![]() |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I'll feel more comfortable if we switch to 96 hours/turn.
BTW, how many of eastern nations feel comfortable with that Astral Corruption? TC will try to dispel it. If failed then it's time for us to have a discussion... |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
MX, check your turn, my poor little corruption has already been dispelled, and I doubt it had any effect at all due to the damned ritual casting order (:
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Broadcast to all nations of the world.
There are no score graphs so those of you with less than perfect intelligence may miss the recent developments. TC is beating us, us as in the three nations set to stop him after he devoured Abysia and Utgard. We will not last long against him, exhausted of our resources and beaten badly with every new turn. TC already controls close to third of the map and closing on half if current state of affairs continues. He is way in end game in terms of SCs, spells, resources etc. Now, MX you have played marvelously and if you manage to pull this through you deserve the victory. However it is my obligation to give a fair warning to all the nations of the world. Either you stop whatever you are doing now and do your best to counter TC or you face a 100% probability of losing the game! Listen or forsake the game. Make your choice and make it fast. PM me if you are going to take a stand. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Changed the hosting time to 96 hours per host.
Jazzepi |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
TC currently controls less than one third of the world, but the bloody-evil-axis control more than that... Now they want more slaves to set up a new shining Astral Corruption. Yes, they want slaves from other nations, to carry out their own evil tasks...
Ask Mictlan what they have gotten from attacking a remote nation. If they go other directions Mictlan may already control another third of the world. Same words to everyone, fight for your own sake. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Brave Mictlanese virgins step onto the altars on their own will, cursing the evil narrow-eyed aggressors. We thought we were able to stop TC with 3 nations cooperation, but we failed even to slow it's movement. Don't think you can stay away from the war. Fellow lizards, just take a look at the inquisitors, whom you had been fighting for a while. Illichtids, instead of dispelling my harmless corruption, use the gems to observe the zone of conflict. You may be surprised.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
To alhorro:
In this MP game, TC declared war to only one nation--Abysia. I'm not a aggressor. My neighbors pushed me to current position. To WL: TC controls 70 provinces. Bloody evil axis own at least the same amount of provinces. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
You know I actually started to count provinces :)
Then realized that's just stupid. I gave my warning, now let each player decide for his own. They don't heed it, you win. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Jomon hears your warning. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to fight R'lyeh. This nation has captured many provinces from Gath after the Jomon-Bogarus alliance eventually defeated Gath, there is no way we can accept this. More important right now is the fact that R'lyeh has a very agressive Dominion spreading in our provinces and causing a lot of trouble and affliction. We cannot stand such a vicinity. We can consider stopping the war against R'lyeh if this nation destroys enough temples to keep his dominion in a reasonnable fashion and if it gives back the provinces stolen from former Gath. This is the only viable option for me.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Sounds like a reasonable compromise given the alternative. I wholeheartedly suggest you work out your differences and do what you know has to be done.
The western nations (or the "bloody axis" as we were called :) ) will not last very long. Then I'd be really really surprised if any combination of powers could stop TC. Besides having vast resources, research and tons of SCs, MX is a real cunning player, so I'd put all my money on him :D |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I would say that Bogarus is lying outright. But that would be impolitic of me...in honesty, when Gath left the game I told Bogarus via ingame messaging that I would claim his capitol and another province (the one that connects my ocean to the sea above me) and that he could claim the rest if he wanted...he agreed to this. I have not aggressed on him or jomon until they began attacking me...however..I own 4 capitals now, including my own, and would glady devote my services to destroying the superpower if I am still needed..
Sorry to say I've not been on the forums lately, I've been playing via ingame messaging, due to time constraints in RL - if anyone wants me however please email me at Xanatos (at) Triad (dot) rr (dot) come and let me know what you need me to do...I am afraid my options are limited while I am fighting both jomon and Bogarus...unless they agree to back off. |
Xanatos, Bogarus is not lying because I am Jomon ;)
Moreover, Bogarus does not have the ability to grant you ownership for any Gath's former provinces since Bogarus has an alliance with me, Jomon, to 1 - defeat Gath and to share his provinces 2 - once done with Gath, to attack you. If you had some trade with Bogarus I had not been aware of, you shall clarify your mutual positions but Jomon won't pay for these occult trades between Bogarus & R'lyeh. As for Jomon, the situation is quite simple : the war against Gath has been costly and hard. I had to defend, then regain my provinces with heavy losses. In the process, my net benefit is 4 provinces... R'lyeh easily occupied 10+ undefended provinces while we were sieging the last forces from Gath. Obviously, Jomon can't accept this. Neither can I accept your dominion spreading deeply in my provinces as it is presently doing. I just can repeat my former assertion : peace is possible if you withdraw in your sea and destroy enough temples to keep your dominion pression reasonable. Otherwise, Jomon has no other choice but war. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
ehhh...You guys are about to make the same mistake...help Patala to defeat TC, then let them easily occupy all undefended provinces...Then you will be facing another superpower...Monkey empire with 100+ provinces!!!
