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-   -   VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=37943)

Wookie1977 April 8th, 2008 09:24 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Abysia are you still playing?

gowb April 8th, 2008 07:19 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Abysia has gone on all his turns, yeah. Far as I can tell he's still in - if he can last long enough to put that research to good use he stands a nice chance.

Zenzei April 10th, 2008 11:49 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
@Wookie1977: Abysia(me) is certainly done for in this game but I won't go AI because I definitely want to be in control of my last stand defense in my capitol. AI is unable to give a proper parting gift to the sieging Midgård army. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I'm bit sad that I lost my chances to put up some real fight against Midgård's armies because of some really weird game error. The error in question was that my second castle reset its construction time when it had only one turn left, it is possible that I somehow royally screwed up the orders of the commander building the castle but highly unlikely because I'm very careful with my turns. Needless to say my main army had to stay put in the construction site for another 6 turns instead of fighting Midgård's, at that time still small, forces. During those 6 turns Midgård took most of my provinces for free and then overwhelmed my main army before the castle was built again. If my second castle had been ready in time, I could have at least defended my lands properly instead of being walked over. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif


Attention everyone: C'tis player's (edhel) windows has crashed really badly and he his unable to play this game for time being. So unless someone objects I have promised to sub him until he gets his computer working again, this shouldn't take more than five or so turns. This means I would control 2 nations at the same time but since Abysia is only waiting for the final battle behind their sieged capitol walls this shouldn't be a problem.

gowb April 10th, 2008 01:15 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
That's a bummer. I hate to see people lose because of glitches, its lame. Anyway, how did you get that much research going so quickly? I've been pumping out skull mentors and I still haven't caught up...

Good luck with C'tis. I'm told by Llamabeast that one player controlling two nations in the same game can sometimes cause trouble with CD keys or something, and force one of the nations to stale, but when I set Atlantis to AI it had no negative effects (unless llama went in after me and corrected it, which is possible since I had asked him to).

llamabeast April 10th, 2008 04:55 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Yeah, that won't work Zenzei - you'll get a CD key violation like gowb says. Better put an advert on the forum for a temporary sub.

Zenzei April 10th, 2008 06:23 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Oh, if it causes technical problems, I won't sub. Thanks for the clarification llama.

gowb: My high research is simply the product of magic 3 scale and buying the best mage, warlock, almost every turn. Warlock generates 10 points of research per turn with those scales. When I didn't have money for warlock I bought Newts, who was 5 point researcher for 90 gold. I figured I need powerful spells really fast because my troops were definitely sub par, hence the magic 3 scale. Because at this point it doesn't matter, I can tell I had conjuration 3, construction 4 and thaumaturgy 2 researched. Evocation 6 is turn or two away.

Profanicus April 10th, 2008 08:40 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
You could always sub if you set Abysia to AI Zenzei! I don't like the sounds of this parting gift you have planned! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

gowb April 11th, 2008 12:05 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
The giants of the Jotun hills march upon the false god of Marignon. It looks like the southern continent was not meant to experience peace for long...

Our agreement with the men of the swamps and plains will expire in three months.

gowb April 11th, 2008 12:08 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Jomon, Pangaea, and C'tis all staled last turn, and it was the second turn in a row for C'tis. Does anyone need the hosting time moved back? C'tis, are you still playing?

Zogger April 11th, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Caelum has still been at peace but I quess soon will come time to march to war. Armies are getting restless with all the drinking and pokerplaying.

jmb April 11th, 2008 08:05 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Aaarghh, stupid me! I had done my turn 24 and I just plain forgot to send it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

zenphos April 12th, 2008 03:55 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Thats harsh man. Nearly just did the same thing myself with turn 25.
So has anyone advertised for a sub for C'tis and Jomon? Who are about to stall again?

zenphos April 12th, 2008 08:22 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Well played Zenzei, hard luck with getting double teamed by the 2 leaderboard nations. That was always going to be tough to not get wiped out.
So does anyone know if Zenzei can sub for C'tis now?

gowb April 12th, 2008 04:33 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Yeah, feel free to sub now Zenzei.

Zenzei April 12th, 2008 04:42 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Good game everyone and congrats to Profanicus for taking me out. I didn't mind getting double teamed but I certainly would have appreciated a bit more luck regarding starting location. Getting stuck between Midgård & Man (troops rock) as Abysia (troops suck) wasn't excatly ideal. As Midgård quickly blocked my only viable expansion route in the north, I was pretty much forced to attack him. But in the end skinshifters with their 30+ total HPs & regen proved to be too much for my fireballs and falling fires. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zenzei April 12th, 2008 04:51 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Okay, I'll ask edhel to send me the c'tis turn files (or can the game admin put me in control of ctis?) so I may salvage what's left of multiple stalings. I can't sub forever though, about a week is definitely maximum. So if c'tis' original controller doesn't come back by then the nation should be put AI.

gowb April 12th, 2008 04:56 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
PM me your address, Zenzei, and I'll set C'tis emails to go to you.

