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Deadnature August 31st, 2008 10:47 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I thought it was still accepting turns, could be wrong.

Anyway, my main point is only that I'm sorry to hear you want to drop. I know that a stale can be pretty frustrating I understand where you are coming from.

anticipatient September 1st, 2008 01:00 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Oh yeah, I can't open my games now. There is a new version of Dominions3?

Fakeymcfake September 1st, 2008 01:42 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Yep, check the Dominions 3 page for the newest patch, might have to search a little for the link.

46852 September 1st, 2008 02:37 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Chris dropping out then? :(

Are we getting a sub for him? And by the way, what happens to human nation during a stale turn? Is it just a passed turn, the AI doesn't interfere or anything? Just a bit scared what happens at our borders :)

Fakeymcfake September 1st, 2008 03:29 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Nothing happens, it just sits and collects money/gems/research. And while I can understand that stale turns are somewhat irritating (I've had one already this game due to a mistake on my part) it is a bit of a disappointment that Chris dropping because of one missed turn. The issue with llamaserver has been cleared up in any case so I doubt there will be any further problems.

Deadnature September 1st, 2008 03:44 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
So, are we finding a sub? If not, I'd be curious to know which nations border Pythium; I think its only fair to know :)

PsiSoldier September 1st, 2008 10:29 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 635525)
I *couldn't* upload a turn before the weekend. Llama server wasn't responding.


Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 635253)
The e-mail (and web) addresses will stay the same, and in fact any e-mail you've sent in the last two days should be received normally. So hopefully everything will be reasonably seamless.

Just because Llamaserver did not respond at the time you sent your email it should have still received your email when it came online. It did receive mine..

Which leads me to believe you just didnt send in a turn.

AreaOfEffect September 1st, 2008 02:18 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
My apologies on the matter. In chris' defense he has actually suffered 2 staled turns, which at this point can lead to quite a set back. This is especially true considering his original strategy.

Either way I believe chris might have staled anyhow considering the original deadline was early today, not sometime tomorrow as he perceived.

I am willing to delay turn 14 in order to find a replacement. Though I'm sure that might take a couple of days to find. I also bet Ry'leh would be eager to have a bit of coast uninhabited by an active player.

My encouragement to chris is to stick it out if you can. I have come to this point in a few games myself and would dearly have regretted giving up. Jim can contest to this since he was in the last game I played.

Jazzepi September 1st, 2008 02:21 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 635649)
My apologies on the matter. In chris' defense he has actually suffered 2 staled turns, which at this point can lead to quite a set back. This is especially true considering his original strategy.

Either way I believe chris might have staled anyhow considering the original deadline was early today, not sometime tomorrow as he perceived.

I am willing to delay the game further in order to find a replacement. Though I'm sure that might take a couple of days to find. I also bet Ry'leh would be eager to have a bit of coast uninhabited by an active player.

My encouragement to chris is to stick it out if you can. I have come to this point in a few games myself and would dearly have regretted giving up. Jim can contest to this since he was in the last game I played.




JimMorrison September 1st, 2008 04:58 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 635649)
My encouragement to chris is to stick it out if you can. I have come to this point in a few games myself and would dearly have regretted giving up. Jim can contest to this since he was in the last game I played.

AOE does indeed have an iron will, a spine like an oak, and testicles like coconuts.


He also sets up a mean communion. :mad:

Deadnature September 1st, 2008 10:07 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
The brave soldiers of Ulm have defeated the invaders! After slaying the Wyrm-god of Abysia we also destroyed one of their vengeful armies. But Ulm is hard-pressed! Now the ape-people of Bandar-Log have also attacked the Iron Kingdom and we were forced to kill their elephants.

Enemies be warned: you will pay dearly for every inch of our land, be it lush plains or desolate wasteland. Long live ULM!!

AreaOfEffect September 1st, 2008 10:20 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I suspect they just want your tasty delicious gem income that you have worked so hard for.

P.S.: Ulm's PD is so good.

chrispedersen September 2nd, 2008 12:18 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 635649)
Either way I believe chris might have staled anyhow considering the original deadline was early today, not sometime tomorrow as he perceived.

No. I met all the deadlines as published by llamaserver, except this one which was moved up. I even said I was going to be away labor day weekend!

