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Re: Pause for Easter ?
Hum, well, if the other players need it. As I said I do not, but since tomorrow is friday, I figured it would be nice to have. a reminder just before the week-end.
Another question for you ich : will the game still run even without timer if all turns are sent ? |
Re: Pause for Easter ?
Re: Pause for Easter ?
Re: Pause for Easter ?
Ill get my turn in tonight when I get home.
Ulm Triumphant
First, I'd like to thank Hoplosternum for being my opponent in my first big multiplayer war. Certainly I'm still learning a lot of the differences in SP...I mean, I thought I was all bad-*** because my smiths were going to trash his indie archers with Blade Wind, so imagine my surprise when his dwarves whip out Blad Wind on me! ("No! NO! Only I am allowed to have decently researched spells!)
In the name of the Iron Cult, Vanheim has been all but destroyed by valiant Ulsman, and its capital is in our hands. The terror of dual-blessed Vans will no longer trouble Primea. (Incidentally, they tore my Black Halberds to pieces; quirk of when turn starts/stops, it was my Black Knights that had to hold the line against them while my smiths did the damage). We have freed the citizens of that realm from the evil illusion of the "glamourous" Vanir. And, of course, trade: Ulm wants fire gems, and will trade basically any other type for them, although obviously we have more of some gems than others. (Water, Death, and Nature are what we have the most of, have least Air/Astral) |
Re: Ulm Triumphant
Nicely done ! I was so afraid of that cavalry !
I profit from this post to say I also have lots of water gems with no use for them. We also have a lot of water gems, and would like nature gems or earth gems in echange if possible ! Also, this day only for you all : a new Rhea novel ! "Once again, the warcries resonated in the empty halls of Farseer mountains. The lizard that inhabited there were too alien to be of good company, and everyone else had left. The war against Ermor was started too soon, and as a result, most of Pangaean territory had been rampaged. The counter-attack worked though, and they fled from Pangaean lands... or died there. War was everywhere, and to the North, the people of Vanheim was killed by some other people, from Ulm. A lot of gods where running around these days, and Rhea wished she hadn't gotten involved with all this. The Lord of Forest had decided that the enemy was Shinuyama. The citizen barely had enough time to enjoy bandit-free lands that the war started anew. This time though, it would be different. That's what the citizens were told, at least. But Rhea had seen a lot since the Lord took over Pangaea. The lord was not understandable by mortel minds such as herself. He also went berserk for no reasons at all, or maybe reasons that made only sense to him. The last time it happened was a few month ago. He went to medidate in the forest on a whim, came back with several dozens of maenads, and new orders : war ! She knew that he occasionally shouted orders when berserk, but since the first war began, orders where followed, no matter what the state of mind of the Lord of Forests was. But even a God couldn't berserk after a few month of meditations, and still that order was issued. Thus the war started." |
War against Shinuyama
"The first victory had been achieved. Even if it was a small one (another army with the same size was approaching) and the loss where tremendously high, 7 of the 12 enemy commanders had been killed, along with more than 160 of their units, for about equal loss (except we lost no commanders). The battle had been harsh though, and the wrath of the evil god still made casualties after the war ended. Fire rained but fearless maenads still ran happily to the enemy ranks, taking more and more of their lives in exchange for their own. Centaur archery exchanged arrows against the foul fire magic of the opponent, and got out mostly intact. Casualty where high, but mainly maenads, forest beasts and harpies where lost. All of those could be replaced."
Be happy Shinuyama, you will see Rhea fight soon ! We would also ask our friends here to share a quick prayer to Pammon. He heroically took the life of 1 militia in a suicidal charge against 197 enemy units. |
Re: War against Shinuyama
Pan you are over extended, my losses can be quickly replaced and mobilized.
Your backstabbing aggression shall be your doom Mr. Hall of Shame. |
Re: War against Shinuyama
We shall see http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I'd like to remind you that I had no mages this time, while you did. How will the next battle turn out, I wonder...
Re: War against Shinuyama
Primea's two largest armies (Pan and Shin) battling it out! Almost a shame I can't see battles between them.