Zenzei April 12th, 2008 05:10 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders

Arghaii April 12th, 2008 06:41 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Gowb, do not announce peace expirations in here, it's lame.
I do not use the forums so much, plus the agreement was made in game, and should be broken in game with a messenger.
I checked the forums just today.

gowb April 12th, 2008 07:10 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I was planning on it, but only had the time to throw up a post here...and I normally use PMs on these boards instead of the in-game messages, because they take too long. So you wouldn't have gotten it anyway if you don't check around here.

If its a big deal I can wait an extra turn.

Arghaii April 13th, 2008 04:24 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
You sent me an in game message to make the agreement. The game is dominions 3, not forums. Either send me a message in game to begin the 'end of peace' agreement, or I will consider that you did this on purpose.

gowb April 13th, 2008 02:50 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
The agreement began as soon as you read those words dude. I'll give you an extra turn but there's no real point in sending an in-game message. You're just trying to weasel out of this now.

Zenzei April 13th, 2008 05:30 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Okay C'tis is now under my command for the time being. Things don't look great after so many stale turns but I'll do my best to keep this nation alive. Looks like my first objective is to stop that hideously large Man army. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

AreaOfEffect April 13th, 2008 07:20 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
You might be able to stop it with the all powerful spell, "Diplomacy". Its a zero level spell that has a variety of effects. Sometimes it doesn't work.

C'tis originally failed to cast diplomacy and instead directly assaulted me. So hence the large army coming your way.

Zenzei April 13th, 2008 08:51 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I would normally try to invoke diplomacy but C'tis is so boxed in atm it has to fight someone in order to have any point in playing. Since the original player decided Man is the target so be it. Let's see if I can muster enough troops to beat your horde.

bernardo April 13th, 2008 09:31 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
The fall of Ulm

Chapter 1: Cult of Illuminated
The Iron Faith won the civil war against the Master Smiths.
The Malediction hits the Land.
The Hunger overcomes many Guardians and Counts.
The Cult of Illuminated is founded to harness the power of the Malediction.
Young Women start to disappear.
Fur-cladded barbarians appear in the north mountains. Fortunetellers tell they are responsible for the disappearence. The Hochmeisters do nothing, and direct Ulm's troops to the farmlands of the sout, instead of the holy Mountains in the north, which fall completly under the Mountain Fey dominion.

Chapter Two: The Red Terror
The kidnappings increase.
The Cult discovers that the Malediction is a living entity.
Malediction awaken.
The Cult secretly pleads fealty to the Pretender God.
Malediction wears the Mantle of the latter Iron Faith's God and they too plead fealty.
Vampire Counts awaken.
Iron Faith dissidents start a partisan movement, which base is in the lands of a rogue Vampire Count, Günther.

Chapter 3: Cults of Blood and Death.
Agartha attacks Locmar.
The Siege is long, and bring back the terrible memories of the breaking of The Black Cidatel.
Rangers start a deep strike plan, and break with the Ulm's main force before the Recover of Locmar plan, which fails.
Locmar falls and Agartha marches to Ulm's Black Forest.
A Vampire Count try, despairately, to cut enemy lines, but fails, and the ranger strike force is killed.
Faced with a hopeless situation, General Bernardo abandons the command of Ulm's war effort. General Andrea Inseldorf (AI) assume the control of the Ulm's last stand.

zenphos April 14th, 2008 08:33 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Very nice post Bernardo. Shame you are withdrawing. You could have out up a desperate last stand.
But well played none the less, I suddenly got very nervous once that vampire count and rangers appeared out of nowhere.

Profanicus April 14th, 2008 09:14 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Hmmm I have a feeling that the AI will not respect our NAP with Ulm!

zenphos April 14th, 2008 10:15 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Probably not. But the AI does normally declare war first before he invades so you might get a turn or 2 to fortify.

bernardo April 14th, 2008 01:06 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Zenphos: Unfortunettlly, I discovered too late the Ulm's stealth power. The game is lost when all you can do is hamper a little your oponnent. In my case, it was lost when I send my ranger teams into a fortified province without early scouting the local defenses. With that defeat attrition war wasn't a option anymore. There is some well-positioned Second Tier Illuminated and two Vampire Counts, but there is no hope to victory, you are in the Black Forest with a large army of which my normal armies cannot defeat one to one and you have more fortifications.
It was fun, and I learned a lot about Ulm, Black Forest. That was a fun war to play, for a moment I thought a could win, but, in the end, I was defeated.

