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Re: The Final War
Heh. Xanthus found his way back from the Void, I see.
And now it begins. In all honesty, I just don't see how the two of you can win against Ermor, with the forces I have arrayed against you. We shall see though! At one point in this game, I sent a friendly-neighbour congratulatory message to Cor2, for Pangaea defeating Mictlan... ; ) Above all, let's have fun! --IndyPendant. |
Re: The Final War
Well, as you can see, he was a bit "touched". The note that he left his wife implied that he thought the war had already started, and that he was late to meet up with his unit. Officially, our government has no knowledge of this "Void" that you speak of, it's just a rumor.
So this is turn 62 already? Well, bugger. I had thought we were 1 more turn away from the launch of festivities. No bother, I am not going to let my confusion interfere with our fair schedule. Let's get ready to RUUUUUMMMMBLE!!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif Oh eck. < Wets self, hopes no one can tell underwater. > O.O |
Re: The Final War
By being unable to see how we can win you have made real the possibility of such an occurance. For clearly you have no contingency against what you can not see. By the way, hows the homefront doing?
Re: The Final War
Oh Frej, it seems like only yesterday I had brought/summoned you into this world. Now you're all grown up and on top of the Hall and Fame. (tear) 666 kills, I couldn't think of a more fitting number. (breaks down sobbing)
Seriously though, you may be right. I may have no chance to survive. I don't think it really matters at this point though as I have the replay of the battle at Ralothia forever in my possession. Good first round by the way. P.S.: My prophet is still alive, fully geared up, and ready for more. |
Re: The Final War
Did I get all of the Elemental Royalty in my territory? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
I'm a bit annoyed, I forgot those 2 commanders Patrolling at Caelum - that's 80 or so men that were supposed to be inside right now, going over the plan to break the siege. Where are my advisors?! So fired. Sun Tzu might have some clever things to say about the present turn. I may beseech him for comment after the next few months play out. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: The Final War
Heh. Yeah, Ralothia was, uh, funny...; ) Still, there were some (hopefully) nicely exploitable mistakes there. We shall see!
Koromoo was also interesting. I had intended to split my forces evenly last turn between Omicria and The Sinks, but must have forgotten to (I guess). So I debated whether I should attack with my reduced army or not, and finally decided to go for it. Turned out not properly splitting my forces was an unintentional boon, since I still won...and now less of my units are blind researchers and reanimators...: / As to the elementals...I'm only missing the earth/blood elemental (of the land ones). Antrax, Rhuax, and Pyriphlogos are currently running amok in Mictlan's lands. I'm a bit surprised though; Mictlan doesn't seem to have gone for heat scales? Ugh. Prepping that turn was horrible! Took me nearly four hours! |
Re: The Final War
Not all the royalty. All the fire kings, including the king of banefires, is hanging out in my hot hot dominion. They must have heard about our open bar and feather clad Mictlan girls.
Also, one additional comment. Nether Darts... Really?! Indy, Jim, and my Housemate should start a 'We Heart Nether Dart" club. That kind'a spam don't belong on my plate. Don't get me wrong, it's a great spell, and it works great against indies and the unprepared, but really? Its resistible with an MR check and is parried by air shield. Sigh. Edit: Weird you should say that. Most of my territories and my former territories have heat 3. I took heat 2 and it's early summer. |
Re: The Final War
Eh. It's a choice between Darts, Star Fires, and Frighten for my Communion Slaves. I'm not too concerned about what they do. You'll notice my Communion Masters don't touch Nether Darts. ; )
And yes, heat scale comment rescinded. I was looking at the wrong provinces. Lack of sleep and all that. |
Re: The Final War
Don't rest, play more Dominions! Then in a sleep deprived haze a week from now, rise up screaming, "Why god, why?!" as your empire crumbles! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
It could happen. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif And I do <3 Nether Darts. It's devastating if you don't have easy access to Arrow Fend. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Next game I will make sure to make better use of it earlier in the game, when my opponent is less likely to be ready for it. Besides..... Surgical Mind Blasting solves that whole problem, at least that's what I hear! <3 Someone just taught me a new trick with R'lyeh in another game, so I'm going to see if there's still time to leverage it here, I think so, but we'll see. I just wish I had an easy solution to 600 Longdead Horse. I mean sure, one stack is fine, but 600 here, 600 there, some Air Queens, some Earth Kings..... Where do I start? It's like a crunchy buffet full of ill prepared pufferfish. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif |
Re: The Final War
I signed in to appologize for my later-then-usual submission. I myself have been dealing with scripting horror and just wanted to take an evening off from Dominions. However it seems I shouldn't feel too bad as you guys weren't waiting on me alone anyhow. I should be good for one turn per day for the next few days.
