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-   -   Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39680)

Omnirizon August 7th, 2008 12:54 PM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
true enough, jazzepi. i agree the map is far from balanced, and still needs some work. I like its overall look though, and believe it has potential.

namad: we are on 48 hours because in the recruitment post, i said we would go to 48 hours around turn 20. we are all doing a good job getting turns in quick still though, so just keep it up and we should keep moving quickly.


konming August 7th, 2008 01:04 PM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
I wonder what happened to Sauromatia. He stopped researching three turns ago and most of his army got killed last turn. Did he try to take a VP province?

anticipatient August 7th, 2008 01:20 PM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium

I lost 11 hydras, 10 witch kings and 150 androphag archers.

I should've had the witch kings skele spam or something . . . . . . . . pretty significant setback . . . .

konming August 7th, 2008 01:37 PM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Well, warrior of five elements are partially poison resistant, you know... Even if they have only 6 HP, they still kill hydras easily.

namad August 8th, 2008 02:24 PM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
what are the stats on god's men guisepepe 400gold wow.. is he any decent?

Omnirizon August 8th, 2008 02:36 PM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
IIRC, he's a weak fire mage. the men are nothing speical; basic heavy infantry. the price is due to the fact that he's a mage, i think.

anticipatient August 9th, 2008 03:09 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
For ermor, giuseppe's men are 1200gp http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Ah, yeah I didn't realize the warriors were poison resistant . . . they were all at 3-4 hit points when I died.

ALL of them were. So if they weren't poison resist, I would've won http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

anticipatient August 9th, 2008 03:23 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
I would like to point out, publicly, that majuva68 has threatened (and is following through with said threat) that were I to make war on him in the game, Freshmeat, he would make war on me in all games.

I encourage all of you to review Sheap's rules of conduct.


Please discourage majuva68 from carrying issues from one game into other games.

Jazzepi August 9th, 2008 03:34 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Seriously, that's highly inappropriate majuva68. Cut it out.


Omnirizon August 9th, 2008 03:43 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
that is very bad majuva68. behavior like that will threaten the integrity and fun of dom3 MP gaming.

Meglobob August 9th, 2008 08:27 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium

anticipatient said:
I would like to point out, publicly, that majuva68 has threatened (and is following through with said threat) that were I to make war on him in the game, Freshmeat, he would make war on me in all games.

majuva86 that is considered seriously bad form. Each game should be played individually and not linked. You will get viewed in a very poor light and increase your chances of being ganged by being unpopular with your fellow MP players. I would withdraw the threat and say sorry, claim ignorance... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

anticipatient August 12th, 2008 01:54 AM

I sent him the link, although his english may not be all that good. He's from spain, so who knows? I don't want him to stop attacking me. It is, as they say, SO ON. :) The war is underway, troops are committed, etc. I don't mind the state of things in games, I just really would like majuva to acknowledge hsi understanding that this is generally considered poor behavior.

And again, he's going to be pissed at me, because I broke our NAP and cut off negotiation not long after he made that threat. But thanks to you who have backed me up on this.

majuva68 August 12th, 2008 04:15 AM

My laptop is K.O, the hardisk is breaking. I can't do nothing. Anticipatient, you attack me without respect our NAP, this is the reason we are in war in all games. I can't connect in 15 days, when i'll come back we disscuss this. I can say a lot of things but you attack me before NAP is broken. Who are best ?. Put me in A.I, I can't search a sub

konming August 12th, 2008 06:15 AM

In that case, it is perfectly legtimate to attack in every game and disregard any NAP you guys may have.

CyborgMoses August 12th, 2008 12:09 PM

It is always legitimate to take such actions; it is the reason for these actions, namely, events in an unrelated game, which is illegitimate.

CyborgMoses August 12th, 2008 01:06 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Is anyone selling any path-booster items, particularly water, nature, or earth?

anticipatient August 12th, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Sorry, but I'm not going to negotiate or respect a NAP with someone who threatens to attack me in every other game, regardless of circumstances, when I declare my INTENTION to attack.:doh:

anticipatient August 12th, 2008 04:41 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
With regard to Hinnom:

Their talk of peace should not be believed. They only wait to prey on weaker nations.

konming August 13th, 2008 12:33 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by CyborgMoses (Post 630325)
Is anyone selling any path-booster items, particularly water, nature, or earth?

