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-   -   MP: Stasis - MA game. Finished. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39231)

konming August 8th, 2008 04:40 PM

Re: \"Stasis\" - strange diplomacy
Yessir, Ulm must die!

chrispedersen August 8th, 2008 06:52 PM

Re: \"Stasis\" - strange diplomacy
Regarding the list thing:

Search the postings.. there was a very long posting about this that devolved into a flame war.

My own attempt in this got locked. Some players do not want a list generated.

chrispedersen August 8th, 2008 06:57 PM

Re: \"Stasis\" - strange diplomacy
I'd like to introduce a new term into Dominions Lexicon.
Its based on reverse dutch auctions, and known in american parlance as either reverse dutch or reverse chinese. However, to keep jingoism out of it, I'd like to just call it a reverse nap.

Here is the definition:

Both sides enter into a NAP with an agreed upon term, such as NAP +3 - which would normally be that there is peace for three turns AFTER the turn of notification.

So, a Reverse NAP is this:

The side that is *notified* may take any actions it deems fit, immediately, upon notification.

The side deciding to end the NAP, must wait the agreed upon time.

This makes it a disadvantage to break the NAP, and hence a little bit stronger than a traditional NAP.

Whatdya think?

ano August 8th, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: \"Stasis\" - strange diplomacy
Very nice idea indeed.

BigDisAwesome August 14th, 2008 02:17 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
So I'm gonna be out of town on vacation Monday the 18th through Friday the 22nd of next week without access to a computer. Can we delay the game a little bit so that I don't miss a turn? I'm in a pretty respectable spot. And I'm at war with 2 nations right now, so I'd rather not turn my turns over to someone else right now.
Much appreciated.

AdmiralZhao August 14th, 2008 08:59 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I would be fine with a delay of game, though if you could find a competent sub that would be better.

ano August 16th, 2008 07:09 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Sorry for not noticing your post. How much delay do you need?

BigDisAwesome August 16th, 2008 08:28 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
It depends. I'll post right before I leave Monday. And I won't be getting back until late Friday night. So I probably won't have my turn in until Saturday morning.

ano August 16th, 2008 10:45 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I think that we have no option other than to agree)

BigDisAwesome August 18th, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Ok I'm leaving in a couple hours. I have the current turn submitted, so the next turn is where I'll need a delay. I should have the next one in Saturday morning at the earliest.

I'll post once I get back in town. Thanks again guy.

AdmiralZhao August 24th, 2008 10:25 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Ryleh, being the upstanding global citizen that it is, intends to get rid of this accursed Forge which threatens us all. The longer the Forge stands, the more powerful Ulm grows, until eventually he will destroy us all. If you have astral pearls to spare for the Dispel, or even if you are willing to trade, please let us know.

AdmiralZhao August 24th, 2008 10:30 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Oh, and we're also interested in ~30 blood slaves, in case anyone is willing to trade for them.

chrispedersen August 28th, 2008 09:26 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Hey, since
1. the llamaserver is down (and we don't know when its coming up)
2. we don't know if they are patching
3. its labor day weekend - can we adjourn till Monday evening. I don't want to be surprised by a turn being due.

ano August 29th, 2008 03:29 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I doubt it is a good idea.
1. Llamaserver will be up on Saturday evening. It is a planned maintenance. Read here.
2. Read here

As far as I understand all turns in all games are delayed by 48 hours so you'll have a full Sunday to submit your turn. If you still insist that we make a pause until Monday evening, I will make it but the only argument I see is your labor weekend.

JimMorrison August 29th, 2008 04:48 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.

Originally Posted by ano (Post 635055)
I doubt it is a good idea.
1. Llamaserver will be up on Saturday evening. It is a planned maintenance. Read here.
2. Read here

As far as I understand all turns in all games are delayed by 48 hours so you'll have a full Sunday to submit your turn. If you still insist that we make a pause until Monday evening, I will make it but the only argument I see is your labor weekend.

Well, I think that was part of his point, I guess. That due to the holiday, computer access will be sporadic, and thus it's hard to know when a turn can be successfully processed.


