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Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Scale bug has hurt my start a good bit(:
Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I just sent in a turn for Ulm. Sorry for the delay.
Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
thanks llamabeast! You are the best.
It is the player's responsibility to find subs btw. I do not mind trying if i have the time, and i usually do, but that may not always be the case. Especially when the game gets midgame and turns are harder to do. Subs become harder to find. *it may be that Ulm did not set up a password. my inability to get the turn sent off to EH looks to be human error on my part(: |
Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
R'lyeh is really doomed in that game. I don't remember having that many nasty things in so short time...
Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
did you take misfortune?
Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I hope my neighbors are peaceful. The sages of arcos. like study and scholastic pursuits.
Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Well I did have a password. Didnt realize I dont need it. I should be able to do turn 3 but it seems that someone already did it for me. Its ok but I will be wanting to do the next turn myself. I should get access to my computer on sunday but if not I shall inform you and anyone willing to sub me will get the password.
Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Aapeli - yep, sorry, I failed to take the last turn in time, so took turn 3 instead. But you can still take it yourself - it will just overwrite my efforts.
Normally you should always have a password for an MP game. But with PBEM no-one else has access to your trn files anyway (well, except me), so the password is superfluous. Does no harm though (the earlier issue was a misunderstanding). |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
An excerpt form Marignon
<i>Missionary Pete: Greetings loyal followers. Today I will fill you in on great news. This time of darkness will soon be over. Peasant Bob: But how is that possible? With the Great Supreme God gone, all is lost. Missionary Pete: Our own divine being, the great Taurvati (let him fill us with power) has a plan. He will restore order to this land of chaos. You saw the Tithe Collector set out last month with a great force. That is the first part of the plan. You see the plan is this..." Peasant Bob: Wow, Taurvati (let him fill us with power) is full of widsom. With that plan the world will be saved for sure. But there is one thing that I don't understand Missionary Pete. With the great words that we bring, and a message of peace, why do we need weapons? Missionary Pete: Peasant Bob you are yet young and there is much you don't understand about the world. There are people out there who have not yet been blessed with the great message of Taurvati, and do evil things. They use forbidden magic, have funky hairDo's, are quick to anger, engage in forbidden dances, associate with bog beasts, drink Ulmish wine, and lets not forget what happened with Ermor. A big hush flows through the crowd. Missionary Pete: There is even people out there who want to have fun. Peasant Bob: Thats horrible. The world would be struck with great disorder. Missionary Pete: But with the great Taurvati's plan all will be saved. Peasant Bob have you finished your purification? Peasant Bob: I have now fully given myself to the great Taurvati. All my possesions have been given to the Tithe Collector as is my duty, and to prevent myself from running way from trouble, like I shamefully have in the past, I have injured my knee. Missionary Pete: Injuring yourself was supposed to be a metaphor, but Taurvati is well pleased. You shall now be known as Flagellant Bob. (May Taurvati guide you in combat) Flagellant Bob: From this moment on I pledge to fight any of Taurvati's enemies. Missionary Pete: Now here is your first assignment. You shall join the Tithe collector and... [/i] |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Great story!
And I do mean it. Now do your turn Sir D. You are the only hold out. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Thanks Xietor. Role playing Marignon is fun.
I got my turn in now, as well as the next one. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I actually like the theme of the Tithe Collector. Very Wicked-all in the name of righteousness.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Oops, sorry, I posted on the wrong thread, hahaha, carry on, nothing to see here =)
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
LA Ermor? This game is all MA races. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
LoloMo. You posted in the wrong thread.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I think I will go AI, I had extremely bad luck and it seems that I have no chance to get back from it.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Did you take misfortune Zedor? How much?
I actually own the fewest provinces. I took strong scales and had the scale bug(: That is equivalent to have a bad event every turn of the game so far. Also all 3 of the water races are new players-so you may have time to overcome a slow start. I am praying that I do(: Few things are so dire that you need to go ai on turn 5. Try to stick it out if you can for a few turns and see if things get better. Of course if you took strong misfortune-things likely will not get better. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Yes Zeldor, please do not go AI.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I only just checked - my capital has no scale bonuses either, and that's prety painful.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Heck, I just came in to commiserate that I just lost my epic hero to a really bad luck roll against some knights. Good to know others are sucking it up to. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I think we should congratulate Atlantis, it is probably them that killed Oceania. Fast.
