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Soyweiser December 8th, 2008 07:56 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
You didn't? Ow, my bad then. I get it to! So we can both play Abysia.

I'll start to read your chapter.

Executor December 9th, 2008 07:46 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
There's a few I've not heard back from, plus me, so we should be looking at a minimum of 14 players an era, hopefully.

Just to let you know I'm still in the game. Still MA, as posted.

Zeldor December 10th, 2008 09:31 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I think I will step out of that game. I expected it to be normal game with added roleplaying, not the other way around. I won't be able to read and write enough to make it sense. And my serious approach could mess the game up.

Lokean December 10th, 2008 11:08 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Zeldor, I'm sort of hoping for a serious approach from all the players. There's nothing wrong with a funny writeup, but it should still be approached seriously... However, my intent was, indeed, for it to be a 'roleplaying' scenario, where players are presumed to be reacting as their nation would. If that's not what you were looking for then it's better to pull out now than be disappointed later.

Llamabeast is fixing a bug with user-uploaded nations. Until then, he's had to kludge the Hoburg Alliance onto the server. Hopefully it will work as intended, which means I should be able to get the MA game moving. Sadly, I'm not in the MA game, which means I'm missing out playing with some of the 'famous faces', but everybody gets to read their output, so that's a win in my book.

You will need the following mods:
The Hoburg Alliance
The Skavenblight
The Tomb Kings
The Conceptual Balance Mod, 1.3 Complete

If there's anything wrong with the roster below, please let me know.
HTML Code:

MA nation roster:

Arco                irenicus23
Ermor                Calmon
Man                quantum_mechani
Ulm                Baalz
Marignon        vanslime
T'ien Ch'i        KO
Machaka                otherling
Abysia                tifone
Caelum                Sansanjuan
Vanaheim        evilhomer
Jotumheim        solmyr
Shinuyama        Wrana
Atlantis        hunt11
R'lyeh                DonCorazon

Skaven                Hadrian
Hoburg alliance        Ylavli
Tomb Kings        Executor

I would suggest a simple majority of Victory Points be required to win, which would be 8 out of 15 total. Do the players agree to that, or do they feel that will make it too easy?

The settings are:
Independants: 5
Supplies, Resources, Gold, Research: Standard
Magic Sites: 55
Random Events: Common
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: On

Zeldor December 10th, 2008 11:14 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Serious playing [== powerplaying to win] is what I meant, not serious writing [which is obvious]. I rather expected just different approach to diplomacy and adding few lines of text every turn, not whole pages :) I'm not saying it's bad, but I surely won't have enough time for that.

Gandalf Parker December 10th, 2008 11:23 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Truthfully I was beginning to worry about the same thing.

Ylvali December 10th, 2008 11:57 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I think the setup looks good Lokean.

I am confident most players will try to stay in character, make serious writeups AND try their best to win all at the same time.

I beleive that taking a serious part in the roleplaying will be a necessity to win this kind of game anyway, simply because your diplomatical position and respect will depend on it.

Tifone December 10th, 2008 12:03 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Sorry, but I think you guys are worrying for nothing, really :)

@Lokean: Maybe 10 VPs in 15? 8 seems a little low (but it's just my opinion). Everything else is ok I think.
When do we start? ;)

calmon December 10th, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I vote capital VPs only and half of them needed to win, thats more or less standard.

Non capital VPs can end the game in a very fast and -for a rpg- quite unlovely way...

Lokean December 10th, 2008 12:36 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I believe the concern is that people will simply 'air drop' troops into VP provinces, yes? I would presume that, at 17 players, most VP provinces will be well and truly claimed before anybody has the capacity to prepare a simultaneous assault across enough to claim victory.

Zeldor December 10th, 2008 12:48 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
VPs = capitals. So they are forted and well defended. So teleporting and grabbing them is not an option really. That problem occurs only with non-cap VPs on the map and favours some nations, that can teleport easily.

calmon December 10th, 2008 12:50 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by Lokean (Post 658864)
I believe the concern is that people will simply 'air drop' troops into VP provinces, yes? I would presume that, at 17 players, most VP provinces will be well and truly claimed before anybody has the capacity to prepare a simultaneous assault across enough to claim victory.

