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-   -   MP: War of the Ring- Ended, the forces of Good are Victorious!! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42051)

cleveland February 11th, 2009 06:37 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
1 Attachment(s)
OK, without further ado, the War of the Ring mod!

It's a compilation of CBM 1.41, Sylvania CBM, Ulm Reborn & Hoburgs. I've reworked the last 2 to make this particular game with these teams balanced - they shouldn't necessarily be taken as stand-alone balanced.

Just unzip the file into your dominions3/mods directory. You'll get an overwrite warning if you install have the above mods installed, do it. You won't change anything about those mods, you'll just get the new sprites I put together.

Here's a brief changelog of the major things, but there's a lot more. I'll say it again: ALL CHANGES WERE MADE TO MAKE THIS SPECIFIC GAME BALANCED. Evil had the definite advantage, dominating Good in Water, Fire, Earth, Death, and Blood magic. I've boosted Good to be competitive with Water, Fire, Earth and Death magic, and made them Nature powerhouses to somewhat balance their complete lack of Blood magic:

Totally reworked. This nation is now like Patala: awesome magic, crappy troops. Poor magic diversity: A/F lost, D gained. National troops & horticulturist set as CBM's units, a definite nerf. Hoburg Champion replaced and given a new bona fide scout. Erdefreund made capital only, given 50% poison resistance, and lost one of his heads (yes, he had 2 for some reason). Tierfreund given 50% poison resistance (thematic). Mages totally reworked: Obstgaertner now N2W1 with 100% NWE, 10% NWE; V. Obstgaertner now has oldage and N3W2 with 2 x 100% NWE; 10% NWE. Both lost A/F magic, as unthematic and too powerful when combined with cheap x-bows, and experiences cost increases. New powerful cap-only priest with Death magic, accompanied by some creative writing to make it plausible. Cap gem income now N4W1E1.

Ulm Reborn:
Major change to White Priest, now E2F1S1 with 2 x 100% EFS, 10% EFS; much higher pricetag.

A8 Blindlord fixed.

Resource costs of cavalry fixed.

Find the rest yourself, I've spent too much time as-is. :D

Attachment 7757

rdonj February 11th, 2009 06:53 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
Wow, that change to verehrt obstgaertners is huge.

Erm, carry on.

Trumanator February 11th, 2009 07:23 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
Thanks Cleveland! Since we're waiting till the 16th to start that gives Ulm and Hoburgs time to adjust.

GrudgeBringer February 11th, 2009 09:32 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
I am somewhat computer challenged...I D/L the Mod into a new file on desktop and extracted inside the file....

There is 6 different things in my folder now

1.Hoburg Data 2.Ulm Reborn 3.Sylvania 4.Worthy Heroes 5.War of the Rings Mod.dm 6.WOTR.tga

I usually right click and copy to my dominions/mod file.

I am not sure which (or all) I should put in there.

Could someone help me (and remember I am comouter challenged).


cleveland February 11th, 2009 11:46 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
Just dump it all in the mod folder as-is. Those sub-folders contain the images for the units associated with the mod nations.

Please don't hesitate to PM me if you have any more problems.

yandav February 15th, 2009 11:39 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
I'm back!

cleveland February 16th, 2009 07:04 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
No comments on the mod, huh? That's either very good, or very bad. :D

OK, here we go. I've started the game for you guys, it's on Llamaserver, and only I know the start locations.

If you've never done this before, it's very simple:

1) Download the mod from my last post, and unzip its entire contents into a folder titled "mods" in your Dominions 3 directory.

2) Open Dom3. Select "Preferences" --> "Mod Preferences" Disable any "enabled" mods. Enable the "War of the Ring mod" by clicking on it. MAKE SURE ALL OTHER MODS ARE DISABLED!!!

3) Back at the main menu, select "Game Tools" --> "Create a Pretender God" --> "Late Age". Then select your nation. Make your Pretender, and give him/her a cool name, like Annihilator.

