![]() |
Re: Timer reset
That's strange...I haven't connected the server since I saw your post here. Someone else logged in?
However I'm going to set Yomi to AI now, by meself. |
Re: DangerPudding - random nations EA game (starti
I can't seem to connect to the server, and there is 1 hour and 30 minuttes left untill the next hosting according to the status page..
Re: DangerPudding - random nations EA game (starti
Server must have been reset recently, i've uploaded my turn today and it showed 30 hours till next hosting so page is out of sync.
System update
Re: System update
Server has been updated to fix security issues. It's back now, the games are on again and the timers have been reset. For the stats pages, too.
2 questions
1. When do you patch to 3.15?
2. Can we change the host interval to 72h? |
Re: 2 questions
I 2nd both of those questions http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif
Re: 2 questions
Re: 2 questions
This has to be the quietest game in which I've been. I hope it's not because
everyone else is busy coordinate their attack on my poor giants. |
Sauromatia is AI?!
What the Hell happened? From where I stand, it looked as if Sauromatia was
one of the contenders in this game. Tons of blood stones, some of the best globals, huge armies of vampires, demon knights and major demons. Today, Sauromatia is an AI, and seems to have gone on the attack... Why didn't anyone try to look for a sub? Now the game is really messed up. |
Re: Sauromatia is AI?!
I didn't know sauromatia had left the game...?
Re: Sauromatia is AI?!
Did that happen on this turn? I could do a rollback. Provided you DO find a replacement player for Sauromatia.
Re: Sauromatia is AI?!
I looked it up, they went AI on 2008-03-10 at 06:22, so over a week ago. No luck here, I'm afraid.
Re: Sauromatia is AI?!
The timer is off. Is there a reason?
Re: Sauromatia is AI?!
Easter, i'd guess.
I'll need to look for a substitute soon myself, as i'm going on vacation next week. |
Re: Sauromatia is AI?!
Hmm... I just got an invitation to celebrate Easter Sunday... on the 27th of April.
I knew that different Christian churches celebrate on different days, but I had no idea that the dates could be off by a month or more. |
Re: Sauromatia is AI?!
Roman catholic and Russian Orthodox churches have about a month difference - because one uses Gregorian (standard) calendar and the other still uses Julian one. No idea what various protestants use, though i'd suspect most of them use Gregorian.
If you have invitation for end of April, i'd suspect it to be Orthodox holiday. |
Lets get this ball rolling.
Yeah, it is the Eastern Orthodox Eastern - not just for Russians, though.
Bulgarians, Serbs and Greeks, at the very least. And speaking of more important religious matters, you are the last one who has not taken his turn. I especially resent waiting, because I am not doing anything interesting this or next turn, unless someone attacks me. |
Re: Lets get this ball rolling.
I've started doing my turn as soon as i got home http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
It has hosted now. |
Re: Lets get this ball rolling.
ARGGH! Ok, whoever wished my Orb of Atlantis away, and drowned my Jarl(DD).
You had to go and make my turn interesting, didn't you? Now, lets apply some logic here... who may want the orb this badly, and what would they use it for? Who may be planning an underwater invasion? Hmm... |
Re: Lets get this ball rolling.
Timer was indeed off during easter, but now it's back on! |
Re: Lets get this ball rolling.
Corwin will be taking over (permanently) Fomoria, as i'm going on vacation.
Re: Lets get this ball rolling.
Then tell him to send me his email address via PM so I can send the turn notification mails to him instead of you.
Fomoria\'s new ruler
I thought I should post here and introduce myself. I am Corwin, new heir to Fomoria throne. It looks like I have very big shoes to fill. I will try not to make too much of a mess out of Fomoria nation. I am glad that you are on the long host guys, should make things somewhat easier to manage. Needless to say I will honor all Fomoria's current pacts and agreements. If any of you guys have any diplomacy, trade or other proposals please send me PMs. Also if anybody feels that there is something about the current situation in the game that I should know, please tell me in PM, I will certainly appreciate any additional info. Finally since I have never played Fomoria before and since I have huge end-game Empire to become familiar with (and which is currently in peace as far as I can tell), it would be nice if I could get a turn or two of invasion-free time so I could get my stuff together. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif (this is just a request, you can do whatever you like of course) |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
FWIW, I did not wish for the orb of atlantis. If I were going to wish for an artifact, I'd wish for something good http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
I just read this thread from beginning to end, and here is the impression I am
left with: Mists of Deception + Battlefield Enchantment + Retreat is NOT allowed. Battlefield Enchantment + Retreat is allowed, but ONLY if you retreat on the sixth turn. Did I get it right? |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
Mists of Deception + Battlefield Enchantment + Retreat on the sixth turn should be allowed, as there is no way to check if the AI retreated the mage or the mage was scripted to retreat.
