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alhorro December 4th, 2008 02:24 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Oh, Mictlanese attache can tell you about a bad luck.

Our naive Defense Minister was convinced by a local dealer to hire a company of elephants, that counted for 550 grp taken from our educational budget. The exotic beasts were huge and fearsome, however their stupid coward commander ran away with all our gold in the first battle, after receiving a 2-hp scratch from a feral ghoul.

After the incident the Lawgiver had to agree, that abandoning blood sacrifices was a really bad idea — all that capitalism stuff doesn't work. Demons were much more reliable. For that reason we would like to purchase some research items, for exchange we can offer gold, all types of gems (except D), D gems and best virgins would be available later for trusted contractors.

Juffos December 4th, 2008 03:57 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Heh, I sure did underestimate your ability to resist early aggression, Shinuyama

Nikelaos December 4th, 2008 05:20 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 657280)

Originally Posted by DonCorazon (Post 657264)
What a debacle! PS starting wars with the first nation you see is not generally a good strategy for long-term success (unless you're Ashdod). I hope to prove that (shortly). :)

And Ashdod seems to be getting beaten down by TC already. ;) Hard to say who is actually winning, they're both awfully small.....

why tien chi is winning off course, in but 2 months of deciding on war we have claimed the capital of ashdod (minus the fortress), ahsdod seem to be sending in the reinforcements but it seems to mostly be gileadites (now i doubt they'll do better than the gileadites from province defence). Tien chi will owe it's victory to the immensly cheap cavalry our lord has gifted us.

Now this game is starting to get ironic, Ashdod getting RUSHED by the pink community.

hunt11 December 4th, 2008 05:27 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Don't count your eggs before they hatch (imagine what is the most feared part of early game Ashod, now guess what's in that fort:evil:)

duncanshriek December 5th, 2008 12:01 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by alhorro (Post 657281)
For that reason we would like to purchase some research items, for exchange we can offer gold, all types of gems (except D), D gems and best virgins would be available later for trusted contractors.

Agartha would like to establish trade relationships. Sorry, we don't produce research items, but are interested in death gems. We can pay in earth gems.

Nikelaos December 5th, 2008 12:48 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by hunt11 (Post 657330)
Don't count your eggs before they hatch (imagine what is the most feared part of early game Ashod, now guess what's in that fort:evil:)

E/N blessed sacreds?

i'm afraid even you're sacreds don't last long when their armour falls off, yes i am at alteration 3 - 4 in 2 turns and with alteration 4 i can cast destruction to make that earth bless useless.

destruction + 100 lances = dead uber sacreds, you didn't think i didn't have a back up did you?

anyway yes the war is only young, but ashdod won't have an easy time this game,

BTW tien chi would like to buy 2 pairs of earth boots, anyone who can forge them just name the price.

rabelais December 8th, 2008 03:13 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
how do caves work exactly?

do I need darkvision to fight normally there?

are there connections to other caves not obvious from neighbor display, etc? How do they make corners less defensible, if not?



cleveland December 8th, 2008 09:05 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Caves are just like normal provinces except they have different populations & magic sites available only to them. They generally give you troops with darkvision.

No, you don't need darkvision to fight normally in a cave. I believe it's considered a bug, though. You need darkvision to fight normally in a Cave Fortress.

No, there are no non-obvious connections on this map. I had made a map and set each corner as an interconnected cave*; however, players preferred this map instead. This is just a normal map - the corners are highly defensible.


*That map is called "Uncomfortable" and is available under the Maps/Mods subforum, if you're interested. It's also available on Llamaserver's map browser.

alhorro December 10th, 2008 02:50 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Mictlan wtb flame helmet, earth boots, crystal coin. Payment in F/E/W gems.

licker December 10th, 2008 11:05 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
The pathetic nation of Man has declared war on Abysia, and if we weren't even more pathetic we'd just laugh at his laughable invasion. As it is though, it's not really all that laughable...

So we ask for nations non aligned with Man to consider well that if he should triumph over us he would own 3 capitols in a rather well defended position.

Man speaks of the Abysian research, but he doesn't speak of his 2 armies with more than 100 troops in each converging on our capitol. Further that with the fact that Abysian research has already been outpaced and will soon be passed by nations in surely stronger positions than ours.

This world is cramped, but allowing Man to continue his wonton conquests is surely not a wise course of action.

cleveland December 11th, 2008 12:25 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by licker (Post 659083)
This world is cramped, but allowing Man to continue his wonton conquests is surely not a wise course of action.

I'm honored; I don't think MA Man has ever achieved higher praise. :D

Vile foe: please buy a round of drinks for the family of your slain hero, on us. We have great respect for great warriors. I wish my Knights would display 1/10th his courage. :beer:

Nikelaos December 11th, 2008 02:17 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Hurray, tests have found that destruction lasts on after the battle it was cast in, our tests on you are complete ashdod, rush us back at your pril and watch the armour of youre warriors fall in useless heaps - sheilds and all (bang bang cheap archers + bladewind). Your armies have no staying power now.

we warned you before, you shall not have an easy time with us, for once ashdod shall not just toss aside the nearest human nation like a dog with a rat.

