![]() |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Also, please add a blood source to Insectoid home planet.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hmm a small blood source maybe.. the nation worked without it for the regular game.. Maybe I should have queens create 1 slave / turn so you get some slaves even if they do other stuff?
I think the whole idea of amos was that there isn't a special site and I kinda like that.. or I could give them a douse bonus so they 'll be better hunters and have more turns to not hunt and do other things. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I'm pretty sure he's talking about province 28. Also, I just thought I should mention Jomon's red oni don't seem to have a name.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Queens are immobile. How would they hunt slaves?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Why did you make space a forest? Isnt it better to make the water into space? That way you can have leaders transfer soldiers through space.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Yeah. Water, and treating every race like mermen who don different forms under-and above water should be far easier!
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hmmm there are a large number of reasons why I've not used water, they are all in the other thread or higher up in here but I'll try to give a recap (might be missing something)
PRO WATER: sailing, but you can't sail to water provinces. so basicly you'd not use space then if you transport units AGAINST WATER: - no ranged combat in water, while sci-fi uses a lot of ranged combat, spaceships could only bump into eachother - max map move 1 in water, while space movement should be quick - no flying in water - no flying to water province (I think) - a lot of spells don't work in water (minor inconvience) And treating every race link mermen etc is exactly the same as forest form really so doesn't change anything PS Amos they have blood magic right? So they can blood hunt anyway. But the ones the queen would produce would be like cattle that has reproduced or something :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Which makes me wonder... 2 blood slaves in the inventory of the Primordia Regina per turn may be reasonable, as if having retainers to raise and breed a human slave, not to mention queens do not need them to be virgins... Just protein rich (FAT) :D
Or immobile Queens could get one automatic blood slave per turn as well at the cost of 10 dying people(think of nephilim script of killing pop), I'm sure insectoids would be real great to play, simulating the tyranids. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hmm I could also let the females get slaves and queens not.. would make for a balance there
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Care to add an infernal faction or a late Age Ermor with Nekron-alike guns and spaceships? Abysians in space? Machaka with mutant spider riders and stealth armor assassins with plasma falchions?Midgard with Vans living in space or Agartha Caveships :)
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Well if you want those.. make them.. I can use help with making nations :D
if you can create sprites I can do the mod if needed and if you give me the idea's you want. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
don't anyone touch ermor please, i already started on them and will get back onto them, will make sprites this weekend, probably.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hehe I still think your idea's for Ermor might be hard to implement... but don't let that hold you back :D
And if I need to mod the nation I need more specific unit descriptions (and the unit numbers of which units they need to replace) I'm sure someone can tell us how you find out unit numbers in game |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
plz post a large post about what you want with ermor so others know how they can make a different nation :D
and you could always make 2 nations but just play one or the other just like regular mods can replace nations :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
once we find out the unit numbers it will be easy, they'll run basicly the same as LA ermor so not much we need to change really.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hmm the story behind the nation is still a but vague to me but I agree the game play will be good and different compared to the nations we already have. We'll just need to balance the freespawn against the dominions 3000 nations..
giving freespawn ranged weapons might be potentionally overpowering.. probably should be reserved for relatively race spawns. PS I think you should see if you can think about other fitting colors except the fleshy look you are using before. The units looked great, but if all troops are like that it might be a bit.. well.. hard to distinguish on the battlefield. But I don't know enough of the background to know if you could also use other colors |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
i'm gonna use more black and earthy colours for elite units, think of it like LA agartha's Ktonian dead, flesh and steal, but i will do other stuff.
how about festering corpses spewing puss, they could be plague carriers and it gives me an ecuse to throw in some green and yellow? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hey your party.. do what you want.. I'll help you with what you need help with but it's your idea and you decide what you want in...
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Some of my "Hellgate" sprites have a sci fi look to them. You may want to use them for an undead nation.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
yeah that would be cool, i'll send you my email.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
You can find them on this page - here.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
okay then, with the combination of me and amos' work, ermor should be definately be done this weekend, unless god forbid i die or some other not very nice event occurs.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
also amos love your sprites. I'll make a few look a bit more thematic for the nation, then get aezeal to mod em in lol.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Done this weekend? Ermor has like a zillions spawns that need to be replaced.. if you give me a sprite and the unit number it should replace I could do something about it though.
What are your ideas about putting those freaks in space though? Can they live in the cold, vacuum of space, do they become something else? are they mostly inactive in space? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
come on there aren't that many spawns, besides i already made a start however long ago and off course it's the weekend, meaning i'm bored and need something to do all day.
