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-   -   Evermore - MegaGame - Winner: AdmiralZhao! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35902)

Xietor September 24th, 2007 01:12 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore *DELETED*
Post deleted by Xietor

Lingchih September 24th, 2007 01:29 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Hmm. 15 signups for so far for the 62 nations. Methinks the megagame concept may have run it's course. Too bad, the first megagame has been a blast. I am surprised at the low turnout though. Surely, even if you are playing in other games, a new megagame is sexy enough to tempt you in.

Xietor September 24th, 2007 01:43 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I do not see why we want to start another megagame when the 1st one is just getting interesting. I am in turn 100 plus in alpaca, turn 60 something in epic heroes, and perpetuality.

It is a bit too much for me to undertake a 4th game atm.

Velusion September 24th, 2007 02:48 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

Lingchih said:
Hmm. 15 signups for so far for the 62 nations. Methinks the megagame concept may have run it's course. Too bad, the first megagame has been a blast. I am surprised at the low turnout though. Surely, even if you are playing in other games, a new megagame is sexy enough to tempt you in.

Some people are mulling over their lists, plus it's the weekend... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

In any case I'm cool with however many we get. We filled up the original game much to many people's surprise - so this game is just icing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

coobe September 24th, 2007 11:16 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
if there is still room, id like to join even though i wont survive long http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Evilhomer September 24th, 2007 11:20 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I am pretty sure there is plenty of room left

Kristoffer O September 24th, 2007 01:40 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
How much time is spent in these games?

I think I would like to be in, but I also think I want to be crushed say in mid game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Meglobob September 24th, 2007 02:03 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

Kristoffer O said:
How much time is spent in these games?

Its just like a normal game, time wise. Only the end game takes longer.

I believe by turn 70 there are only 20 out of 62 players left in Perpetuality. So the odds are you will be well dead before the end game. I died on turn 25'ish, cause I am rubbish. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

The banter at game start is fun, however, 62 voices... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

Baalz September 24th, 2007 02:27 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Also there is no shame in letting somebody sub in for you if it gets to be too much. FWIW, I'm sure the 3-4 top players have quite a bit to manage, but being middle of the pack out of the survivors so far it's really no more effort than any other end game, and less effort than the games where I'm in the running for winning by end game.

Xietor September 24th, 2007 07:50 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
"I think I would like to be in, but I also think I want to be crushed say in mid game."

Well KO you should play one of the races getting a boost and see how it does. Of course you will have to talk velusion in delaying the start until the patch. He has ants in his pants!

Kristoffer O September 25th, 2007 01:32 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Hmm, the patch is probably around the corner, but I'm not too keen on delaying the game if there are 62 players ready and waiting. Our comps are fixed, but we have to fetch them, compile the patch and release it for some beta before it's a go.

Still it would be fun if Fomoria was in the new game. MA Mictlan and TC can be updated after the game has started without any losses.

Shuma September 25th, 2007 03:00 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I would play if the new patch was released. I'll wait for it.

Velusion September 25th, 2007 04:17 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

Kristoffer O said:
Hmm, the patch is probably around the corner, but I'm not too keen on delaying the game if there are 62 players ready and waiting. Our comps are fixed, but we have to fetch them, compile the patch and release it for some beta before it's a go.

If I hear that patch will be out in the next two weeks I'm open to waiting on starting - but otherwise we'll probably keep same the start time (this Monday).

Also it's looking doubtful we'll have a full game... I'm thinking around 40+ probably. As others have said - the time commitment isn't any more than another MP game - unless you end up being one of the top nations in the end game.

We will, of course, update to the patch the moment it comes out if we have already started.

Xietor September 25th, 2007 08:47 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I do not see how you can bid intelligently on races that are being upgraded without seeing them 1st.

But my main issue is time. I see alpaca coming to an end(a pleasant one), in the next 2 weeks. If we can delay 2 weeks I am in-if not-not.

Evilhomer September 26th, 2007 08:28 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Xietor the turns during the first 2 weeks takes almost no time or planning.

Xietor September 26th, 2007 09:44 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Just planning what race i want takes time. Then planning my pretender takes time. and if i get a race i do not request playing test games to work out a strategy takes time.

Evilhomer September 26th, 2007 09:46 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Just wing it a bit if needed. You know the mega games are fun and deep down you want to play http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Xietor September 26th, 2007 09:46 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I am way to competitive to "wing it." Wish I could. A casual player I am not.

Evilhomer September 26th, 2007 09:50 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Well then just sign up with a list of nations that you are familiar with and know how to play. Put one that is not a high profile nation at the top of the list, should ensure you get a nation that you need no playtesting with.

edit: Of course if you do not wish to play thats another thing, don't wish to presure you or anything.

Kristoffer O September 26th, 2007 01:08 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

Xietor said:
I am way to competitive to "wing it." Wish I could. A casual player I am not.

You need to learn to chill! I can send in an application for you, and if you wish I can also create your pretender. Less angst that way http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif No obligations, no expectations, just play and make the best out of your deal.

Xietor September 26th, 2007 03:24 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I know I need to learn to "chill." But I have never been able to do anything less than 100 percent(:

I am in late game in 3 games. I cannot start a 4th yet-though id love to. Alpaca could be over soon-if other races concede defeat. But if they fight to the last province-it could take 2 more months.

Meglobob September 26th, 2007 03:26 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Its easy to chill in Sweden.

Hard to chill in New Orleans.

Thats why people with fire magic die sooner.


thejeff September 26th, 2007 03:38 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
It's also hard to chill, when you're going to be stuck with the bad pretender design and strategy for a long game.