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
As for Mists of Deception, the heated discussion elsewhere makes it sound like the spell is broken and the only solution is to ban it altogether, but I don't want to ban spells myself. |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
There are only a few of us, and I don't think anyone is at war, so should be easy to come to a consensus. I'll start the ball rolling. Please vote for one of the following.
1. Ban Mists of Deception altogether. No scripting of this spell or use of any artifact that casts this. 2. Ban MoD + any Battlefied Enchantment in combination (MoD can not be used with any kind of BE, whether scripted or from artifact effects or from creature effects). 3. Ban only MoD + any BE + scripted retreat within 5 turns (retreat allowed on 6th turn). 4. No restrictions on MoD. My vote is for any of the 4 choices, I can work with whatever rule you guys wish to put in place. |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
The problem is that after two days of testing focused on this, I still have
found no way to effectively counter this spell. Once it's cast, either the caster will be killed or the enemy will rout - the BE only adds casualties to the loss of the battle. It's as simple as that. If this was the beginning of the game, I'd say ban it altogether. But now it may appear that we would be unfairly hurting the two air nations left: Fomoria and Tir-Na-Nog. But I also think that everyone else can easily cast it. After all, I have about 10 air domes up. Do the math. Anyway - my vote is to ban MoD as broadly as possible. |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
I'm reluctant to ban stuff based on hearsay, or at this stage of the game, but I've never actually been hit with the MoD trick (although I think people have tried,) so I'll abstain.
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
hmm, i dunno.
while having air options is nice, i don't really need MoD. the simplest way to avoid issues is to just ban MoD, cuz i know i wanna use wrathful skies. Alternatively, since we're all at peace, we could just call the game and name ourselves all winners http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif and/or agree to divvy up places based on positioning or something. like by province count, or we can argue based on other factors. |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
I suggest that we ban Mist of Deception + caster retreat (or teleport away) combo. I see no need to do more than that, since if caster is killed Mist of Deception is finished, and if caster is not scripted to retreat, he can always be killed by the enemy.
It will hurt Fomoria since we have very strong Air mages, but I have no interest in using a potential exploit or a bug. |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
On the subject of friendship - we beneath the waves love all you adorable land-dwellers, and will be happy to forge stuff at a modest profit.
Obviously no artifacts, since those are all taken' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
It seems that I am stuck on Catalina until tomorrow shuttle. Sorry for the delay, but can you delay the host until about Monday midnight on the West Coast? I am not even sure when the hosting time falls... |
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
you should send a pm to ich about it, to be sure he reads the request.
Re: Fomoria\'s new ruler
Ok, resetting the timer.
Pangaea player
Basicaly I need to contact Pangaea player. I'll send PM to Sandman, but if someone else is in charge of that nation - please contact me. Thanks, Corwin P.S. Is it just me or this game is very quiet? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif |
Re: Pangaea player
I'm in charge of Pangaea since turn 1!
Re: Pangaea player
Sandman pulled off submitting a pretender and then not playing with the nation, but that isn't the only time this happened. LoloMo has thankfully agreed to take over when I bugged him enough. The status page, though only occasionally updated when I remember it, should give the most accurate list who plays what nation.
Re: Pangaea player
Got it, thank you.
New turn
I just had a replay bug in at least one of my battles this turn. Has anybody else experienced it in this game?
Re: New turn
Nope, haven't encountered it in this game.