Be warned again, the ants go marching and will reap desruction in they wake, for we are a nation, we are a unit, WE ARE ONE!!!

hunt11 December 11th, 2008 03:59 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Just remember it is not as permanent as you would like. I am curios though why are you making it out as if I was the aggressor? It was you who launched the invasion not me. The most aggressive thing I said was that you have not fought against my blessed giants yet.

cleveland December 13th, 2008 05:54 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Wat happened?

vfb December 13th, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Something happened?

JimMorrison December 13th, 2008 07:54 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
It did!

Fakeymcfake December 13th, 2008 08:55 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Furthermore, I just noticed how many guys are in this game that are also in other games I'm playing.

vfb December 13th, 2008 09:18 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
A while ago, there was great gnashing of teeth and bellowing of bellows and all sorts of scary noises being made, in the neighborhood of C'tis. But cooler heads prevailed, and now winter is coming. C'tis begins to hibernate.

But we still read the papers, so please don't just tease us with your flashy headlines, or we won't be able to get to sleep. Details, please!

cleveland December 14th, 2008 01:37 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
*points to Hall of Fame*

Fakeymcfake December 14th, 2008 02:11 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Ooooooh, yeah. I killed Wat. It was an awesome fight; my hydras (of all things) saved my butt. I guess that 14 MR really made a difference eh?

vfb December 14th, 2008 05:04 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Ah, C'tis has heard tales of both these fearsome Hydras, and is guessing that Wat was a Gorgon. Anyway, thanks for the details.

We hope that the beloved Rappi does not meet a similar fate.

-- C'tis

Juffos December 14th, 2008 01:48 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Wat the Mighty Gorgon chose to focus her gaze on the smaller heads of those Hydrae. An unwise decision :(

JimMorrison December 14th, 2008 03:52 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by Juffos (Post 660038)
Wat the Mighty Gorgon chose to focus her gaze on the smaller heads of those Hydrae. An unwise decision :(

Most Gorgons are attention whores, and she really needed the undivided attention of each and every head. It borders on OCD, I keep trying to get her to try counseling.....

cleveland December 15th, 2008 05:04 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. His name is Robert Paulson.

Farewell Shinuyama. : salute :

Fakeymcfake December 15th, 2008 09:54 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Let it be known that Jotunhiem has no honour. In a sudden and unprovoked move the giants have turned upon their allies through sacred pact, the just nation of Pythium. All nations should be aware that these giants deal with smiles on their faces and knives in their hands and that any deals made with them are not worth the pages they are printed upon.

However, Pythium will fight on despite this betrayal, and calls for allies to wipe out these cretins who strike out at those who would be their friends.

JimMorrison December 15th, 2008 10:48 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 660391)
...All nations should be aware that these giants are completely running away with the game and must be stopped, whether they have honor or not...


Fakeymcfake December 15th, 2008 11:05 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Hey, don't step on my rhetoric, I rarely get a good chance to be justifiably bombastic. Either way, point is made, Jotun is running away with it and are untrustworthy when it comes to making deals. Granted I feel somewhat personally betrayed at the moment but my fault for thinking I could leave my flank exposed. If there is a time to squash them let it be now rather than later.

Juffos December 16th, 2008 04:37 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Pythium, you brutal murderer, slicer of innocent throats! All those beaautimus maenads, now dead by your hands, how much beauty have you removed from this world?

I am sure the giants of Jotunheim sensed this abrupt chance in the world's balance and are now moving in to restore it.

You have no other option but to leave my lands and defend yours.

Fakeymcfake December 16th, 2008 02:28 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Ah I only invade your lands to avenge the deaths of the poor tiny folk of Shin, whom you brutally slew with your much bemoaned Maenads. I only wish that I had acted sooner so as to save a few of the tiny green men. As for Jotun's motivations for turning upon me, I am well aware that it was a much more material one rather than cosmic, as I'm sure you also know. In any case, I find your lands very welcoming, and despite your deviousness I think I'll be holding onto them for a time yet.

DonCorazon December 16th, 2008 02:45 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Voice from beyond the grave from the one who can actually now be named (he is called Mike, the petrified ghost king):

No mercy for the evil Pangeans who flew their gorgon straight to Shinuyama and turned us all into statues before we got to summon a single Oni. So much for getting to try Shin out... :(

Fakeymcfake December 16th, 2008 04:30 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I always wondered how does one petrify a ghost?

rabelais December 17th, 2008 01:02 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

we jotuns have no endgame strat or experience and are just trying to keep the world angel free, and keep astral powers from getting 3 caps...as for my gold advantage... extra temples to counteract my stupid pretender choice is unlikely to make me a steamroller.

the 6 month old, the true Pantokrat calls.


vfb December 17th, 2008 10:39 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
C'tis is saddened by the loss of the entire population of The Mirks. Intor Vadul decided to pay me a visit. Oh, poor lizards of The Mirks! You are all mindless plant beings now, how tragic.