I think it wasn't kosher to move it up AoE; moving it up, after a server outage, after an upgrade, and after a request not to -but it can't really be undone at this point - so whats the point?

Anyway the position has some strong positivies. I'm not dropping as it isn't playable, I'm dropping because of disgust. But I'll help a sub anyway I can, to minimize disruption.

AreaOfEffect September 2nd, 2008 12:32 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'm sorry you're disgusted. You've already placed yourself as AI. The only way to undo that as far as I know is to roll back the previous turn. Yet, if we are going to roll back one turn then why not two?

I'm personally not going to decide on this though as it has way too many consequences. Those already embroiled in war would obviously change many of their actions based on the results of previous failures. If all of the players are for it then I'm willing to do the roll backs, but only if their is a reasonable consensus.

Deadnature September 2nd, 2008 12:57 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Sorry, I'm fighting a two-front war that has barely gone ok for me thus far...my enemies would greatly benefit from a two-turn rollback whereas I would probably make the same choices but with less benefits.

So I'm against a rollback.

Jazzepi September 2nd, 2008 01:37 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 635730)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 635649)
Either way I believe chris might have staled anyhow considering the original deadline was early today, not sometime tomorrow as he perceived.

No. I met all the deadlines as published by llamaserver, except this one which was moved up. I even said I was going to be away labor day weekend!

I think it wasn't kosher to move it up AoE; moving it up, after a server outage, after an upgrade, and after a request not to -but it can't really be undone at this point - so whats the point?

Anyway the position has some strong positivies. I'm not dropping as it isn't playable, I'm dropping because of disgust. But I'll help a sub anyway I can, to minimize disruption.

Little late. You can't undo going AI.


46852 September 2nd, 2008 02:28 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Umm... does changing to AI violate a NAP? :)

konming September 2nd, 2008 03:01 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
You may attack AI freely. It will certainly do so.

anticipatient September 2nd, 2008 03:47 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Yeah, moving the deadline up was a bad idea :0p but mistakes happen

AreaOfEffect September 2nd, 2008 11:01 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I understand that now anticipatient. I'm also really bummed out about the whole affair. The concensus seems to be against the only way to correct the situation. This is a mistake that will not be reapeated as I truely wish everyone to enjoy this game.

konming September 2nd, 2008 11:10 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Unless you get the confirmation that everyone knows and has no objections to the new deadline, it is never a good idea to move forward hosting deadline. Many people rely on llamaserver display to determine hosting deadline and do not check back every 10 minutes.

chrispedersen September 2nd, 2008 12:10 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Hey, AoE, I want you to know - no hard feelings. I'll happily play in another game - with you, against you or hosted by you.
Things happen.
Have fun guys.

PsiSoldier September 3rd, 2008 06:52 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Pangaea calls on all nations to who respect the balance of power to help us in our struggle, as the Vile cowardly army of Mictlan has launched a sneak attack against our peacefull nation taking two of our already insignificant number of provinces without provocation.

We call on all nations bordering Mictlan to join us in our crusade to stop these cowardly warmongers. Their bless seems to be nothing special a simple +4 armor/Twist Fate. Nothing the powerful armies of Ashdod should fear or likely any other neighbor of Mictlan. So join us as we struggle to purge the land of these fools.

PsiSoldier September 3rd, 2008 07:09 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
WHAT THE ****!! Why did the game go to the next turn before I ever submitted my turn. I was not over the time limit.

This turn was not due until 22:05 Wed. Today which gives me another several hours... WTF!@!! This is bull ****. It seems like Area must have moved the turn up so I couldnt respond to his attack, though after the fiasco with Chris I doubt thats the case. I was just about to send my turn in and I look and see it already moved on to the next turn.

I didnt get any damn email with the turn until this morning before I went to work although I checked several times until 12 midnight last night, get up at 4am for work find I got the turn file but dont have time to do anything, go to work a 10 hour shift come home and the damn turn updates before I can send it in. If I'm not going to get my turn file emails in time to do anything I may as well quit this dumb game right now, I already stay up so late waiting for the damn turns I only have 4 hours to sleep as it is.

At this point I am all for Rolling back for Chris because Im giving serious thought to dropping out myself after this otherwise...

