![]() |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Well, I would appreciate hearing from Sir_Dr_D, but according to this, he's only stalled three times. Most likely, labor day weekend was the culprit. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Oh Orbouroros! Our enemies surround us. They try to grind our bones to dust. What oh snakey would you have us do? offer them crackers? Invites them for some tea? Crush thier skulls? Squrit wipped cream in their faces and hide behind the couch? What is your divine plan you silly snake?
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
The vast legions of Atlantis, which are comprised solely of two different types of soldier, are preparing for WAR. Unfortunately, they have no one to WAR against. That comes of being nice and diplomatic with all your neighbours, and getting peace agreements.
Thus, we will be sitting in the peaceful depths, building shamblers, peering into the dark crystal, and researching shark attack. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Oh, ya. We will also cast approximately two hundred and seventy three melancholy spells at random provinces, just to use our earth gems.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Perhaps Orbouroros should have responded to some diplomatic messages instead of ignoring them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Ouroboros was, if I recall correctly, was dead for awhile. He might not have recieved those messages.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Sorry about that. And only one of those turns stalled was because of labor day. The other two were accidents where I thought I had submitted my turn. Turns in this game are happening quite fast. I am surprised. Usually by this time turns always wait until the end of the turn timer. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Agartha, by your actions, a state of war now exists between our two nations. I call upon my allies, If I have any, to crush the Agarthan menace before its magic and armies become unstoppable. Yomi, neighbour to Agartha, friend to Atlantis, is especially encouraged, regardless of former alliances, to destroy the Cave Dwellers before it is too late.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
We welcome the war - or will once our nations actually have a border, anyway. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I got your back, Lets kick some cavedweller butt.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Err... ya... ummm. The undefended temple was dumb, but I figured that no one would dare harm defenceless priests.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I have a question, what are elder dwarfes, and if they are heroes why has vanheim 2 of them? I suspect worthy heroes of being responsible.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
With Worthy Heroes mod, Luck scale is worth a little bit more than in normal game. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I sugested worthy heros then I took misfortune. Silly me.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
*major whine* And when i invaded Vanheim, i thought id be smart as they dont have any archers. (note to log: bladewind has the same effect as archers) OK, i have now created an allpowerful pretender for Kailasa that will win the next EA game i'll join http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
projectiles ftw!
Not sure what I'd do if you had an A9 bless though. Except shadow blast, but thats a helluva drain of gems |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Worthy heros is weird.
I have got a commander of the living pillars... with Autosummon Living Pillar! I'm playing turmoil 3 luck 3, and Commanders Of the LP are multiheros- worrysome. BTW, did you know you could get E5 basalt kings? With earthpower and boots= E7? |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
The odds are painfully slim, but I can get a D5 Sauromancer.
Give them a skull staff and a whatchamacallit skull helmet (someone locked my manual away), and I've got a D7 Sauromancer. If I get even further lucky with twice born, then I'd get a D8 mage. Give them a Sceptre of Dark Regency, and I've got an undead mage with 10 death. Needless to say, that's so rare I can't base a strategy on it. Besides, what in the world would I do with 10 death magic anyways? Well, I guess I would see how large Shadow Blast's AOE gets. "The nation of Ctis is suffering a bout of cold weather. This has started a massive migration towards the warmest lands we can find." Of all my scales, the only one that hasn't seemed to taken root anywhere is my heat. Conveniently enough, I started next to another warm nation who I can attack without worrying about winter rendering my troops impotent. (Coldblooded +1 fatigue in 0, +4 in in cold scale). I just received a hero as well. She has seven points worth of magic, but they're scattered around somewhat inefficiently. She's powerful enough, but I can get D4 easily, can summon an N3S3 mage (eventually). She will become obsolete, but since I'm a long way from Couatl, she'll be quite nice, for research and forging, if noting else. I may be able to find some particular applications for her if I think about it, but her use isn't immediately obvious. I really should update my AAR again. Its been over a dozen turns since I last put in an entry, and with the start of my invasion of Abysia, I'll have a lot to write about. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I would like to announce that Caleum has killed the champion of the world, "whats his name" from Yomi, who won the last death match and had that nifty fur of fenris.