In regards to dealing with hordes of longdead, comunion banishment spam isn't that bad of a tactic for you. Their MR is low and I'm sure their getting an MR penalty from your dominion. Also, banishment is nearly fatigueless, so your masters and slaves can do it all day long. Cast water ward (underwater only) in order to deflect more of his lance blows. The alturentive is using a battlefield damage spell that your army can survive. |
Re: The Final War
I think it's official, we need a delay of game as Jim only has 3 hours left to submit. If he stales then I vote we roll the turn back. Though that wouldn't be optimal as that might give the other two players time to rethink there turns after seeing the result. I don't think we would want that.
Re: The Final War
No I'll be submitting. Forgive me if I feel a bit overwhelmed by the massiveness of the whole thing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Been having a rough few days, so it;s just been hard to focus that hard on one thing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif I have 90 minutes left by my clock, should be fine. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: The Final War
Well! What an eventful turn that was. Or at least, what an incredible battle that was. I was very shocked when the AI decided to drop Shimmering Fields - I've honestly never seen that spell fire off, it was beautiful, even if I'd hope for a more spectacular effect. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
I bet the Air mage surprised you altogether, I only got her a few turns ago, and had 200 Air gems laying around, so I got to Empowering, she's neato. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif I gotta say though..... Leprosy? That is WAY overpowered. Yeah it doesn't kill anyone, but for what, 10 gems? It is diseasing 150-200 men per cast, and even hits 17-20 MR commanders with fair regularity, that's kind of messed up. If I didn't have the Gift Of Health that I robbed from you, that spell alone would have totally won the game for you, as it is it makes me wait in my dominion to get "better", but obviously I can't wait much, because more piles of bones appear every day. < sigh > How are you faring, AOE? I don't much see Mictlan anymore, which is a bit disconcerting - I know you don't have an ocean to hide in. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: The Final War
Nope, no ocean and not much land eaither. He's been assassination spell spamming me. Earth Attack, Manifestation, the occasional Mind Hunt when he thinks it's safe. I feeble minded one of his mages with a teleport spell.
Their were also the 14 super combatents, 11 of which are still tromping around. Just three more royalty and 7 more bane lords to kill before he sends me another batch. I'm also down a castle leaving me only 2 left, which are both being seiged. No worries though, he's not breaking down the walls yet as he used the SCs to take them. I've still got my good mages around. Mostly because they're immortal as all of them have "died" at least once. Their the gift the keeps on giving. As for the air gems I needed from you, they were really helpful in eliminating his largest grouping of mages and troops. See, I did some empowering of my own and made a troll king into a earth 3 air 1 mage for some hot Rain Of Stones action. Which is were the hero with 666 kills came in. He's dead now. Well, that's the Mictlan report. Stay tuned for more. |
Re: The Final War
Heh. I was going to ask if you two were ready to surrender yet. I guess not.