Well, DFGHB is always ready to help. We supply fine boosters in water, nature, and earth. DFGHB - a name you can trust.

anticipatient August 13th, 2008 05:45 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
And Hinnom just broke their nap with Sauromatia (me).

Announced NAP-3 was being terminated in 3 turns, named the specific turn, and attacked one turn later.

Now is the time to attack Hinnom.

anticipatient August 13th, 2008 08:57 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I am blatantly and openly gathering allies against Hinnom. PM me if you are ready to go to war against them. I know there are many of you out there that are uncomfortable with his growth and dominance. Let's put a stop to this would-be tyrant's unchecked expansion!

konming August 14th, 2008 12:08 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by anticipatient (Post 630786)
And Hinnom just broke their nap with Sauromatia (me).

Announced NAP-3 was being terminated in 3 turns, named the specific turn, and attacked one turn later.

Now is the time to attack Hinnom.

The notice was received on turn 23 way before you make you turns, and I specifically stated that hostility could break out on turn 26, which you did not object. I took you first province on turn 26. That's how I was told to calculate NAP duration. I wonder why you are making these lies and baby cries. :)

konming August 16th, 2008 01:49 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Kailasa is taking advantage of the war between Mictlan and Fomoria. This unprovoked and unfair attack shall be remembered by all the peace loving nations of the world.

CyborgMoses August 16th, 2008 02:38 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
The legions of T'ien Ch'i have returned to the battlefield, having completed the period of rest, relaxation, and regrouping granted them by the most benevolent Divine Emperor. Easily crushing the "hero" Bogus and his allies, the Stupendous Horde of Furious Retribution have overrun the defending filth of Helheim and laid seige to their capital city, sustaining a mere five casualties in the process. At long last, justice has arrived at your doors, Marc!

konming August 16th, 2008 02:39 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I have encoutered this movement bug. My large army is ordered to attack last turn, but it did nothing. This is so frustrating.

konming August 16th, 2008 02:40 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by CyborgMoses (Post 631661)
The legions of T'ien Ch'i have returned to the battlefield, having completed the period of rest, relaxation, and regrouping granted them by the most benevolent Divine Emperor. Easily crushing the "hero" Bogus and his allies, the Stupendous Horde of Furious Retribution have overrun the defending filth of Helheim and laid seige to their capital city, sustaining a mere five casualties in the process. At long last, justice has arrived at your doors, Marc!

He has gone AI several turns ago. No doubt under the pressure of your splendid army.

konming August 16th, 2008 02:53 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
If this bug keeps my main army from moving again, I will have to request a rehost. Let's see.

CyborgMoses August 16th, 2008 08:35 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by konming (Post 631663)
He has gone AI several turns ago. No doubt under the pressure of your splendid army.

Well, that's disappointing. I suppose that I'll have to settle for splendidly conquering the computer.

konming August 16th, 2008 05:54 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Strange. Helheim did not use F9W9 bless. Actually, it used neither F9 nor W9 bless.

konming August 16th, 2008 07:26 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Lagging behind on research? Needs some boosters to cast good magic? Lack good equipment for your SCs?

Your worries are things of the past since DFGHB now comes to help.

We offer choice items to help you in ALL regards:

Solution to your research wooes.
Lightless lantern

Needs more magic path?
Water ring/robe of the sea
Earth boot
Thristle mace
Ring of socery/ring of wizardry

SC lack gears?
Charcoal shield/shield of glimmering gold
Frost brand/fire brand
Boots of quickness/boots of stone
Hydra skin armor

Inquiries are always welcome.

DFGHB - a name you can trust, always.

Omnirizon August 17th, 2008 01:43 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by konming (Post 631656)
Kailasa is taking advantage of the war between Mictlan and Fomoria. This unprovoked and unfair attack shall be remembered by all the peace loving nations of the world.