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Well Patala has lost so much in this war, its resources, SCs, armies. Now its losing provinces, one of its castles is about to be taken. More armies are heading towards other castles. Tartarian SCs are being produced and used to take its provinces.
Patala would consider itself lucky if the world survives TC and Patala happens to make it out alive as well. 100+ provinces is a fantasy that seems completely unrealistic. If Patala ever comes to that feel free to band together and hack the hell out of it :D |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
ehhh...WL why don't you announce your great victory in last turn? I thought you enjoyed sharing your story with other players...
ehhh...Let's see what else you are hiding except your real power... |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Why don't you tell how you killed Marignon. Now you own Marignon, Ermor, Abysia and Jotun lands in addition to your own. So you are like the most advanced and resource heavy combination of four nations. I think the other nations get the gravity of the treat you are presenting so I need not do any convincing anymore. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
*Cough*I certainly mean the fight outside your castle...One of my amry was completely destroyed:hurt::hurt::hurt:Superb Rudra sc of Patala finally appeared:cold::cold::cold:
Marignon died because they rushed to my lands hastily, while Patala hide their powerful force behind walls...:angel::angel: |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
MX, what are you talking about???
Are you referring to turn 58?- As I said I still didn't see it but I'll tell you one thing, I don't have any Rudra. I had one but the poor bastard died on turn 57 while defending one of my castles from getting captured (costly victory if ever there was one, lost most of my army in that cursed battle). Why Marig died is besides the point. That you own so much turf is, at least for me :) |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Jazzepi, Can you please add 48h for this turn?- Its holiday time in Israel, "Rosh Hashana" actually (like Christmas, only this one came first :D ) and I will be out of home most of this week.
TIA. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
MX, I've been seeing inconsistencies between battle replays and actual battle results all game long so its no wonder to me that I've lost an important battle. I assume you refer to battle in 47, right?- I got no report of a major battle there, just my scout moving in to take a peek. One day, when this game is over please tell me the tale of the missing battle.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Such kind of problems happened to me too:cold: I'm completely confused:doh:
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Seem like this turn crashed. Quote:
" Hi. On trying to host Victoria just now, Dominions crashed. This is not a LlamaServer issue, but rather Dominions itself crashed with a "Nagot gick fel" error. These errors are normally caused by a (generally inexplicable) problem with one of the players' 2h files. Therefore the LlamaServer moved all your 2h files away before hosting again. This is why you will receive a new turn file in which you've staled. There are two options from here. Either you can treat the stale turn as a random event and carry on with the game, or you can roll back the turn and try to host again. If you try the latter your game admin will have to do the rollback via the admin options on the LlamaServer website, and you will all have to do your turns again. Note that in this case it is _really important_ that you actually do redo your turn, rather than just sending in the same one again (which people sometimes seem to do because they don't believe me). If you just send in the same file, hosting will simply fail again. I hope you manage to get the game back on course, whichever option you go for. " So what now?- I prefer the option of rollback. Maybe with small changes to turn files the turn will host correctly. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
FYI, I've emailed llamabeast with following Qs. I'll update as to response.
" so what I'd like to know is: 1. Is it possible to discern the offending 2h file? 2. Is it possible to run hosting in debug mod or some such and learn why the turn crashed (meaning for example, whether a certain battle or ritual or move order caused the crash) 3. If we rollback and everyone give same orders won't the hosting crash again? 4. If we rollback and everyone modify their turn, won't that achieve the same effect towards eliminating the crash as replaying the turn from scratch? 5. If we choose not to rollback, give more or less same orders as in previous turn and hosting crashes again. Then what?- Do we need to forsake the game or is there any way to workaround or fix the crash? " |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I'm also in favour of a rollback.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Jazzepi, It would seem that we would need to rollback this turn and pray it doesn't crash again.
Having spent about three hours on last turn I don't plan to redo it from scratch for two reasons: first, even if I do it from scratch it will be very similar to what I did since I'm quite pedantic when doing my turns and usually keep a ToDo list in my head for most of the actions I want done and Second, I don't know what's the reason for the crash - it might be R'lyeh auto summon or some battle or some ritual that bombed the turn so w/o knowing the reason we could get a crash even if we redo turns and rehost. I suggest to rehost with the old .2h files. Maybe we'd get lucky and turn will host. Ideally llamabeast could provide us with a way to get a debug log of the hosting, this will hopefully tell us why the host crashed. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
At least we should load our respective turns and press the "end of turn" button to re-build your 2h file. At least... |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I'm going to do a rollback in about 24 hours unless anyone has an objection they'd like to raise.
Jazzepi |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I pray :bow: to dominions guardian :angel: that this game will not explode. Had too many of those recently :( |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
The game crashed?! So I wasted three hours in that turn?!:shock:
No matter whether we roll it back I have to redo last turn?!:doh: Another three hours?!:eek: |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I don't think you have to redo the entire turn, you just need to access the old turn you have laying around, and go to click "end of turn" to rebuild it. At the very least.