Shinuyama has many more castles, but Pan has scads of freespawn. Trading with Maenads 1:1 is a losing proposition imo. Plus, I can't imagine Shinuyama has made many friends with the Wrath of God. Even some of my troops are getting hit, and I have no direct border with Shinuyama. Also: Ulm still wants fire gems, and will trade gems of any other type for them 1:1. I have scads and scads of water gems and will trade water for fire 2:1. |
Re: War against Shinuyama
The timer is back on, in case you were wondering about it.
Re: War against Shinuyama
Oh, when will Agartha's reign of terror in the arena come to an end!
Re: War against Shinuyama
Agartha itself will come to an end. Drowned in the deeps and given to the fishes. The treacherous cavemen have been cursed by old magic, and the sea itself rises against them.
Re: War against Shinuyama
The timer is past its time now. What´s the trouble?
Re: War against Shinuyama
It looks like Hiker is having computer trouble. Ich is looking for a sub in another thread.
Re: War against Shinuyama
Well, the timer indicates -8 hours, but, if i don't misunderstand, the last turn ends yesterday ( with me again :s ), which mean about 24 hours.
Maybe it's the timer inscription which is wrong, we supposed to have 48 hours to play. Am i wrong ? While i'm here, sorry guys, i'm always the last one who play. But you're playing really fast don't you ? :s I mean, we have one turn per day, it's sometimes hard for me, or maybe i'm just the only one passing hours and hours to smoke and think of what those heretics will do ^^ |
Re: War against Shinuyama
Arg... about shinuyama.
That would be bad for him, especially in the situation he's in. Do you guys mind if he (or his sub) gets an extension ? From a game point of view I would benefit a LOT if he stalled, but somehow, it's not fair. |
Re: War against Shinuyama
I will extend the timer at least for this weekend, so that a replacement player can be found and take over the game. Staling enemies in a game is never fun, neither is an AI opponent instead of somebody with a brain. Unfortunately it's not that easy to find subs, so if you know of somebody who wants to hop into a Newbie game and who could take over, make sure to tell him about the chance to take over Shinuyama here.
Re: War against Shinuyama
I got the hosted message--did we find a replacement, or let Shinuyama stall?
Re: War against Shinuyama
Dunno. I wish to know too.
EDIT : I just played my turn. Given the positions he has compared to last turn, he stalled. |
Re: War against Shinuyama
Ack, dang, I was away and didn't reset the timer in time. Well, as unfortunate as it is, staling once is manageable. It would be a problem if we don't find a substitute, though.
Re: War against Shinuyama
Sabish Kaah stood by the forge and mumbled irritably.
The rage was starting to build up in Atlantis. The Agarthans refused to give up their relentless attacks. They had even ventured under the waves with their awakened statues. The attacks had so far been repelled by the brave Kings and their loyal shamblers. But many had died and the death of a deep king was a serious issue in Atlantis. Some even talked about sending in the main force, but those were still silenced by wiser and older members of the Deep order. The report from the last battle in Arcocephales former capitol was like the others before it. Two of the most notorius kings had died and taken the bulk of Agarthan forces with them. Most shamblers and the captured arcocephalian elephants was also slain. It seemed the agarthans had intensified their summonings. And some new foul and ethereal beings had been sighted on the battlefield. An enormous living statue of pitch black stone had been crushed by Jolkuna herself. In the end they had won, eight kings drenched in blood gazing thoughtfully after the fleeing cavemen. Jolkuna chasing them, mad with bloodlust as always. But could they really be called victorious, when two dear friends lay dead in the mud? Sabish Kaah sighed, and put the newly forged frost brand amongst the other. Never before had the demand for tools of destruction seemed so endless. @fungalreason: Damn you! Why do you always have to kill the one telling the story? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: War against Shinuyama
I am resetting the timer once more. No sub for Shinuyama yet. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif I'll take whoever wants to play them at this point, and I'll have to turn them to AI if this continues.
