![]() |
Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Dammit, I staled http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Well, Cancun is nice and my wireless works in el hotel. |
Re: Beware T\'ien Ch\'i!
The Sons of Odin, unable to withstand the juggernaught of the T'ien Ch'i war machine, have passed from this world...
I have set myself to AI gentlemen. Enjoy the game. |
Re: To save a kingdom
The Barbarian Kings, always devoted to humanitarian endeavors, could not bear to see the Sons of Odin slaughter the Abysian citizenry as they lay leaderless. Though it may be too little, too late, we hope that at least some measure of satisfaction was derived by the fiery souls forever imprisoned in Vanhalla.
Re: To save a kingdom
Jazzepi has asked for a 24 hour extension due to technical difficulties, so that's what I've done.
Wow, I got a little distracted from watching my Abysian neighbours. I knew they were being crushed by Midgard. Then, suddenly, the area is full of T'ien Ch'i and R'lyeh troops. Four nations all congregating in the same tiny area (~4 provinces), and two of them destroyed! Crazy! I assume Midgard's empire extended some distance beyond my knowledge to the north, and T'ien Ch'i swept in while Midgard's armies were distracted with crushing Abysia. |
Re: To save a kingdom
You can take the extension off if you want, I fixed it D:
Jazzepi |
Re: To save a kingdom
And now I have a problem http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif, and would like to keep the extension.
When were we moving to 48 hrs host interval? |
Re: To save a kingdom
There was no pre-arranged time, so when people started to ask for it. Are you asking for it? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: To save a kingdom
Well, I managed to get this turn in just now - but a 48 hr interval would be nice at this point, I think.
Re: To save a kingdom
Can someone please finish off Abysia? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Jazzepi |
Re: To save a kingdom
I agree, a 48 hour host would be better now, or starting soon.
Re: To save a kingdom
I'm buying earth gems.
I will give any other gem 1:1. Blood slaves and gold are negotiable. Correspondence may be adressed directly to Knife Bright Insight, the True God who is again abroad in the world (rejoice!). |
Re: To save a kingdom
Okay, I've switched the timer to 48 hours. As a side effect, the current turn will host 24 hours later, which will hopefully save Mictlan and Utgard from staling.
Re: To save a kingdom
Hi, my internet connection and router is working properly again.
Excuse me for not AI:ing. I could have told JK to do that form me when I had staled away a bit. I've been a bit occupied with school work and haven't thought about the game much after I was shut down. Sorry. |
Re: To save a kingdom
Oh, well
I was just about to play my turn and go AI. Seems I was too late http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Good luck to you all. I wasn't very useful in this game. Still I got some new ideas for LA abysia, so it was a useful game. I'll develop the slayer cult a bit further. |
Re: To save a kingdom
Wow, I've just noticed there are only 10 out of 19 nations left in the game!
Re: To save a kingdom
I have officially turned myself to AI. Good luck to everyone!
TC has beaten me. |
A bounty on Pythium
For any that are interested, Pythium's forces are currently distracted up in the northern swampy corner, anyone bordering them might do well to look for new frontiers in that direction. As further incentive, a pot of 100 gems is offered to the first nation to capture Pythium's capital.
Re: A bounty on Pythium
Erm, is that a declaration of war?
Re: A bounty on Pythium
Just a notification for anyone interested in the bounty, upon consideration of the might of Mictlan, Pythium has reconsidered their warlike stance and signed a new peace treaty. Thus the bounty is rescinded.
Re: A bounty on Pythium
I want to put up the Forge, and I want it to stay up. I'll make a permanent alliance with anyone who'll give me a big pile of earth gems.