Well from my mp experience:

- Much people don't build even a fortress in the VP province (especially in a round we have here, with much roleplaying)
- Most of us don't use expensive armies to protect a single province, its easier just to go for the other VPs
- Forget PD, it can never be strong enough to defend against a good suited SC

I don't say that i would use such a sudden death tactic but the question is, why should we risk it someone does?

Gandalf Parker December 10th, 2008 01:20 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
You could keep the VPs secret?
Give them terrain bits of
"nostart" 512
"manysites" 1024
and then set a program to grab battle actions from the game log so you can keep score.
Maybe use special unused magic site to mark it so the person taking it knows they have one.

rushes off to add that to my game ideas list

Tifone December 10th, 2008 02:04 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I thought it had been discussed already, nah? :)

I'm for non-capitol VPs, I thought we were going for the "junctions of energy scattered around the world", possibly (if mr Gandalf helps us it could be great ;) ) with the "many sites" tag in them. Secret ones seems overly-difficult to manage :(

Wrana December 10th, 2008 02:33 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Yes, it was discussed. And a question was whether actual VPs with secret location was possible, with no answer. Some kind of new magic site modded in to represent VPs isn't an option, in my book, as it would be impossible to know even if you have already won! Also, placing them in the map would require an author of the map to know their location, with an added difficulty of their additioanl random appearance.
And, by the way, I'm for non-capital VPs (and 8 of 15 to win), though capital-based ones would be fine, too.

Gandalf Parker December 10th, 2008 03:10 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
a site can be placed as "found" so it appears as soon as you capture the province. And they could be placed randomly so that even the author doesnt know it (only the host would know)

calmon December 10th, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
8 out of 15 non-capital VP?

I thought we want a somehow lengthy game with a lot of roleplaying. This victory condition means just a quite short game -at least there is a big chance of it.

Whats the sence of secret VPs? This means the game can end in turn 10 by luck or runs untill the remaining players decided to stop it which we can already have by just using the standard winning condition.

quantum_mechani December 10th, 2008 03:57 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I agree with Calmon, non cap vps is just asking for sudden death. Secret vps (if they are even possible?) seem even more bizarre, just like number of prov victory except it might fire way too soon or almost never.

Ylvali December 10th, 2008 03:59 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I vote for capital VPs. War and vendettas are good to roleplay, and when you finally bested your hated enemy you know you are one step closer to victory.

I also think it would be good to delay the endgame with hard or very hard research from a roleplaying perspective. So your mundane troops and heroes can take a big part of the story and glory.

Tifone December 10th, 2008 04:23 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Magic makes for better roleplay and funnier battles IMHO. I'd go on standard :)

capitol VPs would enhance fast killing of nations, loss of writers, and a captured capitol is usually hard to retake from the nation itself when it can't recruit capitol-only troops and commanders no more. so if you want long wars and vendettas imho better to fight for that distant province your troops had to travel for long in the desert to reach...

quantum_mechani December 10th, 2008 04:29 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
No vps is fine with me too, it's just the leaving non-cap ones scattered around that seems dangerous. For one thing some nations are _far_ better at quick grab tactic than others. I would not underestimate how quickly, say, Ry'leh could make a grab for the winning number.

Baalz December 10th, 2008 04:44 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
/me shrugs. If somebody is obviously the winner its usually not hard to get universal concession without having to play down to the bitter end (particularly in a RP game where "surrender" is potentially the way to go). If somebody is not the obvious winner a VP snatch just feels like a trick to sudden death a game which was still up in the air.

solmyr December 10th, 2008 09:49 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
First of all, though it's a roleplaying centric game, I still wish everyone play for win. (though it's not powergaming for win, just win according to the selected nation's ideal)

I don't care too much about VPs. If you guys have played Civilization series, victory can be achieve in various ways and I believe it fits well in our scenario, too. Consider these:
1. Conquest victory: a player took a certain percentage of total provinces wins, war monger's choice.
2. Magic dominance: a player took all five global enchantment slots with GEs from five different research paths wins, researcher's choice.
3. Diplomacy victory: An assembly is held every, say 10 turns. Everyone vote for a nation that is, according to their ideology, the last nation they want to destroy. They cannot vote for themselves and must vote one. A player turns out to have a dominate popularity wins.

lch December 10th, 2008 10:11 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
"See MoM or SMAC"

Lokean December 11th, 2008 03:54 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
What about using both the capital and map VPs, requiring 16 of 22 to win? That would mean having your capital and all the map VPs, for example.

