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llamabeast January 16th, 2008 09:03 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
I've postponed the hosting by 12 hours for myself. I've been/am in London, and won't get back till very late tonight.

I see from the LlamaServer that the Skaven and Abysia are out/AIed. I guess my Air Queen finally got your ragtag bunch of pests, Digress? What a relief!

llamabeast January 17th, 2008 09:05 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
I've given myself another 8 hours - I didn't really have time to take my turn before work.

Turns out I didn't have such a good time against the Skaven after all, I guess Digress just finally set himself to AI (many thanks by the way Digress for battling on so long). His ratlings fought off my invincible Air Queen (she lives, but 50 turns of killing skeletons made her run off), only to be finally destroyed by an army of penitents, with monstrous losses. But meanwhile a single death mage popped up elsewhere, and liberated another province from me. Cursed ratlings!

Alneyan January 17th, 2008 03:15 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Phew, Skaven didn't survive our alliance after all! Okay, time to see my rolling thunder... erh... I sure hope you've got bigger armies in the North against Ulm.

Digress January 18th, 2008 03:36 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Thought I wouldn't survive the turn so set myself to AI (did mean to announce it). Had been reduced to using some of my surviving mages as melee units to hold of province defence long enough for remaining mages to mop them up.

Ummmm ... is it rude to ask what happened to Abysia ? As my income nose dived I kind of killed off my scouts in the north by bringing them back to attack Ulm's weakly defended provinces (without great success). Did someone other than Ulm Reborn profit from their destruction ?

Thanks again to everyone for the game. Thanks especially to llamabeast for setting it up and to Sombre for the various mods that added some real flavour to proceedings. At present I am playing Ulm Reborn in the mid part of a game and am still convinced that as a nation it is well balanced (even though Ulm Reborn just whipped my hairy hide).

Edited to thank Sombre - quite an oversight !!!

Yucky January 18th, 2008 11:57 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls

Digress said:Ummmm ... is it rude to ask what happened to Abysia ? As my income nose dived I kind of killed off my scouts in the north by bringing them back to attack Ulm's weakly defended provinces (without great success). Did someone other than Ulm Reborn profit from their destruction?

Hopefully not, my war with Tien Chi left me quite soft for the Ulm invasion, his stealthers crippled all my fortresses. I did manage to kill many barbarians including their wyrm god in my attempts to take them down with me.

Obviously, in hindsight, I should have ended my NAP with Ulm as soon as it was clear he was dominating. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

Sombre January 18th, 2008 11:03 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
What stealth troops was he using?

Digress January 18th, 2008 11:34 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Concubines ?

That would be my guess .....

Yucky January 19th, 2008 12:11 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Imperial Consorts, the Tien Chi spies. I had to devote valuable armies to rooting them out even though I had real good PD in those provinces.

Alneyan January 19th, 2008 06:15 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
This is very late, but Ulm hasn't played yet... is it possible to push back hosting by 24 hours? Thanks! (I'll try to send you a mail if I can find your address before I have to leave)

llamabeast January 20th, 2008 08:32 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Aaargh, seems we had a disastrous Turn 62. I took my turn very carefully, before somehow apparently forgetting to send my turn in, and driving to Wales to see a friend in a pantomime*. Then Alneyan messaged me to ask for a postponement (unreceived, me being in Wales). And for some reason Bandar staled too. So only T'ien Ch'i took his turn!

Anyway, the time has come for war. I had hoped to actually have my armies on your borders, but oh well. Let the battles commence!

I observe, incidentally, that I have a ridiculous number of bards/consorts in my territory causing unrest. Pests!

* - If you don't live in England, pantomimes have a different meaning to in the rest of Europe. They are musical comedy things which follow a curiously fixed pattern, with lots of cross-dressing. I think they're unique to the UK.

Sombre January 21st, 2008 04:45 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
He's behind you!

llamabeast January 21st, 2008 07:20 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls

Sombre January 21st, 2008 01:18 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
You're supposed to say 'Oh no he isn't' you clown http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Digress January 21st, 2008 07:28 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
We will try again

"He's behind you !"

Or are Welsh pantomimes more sophisticated ?

llamabeast January 21st, 2008 07:33 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Oh! Oh, I hadn't made the connection with the panto at all! D'oh!