Xietor: I have read some manuals for R'lyeh and other nations too. Advice was to take Order 3 and some misfortune. I have tried some misfortune in other MP games [blitz ones] after that and I see that it is the worst choice you can do. Order 3 cannot even negate misfortune 1 effects. In 2 other games I lost lab in first turn and got 4 barbarians hordes in 2 turns. And here I added my mistake caused by lack of knowledge on water nations and indies http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I will see what I can do, but Atlantis seems to be really strong. And I am weaker than on turn 1. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
My experience has been that misfortune amplifies negative scales. So I would connect lost lab with misfortune + sloth, barbarian attacks with misfortune + turmoil. There are corresponding bad events for misfortune + death/cold. Not sure if there is for heat and drain.
But if you survive to mid game, the misfortune events are not as big a factor as they are capped at max of 4 per turn. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I have taken bad scales-2 drain, 3 heat, 3 sloth. I refuse to take even 1 misfortune. With the scale bug you may end up with no order and misfortune. Very deadly in the early game.
Oceania is the 1st casualty of Epic Heroes II. He died a dominion death on turn 6. Atlantis is the suspect in converting the Oceanians to his faith. Looks like the water is a 2 horse race now. But beware of Agartha, Shinuyama, or MA Ermor if they border the water! All 3 of those nations can get into the water fairly easily. Elephants cannot swim, so the water races are free from me! And hang in there zeldor. With only 2 races in the water, you have a good chance. The Ryleh Epic Hero is quite brutal when used correctly. Especially good at siege busting. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Don't ever go to Las Vegas... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Panjang burps. But Panjang still hungry. Panjang MUST FEED!
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
How does dominion killing actually work? I didn't expect it to be so effective so fast - I'm sure Oceania still had 3 provinces with candles at the end of the last turn.
Oh, and a couple of other questions just popped into my mind just then: 1 - When you use items or a special leader to bring land units underwater, do they fight with penalties? i.e. Poor Amphibious? Also, are archers and other ranged units useless underwater? 2 - Units that can regenerate have a lesser chance of receiving battlefield afflictions... but can they also heal afflictions that they have received? Is it similar to recuperation in that respect? For the record... I had a bunch of independant tritons attack my capital, but i was fortunate enough that my pd killed them off! |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Land units underwater fight at a penalty.
Regeneration does not heal affliction, recuperation does. It does reduce your chances of getting afflictions. It is typically a good thing to take high dominion as a water race. You likely had a very high dominion, 9 or 10. Oceania must have had a fairly low dominion 5 or so? I think units that change shape have a chance of removing afflictions, but I am not certain of the percentage chance they have. Jaguar Warriors for example. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
All of Marignon takes a momment of silence. They pray for the recently departed Mister Clacky, and that he will find redemption within the great void.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Dammit - domain kill. How embarrasing.
Suffice it to say that I didn't have nearly the domain strength that Panjang did, and hadn't hired any Bishop Fish to help out. Both were mistakes I paid for. Is the Atlantis hero supposed to have any strengths beyond being a competent mage? |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Atlantis Hero has a good summon. The Silver Orang. He also has a Death Touch attack. Similar to life for a life-but can
only be used once per battle. He also produces 2d gems a turn. Skellies come to him in good numbers. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Sorry, I meant Oceania. I keep doing that... :-(
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Oceania has a 60 hp mr 22 Basalt king with good magic paths
and a forge ability. Sort of a warrior mage. My thoughts were he should be made a prophet and with a n4 bless could likely take provinces solo right off the bat. He has no secret abilities or summons, however. Just a very tough hero out of the box. more so if he is made a prophet. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I liked the paths, but never tried prophetising him. Trrying him as a SC without the prophet bless just got him dead, unlike the land SC heroes, so I didn't rate him for that.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
In my test, making him a prophet with a n4 bless, made him fairly powerful if you attacked in provinces having your dominion.
