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-   -   MP: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40720)

Lingchih November 7th, 2008 10:05 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
It may look like it's there, but it won't accept my 2h file. And of, the server crashed during hosting of my other game, Artifacts, so it's definitely not fixed yet.

vfb November 7th, 2008 10:37 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
The server crash was because of lack of disk space. But the .2h file rejection sounds pretty dire ... does llamabeast know? Did you try sending it after he fixed the disk space problem?

I've resent my latest turn, and it worked for me:


This message is just to let you know that I just received a 2h file from you, and it seems to be fine. However, I already received a 2h file from you for the same turn. I'll assume that this newer file is a revised version, and use it instead.

If you sent both this and the previous 2h file within a minute or two of each other, there's some possibility that they arrived in the wrong order. Just to check I'm using the correct one, here's a couple of details of the message that arrived last:

Subject: Re: New turn file: Collider, Mictlan turn 33
Date sent: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 18:27:21 -0800 (PST)

If you don't want me to use the 2h file from this e-mail - send your new 2h again!

Game details:

Game name: Collider
Nation: Late Era Mictlan
Turn number: 33

Who's sent their turn in:
Marignon Waiting for 2h file
Mictlan 2h file received
Bogarus 2h file received
Chelms 2h file received
Atlantis 2h file received
Ulm 2h file received

Lingchih November 7th, 2008 11:03 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Never mind... I'm an idiot. I was trying to send it my mid-marignon turn from another game. Should be OK now.

Lingchih November 8th, 2008 05:40 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
OK, I'm in and it looks like everyone else is as well. I think you can host it now AoE.

lwarmonger November 8th, 2008 11:51 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Please wait a little bit. I've got 24 hour staff duty in about an hour... so if you could wait to host until approximately three hours from this post I'll be able to make my turn.

AreaOfEffect November 8th, 2008 07:43 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
If you all feel it is safe to host by now then I will turn quickhost back on. Cross your fingers.

vfb November 8th, 2008 08:05 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Sounds good to me!

Lingchih November 8th, 2008 09:04 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Do it!

vfb November 8th, 2008 09:13 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Mitlan has shocking news for Marignon!

Forms and documents be buggered, the very Pretender and God of Man is itself a horrible undead creature! Yea, it is a filthy undead Lich, and it does not just dabble in Death ... it is an extremely accomplished Death mage. This Lich is such an evil god that he dispatches his best mages on futile suicide bombing missions, and comes along to watch the spectacle of their pointless deaths.

Unless Man forsakes their evil, undead God, and razes all the temples they have constructed to worship his undead form, Mictlan does not see how Marignon can possibly stand by and ignore the corrupt and evil practices of their northernly neighbors!

-- The Most Benevolent Spirit, Hunter of Mictlan

Lingchih November 9th, 2008 11:59 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Marignon knows nothing of this. Nothing! We do not hear your heresies Mictlan.

Sorry, Kali got a bit carried away there. Man is an ally for now. All those using the magic of death will get theirs, in time.

Lingchih November 10th, 2008 12:07 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Also, are we are back on 24 hour quickhost? It seems like we have gone overtime.

Lingchih November 11th, 2008 12:45 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Heh. Atlantis wants a throwdown, eh? Well, bring it on.

lwarmonger November 11th, 2008 02:04 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Lol... I'm willing to bet that Atlantis may be starting to feel the effects of his lousy dominion.

AreaOfEffect November 11th, 2008 11:22 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Yes we are back on 24 hour quickhost. Would people like to slow things down?

AreaOfEffect November 11th, 2008 11:34 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
To the nation of Mictlan.

You insult our pride when you speak of our god as nothing more then a filthy lich. He is the old one. He is the prince who has guided our people for ages. He hails from a time when the powers of death were wielded carelessly. He remains our mentor because we do not wish to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Nobody was more pleased to see the fallen nation of Ermor crumble then our god. Yet now we are certain that Mictlan's war against Ermor has proved to be it's own downfall. You have been corrupted by the powers you have acquired. The powers of death are more then just the reanimation of the dead and the torturing of souls. It is people like you who disgrace the practice. It is because of people like you that the nation of Marignon have started their holy war. Your new play toy is a powerful and dangerous thing and you do not have the will to control yourself. You have become a sad race and we pity you. You must be destroyed now so that you do not later meet the same fate as Ermor did.

Your ancestors will thanks us.

