![]() |
Re: Turn 25
Just think how less entertaining the world will be without us! Our comedic value alone warrants intervention. - Sent from iPhone while wife shops
Re: Turn 25
Oh, how I wish I could help... But the bastion of civilization that is Bogarus is also under attack by all kinds of savages.
Re: Turn 26
Turn 26 is out. Deadline is Tuesday.
Pasha |
Re: Ossericiad
While the priests of Amanozako are waiting for the "Great Awakening" cooped up in the besieged Crystal Citadel, they have glimpsed passages from the black tome that is the Ossericiad.
After all they do get tired of watching the Elephants fornicate. Allowed shuddering glimpses of an ancient "mythology" filled with unholy rites and demonic invocations, the priests prey for the day of Amanozako's deliverance. That day will come soon the signs are ominous. |
Re: Ossericiad
If Jomon has not eaten them yet (how long can this damn siege last?), you should hang onto those copies of the Ossericiad because the barbarians are burning the great library in Babylonia and only a few copies remain.
It appears Arcosephalean elephant meat is a delicacy in Tien Chin. Six prime specimens were devoured like cows in a pirahna pond by their horde of barbarian calvary. We predict Tien Chin's barbarians will one day cover the world in horse patties! |
Re: Ossericiad
One ancient fortress of Ulm has fallen into the hands of the sea and ice dwellers. I hope they enjoy the fires we made before we left by the escape tunnel.
Two fortresses still stand, the great city of Ulm and the citadel of Typhalia. But fear has broken out in the city of Ulm as the falls have begun to crumble. Soon the fires of Abysian hell will fall upon us. Abysian assassins have also begun stalking the city at night as the illuminated Ofagion found out. He blasted the intruder with fire from stars and the slayer was no more. Day 140 of the siege. Terror! A great hunger has broken out in the city! The guardians defending the walls have begun cannibalizing their dead comrades and promptly turned into ghouls as punishment for their crime. On the bright side they are no longer starving. |
Re: Ossericiad
That assassin was indeed weak, and did not deserve his title. He will never rise as a smoulderghost for the glory of Abysia, unlike the Warbred who accidentally ate an undead ulmish cat recently.
Turn 27
Turn 27 is out.
Deadline is Thursday night. |
Re: Turn 28
Turn 28 is out. Deadline for turns is Sunday night.
Pasha |
Re: Turn 28
Sign on the Arcos capital:
GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE! MASSIVE MARK DOWNS! EVERYTHING UP TO 90% OFF! AFTER 28 MONTHS OF BUSINESS, WE ARE LIQUIDATING! * * * Geraldos Riveros reporting live from Arcos: Caelum has joined the barbarian alliance. Tien Chin is offering Arcos territory to other nations that it has yet to even acquire. The gates of civilization shall fall soon to a sordid band of savage horseman and humanoid chickens! On the northern front, the elephant breeding grounds have been restored and the elephants are back to their daily rituals with the statues of Amonozako. While the coffee shop Arcos hippies are happy about this, they don't seem to realize the heavy price paid for the elephant's future as Jomon fields a massive army to the west, ready to strike down with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy his brothers. Beware the growing power of Tien Chin. We think their legions of ancestor vessels, spirit spamming mages, and heavy barbarian calvary will one day rule the world, even more so when they come to enjoy the rich troves of magical gems, forge bonus magic sites, and fabulous indie wizards we have discovered in Arcos! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif |
Re: Turn 28
Even though everyone forgotten, in the black forest, in the great keeps of stone, the proud people of Ulm still dwells. Sieged by various armies from various nations for countless days, the war never ends. Behind the city walls life still goes on with daily rations being delivered from sacks that never empties. Research is made in the deep dungeons by scholars like Boethius the great.
Will the Ulmish people ever be set free or will the barbarian league wipe them from the face of the known world? Some Ulmians hope that the enemy will some day tire of sieging and let them live in peace. Some still hope that the glorious 7th legion from ancient Arcoscephale will save them. Some that the scholars will invent a magic weapon to crush the enemy. Most, however, just drown their sorrows in beer. Help us, before it is too late. Help us... |
Re: Turn 28
Dedas, good thing news of the 7th legions obliteration (they are now fertilizing Tien Chin's grasslands) has not reached the beer swilling Ulmites.