JM, that battle was definitely epic! The air mage wasn't all that much of a surprise though; hadn't you cast Seeking Arrow at me the previous turn? I'm pretty sure you had. The loss of another of my 8 or so armies isn't a big deal, particularly since I won the battle in the process. I liked my Air Queen though! Give her back, damn you! *shakes fist* ; ) Leprosy is definitely good, but keep in mind it allows a resistance check, costs 10 death gems, and 'only' diseases units (so they're still around for a while). I've been maximizing my penetration items for the spell, so it seems a bit better than normal. I wouldn't call it overpowered, but I am surprised it's not used more in MP. And as soon as your armies enter my territories, Gift of Health no longer applies. (Muahaha!) AoE, was that my largest grouping of units? I hadn't noticed, I have so many armies running around. ; ) Still, that *was* a rather shocking, unexpected slaughter those trolls invoked on my army--hence the immediate flurry of assassinations. And my feebleminded mage has already recovered; I anticipated the teleport tactic (I was also thinking about stealthed astral mages). Gotta love that Chalice! I hadn't expected to lose 3 fully-equipped Bane Lords assaulting only PD though; that was disappointing. I can't wait to see what happens next! I may be a little late submitting this current turn, although I'll try not to be, but afterwards I should be back on track. --IndyPendant. |
Re: The Final War
Well..... 40 Death gems diseased 600-700 of my troops, including all of my very expensive and high MR Illithids. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif It diseased a good 40 commanders, over 30 of which are mages. Yeah if they can't get cured, they can technically go down in a blaze of glory, but diseased troops very rapidly deteriorate - fully half of them already had an additional affliction on the same turn the spell is cast.
So all things considered, 40 Death gems to ruin 8000g+ worth of troops and mages, some of them highly experienced and/or rare magic picks - I'm gonna call that a bit extravagant. I mean I blew 50 Water on a Murdering Winter, and killed like 33 guys. Sure, the province wasn't Cold 3, but Leprosy doesn't have that kind of a restriction. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif I'm disappointed the Air Queen isn't a commander any longer. She's kind of silly without her gear or magic, hardly a better result than just killing her. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif |
Re: The Final War
Well, I kinda hoped you would want to play with your food a little bit before you ate it, but you're like a kid in a candy store. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
As I had supposed earlier, you really are just too massive to fight, and Leprosy and assassinations just wreck everything I can put together. I'd be more than happy to crown you king of this little world, and move on. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Well played! |
Re: The Final War
Heh. Yeah, hit as hard and as fast as I can, keep you from recovering. That would definitely be the idea. ; )
It's pretty much a done deal now. We could continue playing it through, but unless AoE has some last-minute, game-winning surprise up his sleeve, I'm going to feel a bit like Arthur in the Holy Grail, when the Black Knight just would not stop fighting: "You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine...What are you going to, bleed on me?" I'll wait for AoE to respond, though. |
Re: The Final War
Give up?! Never! I ask for at least another turn. Personally, I had a lot of fun doing up this last set of commands. So clearly I'd like to see it executed.
Re: The Final War
Oh, by all means then! I look forward to seeing what you have prepared. ; )
I'll complete my turn tonight or tomorrow. |
Re: The Final War
I'm just going to submit. The Starspawns have cooked up a big pot of shroom tea (don't ask how they do tea at the bottom of the ocean, it's a secret!), and are all preparing to step through the Void Gate to avoid letting me script orders for them - which is a sure precursor to a terrible fate that interrupts their execution of those scripts. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: The Final War
Heh. You are just far too enamoured with Rain of Stones, AoE. ; ) In one more turn, I would have had Army of Lead/Gold anyways, and you can bet I would have been first-turn casting it with item buffs and full armour!
Too bad about the Lich though; I'm pretty sure he was intended to do a lot more harm than he did. Very good playing though; similar to Vanheim, I shudder to think what would have happened if we had started the war anywhere near balanced in strength. Shall we call it a game now? I'd love to read any AARs, and I could type one of my own up if anyone is interested... --IndyPendant. |
Re: The Final War
Hell, sure. I just wanted to see that turn. You can have your win. Congrats man.
Re: The Final War
Thanks. And I still say congrats on your comeback. That was practically Hollywood-worthy in its extremity, hands-down the best turnaround I have ever seen. ; )
I'm going to register the win in that Thread of Preening, and I hope to play against you again in future games. Have fun! --IndyPendant. |
Re: The Final War
Congrats Indy, GJ.
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