PsiSoldier September 3rd, 2008 07:40 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by konming (Post 635828)
Unless you get the confirmation that everyone knows and has no objections to the new deadline, it is never a good idea to move forward hosting deadline. Many people rely on llamaserver display to determine hosting deadline and do not check back every 10 minutes.

What was the point in moving it up anyways? The turn would have advanced regardless of the time as soon as everyone sends in their turn...

PsiSoldier September 3rd, 2008 07:58 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
After looking at Llamaserver more carefully I realize the time listed is 5 hours ahead of my time zone which is a little deceptive. And I was indeed over the time to submit my turn file.. My inexperience with Llamaserver is to blame for that.

However, for whatever reason I still did not receive my turn file email until sometime after midnight last night and had no possible way of sending in my turn on time although I was JUST about to before the turn updated.

I realize it was obviously no fault of Area that I missed my turn and apologize for any thought that he may have been, unless he can magically delay my email but I'm still pretty bummed out about it and I am still considering dropping the game. And if there is indeed a problem with me getting my email's when I am supposed to I probably should drop unless we increase the turn time limit. I never had any problem like this in any other game and I am ussually the first to send in my turn but something goofed up big time here.

Fakeymcfake September 3rd, 2008 10:28 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'm going to be away for a couple of days to attend a wedding this weekend. If it isn't any trouble would it be possible to delay the turn in of Saturday's turn until at least late afternoon EST Sunday?

AreaOfEffect September 3rd, 2008 10:31 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Wow, so I signed on to make a post asking if people needed the game time extended. My thought was that people are starting to get into some real warfare and my opponents might need the time.

I'm almost glad I didn't show up until the whole issue with Psi resolved itself. If people are ever curious, the admin log is located on the llamserver for all to see. There is no action I can take that won't be recorded for your benefit. Just go to the game page, click on 'Admin options' and then click on 'Show admin log'.

As for the sever time, it isn't in my time zone either. I generally just figure the difference between the next turn and the server's current time. It is the small difference between knowing how much time I have left versus knowing what time the game will turn. It is subtle.

I really don't want to see another player leave the game. I really do love a challenge and in my opinion you were looking like you were about to hit critical mass with those maeanads. I might be willing to back off for one turn if that will keep you from going AI.

Now for my original business. Do we need to increase the game time? If so, should we go 36 hours or do people need as much as 48?

Edit: No problem Fakeymcfake, have fun at the reception.

konming September 3rd, 2008 10:43 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I can live with 24 but if others want 48 I agree.

PsiSoldier September 4th, 2008 12:31 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 636227)
Wow, so I signed on to make a post asking if people needed the game time extended. My thought was that people are starting to get into some real warfare and my opponents might need the time.

I'm almost glad I didn't show up until the whole issue with Psi resolved itself. If people are ever curious, the admin log is located on the llamserver for all to see. There is no action I can take that won't be recorded for your benefit. Just go to the game page, click on 'Admin options' and then click on 'Show admin log'.

As for the sever time, it isn't in my time zone either. I generally just figure the difference between the next turn and the server's current time. It is the small difference between knowing how much time I have left versus knowing what time the game will turn. It is subtle.

I really don't want to see another player leave the game. I really do love a challenge and in my opinion you were looking like you were about to hit critical mass with those maeanads. I might be willing to back off for one turn if that will keep you from going AI.

Now for my original business. Do we need to increase the game time? If so, should we go 36 hours or do people need as much as 48?

Edit: No problem Fakeymcfake, have fun at the reception.

If I hadn't staled I would have destroyed your army and recruited another 2 pans that I now do not have thanks being sieged and to the stale.. So the stale hurt me even more than missing one turn, its more like I missed 2 or even 3 turns. I'm going to destroy your siegeing army this turn regardless but im still screwed.

Feel free to back off if you want But I have another large army coming for you which, again would have already reached you had it not been for the stale...

anticipatient September 4th, 2008 04:48 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Sh-t. I broke 4/5 of my LCD computer screen. :o/ Smashed. White, black and pink. No good. I can't run dom3 on any other computer at the moment, so the 10 or 11 games I'm in need subs :( I'm really sorry. Hopefully it'll be temporary (anyone know if it's possible to replace monitors on laptops?)