That really was pretty stupid. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Okay, here we go:

> He's behind you!

*Walks around in a circle, blatantly missing the (something) following just behind*

Tyrant January 22nd, 2008 11:49 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Could I have a 24 delay please? I'm not going to be able to do my turn tonight and it will host before i can get home tomarrow.

llamabeast January 23rd, 2008 08:06 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Yep, sure.

llamabeast January 25th, 2008 03:15 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
I postponed the turn again for myself (wasn't able to take the turn last night but have taken it now - I've had a completely uncharacteristic bout of insomnia and am still awake (6.15am)), but Alneyan hasn't taken his turn yet, so I'll add yet another 12 hours on, so the turn will be due at 11pm GMT. Been a long turn, this one!

Xietor January 25th, 2008 03:49 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
try a glass of wine or 2, coupled with sex Llamabeast. Works wonders for getting a good night's sleep!


llamabeast January 25th, 2008 04:15 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Hmm, one of those suggestions is easier to implement than the other...

I actually had an audition tonight for an improvised comedy group I really wanted to get into. I think I psyched myself up for it a bit too much, I've been getting increasingly tense all week. Anyway, I didn't get in (which is okay, good for my PhD since it would be time consuming, and to be fair there were other people there who were better), but it seems like all the adrenaline or something has left me a little confused. I don't normally get very stressy, nor have problems sleeping. I think there's something peculiarly psychologically unpleasant about auditions. Very judgmental things.

Glass of wine though - good idea. I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. Though now I think I may as well just stay up and go into the office. I'm teaching maths in a few hours - I'm not sure that's going to go very well!

Sombre January 25th, 2008 04:59 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls

llamabeast said:
Hmm, one of those suggestions is easier to implement than the other...

Yeah, where's the poor guy going to find wine in the middle of the night?

llamabeast January 25th, 2008 05:02 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls

Digress January 25th, 2008 07:15 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
I always found teaching undergraduates in the morning was eased by a large serving of alcohol some hours beforehand. Seminars at 8 am on a Friday were always particularly improved by a staying up late enough so that the hangover didn't really kick in until lunch time (after giving a tutorial and taking a lab class). It really prepares you for getting some research work done in the afternoon http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif .... before heading to the pub at six http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Alneyan January 25th, 2008 08:48 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Okay, thanks for delaying the hosting last time. I did my turn well ahead of schedule for once (that must be why I forgot to take my turn in another game at the same time), but I forgot my SMTP was still down. didn't bother to check for my mail, and then dropped off the Internet for a few days, and wiggled in to get my turn by the deadline.

I've ditched my SMTP now and decided to spend a bit of time to get something up and running. Of course, as it turned out, that only took a couple minutes (testing included), and a much simpler setup based on a simple SSH tunnel (I was using a full-blown SMTP server to relay my mails to another relay... bleh).

Anyway. Man is currently trying to dig in and wait for Ulm to start suffering. My armies don't stand a chance in a fair fight, my attempt at building a thug was ludicrous and I'm not willing to send in my one SC Ulm knows of into battle, and my battle magic is untried yet. We'll see how it turns out soon enough, I guess... I've got a credible threat sitting next to my capital at the moment.

I'd like some Death gems if possible to keep casting Leprosy on those Ulmish armies. If you spot big, fat armies just begging to be diseased, let me know. I've got some gems I can't really use, so please tell me if you could use some (I'm not disclosing the contents of my gem stockpile, as Ulm doesn't have that particular information... they'll figure it out soon enough, anyway).

I shudder to think that as bad as my military looks now, it's never been in a better shape. Ah, if only I had an extra 500 turns for my Growth scale to blossom, and Ulm's Death to kill them all... Let's hope I can be a nuisance anyhow.

llamabeast January 26th, 2008 09:55 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Hmm, an interesting turn this last one. A number of minor defeats - Bandar ingeniously killed my Golem SC with a magic duel, and T'ien Ch'i managed to annihilate one of my large armies that was about to march into his land. It may have been a Pyrrhic victory though, since most of his army was killed too. The one really frustrating thing about that battle: I forgot to script Divine Bless! All those sacreds, all those H3 casters, and no blessing - aaaagh! Also my air queen managed to kill a Bandar army, but came terrifyingly close to being killed herself - I was really scared for a while.

