![]() |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Perhaps the demons of Lanka could STOP hunting down our spies as they have formed a union and demand a gold bonus for recon missions in Lanka lands. Of course we killed the ringleaders but the problem still remains.
How else are we supposed to enjoy the battles at Rowan Keep? |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I wouldn't worry about missing any further battles, I've made plans that should resign Iwarmonger to a very effective but a very anti-climatic end.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
One player has rewquested a delay. People, please address further requests to fakey...
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Whomever needs a delay, you're lucky I read this, nearly went to bed. Anyhow, yes, address any further requests or complaints to me. Requests will be acted upon in short order while complaints will be promptly ignored and deleted, but at least they'll go to the right person.
Anyhow, delaying hosting by 24 hours. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright, Juffos has requested a delay over the weekend. However, since he has already sent in his turn for this turn I'm going to hold off until the next turn rolls around. That way I won't have to delay the turn twice or risk forgetting and having Juffos stall a turn. So that means that all currently outstanding turns still must be turned in by tomorrow (I'm looking at you Executioner and Quitti) and afterward the next turn will be due on Monday.
Any problems with this arrangement, feel free to throw curses and notes attached to rocks in my general direction. P.S. Turn. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I'm guessing this wasn't a real attack from Niefelheim, but still I have to ask since there seems to be a global conspiracy against me in many games.
Was this a hostile act Niefelheim? |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
It looks to R'lyeh like a bus full of blood slaves got lost in the mountains. :D
Re: World in Crisis - Started
You have a scout there, Vfb? :p
Ummm, seriously. I didn't just actually attack you with an indie commander and 10 Blood Slaves. I'm scratching my head on this one, but he must have taken a wrong turn, I distinctly told him to take those girls to the castle. I think he was trying to border-hop and start a little polyginist commune. o.O My apologies, there won't be any PD or anything there next turn. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright, since we are coming up to that most wonderful time of the year I'm going to seriously extend the hosting intervals pretty soon until at least the new year. I'm thinking 96 hours (4 days) will do but if anyone thinks differently feel free to say so. I'll move it back to 48 once the holiday season dies down and I'll probably start it around the 20th or so, sooner if anyone requests it.
My apologies to anyone not taking part in this festive occasion. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Just 13 more days until that most wonderful time of the year start for me too...
I'd ask of you to keep the hosting interval, 96h, at least until 3rd January or so. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
96 sounds good to me.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well, that is it. Nothing left, and my last two fortresses gone. I've switched to AI (only two undefended provinces left with no troops in them).
Good game all. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Good game Iwarmonger, you put up a damned good fight.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright, extended hosting period goes into effect... nnnnnnnow.
If anyone needs any further delays for whatever reason, don't hesitate to PM me or post here. At this point I'd hate to see anyone drop out due to holiday hijinx. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright, Hunt11 has asked for a delay of game so we'll be on hold until the 2nd.
In other news, Merry Christmas. I hope Santa got everyone that SC they were wishing for, though how the fit down the chimney is beyond me. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh is sad to note the passing of our Moose Rider Deiphobos. 50%CR doesn't cut it against Frozen Heart!
The defenders of Tien Chi's capitol also managed to hold off the R'lyeh attackers, with their Army of Lead, but we did not spot the AN caster in that province in any case. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Forgive my ignorance but what the heck was that quake?
Re: World in Crisis - Started
That would be TC using up some of his pearls and casting Armageddon. I would have preferred that TC stuck to wishing for Mandahas to lead his armies against me. :D
Unfortunately it appears Agartha has been heavily summoning and casting rituals that are not Astral or Blood. This feeds pearls through the Nexus to Tien Chi, who then proceeds to nuke the world. Agartha's actually pretty well set up to handle a few Armageddons, because his units have high HP. I don't know how his income actually managed to go up this month though. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Jeeze, I would have preferred that he did as well. Heck, I can't gather sacrificial virgins if they're already dead now can I?
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well from the looks of things it isn't like he's got much to lose from Armageddon. At least make sure your enemies don't enjoy their spoils!
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I think he is enjoying playing the last thrashings about of a doomed god. At least, that's how I see it! It's pretty fun actually. I'm having all kinds of horrible things cast at me. His god is nice and super-afflicted and horror marked though. :)
But those Armageddons are pretty brutal! |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
The peaceful Neifel giants groan and protest.
Could it be, that this horrible quake has awakened something great and terrible from an aeons old slumber....? |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Agartha is gearing up it's defences, because their once-peaceful neighbours of R'lyeh have become brutal and bloodthirsty. Who knows who will they be striking after the upstart T'ien Ch'i has been exterminated?
Re: World in Crisis - Started
This is a new low even for TC. Com on man, you're dead what's the point of destroying the game for the rest of us?