If you're the highest earth-gem bidder, I will: * Forge up to 20 items for you per turn (that's the most I can send you) for - - actual-cost-without-hammer + 1 gem of your choice or - actual-cost-with-hammer + 2 gems of your choice The 1 or 2 gem costs will cover the use of a mage or hammer, which of course I have to pay. Artifacts are negotiable but I'm making the cheap/good ones already. In addition, I would offer an essentially permanent NAP (you can back out any time you want but then I don't have to keep forging stuff for you). I will keep this arrangement secret (if you like, which I assume you would) so that other players will not know you're benefiting from the forge - I'd keep it secret myself except that I can't. |
Re: A bounty on Pythium
Jomon is very interested in this deal, we can offer you 8 earth gems http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif (why are no neighbours of me actually interested in killing me, i have now arco, marignon, rlyeh and ermor swarming my lands :/)
A call for aid!
The legions of Ermor now turn East, a numberless, merciless crusade against the living.
They turn East, to overrun the fair lands of Tien Chi while its Kings battle honourably, defending the homeland against the invasions of Ctis and Mictlan. They turn East, to make certain of their final victory in the war to end all wars as they seek to take for themselves the jewel in the Tien Chi crown, The Fabled Tower of the Iron Order. Perhaps the Kings will now pay for their naivete, believing in Ermor's offer of friendship and alliance. Perhaps the emissaries sent out to neighbouring realms should not have taken silence and indifference as an answer, and worked harder to secure treaties. Perhaps the generals, faced with securing borders against the 2 mightiest nations in the world were too unwilling to venture far from their castle walls. But perhaps, it may not be too late for they who love life. The great Gadong still lives, supported by our veteran mages and troops that have faced unceasing battle. We will not fall easily. With aid, we may even hope to hold. Heed our pleas, and know that we ALL stand at the edge of great peril. |
Re: A call for aid!
The vile denizens of the deep, R'lyeh, have invaded my lands.
We call upon all the free, sane peoples of the world to join us in repulsing their evil, before it is too late. |
Re: A call for aid!
Yes, well... With Utgard approaching just about every other nation on the planet with offers of joint attack on me, I didn't feel I had much choise. Rather attack now, on my terms, than be pounced on while I'm looking the other way.
Besides, let's put things in perspective. I might be mad, and definitely am hungry, but R'lyeh hardly can be accused of having a disciplined military machine backed up by the immensly powerful forge of the ancients. Anyone with ambitions of winning the game should be more worried about that enchantment than about anything I can do... |
Re: A call for aid!
Is there something with the server? Don't think it accepted my turn
Re: A call for aid!
The *only* nation I approached with an offer of a joint attack was Ermor - so I know what Jazzeppi does when given such proposals http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
I think I mentioned to some other players that you were an obvious threat, but that's par for the course. I don't know what's up but QM couldn't send in a turn either. If possible we should delay hosting? |
Re: A call for aid!
...attack someone else? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif Hmm... it seems I'm going to have to read up on some previous campaigns to learn about player personalities |
Re: A call for aid!
Just received the new turn... but it seems I've staled, despite other emails saying my turn had been received.
However it looks like I'm not the only one staling? Just judging by a general lack of activity |
Re: A call for aid!
I (Pythium) actually seem to have gone back in time. Anyone else had this.
Every time I accidentally turn the LlamaServer off overnight, when I start it up again the strangest things happen. This time I was super careful about restarting it. It's so weird. Anyway as one feature of my super carefulness, this time I backed up every game before restarting the server, so at least we'll certainly be able to fix whatever's gone wrong. |
Re: A call for aid!
Okay, I have some idea what's happened, but am teaching in a little over an hour and haven't marked their work yet. So I will fix it in a bit.
Re: A call for aid!
So we should expect to receive new turns without stales?
Jazzepi |
Re: A call for aid!
Okay, I think I've fixed it. Hopefully we will all get new turns sent out in a minute or two, and hopefully they will make sense.
Re: A call for aid!
Is turn 42 the right turn? I feel like I still got staled =\
Yeah this is definitely wrong. The turn I cast mother oak I forged a treelord staff, I also have two turns worth of gold income in my bank. Jazzepi |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
Okay, I'll have another look when I get home. Sorry about this, everyone.
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
It's really weird. It looks like some of the commands I issued were there. For instance there's a castle building that I *think* I started on the same turn.