Re: New turn
Well, I guess I lost this game. Congrats to whoever managed to convince
everyone that I am the one to beat. Now I have three nations arrayed against me, the other two players will not talk to me, and everyone believes that I have more blood stones (possible) and clams (very unlikely) than everyone else. Anyhow. I will not attack anyone first. I hope that the neutral players will at some point jump on Fomoria and R'lyeh, when they become convinced that those two are becoming unstoppable. Until then, I will play on the defensive. I will not cast any spells that kill population, mostly because I do not want to ruin the game, and hope that once you guys reduce me to nothing of consequence, you leave me around to watch. Yes, that includes Armageddon, which would do wonders for balancing this game. And one more thing. I believe that using MoD in ANY way is abuse. If it is ever used against me, and I have to retreat after routing everyone else, I will abuse anything I can against anyone who is at war with me at the time. |
Re: New turn
Hmmm. I don't have much personal experience with MoD, but it does seem to be somewhat cheesy or bugged, based upon what I've read on the forum.
As the most air-heavy nation from those who remain in game, I am fine with not using MoD. I have a question though - that MoD bug only affects MoD spell itself, not "Dance of Morrigans", correct? |
Re: New turn
Last time I tried it, Dance of the Morrigans worked once once per game. Or
was it once per round? In any case, it was buggy in the other direction - it was not worth casting. By the way, at this time, every nation is an air nation. You, Tien Chi and Tir-Na-Nog started as air nations, R'lyeh has many Fomorian Kings (no idea whether they are wished for or enslaved), Pangaea has Tartarians and I have a few sorceresses of my own, to complement my air randoms. |
Re: New turn
As for air mages - you are right but what I meant is that only me and TNN have national lvl3-4 air mages. In any case, as I said I am fine with not using MoD. |
From now on, I will stay in character.
I have lost the diplomacy game, and I do not think that I'll be able to withstand
three nations at the same time, not when one is Corwin's Fomoria. From now on, my board posts will be in character, which means that they may be obnoxious, deliberately deceptive, but will probably stop short of being outright lies. In any case, I intend to have fun. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Note that I still stand by my personal messages. I won't be lying there. I do not see myself sending many, either. Being ignored is annoying. ================================================== ============================ Please, help the peaceful inhabitants of Niefelheim! A few turns after the attack from Tien Chi, the nations of R'lyeh and Fomoria have launched a coordinated assault on the peaceful folks of Neifelheim. Many of our castles have been besieged, and huge number of provinces taken over. While we can boast of some successes against R'lyeh and Tien Chi, Fomoria's artifact equipped SCs have torn a bloody path through Neifelheim's armies, without suffering a single casualty. It is probably too late for our nation. But those of you have not aligned with Fomoria still have a chance to remain relevant. Even if you believe that Niefel has a large quantity of blood stones, ask yourself: how does it compare against Formoria? In gold and gem income, in provinces and in dominion, Fomoria is far ahead of us. As we cannot prevent them from taking our uncastled provinces, the gem income difference will soon surpass the income we have from blood stones. Add this to the fact that their Gift of Health is allowing them to field Tartarian supercombatants by the cartload, and that their Harvester is gathering 20-30 death gems per turn. We do not understand how anyone can think we are more of a danger than Fomoria. Add Niefelheim's assets to Fomoria's - can you compete? This is all about the damn Forge of the Ancients. We cast it, because everyone was concerned about R'lyeh, but claimed to be unable to go after them underwater. Well, Niefel is not underwater, and I guess we are paying for this. But when all is said and done, we had to empower an independant mage to start forging stones, and our fledging clam forging is very limited (by the number of forgers, not by the availability of gems) For all I know, Fomoria has used its overwhelming gem income advantage to summon Lamia Queens, and far surpasses our three clams per turn. |
Re: From now on, I will stay in character.
I will not speak about Nifelheim strength or R'lyeh treasury - I am not privy to their High Councils. But I can speak for my own nation. I officially declare that Fomoria does not have a single clam. And the only Blood stones that we have are 4 stones that we have captured from Saurumatia'a AI over the last few turns. We do not have a single mage capable of making these stones. We also do not have a single Lamia Queen. Unlike other major nations, who can afford casting and dispelling 500+ gems global enchantments, Fomoria has to rely sorely on our magic sites income. So we have do respectfully disagree with all these statements made by the noble Niefelheim Lord regarding our nation and our gem income. Corwin, Lord of Fomoria |
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