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Oh yes and for the record. This idiotic move of your affected R'lyeh the least by the way. Now he has an even bigger chance to win.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Agartha, I'm just complaining about you because I see all those Iron Dragons in your capitol, plus you fired off both Wells with AN up! And the Well of Misery had to have enough gems to override Sauromatia's, so that in itself probably paid for a wish.
Sauromatia, the Armageddon hurt you and Hinnom and Lanka the most probably, because of blood hunting, but it's not going to kill any of Agartha's units at all, and Agartha's income even went up this month. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Yup, and by eliminating me, R'lyeh's victory is more than assured.
Go for it. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
"And the world trembled, great balls of fire descending from the sky, killing thousands upon thousands in the world. Seeing the world wane, population of the world being slaughtered, the Great Cyclops Kevätkukkanen had only one thing to cling to. At least no-one else will flourish in the empty lands, once homes to the prospering countries of this wasteland. "
As a side note, this hurts r'lyehs income, but I'm guessing their probable clam farming will more or less feed off their army. The nation of T'ien Ch'i has nothing to gain from fighting two-three superpowers at once. Our once mighty empire has been beaten by the coalition of Sauromatia, R'lyeh and Hinnom. Our lands ravaged by Golems, Gargoyles, Air queens (they do drop quite fast to frozen heart, though, to my surprise), Tartarians, Grigori and All sorts of underwater whatnot. Only great power not attacking me has been Agartha, who undoubtedly have some superior motive for this, seems to be having some... conflict with R'lyeh now. All I can do is hurt Sauromatia and Hinnom and the rest who swore vendetta against me when my Nexus went up. I'm still holding on into 8 different forts, and one of them contains the person who's been wishing all along. Do your best, while you still can :) On another note, R'lyehs incompetent attacks against my MR 40 cyclops do continue, though my god, being powerful, cannot hold on forever. You'd better do well now and attack R'lyeh while he's still occupied in my lands, before he gobbles up the whole game. Oh and Executor, this does not destroy the game. This alters the tactics you need to use to win. Which I doubt now since I've got my eye on something else than R'lyeh alone. He has more or less beaten me alone, you (Sauromatia) and Hinnom having more or less just swiftened my demise. T'ien Ch'i is on it's way making the game somewhat unplayable for all else but Agartha and R'lyeh. It's time to choose your sides, and for what I'm worth, it won't be the underwater superpower. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I have never heard of vfb being anything other than peaceful and benevolant towards his neighbors. Surely this must be some Eastern trickery to decieve all into believing him to be an aggressive player!
Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh is not gobbling up anything. We have shared the spoils of your lands equally with the Arcane Nexus Taskforce.
R'lyeh does not have all that many clams either, since you put the AN up, I've cut back my forging and such to the bare minimum. (Except for GoRing my Moose which you killed, but hey I've gotta have some fun!) R'lyeh apologizes for our incompetence in eliminating your cyclops. I was misled as to the outcome of the previous battle, and expected to see something quite different inside your fort. R'lyeh has considered launching a lawsuit against the producers of the movie "Last Month's Battle in Tien Chi" because of the historical inaccuracies therein. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Quitti, if you keep casting Armagedon we might as well declare Vfb the winner. You are only hurting me, Niefelheim, Lanka and Hinnom.
If you do choose to continue to do this, I will clearly have no chance to win but I will do anything and everything in my power to make Vfb the winner. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Executor. Consider my point in the game.
Soon to be eliminated, with the power to affect the whole game. I'm basically capable of eliminating two out of three players who are currently attacking me from winning the game, while somewhat hurting the third one, and at the same time doing mostly nothing to the only neighbor I have who has not attacked me. Now what would you do in this position? If you had to go, wouldn't you want to go with a boom ;)? Like I said, it's time to choose your sides. I'm predicting that only Agartha and R'lyeh can possibly win this game anymore, and while R'lyeh has been amusing and a good opponent, he has been an opponent, while Agartha has not. Why not play a game bit in favor of him then? "While raining fire and destruction upon his enemies, knowing his fate was doomed, the once great and mighty, now all but blind, diseased, cursed, horrormarked, weakened, limp and crippled with horrendous wounds, the once mighty Cyclops thought; Well, it was fun while it lasted." Thumbs up for Vfb for being a worthy opponent, I don't really know how I could've stopped you from successfully raiding my lands. I could've probably put more mages for magic duel duty but that's kind of expensive use for those.. Besides, when are you gonna attack with something that has the power to kill that cyclops? Your paralyze/soul slay just doesn't seem to cut through MR40... I wonder why. And by the way, the gobbling part. "Divided equally", perhaps based by landmass, but you picked the one third that contains around quadruple the population/income compared to the rest of the wasteland down there :) Tidal waves ahoy. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well that is one way to go with a bang. Through I was one of the players who was hurt the most by this, I can't really fault you for doing as much harm as you could to those who are fighting you. I am curious though if you got outside help to amass that amount of pearls.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
First of all Quiti, income doesn't really matter this late in the game if you think Vfb screwed us over with land, only gems do.