Okay, I go to post on the next game =(

AreaOfEffect September 4th, 2008 09:42 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Most laptops have a monitor jack in the rear or in a docking station. If you can locate a regular monitor then you should be able to see what your doing by simply plugging it in.

I'll extend the turn by 24 hours to give you time to find a sub or fix the situation.

chrispedersen September 4th, 2008 10:30 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by anticipatient (Post 636263)
Sh-t. I broke 4/5 of my LCD computer screen. :o/ Smashed. White, black and pink. No good. I can't run dom3 on any other computer at the moment, so the 10 or 11 games I'm in need subs :( I'm really sorry. Hopefully it'll be temporary (anyone know if it's possible to replace monitors on laptops?)

Okay, I go to post on the next game =(

It is both possible to replace the monitor, and possible to fix them. I do this for a living - but you're kind of far away.

Check out .. www.lcdparts.net

But, what the previous poster said (code for I can't remember his name) is true - if you attach a regular monitor it should work. Again, I could sell you one for 10-15$ but the shipping costs would eat you alive.


anticipatient September 5th, 2008 05:22 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Ok, so I've figured out a way to limp by until I get a replacement monitor working, and I can continue playing. Sorry about the fuss :)

I will check out lcdparts.net! Thanks a lot!

AreaOfEffect September 6th, 2008 08:49 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Updated the hosting interval to 36 hours as the early game has come to an end. This also should give Fakey the time he needed to submit his next turn.

Fakeymcfake September 8th, 2008 07:57 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Back and turning in turns again, thanks for stretching the time out for me.

AreaOfEffect September 9th, 2008 11:33 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
nozshand and anticipatient look like their going to stale soon. Anybody think I should do something about it?

This would be nozshand's second stale in a row.

Calahan September 9th, 2008 11:48 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Personally think it's always a good friendly jesture to delay a game at least 12hrs to avoid stales. Providing someone spots them in time of course (and even more convenient if the admin spots them :D)

Haven't noticed anticipatient around for a few days now. Maybe his broken laptop screen has given up completely and he can't get on the forums anymore until his replacement monitor arrives. No idea about Nozshand.

Fakeymcfake September 9th, 2008 04:54 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Eh, I've found that if they're gone for 3 turns they're not coming back. I'd suggest switching Nozshand to AI if he fails post an explanation or to turn in the next one in order to keep the game moving.

Calahan September 10th, 2008 08:17 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Did anyone stale after AoE?

If Nozshand did then my shout is that it's probably best to set him to AI, since his position isn't looking too hot so he may well have just bailed. If Anticipatient staled then I'd be inclined to PM him and give him a delay. Since he is/was a regular in many games until his recent computer 'accident', so most likely scenario is that he is still around, but just having trouble getting on-line.

Though all of this is just my random ramblings and opinion of course :p

AreaOfEffect September 10th, 2008 11:51 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Anticipatient submitted his turn a couple of hours later, making the delay worth some of the wait. Nozshand on the other hand staled again. I'm going to grant him a warning and see if he responds first. I'm sure you know first hand how bad his situation is.

I'm going to take a quick look around to see if someone is willing to play the faction before a resign it to AI status.

AreaOfEffect September 11th, 2008 05:39 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
3 stales in a row for Arcoscephale and noz hasn't responded to my messages. If I can't find a sub in the next 24 hours then I'm going to set the faction to AI. I'm only willing to let nozshand keep his faction if he shows up real soon and pinkie swears to submit his turns. I'm not willing to travel.

fungalreason September 12th, 2008 12:29 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'll take over Arco if you haven't found someone yet.

AreaOfEffect September 12th, 2008 03:52 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I've said this already in the "sub needed" post but I'll say it again. Thank you very much. I've sent you a pm with instructions.

I'll delay the game until fungal can submit the latest turn.

Calahan September 13th, 2008 06:47 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Great news that a sub has been found for Arco :up: Just revised the Ashdod orders so as to cancel their planned annihilation, and sent the new Lord of Arco an offer of peace with a proposed return of several of their former provinces.