4) Follow Llamaserver's instructions for submitting a pretender. The name of this game is WarOfTheRing so be sure to make that the title of your email to pretenders@llamaserver.net

1) If you don't enable the mod when making your pretender, or have any other mods enabled, bad things will happen.
2) The mod/map for this game was made assuming the following teams...
Good Team: New Ulm, Sylvania, Hoburg Alliance, Arcoscephale, Tien Chi
Evil Team: Abysia, Bogarus, Pythium, Patala, Agartha
If you don't stick to your nation, the game won't start. If you don't stick to your team, it won't be any fun.
3) It's a pretty small map for 10 players, but I've worked hard to keep the start locations balanced given the teams. All seemingly good/bad start locations have a counterpart on the other team. Don't assume you'll have an easy time just because you've started near a corner or lead a powerhouse nation...
4) This is a team game, and was built assuming you'll work together. Hint: Both teams have 1 nation that stands to get crushed early unless given solid support by their team, coordinate early & often. New players: share your gems with your teammates!

If anything goes wrong, don't hesitate to PM me. Trumanator: check your PM for the admin password.

Good luck & have fun,

GrudgeBringer February 16th, 2009 07:19 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
Good Job Cleveland, THANKS from all of us about to get crushed!!!!

Baalz February 16th, 2009 08:04 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
I received a pretender file from you, but unfortunately your pretender file is for Late Age Abysia, while the game 'WarOfTheRing' is set in the Middle Age. Please try again with a pretender for the Middle Age.

Details of your e-mail:
Subject: warofthering
Sent at: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 17:25:39 -0600
Attachment: late_abysia_1.2h

cleveland February 16th, 2009 08:24 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
Damn... 1 min

OK, fixed. Try again.

Baalz February 16th, 2009 09:22 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
This is just to confirm that I've received a pretender file from you for Abysia in the game WarOfTheRing, and everything seems to be fine with it.

Thanks! :)

Trumanator February 16th, 2009 11:29 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
Thanks Cleveland!!

Trumanator February 18th, 2009 11:12 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Full
So yeah, people can go ahead and upload their pretenders now.

Executor February 19th, 2009 06:44 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
Why does it keep telling me that my pretender is the wrong age when I send it?

llamabeast February 19th, 2009 07:29 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
The game is set to late age. Is this a multi-age game? If so you need to set it to multi-age.

Regrettably, to do so you need to remove all the pretenders first; age-changing is the one thing you can't do once some pretenders have been received.

Trumanator February 19th, 2009 01:14 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
Thats odd, Ulm Reborn IS an LA nation. The only nation that isn't is the Hoburgs, and I was under the impression that they were modded to LA by Cleveland. Not to mention how weird this is if you read Baalz' and Cleveland's quick conversation above.

statttis February 19th, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 675396)
Why does it keep telling me that my pretender is the wrong age when I send it?

I also get this when sending in my pretender for Hoburgs. Maybe it's a problem with the mod nations :confused:

cleveland February 19th, 2009 09:14 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
Sounds like a llamaserver issue. I think the same thing happened in Kingmaker.

Trumanator: contact llamabeast, he'll know what to do.

llamabeast February 20th, 2009 04:56 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
Ah, okay, I worked it out. It's because the mod has spaces in it, so the llamaserver failed to download it from the web server. I have to say I hate filenames with spaces in. Obviously they're a trivial problem that can be overcome, but I have to remember to include a little check for every bit of code dealing with possibly-space-containing-things, and being as my own tests never have spaces in I never notice.

Right, random whinge aside (that wasn't a complaint to you Cleveland, you understand),, I'll sort that out now.

llamabeast February 20th, 2009 05:01 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
w00t, fixed.

Tifone February 20th, 2009 04:52 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
/Alive-Among-Many\, God of Agartha, walks the Earth. Only in front of His Most Carnivorous Nefariousness Lord Sauron our legions will bend.

(= pretender sent ;) )

Trumanator February 24th, 2009 04:15 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
Can people please get their pretenders done. I really want to get this started before everyone loses interest.