quote: I'm basically capable of eliminating two out of three players who are currently attacking me from winning the game, while somewhat hurting the third one, and at the same time doing mostly nothing to the only neighbor I have who has not attacked me. Again you're wrong, all you're doing is killing our blood income. While it is very hurtful, it's far from eliminating me from the game. Oh and if you think that score graphs show something, you're wrong, again. Those are all militia and other troops I couldn't get rid of. I might as well lay it all out, the real power of Sauromatia is in 400+ vampires and over 50 vampire lords which was my strategy from the start along with dominion kill. I have some other thing worth mentioning but not until Agartha is dead. Believe me when I say this, Agartha will not win this game, Vfb will. Sauromatia declares war or Agartha, we will uphold our 3 turn NAP before we attack. I wanted to do this a very long time, actually since Juffos overcasted my well but only TC stopped me. It doesn't really matter any more. R'lyeh can consider Sauromatia an ally until the very end at which point we will surrender to him so that R'lyeh will win. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Oh, gosh, gee. Maybe I should too surrender to R'lyeh so nobody actually loses but gets to be part of the great mighty Kingmaker Confederation? :D
No. A game which has developed this far should definitely not end in such an anticlimax. Agartha won't surrender! Ever! We will fight even if the gills of every single pale one have been excised and fed to troglodytes! We hope our resolve will inspirate every nation out there still with dignity and balls to fight against the cowards. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
hunt11, I've had Arcane Nexus up for, who knows how many turns, it generates quite plenty of pearls for me.. I've been firing wishes every turn since. And still got plenty to go even if the nexus will be in some miraculous way be dispelled. Also I had quite a bit clams myself, basically I blew all my water income and the water gems I traded from others into clams, which produce pearls for me.
Executor, since you admitted that the Armageddon is hurting you (And since it's obviously hurting Hinnom), it's enough for me to keep doing it as long as I can. But hey, it's a game, I play this game now only to keep you from winning, since I can't keep r'lyeh from probably winning the game. To be honest, hunt11, You could've played your cards a bit better, I didn't do much to decimate your 6000 gold dawn guard army at province 55 10-20 turns back. But since you got grigori or few now, they are a tad late. You should've gotten/used them way earlier. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Quitti, Yes I realize that, I had planned to go straight for blood after getting the mandatory dousing rods, but then the war with Formia started. I had to focus all my research to more pressing needs so that I could win the fight. Also since I was using a lot of mages to counteract his sacreds, I had even less mages researching. Thanks for telling me about the wishes, it makes my life a lot easier, also to be honest my blood economy only real use for me was to get LOC's, because while I can see the use of having a massive blood economy, it was never my plan.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Hey, this is hurting me quite a bit as well and I've done nothing to you. While what you're doing is allowable as far as the design of the game goes I'd say it is somewhat akin to knocking over a chessboard after losing a game in terms of sportsmanship.
I'm not saying that I don't understand your reasoning for doing so, a last hurrah before going down is always fun to have. But by launching successive earthquakes you're screwing over everyone, not just the people who beat you. You're not even hurting them that much. Executor is right, you're barely scratching R'lyeh with the earthquakes, and while the loss of bloodslaves might annoy Sauro it's crippling me way more than anyone else. Anyhow, if you're going to keep this up until R'lyeh finally puts you out of your misery I might as well quit and concentrate on other games because quite frankly you've just pissed all over my chances for your little blaze of glory. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Yes. I ruined your chances. Now is your chance to ruin the game for someone else. Attack Hinnom, sauromatia, agartha, r'lyeh, whoever's left. Or spam some infernal disease, who knows, you might get lucky with accidentally killing off my wisher :) |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Surely even Agartha wishes this madness to stop, and will join in the elimination of the insane god Kevätkukkanen of Tien Chi before the world is reduced to a smoldering wasteland. Fly your iron dragons down to The Den, so you may capture a TC castle the next month!
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Quiti, I see you are a very bad loser and that will get you nowhere. With this attitude you will never win a single game. People will begin to hate you for the way you play and will want to take you out as soon as possible. I am very certain that you just made some enemies in this game, nothing else.