Sometimes this doesn't help. Jazzepi |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I think the rollback hasn't taken place yet.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Okay, I'm just working finally on answering Wraithlord's questions. I'd normally be a little disinclined to, as it's a fairly long job, but if his turn took 3 hours(!), well, then I'm happy to make a bit of an effort.
Right, here's the error: N�got gick fel! mapmove: bad unr N�got gick fel! mapmove: bad unr Aborted And... having tried by a process of elimination, it's Tien Ch'i's 2h file that breaks the hosting. Only he will need to resubmit. I'll submit the files to Johan. Repeatable crashes are a valuable commodity. And thankfully a rare one too. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
So, to be clear, what you need to do is:
- Roll back to last turn - Have T'ien Ch'i send in his turn. No-one else needs to. - Force hosting, even though most players will be on "Waiting for 2h file". The server has the files and will use them, so it'll be fine. T'ien Ch'i should redo his turn from scratch to minimise the chances of a repeat. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
WOW. I'm out of words. bravo :clap: llamabeast. I have asked the Qs not really expecting an answer b/c I assumed there's work entailed. Then you went and actually checked and found the error. Really amazing, both your willingness to help and finding the root cause.
On a lighter note. I knew it was evil TC who crashed the turn ;) It happens b/c he has too many SCs, lands and income. I have a solution for TC, give me some of your lands, that will make your turns crash free :D Seriously now, MX, I'm sorry you'll have to do redo your turn. Its a real bummer and I hope this is a single case episode. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
It's a critical time...and TC planed to throw a lot of ritual spells into Patala capital...may that cause the problem? I mean, is there any limit like you can't cast more than x spells at one province?
I'll reduce the amount of missiles...lucky you WL... |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
MX has been banned.
We owe thanks to WraithLord who raised concerns about MX's extraordinary success in the game. To WraithLord's credit he did so with considerable trepidation and did not wish to make allegations, but just to reassure himself that all was well. I took a look at some of MX's turn files, and found that he had been cheating. I won't say exactly how he'd been cheating, because that would be stupid, but suffice to say that his 2h files had been tampered with, and much of his success in this game (and probably in his other game, Fools) was a result of that tampering. I sent the files straight away to JK who confirmed that the files had been tampered with. He's already made a fix, so that from the next patch such cheating will no longer be possible. Unlike Norfleet, the infamous cheater of Dom2, MX seems to have been very subtle, and it took me a while to find things which were definitely wrong, rather than just impressive for the turn number. We were lucky to catch him. Although I've banned MX (with lch's and JK's approval), I will send him an e-mail to see if he has anything to say for himself. That seems only fair. I'm sorry that your game will have been really rather fouled up by all this. Anyway, in a moment I will roll the game back to last turn, and replace MX's turn with an order to set T'ien Ch'i to AI. Then I'll force hosting and you can resume the game. Incidentally it could well have been some error in MX's tampering which caused the crash on last turn. I don't know. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Great job llama (:
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
As I told llama so I tell you my friends to this game and all dominions players who may be reading this.
I am SHOCKED and greatly saddened :( I had my doubts all game long but I didn't, couldn't, bring myself to think badly on a fellow player. Even when TC success seemed impossible, research impossibly fast, resources impossibly high I kept telling myself, maybe he got lucky, maybe he has the greatest sites possible but most importantly, why would he want to cheat anyway, its pointless since we are playing for fun, not to win any prize or money. The trust I have in fellow players is embedded really strongly in me and not for nothing, I guess I was fortunate enough to always play with honest and friendly players. I'm sorry for Abysia, Jotun and Marignon who have died in vain against impossible odds. Hey, I was very close to joining their fate. Though this whole episode pains me I'm proud and not ashamed of having done this service to the community. I'm grateful to llama for checking just to rest my mind at ease. Thank you llama!!! you're my hero. Thank you JK for confirming this and making the fix. |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
It seems like when llamabeast put the AI-set turn in for MX that the turn bugged out again. Or are we okay?
Jazzepi |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Yeah, you're okay. I sent another message out which you should have got, although I may have been a bit unclear. Just make sure you use the most recently received turn, in which it should not say that you've staled.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Anyway, congrats to you & llama for the investigation. And back to Victoria, let the Holy Wars go on ! :p |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Just thought I'd confirm that MX was happy to admit cheating in his e-mail to me. He said "Sorry to use players as samples of my experiment... Good job llamabeast". Feels like Holmes catching Moriarty (not that I'd claim Holmes-like skills were required by any means). So there we are.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Excuses, excuses. Losers. Jazzepi |
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Definite Norfleet style response. Equally stupid person.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Plausibly same person IMHO
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I don't know. I think MX is Chinese. I don't think Norfleet was Chinese.
Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I stand corrected and will try to control my rampaging imagination :)
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