Never easy being a sub, and it's no fun at all (and IMHO a bit insulting) if it turns out the sub only came in to make a final hopeless last turn or two. Since that is probably the only thing the AI can actually do well :D Guess I'm also feeling a bit guilty for (probably) making Nozshand jump ship on us in the first place by attacking him.

Although maybe not that guilty since I know nobody likes being on the worse end of a losing war, but this is a war game after all, you can't expect to 'win every war', and in my opinion these 'being defeated' type of positions need to be played out until the last gasp, and not just abandoned or set to AI. As doing that just spoils the game for all the other players by making things far too easy and convenient for the player who's beating you. Ok, end of my mini-rant against non 'fight til the bitter end' players.

AreaOfEffect September 13th, 2008 08:23 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Personally, I love every turn of a losing war of one-on-one. Don't get me wrong, it would be far more rewarding if I can turn it around. However, going down in a blaze of glory has always been exciting. Then again, I'm crazy. Crazy like a fox!

AreaOfEffect September 13th, 2008 04:59 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

A message has arrived from Pangaea

The people of Pangaea hereby issue a cry for help from all nations bordering Mictlan. Mictlan has devoted massive resources to an unsuccessful siege of our capitol and are constantly increasing their presence here with no success. Their troops will soon fall to disease and given their efforts to take our capital they cannot have many troops in reserve for defense of their own nation.

Now is the time to strike at Mictlan while they pay for the upkeep of over 200 sick and diseased troops and leave themselves vulnerable to attack from other nations.
You make this sound like its my first rodeo. The only way to know for sure if my troops are diseased is to engage them, even if it is with only one commander. (A summoned mound king maybe?) Clearly you haven't done this recently or else you would know that my guys are just fine. Remember that all of the supplies are located outside of your castle, not in it. I'm sitting on 706 supplies a turn. Besides, I have nature mages and clearly would not let starvation happen to my army if that is an option.

Now, if you knew I was starving and in enemy dominion then you could defeat me easily with a little thaumaturgy. Panic spam plus a -6 (maybe -5, can't remember) moral penalty would probably cause me to rout easily. Then your fast as lightning maeanads could pick my non-flying guys off as I retreated.

Since this is not the case I wouldn't advise this. Instead I would research Alteration. If Mass Protection was in reach then you could turn all of your naked chaff into naked medium infantry. If Mass protection is too far away then wooden warriors is a much more obtainable substitute.

I also need to make a clarification. A reasonable strategy for me at this point is to begin a dominion kill rather then commit more troops. In this case I need only to have an army large enough to match what you have inside. Now that I have limited your income to the best of my ability I can hope that you reach a cap based on upkeep cost. I have never expect you to lose units to disease as Pangaea can easily counter starvation. Your capitol alone supplies you with enough gems to make a bag of wine a turn, more if you've made a hammer. If you're suffering from starvation and can make bags of wine then I suggest you do so.

I know that all this advice is against my interests, but still I wish you the best of luck.

PsiSoldier September 15th, 2008 12:30 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Yeah If forged plenty of the Large Cauldron +100 supply Items for my troops. But no harm in working up the crowd to set them against you :D

And you dont have much chance of getting a dominion kill, but go ahead and try...

"Only need to have an army large enough to match what I have inside" Good luck haha.

PsiSoldier September 15th, 2008 04:37 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Actually I'll probably set myself to AI tommorrow or whenever I get Warhammer Online. I suppose there is still a chance I could turn things around and come back and win the game but the chances of that get slimmer and slimmer by the day. I was just going to break the siege and spam you with sleep clouds, but Ive never used them and not sure how well they work or how much it will hurt my own troops in the process. I'd prefer to spend my time in the games where I'm sure I still have a good chance of beating everyone since I'm sure WarHammer will suck up a lot of time.

Maybe I'll give that a go before I turn it over to AI just to see if it is effective at all since I'm curious. just another turn or two I guess.

Fakeymcfake September 15th, 2008 05:31 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Eh, if you're just going to go AI you may as well just to see what happens. Furthermore, I played the beta of Warhammer Online and personally thought it was overrated for the most part. Then again I've grown tired of the typical MMO fare since they all seem to be variations on the same theme of killing things repeatedly to get the ability kill other things repeatedly.

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