Actually, we killed him twice. Since his first form is a demon and his second form is undead I wonder if that means that ritual of rebirth will not work on him? Hope so. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I've been taking luck in a lot of my games recently. I wasn't sure on it's effectiveness in an MP setting, and aside from the dwarven elders the effects haven't been so pronounced. I've got more than you've seen too, so I guess it's something to be pleased with. In SP where you usually have a lot more provinces it's great.
I was in 2 other MP games at the same time as this one and I don't think I won a single battle in both my downfalls. So actually winning one has made it all worth it. It's like shooting ridiculously over par in golf and then getting a birdie on the 18th. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I took turmoil 3 luck three. I have thus far got about 140 gems from events- so many gems, in fact, that I've summoned about eighty claymen for fun.
Agartha- Rigden Jyepo is DOOMED! He has only two options- to flee into Bogus's band, or fight the mighy wrath of Ivan. Needless to say, he will die horribly. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I have just pulled off the most boring, uneventful war ever, against Abysia. I've taken (1) province. Fought (1) battle. And have no immediate plans for any further action.
I remembered the assassins of Abyssia... but realize at the last that I don't have enough spare commanders on the scene. So I've pretty much lost all momentum, and surprise. Not much else, yet, fortunately. Well, more commanders are on the way. I've been pretty happy with my one luck (though with Ctis' number of heroes - including one with reanimate dead) I wish I had more. Unlike my misfortune two games, I haven't had swarms of barbarians and knights and troglodytes harassing me. I've had some bad events, but its an all around much more pleasant game. I much prefer luck one to misfortune-order, it seems. I haven't updated my aar, but thanks to that initial skirmish, I do have some thoughts on what kind of troops to recruit. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I've got three luck, but no heroes have bothered to show yet...bastards.
I like luck for the gems, but I'm thinking growth might've been better, combined with my order scales. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
And we'll see whether mighty Tsar Ivan will be so wrathful now, with several horror marks. Also, i really couldn't believe you would leave another province without PD for my scout to take. Come on, buy at least 1 point everywhere. You already lost two temples to this scout, and now another province... Oh, and if you'd rather avoid further harm, we can always talk of course... in private http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I really should have attacked earlier, assasins or no.
You're surprisingly deadly in even wet weather, abyssia. About all I accomplished was cutting your Salamander population in half. I am dying to know what site my spell uncovered as you took my province. I'd been holding off on that spell because the enemy always takes the province just as I cast the spell... Alternatively, I should have had many of my forces fall back. I wasn't that far from breaking my troops into raiding parties, but as I said, I took too long. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
yes, i'm very happy to have my site searching done for me, thank you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Hey, Szumo. No, not a t all surprised about the pretender. I figured he'd either fly or teleport away, but always good to indulge in wishful thinking. In any case, Ivan isn't really that fearsome in combat anyways, and he sure isn't helping with research. Horror marks? Pft!
Umm.... well... if you attacked my underwater provinces with your scout, you'd find I have perfectly good PD... |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Cowardly Sauromantians are trying to avoid the Battle, but if they avoid it too long, i will capture their capitol.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
As this current turn is due at four am... I'd like to request a shift to a 30 hour timer.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Just a heads up. I'm getting married on Friday and our families start flying in on Thursday night. Would it be possible to get the game delayed for a few days, say starting Thursday morning till at least Monday?
(Just my luck that this is the one llamaserver game I'm in that I'm not adminning. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif) -Ubercat |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Congratulations. I hope.
I have no problem with thirty hours or delays, myself. Despite my imminent war with the mighty hordes of Agartha (Prepare to DIE! Muahahah!). What say you, host? |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Next turn, monkeylovers. Also, congrats to Ubercat. No problem with a delay here, or a change to 30 hour hosting...in fact its welcome since it's back to school with me soon. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
yes congrats to ubercat, however have you tried to find a sub first? or is that out of the question?
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
OK, i have set the hosting interval to 30 hours.