Basically I was under the impression that the turn we should be at right now, I should have just finished forging the treelord staff, and last turn would have been the turn I cast Mother Oak. I'm 99% certain I haven't sent it to my trade partner yet. Also, and I don't know if this is some feature of the new version, but now I have commanders that are like... basic shock troops for Ermor. I have a souless commander, and a longdead velite commander O.o Jazzepi |
Re: A call for aid!
I mean, it's just so far fetched to believe anyone would see me as a bigger threat than you that it had to be some fiendiesh plot you hatched, right? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: A call for aid!
Jazzepi |
Re: A call for aid!
Turn 42 looks correct to me. All my orders seem to have been carried out.
Also, this turns battle in south calderan was hilarious. One poor lonesome magister gets flushed out by my patrolling forces. Unfortunately for me the rather sizable army was set to retreat in the event Utgards big army decided to move that way, so they all quickly flee from the dangerous magister, who proceeds to phantasmal warrior-kill the PD and conquer the province... |
Re: A call for aid!
My turn (the one that arrived later labelled "turn 42" rather than the earlier, erroneous "turn 43") also looks fine. I have two turns worth of gold, but I _think_ that's because I saved 1000 gold last turn (although I was tired at the time so can't be sure). What does everyone else think?
Another reason to think it is probably correct is that I can't think of any reason it could be wrong. I took the backup, scrounged everyone's 2h files from backups, and just ran the turn. It definitely is turn 42, as well, so we can't have missed a turn. So I am reasonably confident it's correct. |
Re: A call for aid!
Bleh. This is very frustrating for me. That was a rather crucial turn, I forged several high level items, and made several map moves with my larger armies. Now my perfectly laid plans are ****zored.
Jazzepi |
Re: A call for aid!
Okay, sorry Jazzepi. It's a bad time for me to try to sort it out, as I have a very rushed day. I'm not rushed tomorrow though, so I'll take another look in the morning and see if I have any ideas.
Everyone else - please say if your turn has gone funny too. |
Re: A call for aid!
I think something must have happened when I tried to send me turn in. I don't know. I thought I sent it in much earlier than before the servers are down.
I don't expect everyone to back up a turn because I had one really bad stale D: Especially since everyone else apparently did not. Jazzepi |
Re: A call for aid!
I think we should roll back if it was an important turn for you Jazzepi. I'm confident we can fix it.
However, I will do it in the morning. I'm beginning to learn my lesson to never, ever do anything to the server when I am tired or drunk, or it all goes far more wrong than seems reasonable. |
Re: A call for aid!
Is it possible to do this?
-Keep everyone else's turn that they submitted for the turn 41. -Allow me to resubmit a proper turn for turn 41. -Once I have my turn in for turn 41, rehost it with my orders in. That way nothing would change except for the fact that I'd be able to actually give my orders, and people wouldn't be able to change their plan of action based on what happened last turn. The only things I did last turn were forge items, build some structures, and move my armies around. I didn't react to any incoming stimulus. I would also be willing to submit my turn to a trusted 3rd party for them to review so that they can see that I'm telling the truth. Jazzepi |
Re: A call for aid!
Okay, I have done exactly that. Jazzepi, I got it to resend your turn for you. Just in case of any other inexplicable mixups, make sure to play again with that turn. The server will host once it receives your turn.
Everyone else, just do nothing until Jazzepi has played. Apologies again. |
Re: A call for aid!
Llamabeast - before it hosts, can you check manually that no-one else has tried to send in the next turn, or if that if they had, it uses the turn file with a different # that they sent previously instead?
I anticipate confusion otherwise. |
Re: A call for aid!
i am confused already http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: A call for aid!
Good thinking Dr.P., but no-one had sent in turn 42, and it now thinks it's turn 41 so won't accept any turn 42s. You're right that mayhem would have resulted.
Re: A call for aid!
Incidentally, I should have said - please can no-one but Jazzepi send in new 2h files? In fact I will make sure to use the files received before so that everything will happen the same apart from Jazzepi's moves working correctly.
Re: A call for aid!
Alright, sent mine in. Thanks for working with me guys.
Jazzepi |
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