Still no major conflicts with Man - I expect them to come this turn. Man - prepare for your soldiers to wither under a hail of banefire crossbow bolts.

Meanwhile my income is gradually collapsing under the weight of endless spies. However, the SC factory is getting up to speed. Can the free nations cause enough chaos to bring me down before they are crushed under the weight of elemental royalty?

Incidentally, someone _really_ should dispel my Forge. Do you know how powerful it is? Insanely powerful. Banefire crossbows are only 1 gem!

llamabeast January 27th, 2008 02:22 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Aieee! I lost my Air Queen to an Enslave Mind by Bandar! And on the same turn I lost a Fire King to some stupid indies! I guess I misjudged my scripting - despite having prot 24, having reached 50 fatigue through spellcasting he seemed to die super-easily to lances, no fewer than 4 times in quick succession (due to Phoenix Pyre)! I have to say I'm still quite taken aback by that.

Man is somehow holding my vast army outside his capital, despite me Crumbling his walls. I guess he must have an insanely large army on the inside. In the meantime my army are rapidly dying of disease...

Alneyan January 27th, 2008 03:44 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
I'd like an extension for this turn, say 24 hours.

Bleh, Leprosy isn't working very quickly... and my last casting was less than stellar. Ah, well, time is on my side... well, it *is* on our side if they can win the war in the north. Glad to know your SCs are going down, though.

In the interest of the pursuit of knowledge, your Gargoyle seems to have an useless item (it has a mere +9 to MR, despite having three MR items... if memory serves, the Cap and the Robe don't stack, as they're next to each other), and Crumble didn't work, as you weren't sieing in the first place. The three siege spells are notoriously bugged, though, so I'm not sure if I'd use them (I've given up hoping for Iron Walls to work myself).

llamabeast January 27th, 2008 09:44 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
24 hour extension is fine, I'll do it now.

The thing about items not stacking in adjacent slots only applies if they are _exactly_ the same item. So two frost brands will only give 50% CR (unless you have 4 arms and space them appropriately). But my gargoyle has +4 to MR from the amulet, +3 from the robe and +2 from the hat - all correct. However, the gargoyle design is in fact silly. I made him so I could give him the stone sword without fear of him getting himself (since he's already stone). Then I promptly forgot that and gave him all the MR items I could to protect him from the sword. Not very clever. Still, I think he's a dangerous chap.

Are you sure Crumble didn't work? Check the remaining strength of your fort. I suspect it's low - I think it was reduced to zero by the spell, then brought back up again since you have more defenders than I have siegers. I hadn't anticipated that, since my army's so large.

If you want to kill my armies you'd better whip out Burden of Time! That will make the Leprosy hurt.

Tyrant January 30th, 2008 01:28 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Neither Air Queens nor Golems eat bananas and are therefore helpless against the might of Bandar Log! SCs are for smacking newbs and and intimidating the feint of heart, you are gunna have to send a real army to finish me off.

Digress January 30th, 2008 07:44 AM

The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOOM
There appears there might be an issue with Ulm Reborn and the new patch v3.14 (there certainly is an issue on my Windows machine).

Posting here in case llamabeast hasn't got my PM - so read your PM llamabeast, before the game hosts. The Grey Seers predict disaster (or at least annoyance) if game hosts but do not have time to test prediction before bedtime.

The Seers also predict that Sombre and llamabeast will have solved all, or at least come up with a relatively painless work around, in the near future. All bow before the greatness of the seers of Skavenblight.

I return also to blow rasperries at Man as it is now something of a reflex whenever I look at this thread http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
I do note that you are still in the game whilst I am present only in a rather insubstantial manner, being completely defeated and all. So kudos to you Alneyan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Edited to demonstrate that Engish is probably my first language and clarity, but not spelling or grammar. Off to get second industrial strength nightcap. Cheers all.

llamabeast January 31st, 2008 08:08 AM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
Thanks Digress, I will look into it.

I've postponed hosting by 7 hours to let me and Alneyan get our turns in.

Alneyan January 31st, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
Turn's in. Sorry, my weekday schedule was pretty messed up this week.