Actually, Mictlan made an unprovoked attack on a protectorate of Kailasa, first demanding that we 'give' it to them, and then when we refused this charming request, they simply invaded and took it by force. Our war with Mictlan is not an attack of opportunity (unlike Hinnom's is with Sauromatia ), but only a response to protect our lands.

namad August 17th, 2008 04:33 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
sorry i held everyone up... i was desperately hoping someone would reply to a pm of mine so i could avoid perhaps accidentally attacking them over an independent... oh well fingers crossed..

konming August 17th, 2008 05:13 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Can we have a rehost? I understand this is not to be asked lightly. But my main army has been stuck for two turns due to this bug. And this is amid an all out war.

I have changed troops composition and commanders, but the army just won't move. And since this is the only border province, there is no walk around either.

So I formally request a rehost. What do you say guys.

CyborgMoses August 17th, 2008 05:31 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by konming (Post 632035)
Can we have a rehost? I understand this is not to be asked lightly. But my main army has been stuck for two turns due to this bug. And this is amid an all out war.

I have changed troops composition and commanders, but the army just won't move. And since this is the only border province, there is no walk around either.

So I formally request a rehost. What do you say guys.

I have no objection.

namad August 17th, 2008 06:04 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
maybe you should get a person who isn't playing this game to be a 3rd party and come in and look at your turn and see if they can't figure out what might be wrong?...cause if you can't figure it out rehosting 1000times isn't going to stop the problem?

konming August 17th, 2008 06:21 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I welcome someone to come and verify what I said. But I really do not think anyone else, short of the developer themselves can figure out what's wrong. The bug has been discussed several times in the board and no one has a definative answer. The solution normally is to move to another province, but it is not possible here.

konming August 17th, 2008 06:24 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started


Here are two discussions of the bug.

Meglobob August 17th, 2008 06:33 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I do not want a rehost!

Sorry Konming but I have been seriously short of money for ages and finally got a +1000 gp event. If we rehost, chances are I will get a bad luck event instead!

I suppose if you pay me 1000gp I might agree but otherwise, no way!

The 2 threads say it can only be fixed 2 ways. Issue your movement orders one at a time per commander (avoiding group movement) or giving a different move order, rearranging your army/units/commanders and trying again.

It sucks, but its a very, very rare movement bug so hopefully if you do the above will not happen again.

konming August 17th, 2008 07:09 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I did not ask for a rehost the first turn it happened, otherwise I probably will be at someone's capital already. :)

I tried to rearrange troops, add commanders and so on to no avail - it happened twice in a row. Moving to other provinces is not a option. I will try to issue movement order individually, though I doubt it will work, since the 2h file should not be different.

Omnirizon August 18th, 2008 01:29 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
konming has asked for a rehost. I've no idea really how it works. I'm guessing I just 'rollback turn', and then we can basically just resend 2h files that we already prepped for last turn.

first though, are all OK with this? it's kind of a big deal, because players can use knowledged gained from the first hosting to modify their turns for the rehost. there is also the issue of whether this will solve anything, if it has happened for two turns in a row, then maybe it just ain't gonna happen. lastly, there is the fact that bugs happen, and typically, the game IS NOT rolled back due to them. I suffered from a bug in another game, and the turn wasn't rolled back; it typically just isn't done for too many abuse issues.

I have to cast my vote as not rolling back, due to all the complications involved. but since konming is for it, that basically makes my vote nil (but his too). what do others say?

konming August 18th, 2008 01:55 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I understand that rehost is a very serious decision. That's why I did not ask for a rehost when the bug first appeared.

But the current situation is, I cannot attack the only province that borders us (the main part that does not requires teleportation anyway). I do not know if he can attack from it. He is basically safe from my army. After several turns of preparation and my enire army stuck - for two turns in a row, it has become extremely frustrating. :confused:

Now a bug that makes your enemy immune from your attack? I personally consider it a serious enough bug that warrants some trouble. And I only ask for one retry to see if it will persist. If it does, so be it. I will blame UN peacekeepers. :(

I have seen games rolled back due to serious bugs, but if you guys thinks doing a rehost is too much trouble, I certainly can understand.

namad August 18th, 2008 02:30 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
if you are referring to the border i think you are.. i believe the armies on both sides of the border have been unable to move... which is amazingly odd...