Americans have some stupid holidays, but don't tell anyone I said that, shhhhhh. :cold:

chrispedersen August 29th, 2008 08:53 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
And what exactly is a boxer day?

JimMorrison September 2nd, 2008 04:01 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
The game seems to have been inadvertently set to a 24h timer for this game. I am going to decline to process the current turn until I hear or see that it has been moved back to a 48h host time - since I would expect a rollback if I were on the wrong side of that timer (and I will be, actually! :p).

ano September 2nd, 2008 04:07 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
It seems that you are mistaken. The game is and was on 48h timer.
Look here

JimMorrison September 2nd, 2008 07:08 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Prophet on a stick. I see what happened on this one, just MSN jacking me around. I didn't actually receive the mail when it first got here, and misread the stamp, thinking that I had just gotten the mail today. God what a headache.

Please put up with me, I've been rather sick the last several days, and I'm still not altogether with it I guess.


Guess I get to put together my turn at 4am. :p

ano September 2nd, 2008 07:10 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Did I understand you right that everything is fine?;)

JimMorrison September 2nd, 2008 07:23 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.

Originally Posted by ano (Post 635784)
Did I understand you right that everything is fine?;)

Fine? No, not really. :p But me being sick while there is an unexpected delay (due to the server swap), and getting all discombobulated, is sort of no one else's fault or responsibility.

What a mess! :p

ano September 2nd, 2008 07:26 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
As I understood, you don't request anything...

AdmiralZhao September 3rd, 2008 08:37 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Ahh, that 4:00 AM turn would explain the mixed formations of mages and Catoblepas that I was seeing from Ctis. =)

JimMorrison September 4th, 2008 01:34 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.

Originally Posted by AdmiralZhao (Post 636217)
Ahh, that 4:00 AM turn would explain the mixed formations of mages and Catoblepas that I was seeing from Ctis. =)

Hah, yes. I spaced them apart, but did not account for the way larger formations get all squished together on the battlefield. Lovely way to burn some cash I don't have. :P Oh well, it's not really meant to be a chaff army, but I was hoping to have more of it around at this point - I'll deal. :re:

JimMorrison September 4th, 2008 09:23 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
And, I have officially proven that I don't have the resources, or the grasp of C'tis to make this position tenable.

Either that, or I've proven that I'm very good at not dealing with Mictlan's armies effectively (well, I did pretty well as Bandar Log, considering the situation, so I'm going with the former).

Maybe a little of both though, hard to tell for sure.

ano September 6th, 2008 04:59 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I'd like to state that if seej is going to stale the next turn as well I'll ask someone to set Oceania AI controlled.

llamabeast September 6th, 2008 05:17 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
seej was having some problems opening her turn file. She sent me a few e-mails about it, so I think she was at least trying.

ano September 6th, 2008 05:29 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Is ssej a girl? Wow!)
I know about her problems, i immediately replied with some advices and ideas concerning that and paused the game for 24 h. It was previous turn but there's still no reply.

BigDisAwesome September 6th, 2008 10:02 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I hope she doesn't go AI. She was a good neighbor, and it would really suck for me if the AI starts crawling out of the water at me...

ano September 7th, 2008 06:24 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Your suggestions?

llamabeast September 7th, 2008 06:30 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Er, actually I don't know if he or she's a girl. The name when he/she e-mailed me was one which is often a girl's, but sometimes a boy's. Probably shouldn't have used "she" anyway, in case it was meant to be private. Oops.

Not sure what to suggest. I'll send him/her an e-mail.

ano September 7th, 2008 07:06 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
It seems to me that if someone is not interested in the situation solution then nothing can be done with it. I see that seej is not interested so...
BidDis, Oceania looks pretty weak now and I doubt that AI Oceania may be a threat to your mighty nation even if AI decides to attack your lands which is also doubtful.

seej September 7th, 2008 01:10 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Hello everyone,
The last three turn files have all crashed my dominions on two separate computers with two different installations of Dominions...

I apologize for not having checked the forums to let you all know sooner, but I was really hoping this would resolve itself and didn't want to put any more blood in the water. Anyway, I need to be set to AI or handed off or something.
Let me know what I need to do, game leader.