Profanicus: I hope the AI don't attack you. Zenpohos is at the door of my two last Strongholds, soon all my former troops will be trapped in the fort. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Zenzei April 14th, 2008 01:30 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
This is how I sub minor nations that have staled 4 turns in a row against one the leader nations.
/good natured bragging

If that is the best Man can do I will seriously roll over him during my subbing time, makes me wonder if I should have attacked Man instead of Midgård when I was in game myself. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

To other nations: Looking for room to expand into? Now would be the time to eye those fertile lands, except the capitol which will C'tis'reward, under Man control because the Witchking will have his hands full with tomb kings. I hear mammoths and skinshifters are especially good this time of year.

gowb April 14th, 2008 03:36 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Wow! Nice. I'm beginning to see how well smaller armies can do against big ones - just witnessed a Caelum force get its butt handed to it by a Pangaean army half its size. Those dryad hoplites are scary....

AreaOfEffect April 15th, 2008 01:34 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
His army wasn't smaller then mine. He had a great deal of province defense and skelly spam.

Other things to consider, I only brought one mage and one priest to bare. That priest had only 2 holy and the mages strongest path was 2 air. The opposing team had to bring their mage-prophet, their death 9 immortal god, 4 more priests and 3 more priest-mages. All mages had death 4 or higher with exception to one that had death 3.

When calculated, C'tis defended their land with almost twice as much gold, and that's before you included the province defense.

All-in-all, C'tis isn't rolling over me, they are stalemating for a while at a great cost to their mid and late game. His hope is to urge everyone else to do his work for him. Trust me, he isn't pitching in as he isn't even attacking me.

I'd roll over him if he takes away those mages for even one turn. That being the case, C'tis has a larger gapping hole in the defense of it's land then I do. I can at least tell you where his god and prophet is, he can't say the same.

gowb April 15th, 2008 03:07 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Oh ok. Still, pretty impressive for a sub who just started last turn.

Looks like Caelum really learned from his mistakes. This time he used air and water elementals to shred Pangaea's dryad hoplites, much to my dismay. It's super interesting to see the point / counterpoint play of Dominions battles. I wonder if Pangaea will be able to turn the tables on Caelum again.

How am I getting all this info?? Liberal use of astral window via a couple stone spheres I got lucky and found. Gotta love luck scales. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Zogger April 15th, 2008 07:39 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders

gowb said:

Looks like Caelum really learned from his mistakes. This time he used air and water elementals to shred Pangaea's dryad hoplites, much to my dismay. It's super interesting to see the point / counterpoint play of Dominions battles. I wonder if Pangaea will be able to turn the tables on Caelum

That sounds very good to me, especially after the first attack was a total disaster http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I have not seen the latest turn yet, but I have to check it after I get home from work. Sounds like my mages made the needed difference against those nasty dryad hoplites. But I'm sure I haven't heard the last of them.

jmb April 15th, 2008 05:09 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders

Zogger said:

gowb said:
Looks like Caelum really learned from his mistakes. This time he used air and water elementals to shred Pangaea's dryad hoplites, much to my dismay. It's super interesting to see the point / counterpoint play of Dominions battles. I wonder if Pangaea will be able to turn the tables on Caelum

That sounds very good to me, especially after the first attack was a total disaster http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I have not seen the latest turn yet, but I have to check it after I get home from work. Sounds like my mages made the needed difference against those nasty dryad hoplites. But I'm sure I haven't heard the last of them.

Well, at least it took you 13 mages including your god and your prophet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Plus you again had twice as many real troops (of course, I had a lot of PD, but Pangea's PD are pretty weak) and the first time was touch and go as it was against just regular troops and with a reasonable number of archers in support.

Of course, I'll make you pay as much as possible, but I'd guess I'm in deep trouble now. I don't come even close to matching your resources, or magical level, so unless somebody is ready to take you in the rear (hint, hint) you'll probably roll right over me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

jmb April 15th, 2008 05:11 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders

gowb said:
Wow! Nice. I'm beginning to see how well smaller armies can do against big ones - just witnessed a Caelum force get its butt handed to it by a Pangaean army half its size. Those dryad hoplites are scary....

Yes, they are probably the best infantry in the game. Now, if only Pangea had some reasonably priced and decent mages to support the dryads...

jmb April 15th, 2008 06:37 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I don't get it. Not that I'm complaining, mind but there's this battle where according to the replay my army was routed after inflicting heavy losses on the enemy (>50%) and suffering some losses too (~33%) and yet, the report says I won and I did keep the province. What happened here??

Profanicus April 15th, 2008 08:42 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I also had an anomaly last turn - some troops I had queued up to recruit in a province did not turn up. They are still sitting in their queue this turn http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Anyone know anything about what can cause this, or is it a bug?

AreaOfEffect April 15th, 2008 09:01 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
It is more likely that your unrest is well above 100. High unrest will prevent recruitment.