Few land heroes are tougher. Arcos Epic Hero, who I am playing, would never be sent solo into a province whether a prophet or not. Nor would vanheims. Not all Epic Heroes are meant to be thugs. Though Beowulf, the Ancient Master, and a few others are clearly that. Edi designed the Oceania Epic Hero. And he is fairly tough. Ryleh's Epic Hero is tough also, but I likely would not attemt to take a sea province solo with him. And Atlantis' hero is clearly not designed to be a thug. So of the 3 water races, Oceania's Epic Hero is best designed to be a thug, but id say he needs the prophet bless and n4 to safely take provinces. One should never take a province blind on the 1st turn. I know Dr. P and others risk it, but it is a risk. Knights can kill most of the Epic heroes if they get their charge attacks to land. And the air mage pd will kill any Epic Hero that does not have lightning protection-and few do. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
The monkey king is quite strong, too bad i did not get a heroic ability that gives hitpoints :/
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I guess what struck me with oceania was that there wasn't a clear path for me (a newb) to take with the hero. No summons or domsummons, not an obvious SC like Shinuyama or Man, so I just used him for a head start with research.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
using him to site search is not a bad option. oceania has tough castle bought troops for early expansion. A small bless and your capital sacred units are pretty tough as well.
The dominion kill happened to Ctis in epic heroes I. Ctis was also played by a new player. It is hard for new players to compete in mp games that have many experienced players in it regardless of race/hero. But thank you for trying. Hopefully you learned a little bit. And I am sorry the game was not longer for you. And above all-I hope it was fun despite the early exit. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
The early expansion in this game has been very aggression. I guess everyone is taking a gamble with their epics, instead of playing it safe. And Dr P taking his hero out blind the very first turn, was a big gamble.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Yeah, in the test game I ran I couldn't find an indie to scratch my guy, then 4 turns into the real game he takes a lance to the forehead. :/
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Is the Ancient Master dead, or was that an awake Wyrm? Killing off the Ancient Master is not an easy thing to do.
Well, Dr. P killed him off last game with frozen heart, but surely the good Dr. does not have that researched quite yet. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
The Ancient Master fell in single (almost) combat with the Blood Cursed champion!
Long live Mictlan! |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Wow! Turn 7 and 3 of the 18 Epic Heroes are dead-that we know of.
The Blood-Cursed Champion and the Angel of Death are both just sickly powerful. Though I think the Ancient Master is certainly capable of killing the Blood-Cursed Champion. The Quivering Palm can bring down anything if it lands-unless he had lightning protection. It is a shock attack. Dr. P can correct me, but I think he lost the Blood-Cursed Champion in a single combat to an Atlantis Worthy Hero last game. One more reason to never take misf, as that reduces your chance of getting another thug. Some of the Worthy Heroes are quite "Epic." All of the Epic Heroes are designed to be valuable, though not all of them are designed to take provinces early. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Yeah, that's correct.
I lost him vs. the escaped traitor prince, in personal combat, I believe, who had been tricked out quite fierce. The traitor prince was then brought down by a host of the surrounding jaguar warriors. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Actually, the more I think about it, unless the Blood-Cursed Champion had a fire bless up, I think the Ancient Master would defeat him 1 v 1. Blood-Cursed Champion has 3 poison based attacks and the Ancient Master is immune to poison-but not fire.
I do think it is a mistake to make most Epic Heroes a Prophet though, as that is one of the reasons Dr. P lost his Blood-Cursed Champion in EH1. If memory serves, Dr. P lamented that the fight with the Traitor Prince took place in enemy dominion. Maybe Shinuyama can post a screenshot of the battle? I doubt Mictlan will willingly divulge his bless, though an s9 f9 are almost certainly his bless, with maybe a n4 or b4 thrown in. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
yeah. but take the monkey king into enemy dominion and he is toast as a prophet with low hps.
I do see a strong case for making the immortal assassin and the monkey king prophets. They are both immortal and really should not be risked outside of friendly dominion anyway. Actually a screenshot of the fight would not show the bless of the units. |
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I can't get the Llamaserver to accept my turn file, Llamabeast has made a post saying the server is having troubles, can we get the hosting delayed until everyone's turns can get accepted?
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
llamabeast said he is going to delay the hosting of all games by 24 hours. So I will leave it in his capable hands.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
Great, I had the same problem.
Re: An excerpt form Marignon
I went ahead and postponed the hosting by 24 hours. If LLama does an additional 24, i will remove it.
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