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Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
To Carkaton: I'd like another game, this one has been very interesting so far, and I hope it will get even better when we start fighting. I don't hold any grudge against you. Well at least not yet. We are all playing to win and we have all been plotting and scheming behind each others backs.
Like Edi I would also not start a new game yet. I am currently in another 3-4 games (subbing in some) and will not start a new game until some of these are finished. Also I plan on going to the seaside during the summer, so I am not sure if I would like to start a new game before that. To Darkstone and Niarg: Please come to an agreement as to who is playing Abysia. We need to have some diplomacy done. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Oh yeah, I'm definetly in no hurry to start another one. If dominions has done anything for me it's helped me learn patience with respect to gaming. Kinda funny looking back, I figured out niefel was stalling because I was so wanting the next turn that I'd refresh the llamaserver page every 5 minutes or less in the last hour or two to see if he submitted his turn mostly out of uncontrollable anticipation. Now its much more relaxed.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Darkstone, as long as you are sure that you can play the turns without stalling then I am happy to give back control to you. If you think that you will continue to stall every few turns then I would rather keep control so that the game can carry on moving.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Try to get the Abysia control issue settled. Darkstone asked for it back, so I went ahead and changed the email and had the server resend the turn, so he also has the following turn now.
In LNB related news, Ulm is going down, but we shall make sure that every step of the way for the conquering armies of C'tis will be littered with the bodies of lizards and the shattered bones of destroyed undead! The heroic defenders of our capital at Bhamot have scored a significant victory against the invader. Grind the Wraithlord, a merciless killer and scourge of the Ulmish armies, commander of the invasion from our northern border, a legend in the annals of the land, met his final end when he assaulted the defenders of the capital! Our fearless warriors, undaunted by his reputation and magical might, engaged him in combat and with but a single loss of life and some warriors severely wounded, hacked him limb from limb before the very gates! Paltry as it is with the end coming nigh, sweet indeed the taste of revenge! ------ Well, I have to crow about something, don't I? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Yeah that was a big mistake. Then again, spending so many gems on a wraithlord probably was anyway.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Darkstone, last call: Are you or are you not going to be able to finish this game? If I do not get a detailed response regarding your future availability for next week, or if that response does not satisfy me, I'm going to irreversibly turn Abysia irreversibly over to Niarg.
My work shift on Monday 19th May starts at 8:00, timezone GMT+2, i.e. 9 hours from now, and I'd better have your answer by then. If I don't, it's game over for you. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I'm in, and I'm playing. Was there something wrong with my last turn?
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
No. Just that you'd been inconsistent in when you replied and were around and I don't want to find myself faced with a situation where we need to wonder whether you stay around or not.
Sorry if I've been snappish. I've got the week from hell ahead of me, piled on top of the last week from hell, so keeping track of anything extra is sort of a strain. Needing to do five months worth of schoolwork in two weeks sort of does that... |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
It's understandable, May is extremely stressful for myself as well, and last week I had to deal with a hospital on top of that. So let's just say I relate and no hard feelings.
Anyway, I'm doing my best and I'll be more than happy to bow out to a replacement if despite my efforts that won't be enough. Besides, the only thing I really messed up were my own chances of winning this game, which started pretty high, due mostly to extreme luck (and are still above zero at the moment). |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Could I get a two hour extension? I forgot this game is hosting so much earlier in the evening for now. I haven't looked at it yet and it's bedtime. By the time I get home from work it'll be ready to host in 10 minutes.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I vote that we switch quickhost off. I liked the time that the game hosted the previous several turns, because it was 5am local time and there was no way I didn't finish my turn by then. So we could put a 2-3 hour extension for this turn and then turn off the quickhost.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I'll do that. If you guys tell me what timezones you're in, I can fix things easy enough. Right now it's set to host at midnight GMT, so a 10-hour extension would put it at 8 am GMT, so roughly midnight or 1am EST. Then turn quickhost off and that should do things.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Okay, postponed 10 hours, quickhost off. So the deadlines are now around 2 am EST every 48 hours.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
You pushed it too far forward. It would be ideal if it hosted at 3:00 or 4:00 GMT according to server time. So you should move it 6-7 hours back.
BTW, the server is still on winter time as far as I can see. It doesn't show correct time, but GMT - 1h. My time zone is GMT+1. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Okay. I can do that. Moved forward by 6 hours, so it hosts around 4am GMT.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Wow, province 69 sure is something.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Quite. Too bad I only found the astral sites so late or the game would have looked different on that score too...
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I am having some problems with my computer at home. I can't connect to the internet. It's probably a virus. I will try some antivirus software when I return from work and if it doesn't help I'll format the disk. But it will probably take me a whole day and tomorrow I don't have enough time to do my turn. Could we delay by 24h?
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I'll delay it.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Don't forget to patch to 3.17, guys, as the server has been patched. If you are using Linux and are having problems, uninstall Dom3, then reinstall and patch directly to 3.17. Coobe had some trouble on Ubuntu and got rid of it that way.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
What happened to 3.16?
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
It was the interim patch that we bugtested to iron out all the blatant stuff so the release version would be okay. Version 3.17 was released today. The version numbers took a hiccup with the fix from 3.14 to 3.15 to eliminate the scale bug.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
So, C'tis has finally breached the gates of Ulm. Now let him come and dig us out, if he has the resources to do it...
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I'll take Epic failures for 1000 alex......