Arcos philosophers ponder the meaning of existence, its students praise the saving of a near extinct animal, and its soldiers fight meaningless wars in foreign lands - all oblivious to the fact the decline of their civilization is irreversible (hmm...wait that sounds like the country I live in). http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Turn 28
We are already through that over here. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Wait a minute... |
Re: Turn 29
Turn 29 is out. Deadline is Tuesday night.
Re: Turn 29
Ulm has turned AI with no provinces left.
Re: Turn 29
Arcos streak of misfortune continues with a rebel general who left the capital with the entire legion (eg I somehow accidentally ordered him out) and stumbled onto a huge TC raiding party. The 4th Legion was decimated. We expect the capital will fall as soon as the barbarians get wind that it is undefended.
Re: Turn 29
Thanks for the game Dedas!
Re: Turn 29
Thank YOU Jurri. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Turn 29
The Coalition of the Violitional have brought the eeebil Reign of Vampire Counts to an end. And stuff.
GG Dedas. |
Re: Turn 29
Great Khan Huo has issued the following response:
Calling the Hoard, one of the mightiest mortal land armies in the world a 'raiding party' is typical of the 'civilized' nation of Arco's arrogance towards the Barbarian Kings. This began when Arco attacked the Hoard without warning, and compounded the insult by not inflicting ANY damage with their surprise attack. At least the insults of Arco against the Barbarian Kings will soon end. Out of character, Arco made a number of mistakes this game that are typically made by players that are not putting enough time in their turns... and Arco was indeed in two end-games. Arco spent little time on this game, and with it over, is now free to focus on his new game. Instead of splitting time and playing several games, badly. Only very experienced playes can deal with multiple end-games at once without spending alot of time, and sometimes not even them. PS: I am new to this game, but not games in general. I've played others, thought this is the most impressively detailed. And I don't think bad choices should be eliminated. You know what "balance" is? The inability to make mistakes. |
Re: Turn 29
I am not sure I understand the point of your post.
I am playing in a number of games at different stages and doing well in most. Just because I am on my way out in Alexander doesn’t mean I am “not putting enough time in my turns” or am “splitting time and playing several games, badly”. At least two other players went out before me – does that mean they weren’t putting enough time into their turns? I actually have put time into trying to make this game entertaining / engaging with forum posts despite some strategic mistakes, such as trying to help Ulm while engaged in a war with Jomon. That decision wasn’t a rash one, but rather based on a good relationship with Ulm, and the fear of letting TC take Ulm unchecked. It turned out Ulm was much weaker than I expected, put up no fight, and it turned out to be a bad move. But it wasn’t made thoughtlessly. Now Caelum has ended its NAP and with me, I am still fighting Jomon, Ulm has fallen, and TC has a huge horde of barbarian cavalry, there is really little hope. Note: Having the troops move out of my fort this last turn was certainly a mistake and I am not sure how it happened. It may have been accidentally clicking on a province to check troops/details without realizing all my troops were highlighted. That was a mistake (first time it has happened to me) but does not mean I have not taken this game seriously. I am not sure I interpreted your post correctly (and if I didn’t then excuse me), but I don’t really appreciate your comments. |
Re: Turn 29
I agree that Drake's comments are probably best made privately, assuming I am not misunderstanding them, too. Please, let's keep things friendly here. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Turn 29
+1 Pasha.
Sometimes we need to be reminded that it we need to maintain separation between the game personailities/actions and the individual, or we would all be mortal enemies in RL! |
Re: Turn 29
Well, if you are offended by Great Khan Huo, please understand that he impaled his last 'social graces' teacher and we have yet to find a replacement.