Lingchih November 11th, 2008 11:20 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Mighty Orion, Defender of the Faith, has joined the ranks of Marignon. May all who face him tremble.

vfb November 12th, 2008 12:54 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Heresy! The Prophet Hunter (may he be praised) is most blessed and holy. His kindness showers down on the sick and fallen, and they rise at his touch and stand again. What miracles he performs! For he is truly the holy one.

Nation of Man, you must recant your heresies immediately, or we will invade you some more!


Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 651743)
To the nation of Mictlan.

You insult our pride when you speak of our god as nothing more then a filthy lich. He is the old one. He is the prince who has guided our people for ages. He hails from a time when the powers of death were wielded carelessly. He remains our mentor because we do not wish to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Nobody was more pleased to see the fallen nation of Ermor crumble then our god. Yet now we are certain that Mictlan's war against Ermor has proved to be it's own downfall. You have been corrupted by the powers you have acquired. The powers of death are more then just the reanimation of the dead and the torturing of souls. It is people like you who disgrace the practice. It is because of people like you that the nation of Marignon have started their holy war. Your new play toy is a powerful and dangerous thing and you do not have the will to control yourself. You have become a sad race and we pity you. You must be destroyed now so that you do not later meet the same fate as Ermor did.

Your ancestors will thanks us.

Lingchih November 13th, 2008 11:44 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
What in the world are those assarturds doing sitting in the godforsaken water prov south of my cap. There can't be much to eat there. When we went through we didn't even see any fish.

Starving, I guess.

Lingchih November 14th, 2008 12:23 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Ahh, they finally attacked. I guess they did get tired of starving. Most of them are dead now though, and I would guess the ones that retreated are still starving.

Now, if we could just find a way to get our 10,000 maniacal troops to the front...

vfb November 14th, 2008 12:28 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
The nation of Man has ignored our warnings, and should now suffer most dire consequences! Already they have lost much territory to our sacred warriors, who will not flinch from battle.

But the Benevolent Spirit of Hunter is most kind and generous, and we will permit the nation of Man to exist for a few more months, if they surrender all their lands and castles east of the mountain ridge.

Do not delay in your response Man, for otherwise your destruction is imminent!

Thus speaks the Benevolent Spirit of Mictlan, who will destroy all evil undead spirits everywhere.

vfb November 14th, 2008 12:36 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 652554)
Ahh, they finally attacked. I guess they did get tired of starving. Most of them are dead now though, and I would guess the ones that retreated are still starving.

Now, if we could just find a way to get our 10,000 maniacal troops to the front...

Hunter, the Benevolent Spirit of Mictlan, humbly suggests to Marignon that the best route for your troops is up through the western mountains, through the province known to our scholars only as "number 85".

Lingchih November 14th, 2008 02:02 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Heh, nice try Hunter.

We could send our troops through Bogarus, I guess. Though they might be annoyed by us killing all their army. Especially since they are an ally. I guess we will wait a bit. The troops would really like their paychecks, though. And they are getting unruly.

AreaOfEffect November 14th, 2008 05:36 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Ha. the leader of Mictlan is bold to ask for what they can't take by force. Even with their double bless sacred horde they can't knock down one simple wall. Clearly Mictlan has become desperate in their attempt to win, as now they're just waving a big stick and begging for submission as they starve to death outside our walls.

Also, months? It would take you years to ever achieve victory. Assuming you could win in the first place that is. Our people spit in your general direction. That would be a no by the way.

vfb November 14th, 2008 08:11 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
More blasphemy from the heretics! We ignore your silly taunts. There is nothing desperate about Mictlan! Our economy is operating at maximum effieciency and production of Coyolxauhqui Stones is up 300% this month. The obstacle to a peaceful resolution of this situation is Man, with their refusal to comply with our reasonable demand that they raze all their temples, forsake their evil undead cripple of a god, and abandon all lands and temples that are the rightful heritage of Mictlan.

-- The Most Benevolent Hunter, Son of the Heavens, the Healer, may He be Praised

Lingchih November 15th, 2008 02:58 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
OK, request to go to a longer host (48 hour). I am going out out of town next week and may not be able to get turns up on 24 hour.

Lingchih November 15th, 2008 06:57 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Bueller?... Bueller?...

AreaOfEffect November 15th, 2008 07:51 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
My apologies. We accidently sent goods to meant for our friends to our enemies. How embarassing.

Also, the people of Mictlan are smelly.

vfb November 15th, 2008 10:53 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
The people of Mictlan are smelly because we are sick and not all of us have had a chance to visit He who Heals all, the True Prophet (may He be praised), the Blessed and Holy Spirit who is Hunter.