Of course, if it's really bad your game may not be long...

Kristoffer O September 27th, 2007 01:10 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Easier to chill when you're stuck. Nothing you can do anyway, so why not just chill http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Kristoffer O September 27th, 2007 01:14 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
> Thats why people with fire magic die sooner.

Ha, liches with firemagic don't die sooner, they live forever - HAHAHAHAH.
And sometimes their addled brains are found and reinserted in their broken skulls. Then the Lord of Light, Persecutor and Destroyer of Youth will cleanse the world of evil.

Evilhomer September 27th, 2007 01:19 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Go ahead and sign up you as well Kristoffer, the more the merrier as they say. Hopefully Xietor will come around before deadline.

Kristoffer O September 27th, 2007 02:17 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I'm considering it. I also consider talking JK into joining. I'm just afraid I will not have time. My current MP game is slowly going downwards, so I might sign up.

Thrawn September 27th, 2007 03:36 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I would like in on this, please sign me up. I have heard all kinds of tales from previous mega-game players. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Velusion September 27th, 2007 03:42 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
To signup just follow the instructions in the first post http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Meglobob September 27th, 2007 03:56 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

Kristoffer O said:My current MP game is slowly going downwards, so I might sign up.

Surrender now! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Don't drag out your inevitable defeat! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Would it help if I say pretty please? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Kristoffer O September 27th, 2007 04:41 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Bah! I have just found my lost brain. No way I quit now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Meglobob September 27th, 2007 04:47 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

Kristoffer O said:
Bah! I have just found my lost brain. No way I quit now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Damn! You were doing pretty well without one.

Xietor September 28th, 2007 02:55 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore *DELETED*
Post deleted by Xietor

Velusion September 28th, 2007 03:36 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Everything is in the first post.

Velusion September 28th, 2007 05:02 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Well it looks like the game won't be so mega (hehe) as we have about 20 signed up. Which is fine with me really.

If we stick under 25 people I'll go ahead and up the provinces needed for victory to 60%. We will keep 16 players per province.

Also FYI - as there aren't near as many players as in the past it's likely the pop bonus won't be so high for random nation allocations.

The Mod *should* be available on Sunday while the map will be revealed at the same time nations selections are.

Xietor September 28th, 2007 06:22 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore *DELETED*
Post deleted by Xietor

Velusion September 28th, 2007 06:37 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

There will be no delay. Please stop asking.

tibbs September 28th, 2007 07:19 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I am not really a fan of the mega game but this one looks like it will be smaller. I'll see if I can come up with a list and send it to you over the weekend.


Velusion September 30th, 2007 02:21 AM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Added a few more players to the list. 36 hrs left to signup!

P.S. Instructions for signing up are listed on the first post in this thread. If your name isn't on the first post you are not signed up!

Evilhomer September 30th, 2007 01:48 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Maybe we should postpone the sign up deadline until next weekend - by then we might have more people and the new patch might be out.

coobe September 30th, 2007 01:57 PM

Re: Evermore - MegaGame - Starting: 10/01 (Sign-up
I would like to sign up, but said this several posts ago...

hope there is still room ??

Velusion September 30th, 2007 02:03 PM

Re: Evermore - MegaGame - Starting: 10/01 (Sign-up

coobe said:
I would like to sign up, but said this several posts ago...

hope there is still room ??

Follow the instructions on the first post.

Evilhomer September 30th, 2007 02:03 PM

Re: Evermore - MegaGame - Starting: 10/01 (Sign-up
Coobe see post 1 on the first page for details on how to sign up. Or in short

How to Signup: Send me an email (velusion(at)sbcglobal.net) or PM with a list of your preferred nations. The list can be as long or as short as you like – you may even elect to be randomly assigned a nation. Also include your password for your nation in this email/PM. If you would like to get email notification when the game hosts make sure and give me your email address. Do not sign up in this thread! Be sure and include you password in your signup!

Velusion October 1st, 2007 04:31 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Nations have been awarded! To see what you got look on the first post in this thread. To see in detail how nations were awarded check out:

As we got 28 players I've increased the winning province total to 60% (pretty much the standard in all my games).

Players have until 10pm Oct4th to upload their pretenders. Upload them to the following locations depending on the era your nation belongs to:
Early: port: 10021
Middle: port: 10022
Late: port: 10023

The map is available here:

A link to the mod (which isn't required to create/upload your pretender) will be put up soon.

DrP - I'd like to ask your assistance again in awarding all the pop bonuses (I'll send you a PM). http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Hadrian_II October 1st, 2007 05:56 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I expected more competition on Lanka, but im happy to get it in the first round.

DrPraetorious October 1st, 2007 07:21 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
I still think this map has about 50% too much water http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif, but I'll manage.

Is there any support for pimping some of the provinces, yo?

Lingchih October 1st, 2007 07:25 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Damn, I got MA R'lyeh. I'm going to be playing them in two games now at the same time. I should be really sick of them in a few weeks.

GnomeNonsense October 1st, 2007 10:01 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
Aw. A few hours late to the party. Serves me right for working!

tibbs October 1st, 2007 10:26 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore
It's refreshing to see some of the less played nations in here. I even see someone picked MA Mictlan!

Hopefully the patch will even things up for them.

Velusion October 1st, 2007 10:28 PM

Re: Placeholder for new Megagame - Evermore

tibbs said:
It's refreshing to see some of the less played nations in here. I even see someone picked MA Mictlan!

Hopefully the patch will even things up for them.

Well "pick" probably isn't right. They choose a random nation and were "Awarded" MA Mictlan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

I do think the patch will help em out alot though.

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