories by not honoring his word. Come on, nobody really wants him to win like that, do you? |
Re: Rlyeh
The Atlantian Godfather would have good use of these items. Just tell me who's the betrayer and what province his capitol is and we will punish him relentlessly. If you doubt our words, ask the Lord of Tien Chi.
Re: Rlyeh
Ack! There goes my helpful trading partner!
Re: Rlyeh
Re: Rlyeh
Hello. Is there any chance for an Easter break? I must visit parents and won't be back online till Tuesday evening (GMT).
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 08:36 AM. |
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