I shall not comment on my turn, but it seems the bulk of the Ulm hammer is striking in the north. I'll helpfully point out that I'm an idiot for assuming all MR items were +4, but I stand by my point about Crumble: it did no damage whatsoever to my defenders, and I'm pretty sure Ulm has the stronger army (then again, my Tower Guards do balance the scales in my favor)... Either way, you should get a message along the lines of 'the defenders are repairing the walls faster than we can damage them', if I'm indeed winning the strength contest.

Unless it has been fixed since the early days of Dom 3, Crumble just doesn't work unless you're sieging the castle already (back then, Iron Walls and its cousin spell didn't work at all). In any event, you're not getting into my castle unless I allow you to do so... Nature doesn't have great summons, but Animal Horde means I'm siege-proof. Go away and bother someone else.

Alneyan January 31st, 2008 07:45 PM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
What can I say, except 'bleh'? I've taken a couple random Ulmish provinces, lost a couple random Manx provinces, diseased some more 170 random troops, and our respective armies are doing a great job at avoiding any actual battle at all costs. Ulm's skirmishers left my capital and decided to siege some random fort instead, while my skirmishers are trying to siege Skaven's capital... mmh, it's a place of bad luck, I think.

I've still got the Gargoyle on my back, and Ulm still has the Forge up and running, and I still don't think I can actually go on the offensive against the Ulmish hordes. I do not have any clever idea to turn the tables, so I'm looking up for the cavalry to charge in and win the day. You got that, T'ien Ch'i?

Actually, I think I've got a pretty good idea... A random event just gave me a Skull Talisman, which shall be the cornerstone of my counterstrike. Beware!

llamabeast January 31st, 2008 07:55 PM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
1 Attachment(s)
Largely my feelings too. In the South it was a turn of stalemate. Lots of irritations for both of us, nicking each other's provinces without any actual battles. I actually would have stayed at your capital for a big fight, but from your last post I got the impression you were going to sit tight forever until all my troops died of disease, so I decided to capture a neighbouring fort for a bit of good quality Chalice time. However, if you are up for a fight, then we shall have one this turn - I can't get inside your fort before you attack me.

In Bandar nothing happened. My SCs claimed a couple more provinces. Considering Tyrant's comment about SCs above I wonder whether my original plan to attack Man and TC mainly with armies, and Bandar mainly with SCs was a good one.

Finally in T'ien Ch'i there was a little more drama. I saw TC's large army coming towards one of my forts and plonked my Fire King down in his path. Alas, I misjudged again... despite a high MR (22, 21 in TC's dominion) he was quickly paralyzed and repeatedly killed. Ugh, two Fire Kings down out of two, and that really is a horrible amount of elemental royalty I've lost now. However TC continues to lose land to an annoying army of mine that's circling his capital, while my Massive Force approaches from the South. Unfortunately my Massive Force is also now diseased - who did that then, eh? Disease everywhere. All my armies are diseased now, it's quite annoying.

Also the spy situation has become ridiculous (see the attachment). Spies go home!

Alneyan January 31st, 2008 08:15 PM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
Well, I'm moody, so I wouldn't infer too much from my messages. That, and it's not as if I had any clever Grand Strategy to take you down. (At least I can actually survive on my own now... that's much more than I could've said twenty turns ago)

Oh, and I almost forgot: can I have another 24 hours extension, just in case? I can take my turn in time, but I might have to concert with T'ien Ch'i before making a Big Mistake. (Of course, you wouldn't know about those problems, being the obligatory heartless, vilainous Evil Empire that you are)

On an unrelated note, please, pretty please, take down Bandar and T'ien Ch'i before Man. I think you owe me the right of going down last. (I love raspberries, Skaven, so keep them coming... especially as they turned out to be Air gems last time)

Alneyan February 3rd, 2008 09:07 AM

Re: The Seers Speak from the Grave -Tidings of DOO
I'm sorry to be such a bother, but could you add an extra 24 hours to the clock? I expect to get my turn by 0100 at the latest (I'll be out most of the day, and I won't have time to finish it off), but it might take me until 1200 or so.

Sorry about that... the next two weeks should go a lot smoother.

llamabeast February 3rd, 2008 09:24 AM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Okay, done!

llamabeast February 4th, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
I staled! Noooooo!