And the reason that Mictlan's people are sick and need to visit our Prophet (may He be praised) is that the foul necromancers of Man have been using secret Weapons of Mass Disease Spreading, horrible venom charms constructed through their unlicensed use of death magic. Use of Death magic which Marignon continues to ignore, at their peril!

lwarmonger November 16th, 2008 05:51 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Lol... so the Europeans are spreading disease among the people of Mictlan? How unfortunate. Perhaps next time you shouldn't accept those blankets. So what did we learn? :)

Lingchih November 17th, 2008 12:29 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Man has been issued the proper papers for a limited use of death magic, for now. Though we frown upon it severely, the license has been granted.

Lingchih November 17th, 2008 09:32 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
An undead agent of death and disease has finally been killed after killing many of Marignon's people. The agent was wearing a Mictlan headband, and with techniques known only to the most holy Kali, it was determined that the beast was indeed sent by Mictlan.

Therefore, Marignon extends the war to Mictlan. Mictlan, foul user of the death magic, must be destroyed.

vfb November 17th, 2008 10:24 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Sadly, the noble servant of Mictlan was indeed slain as he searched in vain for the fabled secret passage under the mountains that leads to the lands of Man.

Perhaps if he had ventured into the capitol of Marignon, he might have found the passage, but Mictlan had no desire to damage those who had been our friends. So he wandered about in vain, and his mission was a failure.

Mictlan invites Marignon to bring any sick or unhealthy soldiers to our great healer Hunter (may He be praised) who will use his great and holy powers to make them rise up and walk the land once more. Truly He is the Great One, with great Healing Powers.

AreaOfEffect November 17th, 2008 10:44 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
We the nation of Man have applied the use of death magic very carefully and only in a small degree. The use of earth and air magic on the other hand has been exercised almost completely. Death magic has only one legitimate use, and that is to deal out death to those who are unworthy to live.

Lingchih November 19th, 2008 03:55 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 653752)
Sadly, the noble servant of Mictlan was indeed slain as he searched in vain for the fabled secret passage under the mountains that leads to the lands of Man.

Perhaps if he had ventured into the capitol of Marignon, he might have found the passage, but Mictlan had no desire to damage those who had been our friends. So he wandered about in vain, and his mission was a failure.

Mictlan invites Marignon to bring any sick or unhealthy soldiers to our great healer Hunter (may He be praised) who will use his great and holy powers to make them rise up and walk the land once more. Truly He is the Great One, with great Healing Powers.

The healing powers of Hunter. heh. I guess one could see it that way, in a twisted mind. Our sick an dying will be buried in holy ceremonies, that will never allow them to rise up again as undead beasts. We may have some other entities that wish to visit your lands though. Winged entities of great holy power, who vanquish undead at a whim.

vfb November 19th, 2008 04:25 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 654075)
The healing powers of Hunter. heh. I guess one could see it that way, in a twisted mind. Our sick an dying will be buried in holy ceremonies, that will never allow them to rise up again as undead beasts. We may have some other entities that wish to visit your lands though. Winged entities of great holy power, who vanquish undead at a whim.

Mictlan looks forward to your visit. The great spirit Hunter (may He be praised) will be pleased to discuss the healing arts with your angels, for He too is most holy.

Don't forget to pack a lunch! While we are experiencing one of the greatest ever production runs in Mictlan history of Coyolxauhqui Stones, and production is up 400% from last month, Mictlan must admit that this year has not exactly been the best for growing crops.

AreaOfEffect November 24th, 2008 12:45 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Burden of Time... Really?

It appears that the nation of Mictlan has become far more currupted then I imagined. Regarldess of weather i'm ready or not, it appears I'll have to make an offensive and overthrow their leader.

AreaOfEffect November 24th, 2008 06:56 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
By the way, I originally wanted to express my concern about those who have staled in recent turns. However, it seems that those that commonly do so have submitted a file for this turn. I'm glad to see these players still active.

Just remember that if you need an extension on a turn, most likely because of upcoming holidays, please do not hesitate to post the request. The sooner the request the more likely I will be able to respond as well. So if you know you will be unable to play in the next month, please feel free to say which days. Thanks and good luck to all. (Except for Mictlan, they can burn in an inferno for all I care.)

vfb November 24th, 2008 08:33 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Mictlan eagerly awaits the visits of the old and infirm and dying to our lands, where the blessed and holy Spirit of Hunter (may he be praised) will make them healed and pure, and they will be strong and walking the earth again in no time at all. His healing powers are vast indeed, so even those who are not capable of walking should come, just toss them in a cart or something and wheel them over.