@Sauromantia This happens to everyone at least once http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif, now im only 2 turns away from your capitol http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
My condolences to Ubercat. The marriage is a nice thing, but the in-laws...
Seriously, congratulations. Not so seriously, Marriage is finding that special someone with whom you can grow fat and old with. Enjoy the food. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
DEFINITELY looking forward to the food, and cake. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
It seems that people who look for subs generally can't find them, and I can see why. Who wants to play with a position they didn't make? Anyhow, things are too delicate in game right now for me to want to trust my turns to another without my overbearing guidance. And if I'm going to tell the sub everything to do, what's the point of having one? |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Congrats Ubercat. Marriage is fun.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
My fiancee will have some friends staying with us till next Thursday, and she might frown on me taking turns every day anyhow. Maybe the 48 hour timer would be better overall. What do people think? |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
48h turns on turn 30 are common, so i dont think that lots of people will object http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
From what I understand, that will work perfectly, giving 72 hours, with one caveat. Even with hosting postponed, if everyone's turn is in, the quickhost server will well, host, and get set back to the regular time. Just something to keep in mind. If, however, his turn doesn't go in, it won't host until the entire period is over. There are several solutions 1). If you get a new turn in your email, simply go back and postpone again. This is the simplest, probably best option. I recommend this one, since it means warhammer sent in his turn, and you should only need to go back once. 2). Set turn intervals to 72 hours or even more. Then, when you're ready to resume a regular schedule, change the interval back to normal and add postpone hosting by a negative number (since reducing hosting interval leaves current turn time intact, until everyone gets their turns in at least once). 3). Postpone by so many hours, and turn off quickhosting. EDIT: Sorrys. Busy, this post was written over the course of at least an hour. Its' out of date. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
[/quote] You could also just move to a 48 hour timer on Thursday. I can probably get in a turn somewhere this weekend so that would work. If you just delay the turn and I get a turn in, I'll be burning myself because the turn clock will drop back to 24 hours. My fiancee will have some friends staying with us till next Thursday, and she might frown on me taking turns every day anyhow. Maybe the 48 hour timer would be better overall. What do people think? [/quote] I wouldn't mind a change over to a 48 hour schedule. With a marriage going on, however, I suggest a 72 hour quickhost setup, at the very minimum. If you find the time, we can continue playing the next turn. On top of that, you don't have to worry as much if the preparations keep you exhausted and your fiancee - soon to be wife - keeps you up ALL night after the wedding... Of course, if you got her hooked on Dominions 3... Just so long as you're not getting married in World of Warcraft. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
A 48 or perhaps 72 hour schedule sounds good to me. We can go back to 30 later in the week if everyone wants to.
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
p.s. i set the turn timer to 50h |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I continually manage to underestimate Abysia. But at least I don't risk to much while I test these things - I did want my prophet killed off, for a particular reason. Too bad I have to wait before I can appoint another.
So... mindless undead chaff - nah. At least not in these quantities. Decay? Even with whatever mr modifier it has, it didn't take root even once out of three castings. Shadow Bolt - cast only once, didn't do noteworthy damage, but the paralysis is better than absolutely nothing. Light Infantry- useless against the infantry, but effective enough versus salamander. My Ctissians don't have the penetration (spears?) to penetrate a dual level nine fire-earth bless. The reinvigoration of four makes unending chaff considerably less effective... My Elite Warriors do have above average strength and tridents. Still less than the total protection I'm facing. |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Well, Lord Ivan knocked off a Banelord. Sending his items back your way, Agartha.
Fear my mighty army of Claymen and Fall Bears! They will EAT you! Muahaha! (don't ask) |
Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Time for some good natured trash talking. I will careful exclude coverage of my own mistakes.
Wow, that's an interesting new tactic for Abysia, Janlm. I've never seen someone trade one Demonbred and a Medallion of Vengeance for seven independent militia before. By all means, keep it up. (Translation: And this is why I no longer regret luck spawning swarms of seemingly useless militia. Free Demonbred protection. Not perfect coverage, but 40 of them patrolling will just about cancel out the stealth bonus and leave an equal discovery roll) |
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