Oh wow, that is inexcusable - really sorry everyone (although it may be good news for you, I haven't looked yet). I got confused by about one hour - I was just this minute about to take my turn when the next one popped into my inbox.

Anyway, are we back to 48 hours for this turn? I should be good with that.

llamabeast February 4th, 2008 09:16 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Oh my goodness, this war is looking a lot less one-sided than I thought. Bandar has killed my beloved genie, and Man has 700+ troops! 700!

Tyrant February 4th, 2008 10:15 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
So what's up with the genie? My battle report shows his brain exploding, but the message says you won and i still see the genie on the map?!? Is he dead or no?

Alneyan February 5th, 2008 06:46 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Shame you missed your turn, llamabeast... it could hurt you some, though I have no idea what are the odds at the moment. I know I'd hate it if our victory only came about because of that missed turn.

Perhaps we should just drop the deadline while the war unfolds, just as a safety measure? I'd expect all of us to be reasonable folks playing as soon as possible (well, I unexpectedly turned social butterfly along the way, but learned my lesson), and I know I actually feel worse about dragging my feet when there's no deadline.

Not much to report on the Manx front... I've decided against challenging Ulm's army as my simulations weren't favorable for such a minor province. I've also had the delightful surprise of losing another province due to nasty indies, which should prevent one of Ulm's small armies from crossing into my lands. Even if they do cross, that province is now utterly worthless, so they're more than welcome to it.

Bandar Log actually claimed they were a third-rate power... wonders what that makes me?

llamabeast February 6th, 2008 08:27 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
I don't know what was going on with the genie (I still had him), so to be as fair as possible I reforged the lamp (it is very cheap for me so it doesn't disadvantage me much).

We can drop the deadline if people want, but I know from personal experience that I play much more promptly with a deadline.

Wow, another painful turn for Ulm, but still I think the screws are tightening for the other nations. This turn I lost a further two elemental royalty (I cannot believe I lost my air queen to your stupid sprites Alneyan), which hurts a lot. Nevertheless Man lost a good bit more territory. I got one little province from Bandar (all my SCs being dead http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif ), and the Army of Fate is marching gradually towards T'ien Ch'is capital. Will they get there before they all die of plague?

llamabeast February 6th, 2008 09:14 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Actually the best thing this turn was dispelling Man's globals. Hopefully that will stem the tide of Vine Ogres. I'm not sure yet where all the air gems have been going.

Alneyan February 6th, 2008 10:26 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
I'd like an extra 24 hours, possibly more, mostly so I can get some data from the northern war. There's still that whole 'I can't win the war alone' going on, much to my annoyance.

In unrelated news, Skavenblight falls. Again. This time, I'm the one storming the castle, and it's been a glorious victory. No other information from me, as I'm drunk with people, and I'd either fail to make sense, or give away valuable information.

Still, I can't help but think we've actually got a fighting chance... or at least, we've done some good fighting. I like my sprites (they were intended for use against an eventual Skaven SC, then deployed against Abysia, but hey, what's good for the goose...).

llamabeast February 7th, 2008 06:58 AM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Okay, postponed.

Sprites turn out to be deadly. I always thought they were useless.

Tyrant February 7th, 2008 07:01 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti

llamabeast said:
Okay, postponed.

Sprites turn out to be deadly. I always thought they were useless.

Anything with sleep attacks is good vs SCs.

That's very sporting of you to kill off the genie. I have seen this sort of thing before and just don't know what to make of it. It seems like an extremely intricate sort of bug.

llamabeast February 13th, 2008 05:02 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Many apologies for staling. Annoying I'd done most of my turn, but hadn't gotten around to sending it in. I meant to postpone the hosting, but got flustered and forgot. I've got a bit of an insane week - I'm organising a bit charity comedy night this Saturday and it's all getting a little hectic!

llamabeast February 14th, 2008 07:46 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
I've just spent 4 hours clearing my inbox (and it was clear two days ago). Aaargh! Why would anyone ever organise anything?

I would like to request a 24 hour extension.


Why thankyou!

Apologies for slowing the game.

I am scared of Bandar's siddha.

Tyrant February 18th, 2008 09:20 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Kinda late i know, but any chance for a 24 hr delay?

llamabeast February 18th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti

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