Shinuyama is now under new management. Free Sushi for all! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Fish.gif[/img]
Just for the record: It seems the noble kingdom of Shinuyama is at war with Pangea and Ermor. Is that right? Does Shinuyama have any NAPs? Is someone owing us gems, gold or items? Do we owe someone something (except a good bashing)? |
Re: Shinuyama
Hum, you are at war with me all right (Pangaea), MP me for more details if needed, but the last pages summed it all nicely. Ermor is dead as far as I know. Others should tell you of their situations with you, so I'll stop here.
Hiker could not give you a full briefing about the situation ? Try MPing him, it will be more useful than what any of us can tell you. And, good luck ! you will need it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Shinuyama
Re: Shinuyama
Oh no, not the monkeys. *sigh* the poor sweet Markatas... I hate to see them die.
To Pangea: No, I just jumped in, but when I saw the map, it was quite clear what's going on. And thanks! Your good wishes worked already! Grilled Centaur anyone? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Shinuyama
Woah. That hurt.
I need to know why archers scripted on fire charged in melee. Well done anyway. |
Re: Shinuyama
Welcome, cupido.
And, in case you're wondering, the Forges of Ulm (TM) is pleased to announce that we are able to trade low-path Air forging. Robes of Missile Protection, Silver Hauberks, Bows of War for sale. (In addition to Dwarven Hammers, Earth Boots, and all those other Earth items you've come to love and trust.) Normally I don't like to offer research items, but I do need Fire Gems so I'll offer to trade Lightless Lanterns for the base cost of 5 fire gems. I'll also trade gems of any other type for fire 1:1. |
Re: Shinuyama
Bows of war sounds interesting. How much?
Re: Shinuyama
Bow of War has a base cost of 5 Air Gems. Since liberating central Primea from the scourge of the Vanir, I have enough air gem income to forge one or so a turn, so if you don't have air gems I'll take gems of any type except Water. (If you have Fire, I'll give extra value for those.)
Unrelated subject: Has anyone tried to dispel Wrath of God? (Someone whose name begins with B and ends with Ander Log, maybe?) I always wondered how globals in MP would play out... |
The Great Northern War
On Marignon's side, we had flaming arrows, fire pyres, soul slays, stellar cascades, the well-equipped prophet-hero Tomaso del Monferrada, and diseased old men magic dueling Ulm's pretty sorceresses. For regular troops we had royal guard and way too many crossbowmen. (Shinuyama's Wrath of God killed the commander that was supposed to be bringing the men-of-arms to the theatre.) On Ulm's side, fire fends, strengths of giants, legions of steel, blade winds, iron blizzards, magma eruptions, a bunch of crystal sorceresses toting bows of war, and a couple of thugged-out banes. The army was composed of crossbowmen, assorted infantry, black knights, ghouls, bone fiends, and great lions. |
Re: The Great Northern War
(Shinuyama's Wrath of God) if anyone has the mages to dispel that, I'd be glad to give him gems to help http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. It's beginning to be annoying, it does about 20 kills per turn to me.
Otherwise, it sounds like you also have some fun up here. Keep it up ! |
Re: The Great Northern War
O.k. Pangea. Send me the gems. I'll see what I can do.
Weee a huge battle in the north! Go go go! |
Re: The Great Northern War
Ahah, great !
You send me the mage that casted this spell, I dispose of it, and give you the gems. You know where I am, so the thing that casted it will be easy to deliver. I'll make it as painful as possible for it ! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Actually, this makes more sense than you imagine. You are gradually making ennemies of the entire map with this spell... even if we don't manage to defeat you, you will not have many friends out there. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img] |
Re: The Great Northern War
I fear that I won't be able to play between friday 15h GMT and sunday 18h GMT. Is it possible to wait for me?
About the dispel, I have the mage but I don't have the research and the gems. |
Re: The Great Northern War
My army also had some Clockwork Horrors, but they didn't last very long =). (Not like they were supposed to, anyway, but they seemed like an OK buy at the time because they were immune to fire...not immune to arrows, as it turns out...)
You retreated your pretender, too, she was there to put the stomp on my poor scout last turn. Also, I appreciate the name, "Great Northern War" sounds so much cooler than Ulm-Marignon war. Besides, Caelum's still around, and probably very glad those 400 or so Marignon troops are out of his territory. I have the research and mage for the dispel, but Astral Pearls are in short supply. The old Shinuyama player claimed no one would be able to dispel it, so I'm going to assume he put it down with a lot of extra gems or used a very high path mage. |
Re: The Great Northern War
Re: The Great Northern War
Re: The Great Northern War
I expected she was there for Wind Guide, but she didn't have any gems.