Quitti December 18th, 2008 04:36 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Since the forces of Mictlan decided to attack us, the Ermor, without even declaring end to their NAP (bear this in mind, those who are allied with mictlan), Ermor is now fighting a losing war against 4 other nations, and is being set AI this turn. Thanks for the fun game, and see you around in others :)

alhorro December 18th, 2008 05:29 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Huh, you confirmed the read recipient for the message with nap cancellation, and Mictlan honestly waited 3 turns of NAP after the confirmation, despite your fate was absolutely clear much earlier — we had scouts in every your province and observed every your battle. Don't try to justify your failed diplomacy with your other neighbours.

duncanshriek December 18th, 2008 10:07 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Agartha declares to be defeated by Atlantis.

Since Atlantis is twice as big as Agartha and obviously can concentrate its forces against us, no further joy is to be expected for us. We managed to make Atlantis rethink its strategy several times, but without help that times are over now.

We annouce to go AI in 2 turns, if no support against Atlantis comes into view.

JimMorrison December 18th, 2008 03:39 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
It has caused us great pain to attack another ancient people, but the die was cast. You fight like a lion, and we are proud to have had the opportunity to meet you in the field of battle.

Not sure what happened to you at the start, but if you had expanded a bit earlier at first, it might have made us think harder before invading. Better luck in the next one!

Quitti December 19th, 2008 06:01 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by alhorro (Post 660905)
Huh, you confirmed the read recipient for the message with nap cancellation, and Mictlan honestly waited 3 turns of NAP after the confirmation, despite your fate was absolutely clear much earlier — we had scouts in every your province and observed every your battle. Don't try to justify your failed diplomacy with your other neighbours.

Then I apologize, I remembered it was another of our neighbors who did that. Mictlan does honor his contracts afterall.

vfb December 19th, 2008 07:52 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
TC has staled twice and looks like it's going to stale again.

Abysia has staled once and looks like it's going to stale again, and I think I saw a post by licker in a different game thread saying he's on holiday from the 18th or 19th or something.

BesucherXia December 19th, 2008 08:35 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
TC has said in another thread that he cannot play dom these days.
Luckily his only enemy Ashdod is not seeking a counterattack either.

vfb December 19th, 2008 09:00 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
For how many days? He should probably have gotten a sub or gone AI, it's weird for the nation to just sit there and do nothing.

Fakeymcfake December 19th, 2008 09:02 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Edit - reread front. Personally I think we should start the holiday delay now so that these guys don't miss anymore turns.

vfb December 19th, 2008 09:10 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Oh, that sounds like a better idea. Seconded.

BesucherXia December 20th, 2008 07:54 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 661246)
For how many days? He should probably have gotten a sub or gone AI, it's weird for the nation to just sit there and do nothing.

Here is the link to his announcement:


I am also for an immediate pause until next year.

duncanshriek December 20th, 2008 08:27 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Concerning an earlier pause: I don't care, since I already announced to go AI. Didn't do that this turn though, but could easily make that my only action next year.

Juffos December 20th, 2008 08:54 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
The nation of Pangaea would like to let the world know that the false pretender of Arcoscephale is a nothing but a honourless coward who doesn't stand behind his words. Every neighbour of his should reconsider their relations with them for they are unscrupulous deal makers.

cleveland December 20th, 2008 09:03 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Ah, too bad I didn't see all this before hosting (holiday travels of my own). Beginning the break early seems quite reasonable. The game is now postponed until 20:55 GMT on January 2nd. But I'll leave quickhost on until Dec 23rd, the original holiday start date, just in case everyone has the chance to get another turn in. If not, no big deal. Have a happy holiday! cleveland

MadFrancis December 23rd, 2008 03:54 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Sheesh ...

Thanks for ruining my domionions3-packed winter vacation Christmas. Stupid holidays ....

hey christmas, why don't you just go fu ... oh hey, presents!

vfb December 31st, 2008 01:45 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
EA Aby has not played, has 2 stales, and licker is not going to be back until Jan 5th:


Can we postpone hosting 3 more days? If not, can we please get someone to set Aby to AI, because he's being eaten up at the moment, and easy meals are no fun for anyone.

TC also has 3 stales and has not played, but I don't know if they are currently being eaten. Given that they are at war with Ashdod, I'd expect them to become a light snack soon enough, if they continue to stale. Does anyone know if Nikelaos managed to get his PC fixed?

cleveland December 31st, 2008 12:33 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I'm inclined to postpone until Jan 6th, and advertise for subs 24hrs before hosting. Any objections/thoughts?

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