Regardless, Llamabeast has fixed his bug, so I'll upload the game to the Llamaserver in approximately 12 hours. If there's no general consensus I'll go with either a vanilla victory or the suggestion above, depending on if it seems VPs are favoured overall.

Ylvali December 11th, 2008 04:55 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
That sounds like a good suggestion Lokean.

calmon December 11th, 2008 07:53 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I would vote for 'graphs off' in this game.

This is a RPG game with hopefully a lot of exciting tales, intrigues and great wars.

The graphs just take some of the fun, everyone sees the truth instantly.

Tifone December 11th, 2008 08:02 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Yay, that's a nice idea. Expecially as in MA there are many recruitable scouts so it shouldn't be a problem to use spionage and intelligente, far more interesting and in-character :cool:

Wrana December 11th, 2008 08:48 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
The variant with both kinds of VPs seems about right.
I would generally prefer to have graphs on - it seems silly, after all, that there no merchants or other rumormongers in the world from whom you can find out about general situation. However, in this particular case it's probably possible that we can generate such content ourselves, thus eliminating necessity of graphs. Still, I'm not sure...
Also, diplomacy victory is a sound idea. In PR-heavy game it's even possible for player to declare a vassality to other one if he is close to defeat. This allows weaker player to remain in game continuing to write stories, while his liege gets closer to overall victory (e.g., vassal votes as his liege wishes, possibly even contributing his VPs to lieges' total number). Of course, it's just an outline - agreements may differ from case to case, etc. If somebody's interested, please continue from this... ;)

solmyr December 11th, 2008 09:21 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I vote for close graph, too. That's how intrigue can stands out.

Baalz December 11th, 2008 10:02 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Yeah, graphs off is my vote.

Gandalf Parker December 11th, 2008 11:04 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
The switch of:
--nonationinfo .....No info at all on other nations
would be good also but so far I cant seem to get it to work the way Im thinking its supposed to. Maybe Johan will fix it before we start.

Baalz December 11th, 2008 12:40 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Oh, also make sure renaming is on.

quantum_mechani December 11th, 2008 04:46 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I'm normally very against graphs off, but I guess I can see the RP argument. It does leave a lot more potential for someone to run away with the game though, especially with VPs.

Tifone December 11th, 2008 04:55 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Well, yeah, I don't see anything bad in this, if the other nations weren't able to share informations about potential common threats both through diplomacy nor reports, seems just right the strong one will win :)

(I'm so gonna regret having said this... :D)

Ylvali December 11th, 2008 09:08 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I agree with graphs off

Lokean December 12th, 2008 03:55 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Right, the MA game is up, please begin mailing pretenders.

Lingchih December 12th, 2008 05:08 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by quantum_mechani (Post 659256)
I'm normally very against graphs off, but I guess I can see the RP argument. It does leave a lot more potential for someone to run away with the game though, especially with VPs.

Indeed. Graphs off in a VP game is a sure means to disaster. Just chiming in, having been is a similar game recently.

Lokean December 12th, 2008 05:18 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Well, in the interests of random dangerous experimentation, graphs are off. We'll have to see how it works overall and adjust the format as time goes on.

Tifone December 12th, 2008 06:20 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Pretender in! Can we open the old thread again now? We have all the introductions and first chapters there :o

Lokean December 12th, 2008 06:42 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Not yet, no. I'm trying to get a wiki set up next to the old Yarnspinners one. Hopefully I'll have it sorted and ready for players to post to by the time all the pretenders are in.

solmyr December 12th, 2008 08:02 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Meanwhile I'll keep my pretender type hidden. But you will find clues in my story :L

sansanjuan December 12th, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by Lokean (Post 658827)
Zeldor, I'm sort of hoping for a serious approach from all the players. There's nothing wrong with a funny writeup, but it should still be approached seriously... However, my intent was, indeed, for it to be a 'roleplaying' scenario, where players are presumed to be reacting as their nation would. If that's not what you were looking for then it's better to pull out now than be disappointed later.