No, I think Marignon really should spend all of its Astral Pearls to dispel this pernicious scourge of Primea. That they have refused to do so has left the nations of Ulm, who are naturally concerned about the well-being of all other peoples, that in order to dispel the Wrath of God the astral pearl supply of Marignon must be acquired, by force if neccessary. Despite protests of "No Blood for Astral Pearls", and claims that we are merely stirring up trouble with Marignon to distract from our failure to find WMD in Vanheim, Ulm feels it has no other option. Plus, we're envious of the fancy clothes that give Marignon soldiers +1 morale. |
Re: The Great Northern War
Solian Round 2, not quite as impressive in terms of sheer numbers of troops (200 or so per side instead of 400). Still pretty impressive, though.
What's funny is, in both battles, hardly any melee happened; its just exchanging mage and archer fire. Strength of Giants hardly seems worth it, when that COULD'VE been another Blade Wind/Magma Eruption. (Legions of Steel, though, still worth it). |
Re: The Great Northern War
I'm quite surprise of my situation, with such a small army, i managed to resist more than i expected. And i'm back now. I fall in love with Caelum nation, and i'll never take that pretender again with them XD |
Re: The Great Northern War
By the way, I'm surprised you never tried raiding my territory. If you had gone hopping about with a handful of fliers through my minimally defended farmland, I would have had a tough time dealing with that. Quote:
Re: The Great Northern War
*Gasp* The tide of war seems to turn when those two false gods are entering my realm!
And Pangea... Is it right to send naked women into battle? |
Re: The Great Northern War
Is it right to attack naked women on a battlefield ?
If you do not want to harm them, it's rather easy. Flee, and give us the thing that casted wrath of god. They told me they needed a plaything before returning home ! |
Re: The Great Northern War
Hmmm, good question... who's the one to blame: the one that sent them on the battlefield or the one that killed them on the battlefield? Perhaps the Stone Oracles of Agartha know the answer... but I think everyone entering a battlefield knows that he/she could get into trouble.
So, if Pangea and the noble apes promise to stop their attack, withdraw from the lands of Shinumaya and swear not go to war with Shinuyama again, we might overthink the Wrath of God. |
Re: The Great Northern War
Then I will use the second solution I have, burn every of your mage until I find the caster. I know what and where is the thing that casted that spell, and the reason why you just will not give it. I'll have to go look for it myself, along with all your researching mages, and since it has both astral and air magic, I'm left with no choice but annihilating you, or dying in the attempt.
Re: The Great Northern War
I vote for the "dying in the attempt".
Re: The Great Northern War
Speak of bad luck! Jolkuna routs everyone on the battlefield. But before all enemies have left th field she routs herself because of turn limit 50 and dies due to being surrounded by enemy provinces! You will pay for this Agartha! Grrrr... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif |
Re: The Great Northern War
Tomaso del Monferrada rode wearily across the Umidor coastline, the churning of the Whirling Sea sounding static in his mind. Where had it all gone wrong? Had he not lived in state of grace? Had not the Church itself? Sure, there was the occasional heretic or apostate, but they were always dealt with thoroughly. The Church remained pure. What, then, could explain the defeats in Solian? How could they have been brought low by the cold, unfashionable peasants of Ulm?
Suddenly the churning stopped. Startled out of his thoughts, Tomaso turned to stare at the ocean. Spirited waves no longer disturbed its surface, and Tomaso almost felt that it was mourning a great loss. Or maybe it was a sense of relief? Tomaso watched the placid sea for moments longer, before turning his steed from the coast. The ocean may have found its rest, but the chivalrous man knows no leisure. This was a test, Tomaso decided, a test of faith. Marignon was not yet dead, and neither was the Church. So long as Tomaso lived, so long as the Lady Flonne watched over him, he would maintain his faith. He would see the fight through. So long as he lived, Marignon would never die. |
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