Quote: While what you're doing is allowable as far as the design of the game goes I'd say it is somewhat akin to knocking over a chessboard after losing a game in terms of sportsmanship. I couldn't agree with this statement more, bravo. I'm a bit interested now, would you go for this solution in a megagame??? |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Sorry Fakeymcfake and Executor, I have to say that I see it totally differently. I suppose it depends on whether you are playing this game to win, like it's chess or some other pure intellectual challenge; or whether you create some kind of fantasy in your head about the situation (RP). Of course, when you play from a RP perspective, you are still trying to win in that case too: you want your pretender to ascend and become the new one true god. The difference shows up when your pretender has lost hope of ascending. What do you do in that case? Just go AI? That's one option, and there's nothing wrong with choosing it. Or you can try to exact revenge on the nations who caused your demise, using any means available. Or you can become the vassal of some other nation -- this is the only choice I really don't like (but when I think back when I first started playing, there didn't seem to be anything wrong doing that ... but now: ewww!). Or if you've had an enjoyable war but come out on the short side, you can even surrender to the victor, and maybe he will even discover a cache of loot in your treasure chest. Or your vengeful followers can distribute the last unused gems and items to the enemies of your enemy, so retribution will be paid upon the wicked. I think I've done all these at one time or another. And you don't know for sure what TC has planned either. He may have saved up enough gold from when he had Nature's Bounty up that he thinks he still may have a miniscule chance for his god to ascend, if he totally destroys the income of the others in the world. (I don't think that's the case here ... but I'm not Quitti.) There's nothing in any of Quitti's posts that I read, that indicate he's Armageddoning the world just out of spite. I'd be happy to play with him again. If you want to play in a game without Armageddons, then please make sure that's part of the conditions at the time you join. Otherwise, find a way to work around it. That's part of the fun playing against people! I think it's possible this post will irritate you and make you want to attack R'lyeh. That's okay! (The attacking R'lyeh part, I mean. I'm not intentionally trying to anger you, I just see that as a possible outcome.) :D As you may have guessed, I play the game from an RP angle. So I do want my god to ascend, by any means necessary. But I do enjoy the challenge that comes from finding solutions to problems thrown at me. And even if you are not RP'ing, I will RP for you, and invent some reason (in my head) why Sauromatia decided to attack R'lyeh. I'm not saying you have to attack me though! :) Please kill TC's wisher first, at least. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I feel like I'm in some sort of Dominions addicts meeting.....
Hi, I'm Jim Morrison, and I play Dominions. "Hi, Jim!" O.o There's an irony to Armageddon, really, and that is if you look very closely at the game, you can almost see who will win because of it. Anyway, I hope you wanted R'lyeh to win, because it sure looks inevitable at this point. I am in the camp who kind of doesn't care about the ultimate outcome anymore, I would just like the game to end. ;) |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
... O_o ... *_\ ... O#o ... escape click click click r click click click click F click click click F1 scroll scroll click click click scroll scroll click click click escape F5 click click e AHHHHhhh.....
Hi Jim. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Vfb speaks wise words. I mostly agree with what he said. (Being a vassal might still be a viable strategy for winning the game if you had some epicly good plan.) But either way, While nature's bounty netted me huge loads of gold, they're gone now - used to upkeep and new mages mostly. I do not play for win anymore, I play to make the game the way I want it to turn out - I'm eliminating many players from the victory race, while giving a chance to the only nation that did not attack or threaten me, and giving a chance to the only opponent I have that I've had really fun time trying to battle against. The outcome is best when it's one of your choosing, is it not?
And to be honest. "You made some enemies" does sound like another threat thrown at me. I do not carry grudges between games, knowing other player from previous/simultaneous games might alter my tactics of playing against that nation, but I certainly do not see them as "enemies" (as much as you can't see other people as enemies in dominions) from the beginning. Are you trying to speak me out of opening huge calderas in the ground, causing massive quakes and tidal waves? I don't really think you can. I'm a god afterall ;) |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Just proves - when your only sure thing is guaranteed failure, always go for the long shot. ;) |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
And to be honest. "You made some enemies" does sound like another threat thrown at me. I'm just saying, not everyone is so forgiving. Quote> I'm eliminating many players from the victory race, while giving a chance to the only nation that did not attack or threaten me, and giving a chance to the only opponent I have that I've had really fun time trying to battle against. The outcome is best when it's one of your choosing, is it not? Hehe, I wonder why you're helping Agartha... Well R'lyeh was kinda the only one besides Agartha who has in a position to attack you. If you were next to me, believe me I'd throw everything I have at you. :) But I did take out the first biggest threat of the game, named Cealum and controled by Baalz so that's enough for me. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I personally have no issues with the use of Armageddon as it can be a very powerful weapon if used correctly and prepared for properly. However, in this case it appears to be nothing but an act of desperation and/or spite, which while perfectly in line with the rules is something I find somewhat distasteful and I've said as much.
But I'm not going to declare Quitti an automatic enemy because of this or make any other comments as to his character or abilities as a player. Though I will be watching him closely if/when we wind up in another game together as this situation is one I would certainly like to avoid. |
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