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PashaDawg August 25th, 2007 11:45 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I have been trying to connect all morning, and I am worried I'm gonna stale. Any chance of stopping the clock for today to allow time to resolve the connection issues? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Rytek August 25th, 2007 09:27 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I can't connect either

Schaedelbaron August 26th, 2007 05:13 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
me too

fungalreason August 26th, 2007 04:07 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I was able to connect, but it took about 8 tries

Ramiro August 26th, 2007 04:50 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
canīt conect.....

PashaDawg August 27th, 2007 08:51 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I have tried many, many times over the past 3 days. Would it make sense to restart the server?

Jazzepi August 27th, 2007 11:55 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I messaged Zach, but I haven't gotten a response.


Jazzepi August 27th, 2007 04:20 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
This game is up. I would recommend opening multiple windows as you try again and again.

Try to rapidly click on the center of the screen, near the "connecting" box. I can usually get in on my 4th or 5th try.


Zachariah August 27th, 2007 08:04 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
yah, its weird: this particular game just hangs. i can always connect on 2nd try. i've tried restarting the process, but that didn't help.

Jazzepi August 27th, 2007 10:18 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Would it be possible to reboot the server?


PashaDawg August 27th, 2007 11:14 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Dang it. I still cannot connect. I am on a Mac. I am not sure if it makes a difference, but the program just freezes. I have to force quit the program and restart it. This was not happening a few days ago, which is why it is so strange.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 27th, 2007 11:37 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Ymir.... died in a retreat. Untouched, but other troops fled. Because I couldn't connect, I stalled and he had no retreat path...

Staling, connection issues have kilt me. At least I know my pretender designed worked, or would have, if I'd been around to play it.

Switching to AI, giving some loot (~15 pearls and water gems), 25 gold to Utgard- plus some minor artifacts. This is a favor for actually responding to my request for mr items. I wasn't paralyzed once in this last battle.

For everyone's information, the province of Elkland (101) comes with a construction bonus.
rt R'lyeh into a pulp, because I have only one province left - and its not my capital. I can't do it myself.

R'lyeh? You would have been an interesting opponent, if I'd been around to fight you. While I hate you now, it won't carry over into the next game. If I'd simply said something the first time I'd noticed I couldn't connect instead of waiting for others to chime in first, I wouldn't be in this mess. Lesson - complain earlier. Not any louder or more frequently, just earlier.

In the meantime, may your seas dry up, your dreams involve Hello Kitty, and your meteor turn out to be a weather balloon.

Jazzepi August 28th, 2007 12:29 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
That's part of the hazard of using a SC with a ton of other units. Once you lose a certain percentage of your field, everyone routes. That's the reason I attacked the other two provinces at the same time. Though your pretender God was leaking fatigue fast, towards the end of the battle, before he routed, he was up to 90 fatigue or so. Very close to passing out. I doubt that he would have survived the fight even without the routing, but you never know. Morale 50 guys always make their awe check, and once he's asleep he's an easy target to nickle and dime to death through afflictions (especially blindness).

I'm sorry you couldn't connect, it sucks, but I've been trying to help people out on here as I'd much rather have a game with opponents who can fight back. I was pretty adamant with my posts that the server was still up, I even posted multiple times on how to get past the screw up. I really wish Zach would try resetting the server instead of just the process. I'm surprised this wasn't step #1.

>In the meantime, may your seas dry up, your dreams involve >Hello Kitty, and your meteor turn out to be a weather >balloon.

I don't think that'll happen anytime soon http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Though our population keeps dying off. I thought you had an interesting pretender build, and I can offer some advice from my POV if you'd like. I probably wouldn't have gone W10, the different between that one point of defense is negligible compared to what those extra points would have been worth in scales, or other magic paths. I also would have built more of those sacred units. I thought they were quite good.


Jazzepi August 28th, 2007 12:52 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Whatever happened worked. The server appears to be easy to log into now. I didn't have to do any tricks.


Lazy_Perfectionist August 28th, 2007 01:59 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
If I hadn't stalled who knows how often in a row, I would have removed the boots of trampling. Who knows, w/o flight AND trampling, I may have been able to take advantage of my 10 reinvig.

Yeah.. I don't blame you any for taking on the staller. Yeah, that tenth point of water wasn't really valuable. And I could have afforded to remove some earth, air points (randoms), in the pursuit of awakened. Though that tenth point does give me a slightly stronger bless for 64 points, I still am limited to capital only.

Despite your directions, I still was unable to connect until that last time. I even started multiple instances of the game.

I was surprised with my sacreds, as well. They were pretty effective w/o any bless. Now to use them blessedly well...

Do you think I would have been better off dropping to 8 water? It would free up another 56 points, and quickness isn't that necessary when I have spellcasters capable of casting it (but better), and capital only sacreds.

Air didn't offer as much to my pretender as I'd hoped. Mist form WAS good, mirror image was lacking, and anti-arrow was nice, but eventually replacable.