I don't think I could have won that battle, but the way in which i lost it makes it that much worse. I definetly need to work on my castle taking skills. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Hum. I thought I might do some damage, but that was brutal. Well, I did warn you that I have a long, bony reach from the grave! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
For those who did not have scouts in place: The might of C'tis The aftermath: http://koti.welho.com/ehalttun/Dom3/...port_small.jpg The ones that got away were the prophet, the mound fiend and the titan, though the titan got herself a nice limp as a souvenir. Wish I hadn't lost the fireballers and the ice druid, though, but it was inevitable that I'd lose a lot of commanders with the scripts I had. The main point was in eliminating as many C'tissian mages as possible and in that regard, it was an unqualified success. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
My biggest screwup was my impatience. I was sending a scout to see what you had the turn before, but psycho dropped a seraph on me that casted returning after 2 turns. Unfortunately my probe commander was on the back row scripted to retreat. Which canceled his scouting attack.
So the next turn I said screw it and went head first into brick wall. Which resulted in a bunch of sauros spamming fear on undead units. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif The other mistakes were having 1 too few gems for darkness(not that that would have helped), not even trying to dispel/override GoH, and didn't learn from my first mistake of putting my mages forward in hopes they'd cast on mages. Live and learn though. Hopefully you guys learn from my mistakes. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
You should feel pride Carkaton, not only are we learning from your mistakes, we're also getting entertained.
Quite a bargain. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
The idea was to screw up your scripting. I figured that a seraph is mighty enough so that your mages would use up their gems. I though you would attack on the first turn like when you sieged my castle.
I knew what Edi was planning and I actually thought that he would devastate you. But I expected that he would protect his mages better and not take such heavy loses himself. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Edi, I doubt you'll read this before the turn submits, but I forgot that I have to go to a wedding, I submitted a half-assed turn, but if you happen to see this and extend it a few hours so I can finish it up I'd appreciate it.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Sorry, didn't see it in time. Was out all night and slept late.
Psycho, I had no means of protecting my mages any better. No access to luck items or much in the way of armor. Or astral casters, because Luck can do wonders. A lot of the losses were just witches I'd used as researchers, so doesn't matter. My core mages are still around, except for three good ones who died. I knew I was going to get hit bad myself even despite the GoH. If not for it, my tactics would not have been viable. So I expect the next attempt or the one after that will finish me off, but we shall see. At least Shardoz won't go down without a fight. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
This weekend showed to be very busy for me. Summertime has finally showed up and its getting difficult to stay inside and take the time needed to do a proper turn. On the weekdays it isn't a problem though.
I was wondering if we can take weekends off. If not I can't see myself playing 100% and might have to get a sub. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Was for me as well, but fortunately I'm going to be dead in the next couple of turns if this keeps up. Out of curiosity, how many Manifestations backfired on you?
As far as taking weekends off, not a problem for me, but you guys are going to have to find someone else to admin the game by the end of the week because I'll be gone all next week. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I don't mind the game slowing down a bit. We could play three turns a week. For example we could follow a Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday schedule or a Monday / Wednesday / Friday one. Or the schedule can stay like it is now, but whoever gets to be admin will grant extensions generously, especially over the weekend.
Please don't look for a sub. I would like to finish the game with the people I started and whom I've fought the last 10-ish turns. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Edi: I didn't have any manifestations come back. The 50% chance applies to each commander, so I had 30ish commanders to go through before the angel would get back to the caster. So unless you only have 4 or 5 commanders in a province, a manifestation is going to go through.
Also if you want to just give the admin password to all of us Edi, I doubt any of us are going to mess with the game. If we need an extension we can just announce it and do it ourselves. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Ah, I had a mistaken impression about Manifestation mechanics then.
I'll PM the admin password to you lot. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I have delayed hosting by 24 hours. I hope no one minds. I've been entangled the whole day with a homework that is due tomorrow and I'm simply too tired to play the turn now. I thought I would finish it a lot earlier, but some stupid bugs took me forever to find.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
That's fine by me. I had horseshoe league tonight and was looking at rushing yet another turn.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I am in no rush to win the game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Just in case some of you were wondering.
Despite spending the time to do a carefully planned out turn, and sending it in, somehow I got a stale... not sure why. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
You should check the status page on the llamaserver to see whether your turn has been accepted. At least that's what I do.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I'm leaving for Sicily on the morning plane, so I have set myself to AI. Let's see what the comp will do with what little I had left.
Take care, guys. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Take care Edi.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Probably slam itself against the sieging force, that is the worst possible thing.
It's been fun playing with you Edi. Take care. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I've put another 12 hours on the timer because there's been no sign of Carkaton. I see that he's staled in another game as well. Carkaton if you finish your turn in time, please revert the timer to appropriate time.
Darkstone, have you had any contact with him? Should we look for a sub or wait for him some more? |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Nope, no contact.
He only staled once recently... so let's give him a chance. However, if he stales again and doesn't pop up on the forum in the next 48 hours, we should perhaps seek a sub. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
If he stales this turn it could be devastating for him. And I cannot leave my armies standing and not attacking him, because I will need to move them south for you, after either destroying the sieging force or him lifting the siege.
I have put another 12 hours on the timer. I don't think we should let Ctis stale now. If he doesn't show up in this 12 hours, I will ask for a temp sub and postpone by another 48 hours for the sub to play the turn or him to show up. Do you think this is OK? |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
As far as I can tell, he hasn't signed onto the forum in the last 5 days.
So I suppose it's alright to look for a sub. It's a shame because we're reaching the last most epic turns, where the final showdown reveals the winner. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
We could wait some more. But then we will end up waiting again for the sub player if he doesn't show up. How long do you think we should wait before announcing that we need a sub?
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
With the arrival of the new administration for the nation of C'Tis, we would like to announce that we hope all diplomatic relationshipsw will remain as they were.
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 08:37 AM. |
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