Dragar August 18th, 2008 03:15 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Could it be a map issue? Maybe test moving across that border in SP?

konming August 18th, 2008 03:22 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Scout went through with no problem, so it cannot be a map issue.

konming August 18th, 2008 03:23 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
And in SP there is no problem.

konming August 18th, 2008 03:24 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by namad (Post 632162)
if you are referring to the border i think you are.. i believe the armies on both sides of the border have been unable to move... which is amazingly odd...

I have to ask him if he is also moving. ;)

CyborgMoses August 18th, 2008 03:39 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by Omnirizon (Post 632154)
konming has asked for a rehost. I've no idea really how it works. I'm guessing I just 'rollback turn', and then we can basically just resend 2h files that we already prepped for last turn.

first though, are all OK with this? it's kind of a big deal, because players can use knowledged gained from the first hosting to modify their turns for the rehost. there is also the issue of whether this will solve anything, if it has happened for two turns in a row, then maybe it just ain't gonna happen. lastly, there is the fact that bugs happen, and typically, the game IS NOT rolled back due to them. I suffered from a bug in another game, and the turn wasn't rolled back; it typically just isn't done for too many abuse issues.

I have to cast my vote as not rolling back, due to all the complications involved. but since konming is for it, that basically makes my vote nil (but his too). what do others say?

If I read the instructions on Llama's server correctly, then I believe that rolling back the turn then force-hosting before some players submit new turns will cause the turn to be run with their old .2h files, which would negate the issue of "inappropriate knowledge" if you either host immediately after the rollback, in which case everything would be the same, or after only konming submits a modified turn.

Sorry if that was incomprehensible, I'm tired.

Dragar August 18th, 2008 04:26 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Presumably we are pausing the game until we resolve what we're doing here? Any more turns and it becoems even more problematic..

As it is rolling back 2 turns using old 2H files doesnt' really work, as surely whoever Konming is invading would want to react to the change. Ideally if we rolled back only those two players would be able to change their turns, and keep them honour bound to only change their turns in relation to that one border (and not based on what happens with other players)

Of course, the issue of random events and combat hostings is a big one.. 2 turns really means everyone should be allowed to replay.. of course disvantaging anyone who surprised an opponent..

gah, what a mess! In future lets please pause the game as soon as there is an error until we decide what to do :)

CyborgMoses August 18th, 2008 07:53 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by Dragar (Post 632179)
gah, what a mess! In future lets please pause the game as soon as there is an error until we decide what to do :)

This is what has happened; no turns have been processed since the one in question.

konming: since I don't know how much you know about software bugs, I am going to make some suggestions which may seem obvious. Please don't be offended.
There is something which causes this bug to manifest or not manifest. Since we don't know what causes the problem but suspect that your input may have something to do with it, and we know that your current input results in the bug showing up, one way to try to keep it from showing up again is to change your input as much as possible. I would suggest reorganizing all troops in this province, both in the makeup of units and in which commanders those units are assigned to. If you have a unit of seven spearmen assigned to a sage named Steve, maybe one of those elements is one of the things which can make the bug show up; take a guy from another unit and add it to the spearmen, and pass them off to some other commander. If you have a commander moving who you don't actually need, try having him do something else; maybe the particular combination of commanders and orders makes the bug manifest. Even seemingly unrelated things, such as which mages in your other provinces are researching and which ones are casting spells or forging, should be switched up where possible. I hope that this is helpful.

PS: On the bright side, at least this affected your entire army. Several times in single-player, I've had the movement bug cancel my orders for some, but not all, of my commanders, leading half of my army to be slaughtered when their comrades didn't show up to the battle.

Omnirizon August 18th, 2008 08:46 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I don't see a lot of yaying or naying.

As of now, I'm going to proceed with no rollback. It really is a large hassle to the whole game, with too many issues involved. I don't think it is a good idea ever, and precedent claims the same. People get bit by bugs, but the game just goes on, because in the end it is really the least amount of net harm to the game.

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