However, my comments that you seem distracted in this game, maybe because of other games, or maybe because of Real Life, well I believe that is what happened. This has happened, at one time or another, to half or more of the board. I don't really see how this is an insult. You used good tactics one battle, next battle no tactics. The bottom of my post actually wasn't addressed to you but a general comment that popped out of my head right then. Sorry if it offended you, rereading it, it doesn't make much sense in context. Anyway, if you still upset about the MoD cheat, well I think I can agree with everyone else and say it is a cheat, and I'm sorry it happened to you. I apologize for Great Khan Huo, because he certainly isn't going to apologize, but would like to add that you trying to agitate the rest of the world to attack him, made him a little mad. With cause. |
Re: Turn 29
No worries Drake. But FYI this is the line that bugged me
But it is all good http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif FYI the reason there were no tactics in that last battle was because those troops were not intended to leave my capital - that is what I meant when I said earlier that I made a mistake - not sure how the little rebels escaped but my intention was to have them defend the castle and thus no battlefield placement was necessary at the moment. I must have accidentally clicked on something that caused them to move. Even worse, it landed them in the path of your Horde. That was a fatal error. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif As for the MoD incident, the only thing sad about that was a player quit. I am certainly not mad about it and never was - my reaction to the move was shock. If you go back to my original post, you'll see I was trying to figure out if that was a real strategy, and if so how it could be countered because my initial impression was it was going to wipe me out every time. Finally, as for trying to incite the world against Great Khan Huo, that is just DC-style diplomacy. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that... he is gone. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Turn 29
I knew Keyser Söze was you DC!!
..or should we call you 'Mr Spacey'?? |
Re: Turn 30
Turn 30 is out. Deadline is Thursday.
Re: Turn 29
Re: Turn 31
Turn 31 is out.
Deadline is Sunday night. Pasha |
Re: Turn 32
Turn 32 is out. Deadline is Tuesday night.
Pasha |
Re: Turn 33
Turn 33 is out. Deadline is Thursday night.
Pasha |
Re: Turn 32
We're not quite sure how our scout came to be sieging that fortress, but we apologize, and we assume Atlantis will have no trouble evicting him.
Re: Turn 32
ROFL I saw that scout on the Atlantis castle.
"err...sir...there's a pangaean scout outside, claiming that he's besieging our castle." "One guy, and he's a scout???" "yes sir - he's got some balls, sir" "Right! Trident throwing practice, on the walls in 5 minutes!!" |
Re: Turn 32
Re: Turn 34
Turn 34 is out. Deadline is Sunday night at 9:00 pm Boston time.
Re: Turn 34
Arcos has been set to AI - our last remnants of dominion should vanish shortly.
Re: Turn 34
Re: Turn 35
Turn 35 is out.
Deadline is Tuesday. Thanks Pasha |
Re: Turn 36
Turn 36 is out.
Deadline is Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Boston time. Pasha |
Re: Turn 37
Turn 37 is out.
Deadline is Sunday night. Pasha |
Re: Turn 38
Turn 38 is out.
Deadline is Tuesday night at 9:00 pm Boston time. Pasha |
Re: Turn 38
Abysia hears rumours of a clash of mighty Alexander powers. Any reports on this available?
Re: Turn 39
Turn 39 is out. Deadline is Thursday night.
Pasha |
Re: Turn 39
No reports on the big war, eh? *sends hordes of scouts into the world*
Re: Turn 40
Turn 40 is out.
Deadline is Sunday night. Pasha |
Hi All:
It appears that Pythium went AI about one or two turns ago. (I have just sent a PM to Baalz to make sure it was intentional.) Given that they are one of the biggest empires on the map, it might be better to have a human play them. I can easily use a back up to take us back to turn 38 or 37 and find a sub. What would players prefer? Keep going or go back? Pasha |
Re: Pythium
Oh, sorry I didn't mention anything, but the score graphs are very misleading in this case and I'd recommend not sticking anybody with Pythium. Most of the territories left are underwater with no way to recruit more troops and I'm being heavily attacked by two other of the leading nations. Additionally I made some pretty bad choices in my nation build (taking sloth and trying to use mostly dual blessed hydras doesn't work too well past indie expansion...well except in kicking a non-water nation out the water).
If you do decide to try and get a sub let me know so I can tell them the password. |
Re: Pythium - - We move on!
Okay. No player expressed a strong preference to find a human sub for Pythium, and a few preferred to keep going as is. So, we'll just keep going.
Turn 41
Turn 41 is out.
Deadline is Tuesday night. Pasha |
Re: Turn 42
Turn 42 is out.
Deadline is Thursday night. Pasha |
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