Llamabeast is fixing a bug with user-uploaded nations. Until then, he's had to kludge the Hoburg Alliance onto the server. Hopefully it will work as intended, which means I should be able to get the MA game moving. Sadly, I'm not in the MA game, which means I'm missing out playing with some of the 'famous faces', but everybody gets to read their output, so that's a win in my book.

You will need the following mods:
The Hoburg Alliance
The Skavenblight
The Tomb Kings
The Conceptual Balance Mod, 1.3 Complete

If there's anything wrong with the roster below, please let me know.
HTML Code:

MA nation roster:

Arco                irenicus23
Ermor                Calmon
Man                quantum_mechani
Ulm                Baalz
Marignon        vanslime
T'ien Ch'i        KO
Machaka                otherling
Abysia                tifone
Caelum                Sansanjuan
Vanaheim        evilhomer
Jotumheim        solmyr
Shinuyama        Wrana
Atlantis        hunt11
R'lyeh                DonCorazon

Skaven                Hadrian
Hoburg alliance        Ylavli
Tomb Kings        Executor

I would suggest a simple majority of Victory Points be required to win, which would be 8 out of 15 total. Do the players agree to that, or do they feel that will make it too easy?

The settings are:
Independants: 5
Supplies, Resources, Gold, Research: Standard
Magic Sites: 55
Random Events: Common
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: On

The Tombkings link seems to point to Skraven also... Want to make sure I get the right one.

Looking forward to the stories (or is it one big story?)....

Gandalf Parker December 12th, 2008 06:51 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
If you go to the Chronicles game on Llamas server then he has links for the mods.
Maybe he links to his kludged version.

Ooh, and Lokean, I would highly recommend setting a master password.

DonCorazon December 13th, 2008 04:39 AM


Typhalia, coastal town, human settlement
2029 Year of the Griffon

When we found Haldor, he was drenched in so much blood we thought him dead until the whites of his eyes blinked open, causing Erman to cut himself. Haldor cackled and ripped off pieces of his flesh until finally we bound the stocky fisherman in manacles.

Just that morning the burly lad had set out on his scully, blowing a kiss to Esmeralda with his gentle grin. Now she lay torn to pieces and Haldor a gibbering lunatic. No one in Typhalia had ever seen such evil in those days.

Something must have happened to him out in the water, the smallfolk said, something that twisted his mind inside out. Would that he had but drowned and thus saved his family and spared us all the horror that was to come.

In the end though, we came to understand:

Beyond the sheltering blue sky is a horrible infinite darkness, waiting to spill forth. Beneath the gentle green waves is an endless hungering void, waiting to devour. Behind a fisherman’s smiling eyes is a fragile coil of sanity, waiting to be snapped. Beyond the gates of the Dark Citadel, is an unwitting world waiting to be broken.

Tifone December 13th, 2008 06:01 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I'm not understanding no more :o

We open the old MP thread for the new chapters? We continue writing here (would seem pointless to me as the first chapters are in the other one)? We write on this wiki?

Wrana December 13th, 2008 06:51 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
By the way, llamaserver got misunderstanding with my mail server... :( I'm currently waiting for reply from Llamabeast, so some time may pass before my Pretender is seen by it (& I didn't mean him to be quite THIS stealthy! %) )

DonCorazon December 13th, 2008 12:01 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Tifone, My understanding was Lokean would move chapters over to the wiki soon. The old forum thread with some writings is locked but I don't see why people who want to write something shouldn't just post it here for now.

Gandalf Parker December 13th, 2008 12:13 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Im sorry. Ive tried but I cant get into role playing the CBM version of Pangaea. Its abit confining. As much as I like the idea of the game Im afraid Im going to pull out of it.

Tifone December 13th, 2008 12:36 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Another nation nay, mr Gandalf? :(

@ DonCorazon

Yay, but we will need to write them somewhere before Lokean can move them to the wiki, so I was just thinking the old thread was more appropriate... Anyway, I'm not gonna post new ones until the game starts :)

Btw... I was wondering what does your avatar represent... ;)

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