By the way, we have apprehended all of those dastardly so-called "Popular People's Front of Mictlan" rapscallions, so do not expect any more secret messages from them!

-- Mictlan

Lingchih November 24th, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Armageddon! The end times have begun. Let all those who can fight, fight now! We must end Mictlan or face the end ourselves. Marignon's armies are crawling, limping, and coughing their way into battle now. There is no more time for indecision!

(Or, I could just dispel it. meh)

AreaOfEffect November 25th, 2008 11:17 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Sad news this month. It seems that the people of Bogarus have been deserted by their god. They will likely turn on their allies and be unable to properly defend themselves.

Good news on the war against Mictlan. Spite the daftness of Mictlan's eagle warriors and other assorted sacred and non-sacred flying units, we have acheived a great victory against their main forces. Only a few survivers and some reinforcements stand in the way between us and their capitol. There were of course cassulaties, the flying abominations managed to destroy my well tuned communion before it really did anything.

Lingchih November 25th, 2008 02:27 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
OOC, AoE. Are you saying Bogarus is AI? Might be why he attacked me.

AreaOfEffect November 25th, 2008 02:39 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Yes, Bogarus is AI. Sad yet not entirely unexpected. If asked to find a sub, I would have.

vfb November 25th, 2008 05:27 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 655471)
Sad news this month. It seems that the people of Bogarus have been deserted by their god. They will likely turn on their allies and be unable to properly defend themselves.

Well, that's just goofy, bailing from the game without any warning or even saying goodbye. I'm 99% against rollbacks, but if you want to unwind the turn, and delete Ossa's orders to go AI so you can find a sub, that's cool with me. Of course we should all just leave last month's orders as they were.


Good news on the war against Mictlan. Spite the daftness of Mictlan's eagle warriors and other assorted sacred and non-sacred flying units, we have acheived a great victory against their main forces. Only a few survivers and some reinforcements stand in the way between us and their capitol. There were of course cassulaties, the flying abominations managed to destroy my well tuned communion before it really did anything.
Mictlan's eagle warriors are not daft. Perhaps you mean "deft"? They are filled with battle fury, and will sacrifice themselves for the cause! However, we are somewhat disappointed in our Jaguar warriors, who fled the field of battle. Do not fear death, Mictlan soldiers! It is just a temporary pain, just a scratch, just a wound. The Holy Spirit of Hunter (may he be praised) will make you rise again, with the eternal bliss of Hunter holiness.

-- Mictlan

AreaOfEffect November 25th, 2008 06:20 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
I really don't see much use in a rollback at the point. Bogarus had a nice run, but after staling the last two turns it appears they are mostly beat anyhow. This turn was also quite important for you and me. Lastly, I've already put a lot of work into the new turn.

vfb November 25th, 2008 06:26 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Sure, I just wanted to give you the option, since having Bogarus go AI is basically bad for Man and Marignon. I'm looking forward to seeing what you throw at me this month!

Lingchih November 25th, 2008 08:56 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 655555)
Sure, I just wanted to give you the option, since having Bogarus go AI is basically bad for Man and Marignon. I'm looking forward to seeing what you throw at me this month!

Like Burden of Time is not bad for Man and Marignon? :smirk:

Lingchih November 25th, 2008 10:56 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
The Burden of Time has been dispelled. Throw it up again vfb, I'll cast it down again. Your choice as to how you use your gems. We have boots of youth on everybody now anyway, so do as you please.

Marignon suffered a win and a loss against Atlantis. The cost was heavy, but we can defend our lands. And who knows what may fly out of Marignon in the turns to come.

vfb November 25th, 2008 11:56 PM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Ha! Boots of Youth don't help with Burden of Time, and Mictlan does not know what this 'vfb' you speak of is. :p

The great Spirit, Hunter of Mictlan (may he be praised) was pleased to see his troops die a glorious death on the battlefield this month, instead of running away like cowards. He will soon pay a visit to the fallen, that they be blessed and granted eternal health.

Lingchih November 26th, 2008 12:07 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Marignon declares that Hunter will be burned at the stake, no matter the price.

Ulm better get in the fight, and Atlantis better clear out. Marignon is gunning for Hunter, the blasphemous.

lwarmonger November 26th, 2008 12:12 AM

Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Ulm wishes to officially announce its entry into the Coalition of the West against the evil, decadent and undead empires of the east. Already Ulmish troops are pouring across the border into Atlantian territory, liberating the toiling masses from Atlantis's tyrranical yoke.

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