Profanicus April 15th, 2008 09:04 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Ahhh of course, I checked and yes this is the case unfortunately for me!

Zogger April 16th, 2008 05:04 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders

jmb said:
I don't get it. Not that I'm complaining, mind but there's this battle where according to the replay my army was routed after inflicting heavy losses on the enemy (>50%) and suffering some losses too (~33%) and yet, the report says I won and I did keep the province. What happened here??

I don't get it either. My army was clearly the last one in the battlefield but still you kept the province, not nice http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

gowb April 16th, 2008 07:16 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders

The cry went up among the hirdsmen. The warband clashed their shields against their swords as their throats sang the ancient song of dragon's death. The men of Marignon, for all their fancy livery, tore their clothes in fear and despair. The once-mighty Nosphestes, Drinker of Blood and Bane of Men, lay in a frozen heap upon the ground. His great red wings fluttered raggedly, the taut skin between bones torn beyond all possibility of flight. His blood turned to slush in his veins, the chill of his tormentor giving no quarter. None of his fiery vitae could fall to the ground, so full of ice was he. The great red dragon was down, a shadow of his former glory with only a sliver of life remaining.

A massive foot lay upon the wyrm's slender neck. Its owner roared into the night, steam rising from his throat in great plumes. Sölve, Son of Neifel, raised his blade of cold flame to the heavens and cried his victory, outlined in the fires his enemies had summoned. His warband echoed his call, and their fury mixed with the cries of their opponents, until rage and despair rang out over the scarred, burning forest.

The Lord of Winter raised his blade for the final blow. In desperation, Marginon's archers loosed their arrows, each aiming for the giant's massive back.

In a twist of tragic irony, a barbed shaft found its way into the very skull of Nosphestes. The dragon's last breath escaped its jaws, and with a thrash it lay still. Sölve stood robbed of his kill, insensate to the arrows pinging off of his armor and helm.

The battlefield fell silent. The final exhalation of Nosphestes echoed across the forest, audible above the crackling of the flames and the screams of the wounded. A cold wind blew through the remaining ranks of Marignon, and to a man they shuddered.

In a moment Sölve was among them, unprepared archers falling beneath his boots and blade. Faster than they could react, he was on the Goetic Master and tore the life from their high priest. It was too much. The armies of Marignon fled for their lives, pursued by the hirdsmen of Utgard.

Zenzei April 18th, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Okay, I've talked to edhel and his problems with his computer are worse than first expected, so he won't be coming back to this game. Furthermore, I'm already playing three other games and they eat my time pretty good so I won't be able to permasub C'tis in this game and I think finding permasub would be hard as C'tis' situation isn't so good(though I have managed to improve it a bit). Therefore I've decided to put C'tis on AI soon, in about three turns, but before that happens I really want to fight some battles with Man just because they have been quite entertaining so far and I want to crush those defenders who always run away just before getting killed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

zenphos April 19th, 2008 12:05 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Well since Zenzei is happy enough to play the next 3 turns I think we should look for a permanent sub to replace him.
I might be able to find someone, there is someone playing in another one of my games who might be up for it.

Arghaii April 19th, 2008 12:25 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Weaseling out? I don't stand a chance against such arguments, therefore I will stop arguing.

zenphos April 19th, 2008 07:45 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I have found another guy to play and take over from Zenzei.
Is gowb the moderator here? And zenzei how many more turns do you want to play?

Zenzei April 19th, 2008 09:12 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
zenphos: I'll be happy to give C'tis over to the new guy as soon as possible, saves my time. However, you should make it perfectly clear to the new sub that C'tis has exactly 0% chance of winning this game and huge chance of dying soon because noone has attacked Man, as I had hoped, to take some heat off C'tis back. So Man has been able to put all of its' resources against the lizardmen. Even though I've beat Man's army three times now(I did lose some valuable commanders in the most recent fight though), conquered a few new provinces and build a second lab & temple for the nation, there's no way I(or the new guy) can fight prolonged fight against Man, who has the income and research and army size of C'tis three times over, without any help.

So if the new sub likes impossible challenges and still wants to sub, he can take over immediately and I wish him good luck. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
If not, I'll put C'tis under AI on turn 36.

gowb April 19th, 2008 11:00 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Yes, I am the admin. Send me this guy's email and I will set it up.

zenphos April 20th, 2008 03:03 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I explained the situation to him. And I think he is still up for it. He has just started and only has one game going at the moment. Basically I said it will be good practice for fighting a losing battle in the mid game and he said he was up for it.
I will tell him to get in touch with Gowb and send his email address. And also to read the forum just so he is aware of the situation.
Hopefully he will be able to at least put up a better fight than the AI who can be woefully stupid at times.

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