Edit:and they don't become something else in space, they just stay as weird corpses floating in ZG, speaking of which can you script normal units to autocast spells, if you could then we could script them to autocast blink in space so as to simulate floating uncontrolably in ZG. apart from that i don't see why something which is already dead needs to adapt to survive in space. edit: wtf is that flag? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Before Aezeal kills me, I must say that ı woN't be able to help to this mod for a very long time. I am spending what little time I have to the Turan mod, and learning modding from scratch. I know nothing right now, so I make mistakes and learn, I am still trying to add abilities and magic paths to shamans.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Nikelaos but wierd floating corpses probably don't ahve the same combat efficiency as on land (for example most troops already have lower combat power in space (humans that is) I'd say floating corpses without spacesuits wouldsuffer even more (which actually is a decent way to combat overpowering numbers of freespawn) --> the sprite could remain the same I guess but maybe their stats would have to change? Or do you envision them as undead that are a bit less coordinated in movement overall but don't suffer further penalties in space?
Jaghatai, I'm not gonna kill you :D I'd love to get more feedback on the mod so if you have some time to play the game I'd love to hear more comments. The post in the other thread wasn't aimed at you :D anyway nick, ifyou have everything we need just send me the sprites, tell me about how strong they should be and tell me which unit they should replace :D Also: remember that when we replace ermor they will probably also replace all regular undead summoning spells and that this nation will get acces to other death summons like wraiths etc |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
i would put attack, defence and movement down due to no grip on ground and so harder movement, however i wouldn't put anything else down and i don't see why they would suffer, humans would only suffer because we need oxygen to function our bodies(undead are animated by magic) and our blood pressure ,which is usually counteracted with the resistance from the air around us, would make us literally burst(no need for respiration means no need for heart which means no blood pressure)
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
my advice would be just speeding up spectral undead and giving them armor piercing attacks. Remember Final Fantasy: the Movie? sorta like this would be ok.
Put some Purchasable Tomb-Ships if you can! |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Now you mention it, yes i do remember that movie, btw don't ghosts already have an armor piercing attack like life drain or something?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Then all you need to do is edit the Ghost sprite by a tiny bit, add some more stats and they are good to go.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
woah there are morer freespawn then i thought, anyway unit numbers are as follows;
184 Knight of the Unholy Sepulchre 186 Longdead Velite 187 Longdead Legionnaire 188 Mound King 189 Longdead Horseman 190 Mound King 191 Longdead 192 Longdead 193 Longdead 194 Longdead 195 Longdead 196 Longdead 197 Soulless 198 Ghoul 253 Dusk Elder 254 Spectator 255 Wailing Lady 256 Acolyte of Eldregate 257 Bishop of Eldregate 258 Arch Bishop of Eldregate 259 Lictor 260 Censor 555 Arch Censor (hero) 618 Longdead Warrior 619 Longdead Warrior 914 Soulless Warrior 915 Soulless Warrior 916 Soulless Warrior 917 Soulless Warrior 918 Soulless Warrior 919 Soulless Warrior 920 Soulless Warrior 921 Soulless Warrior 922 Soulless Warrior 1657 Longdead Triarius 1658 Longdead Principe (with soul gate up) 672 Spectral Velite 673 Spectral Legionnaire 674 Dispossessed Spirit 675 Shadow 676 Shade 677 Apparition 678 Wraith Centurion 679 Wraith Consul 680 Wraith Senator 681 Shadow Tribune 682 Spectral Standard |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Well soul gate will definately have to stay.. I don't think the soulgate units need to be replaced either.. maybe leave those as they are.
Ow wait that isn't all that either since having swords etc might not be what they need. You could just mod the sprites a little though. you don't NEED to make different sprites (or stats) for each units.. we could just replace them with the same unit instead of 2 different ones. a soulless replacement with a gun and one with h2h weapons should be enough. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hey Nik if you read the mod manual you could do some of the modding yourself too if you wanted.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
i guess but i can't be bothered with modding, i rather just making pretty pictures.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hehe ok I'll make them into something then but the more you tell me about how they should be the more the nation will end p the way you want it aight?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
so.. do you have some sprites already :D
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
i need to know what i've already given you first, don't wanna resend sprites.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
you got my mail right, my inbox can handle a lot.. just send everything :D
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I'm going to put a classical fantasy race (more than nation) in this mod. the nation might actually work as mod in the vanilla game too (though probably overpowered since Í'm trying to balance for this mod). I'm going to add some of my idea to make it fit in this setting and to get a bit of background and it will be sweet.
Can anyone guess what race it will be from these hints? :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Space Elves or Halflings!
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
you already added orcs, does that not count?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
no I'm thinking about another nation :D, though I admit the orcs would fit too.. but I mean the nation I make here will fit in dom 3 too (and these orcs don't since they have guns and spaceships :D. Space halfers or elves would probably also need guns and ships.. so it's not them either. PS usually these guys are not presented as a nation or a race as such... more as individuals :D
keep guessing :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Hmm would dwarves work without ships and guns?
Dwarves would be the first nation which would have guns :D also dwarves (especially dwarves I might say) are often presented as a race, not as individuals not even close :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Either dragons or horrors. I'm leaning toward the dragons. If so, there are some dragon nations around.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Or an angelic nation, angel, dragon or demon. Or vampires :P
Space werewolves! Beholders! |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I found an old thread where Psientist has been providing sprite images from mods for a space game he once created. Maybe it is of some use.
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