I think I would need to gear my pretender to underwater expansion. I might experiment with going with the Son of the Sea, and sea how that lack of cold-theme affects my combat fatigue, scale boni, etc.

Izzyz August 28th, 2007 02:55 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Not for me. If I can't log on tonight, I'll likely stale. At which point, I'm through, despite the fact that I still have a competitive position. At least I will be done with twitch-clicking a dozen times to try to log into this game. Unfortunately, if I can't log on, I can't set myself to AI. Any suggestions?

Jazzepi August 28th, 2007 11:29 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Yeah for a second there it was working fine, now it isn't anymore =\

You could find someone else to sub for you that's willing to work through the weirdness to connect and give them your password.


fungalreason August 28th, 2007 12:35 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Was able to log on this morning, but again it took about 8 iterations of attempting to connect and then killing dom3.exe.

Tequilich August 30th, 2007 01:23 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started) *DELETED*
Post deleted by Tequilich

fungalreason August 30th, 2007 02:49 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started) *DELETED*
Post deleted by fungalreason

Tequilich August 30th, 2007 03:29 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Hmm, I guess I must have forgotton after not connecting for a few turns... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/yawn.gif

fungalreason August 30th, 2007 03:42 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
No worries http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif On the bright side, whichever party loses won't have to deal with the connection issues any longer.

Zachariah August 31st, 2007 02:40 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
so looks like a whole lot of people staled the last two turns (at least). Should we just kill this poor game, and start a new one? Again, this game was the only one that had this connection problem, and i still don't really know why.

Jazzepi August 31st, 2007 02:46 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I'm still playing, and in good position, but it is extremely frustrating to have half the players suddenly drop out =\

Have you tried restarting the server instead of just the process?


Jazzepi August 31st, 2007 06:57 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Midgard, Agartha, Marignon, and Ermor are about to stale. I know they are having connection issues. If those players can no longer play from connection issues, or no longer wish to go through the hassle of connecting, perhaps we could try to find replacements?

I know Emor's position is strong. Marignon is doing okay though under threat by two nations. Argatha is being consumed by Emor, I think, and I have no idea about midgard.

Could the players for those nations please speak up so that we could either find a replacement, or set them AI?

I, for one, haven't given up on this game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Izzyz August 31st, 2007 10:18 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Hi all,
It is hard enough to play well when in full command. Without being able to connect consistently, I can't play well enough to want to continue. I have a powerful position, and anyone is welcome to it. I have not set a password, so anyone who can connect is welcome to take over, or set me to AI. I would welcome a new game, though. Unless someone posts confirming that a reboot has fixed the connection problem, I will no longer even try to log on. Sorry to all of you that have winning positions, and to my opponents for giving up the fight. I'll get you next time!

Schaedelbaron September 1st, 2007 09:52 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
midgard here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

i donīt want to continue so set to AI or replace.
was fun though

fungalreason September 1st, 2007 01:51 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I would continue, but it seems like more than half the people have stopped/lost interest.

AreWeInsaneYet September 2nd, 2007 02:31 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I've lost interest as well. Missed three turns thinking the server's down. Is there anyone interested in sub a big, well run nation, with 3 capitols?
If not, I guess I'll set to AI this turn.

Jazzepi September 2nd, 2007 02:33 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Meh. I think I'm going to go AI myself http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif


PashaDawg September 3rd, 2007 08:38 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Hmm. Still having trouble connecting.

Is it safe to assume that this game is ending?

AreWeInsaneYet September 3rd, 2007 08:40 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
It's ended...for me. After a series of connection failure I can't even get myself AIed. Frustrating.

PashaDawg September 3rd, 2007 12:47 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Bluebird has returned and will take over Arco, if the game continues.

Tequilich September 3rd, 2007 07:05 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
My puter has a heart attack when I open dom3 4-5 times to log in to this game so I am headed to AI. sorry.

Rytek September 5th, 2007 03:23 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
LOL. OK so me and marigon fight it out. I make this huge communion of warlocks and have one of the leaders cast hellpower for hah hah.Another one casts power of the spheres. Then the plan was to spam horror marks everywhere while summoning horrors. Hah, I didnt realize hell power horror marked the guy casting it. So, there are like 8 horrors attacking everywhere. Mostly on my warlocks who have all been horror marked through the communion. my army of flaming slingers and arrows are shooting everywhere. its total mayham. I'm not quite sure how I only had 3 warlocks die. But now they are all horror marked! heh. thats what i get for trying stuff that i havent tested.

Jazzepi September 6th, 2007 01:13 AM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
This game is dead. Please wait until the next turn, at least, before taking down the game service, I'm trying out some golem SCs and I want to see how they do.


Rytek September 6th, 2007 09:47 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I have gone AI. I am tired of trying to connect 8 times before finally connecting.

Jazzepi September 6th, 2007 10:17 PM

Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I got to see my SCs in action. Feel free to take down the game.


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