- C

ano September 7th, 2008 01:16 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Do you have 3.20 patch installed?
If yes then probably llamabeast may tell you something.. I read in llamaserver FAQ that such things happen sometimes and it may be solved if we change your e-mail. Do you have any additional e-mail address?

llamabeast September 7th, 2008 01:31 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I'm actually completely mystified. I've sent seej the file by direct e-mail from myself, and even by uploading it onto the internet, all apparently to no avail. I can open the file fine. So I'm really clueless in this case.

chrispedersen September 7th, 2008 01:35 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
this is why I *really* like to delay games after a patch.

I have an intermittent crash in 3.20 as well - but only on one machine.

seej, do you have any symptoms? While hosting for example, I can't view statistics.

have you tried with the -x option?

if using linux, have you tried using a windows emulator (I know, kind of defeats the purpose - still...)

JimMorrison September 7th, 2008 04:15 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
If it's 64 bit Linux apparently there's a 3.20b patch available to solve an issue.

ano September 7th, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I doubt he has 3.20 installed at all. Still no answer to this.

AdmiralZhao September 8th, 2008 12:47 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I've corresponded with seej. He doesn't have 3.20 installed. He'll be upgrading and sending in more turns.

BigDisAwesome September 10th, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Yay. Seems like every game that I make it through the initial expansion phase in I just get tagteamed. Well have fun fighting off Ulm after he comes for you next Machaka.

Revolution September 13th, 2008 05:02 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
You should all be aware that on top of his current massive gem income, Ano is clamming. With his province lead, income, and killer SC's...My fate is sealed and all of yours will be as well if you do not band together and strike soon.

Also, well fought war Ano. Your attention to detail with your scripting and careful army management continues to impress me when we end up fighting.

ano September 13th, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Thanks for good words...
I made some mistakes and suffered some major loses in this war but it was your choice - I didn't want it indeed.

chrispedersen September 15th, 2008 03:53 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Theres nothing wrong with the position, but with the alliance between ulm and shinuyama I have no interest in continuing the game.

I have not put it on AI- so you can find someone to take my place if you wish, but I really think it pointless.

ano September 15th, 2008 04:08 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Lol... I just would like to know how my refusal to fight Ulm can influence you and your nation? Do what you want to but don't blame anyone, look at yourself.

BigDisAwesome September 15th, 2008 04:20 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
It looks like I need to be set to AI. Here in Ohio we got 60-70 mph gusts of winds yesterday caused by hurricane Ike. I'm without power at home, and they're saying that it could be up to a week until they get power fully restored. So instead of delaying the rest of you for a week to wait on me, just set me AI. I'm getting tagteamed by Ulm and Machaka anyway and am on my way out, so it really doesn't matter much anyway.

Best of luck to everyone.

ano September 15th, 2008 04:27 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Hm, taking on account problems with llamaserver and Ike hurricane (many people have been influenced by it) I think that it is maybe better to wait a bit for you to submit your turn when you can. Not sure about what other players think though.

AdmiralZhao September 16th, 2008 06:57 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I'm fine with a wait. I'm also fine with Shinuyama fighting Ulm. =)

chrispedersen September 17th, 2008 02:29 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.

Originally Posted by ano (Post 638534)
Lol... I just would like to know how my refusal to fight Ulm can influence you and your nation? Do what you want to but don't blame anyone, look at yourself.

I doubt its a serious question. But I'll answer it.
Blame isn't the right word ano.

Your alliance with ulm removes any interest I have in the game. Congrats you win. Or whoever. It is of no interest to me to sit and wait for the outcome.

AdmiralZhao September 17th, 2008 09:24 PM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
Rather than going AI, maybe attack one of your neighbors? Ulm or Pythium would both be fine with me. Failing that, could you send me some of your gems/items before you go out?

ano September 22nd, 2008 07:54 AM

Re: Stasis - MA game. Started.
I seem to have found a sub for Ashdod but it will be decided in the evening today. So I have to again! pause the game for something like 12h to clarify the situation with subbing.

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