GrudgeBringer February 24th, 2009 11:04 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
I tried to send it in agian (my pretender).

This time get the error

you are trying to email a pretender for a game called 'Emailinglate_tienchi_0.2h.WarOfTheRing

All but WarOfTheRing is already on the subject line...sigh

I am moving tommorow and it will be late before I get hooked back up and check this...

If you have another player and want to get started then by all means do it as I don't seem to be having much luck getting in this one.

Trumanator February 25th, 2009 03:22 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
well, if anyone can help GB with his problem it would be greatly appreciated!

Also, we're waiting on Ossa as well to submit his pretender.

llamabeast February 26th, 2009 06:18 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
GrudgeBringer - I can't follow what you're doing. Can you just e-mail the pretender to me? My e-mail address is llamabeast at llamaserver dot net.

Ossa February 26th, 2009 08:12 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
Will follow this evening;)

GrudgeBringer February 26th, 2009 10:10 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Upload pretenders
Sent Pretender to Llamabeast, I am interested to see what I was doing wrong...

Trumanator February 27th, 2009 01:05 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Okay, the game has started, but I have set the hosting interval to 36 hours so teams can get their stuff together. If it ends up where we can lower it then thats great.

cleveland February 28th, 2009 11:25 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
So, any complaints on the start-locations? How about province-connectivity (which was slightly altered from the original)?*

*Your complaint will be handled in the order it was received. Please allow 6-8 weeks for response. :D

GrudgeBringer February 28th, 2009 04:43 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
so far none here..could you, errrr.. do ALL my starting positions from noe on kind sir.

BTW, since you know about comps and I am to sat the least computer challenged I want to set up a filter on my E-mail...

I have never even heard of it could you PM me if you could help.

Tifone March 1st, 2009 01:54 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Ehm... damn I staled... :( how many hours was the hosting time?

Tifone March 1st, 2009 06:34 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Plz rollback to turn 2? It wouldn't be too burdensome for you I hope, but it could greatly hamper my chances to lose one of the first turns :(

Trumanator March 1st, 2009 07:10 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Seeing as how I staled as well out of stupidity, I am fine with it, unless someone else objects.

qio March 1st, 2009 07:12 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
I am against a rollback for the obvious reasons. Any battle results could change. Any random events that have occurred would be reversed and might not happen. There appears to be some dead HoF units. And so forth.

Baalz March 2nd, 2009 10:49 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
I'd suggest that rollbacks be reserved for really critical things like for instance a server hiccup causing the turn to host early with half the nations not having turns submitted. Rollbacks have caused problems in every game I've been in when they were used. It's extremely frustrating to have a battle you "won" turn out differently, and double plus extremely frustrating when your neighbor does something differently than the first time after having seen the result of a battle. I've seen a lot of bad blood created from rollbacks, with accusations of cheating, people quitting the game in a huff etc., probably best to just suck it up and accept a stale here or there when real life causes you to miss a turn.

Trumanator March 2nd, 2009 12:02 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
okay sounds good. No rollback. (sorry Tifone)

Tifone March 2nd, 2009 02:04 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Np =(

Trumanator March 2nd, 2009 02:23 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
At least its one on each side though right :)

qio March 3rd, 2009 11:49 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Agartha has staled 2 turns in a row now. ??

Tifone March 3rd, 2009 06:16 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Ok, I'm damn sorry. My mail failed the sending without warning me. I found out today. :(

Tifone March 3rd, 2009 07:29 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
guys can we put a little delay till I get what happened to my mail?

Trumanator March 3rd, 2009 07:47 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Okay, game postponed by 12 hours. Will host at 2:55 GMT. Quickhost is still on so if Tifone can get his turn in before it will be alright.

@Tifone- If you are still having problems and don't know when they will be fixed, I will pause hosting and see if I can find a temporary sub. Good luck!

llamabeast March 4th, 2009 10:18 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
You could always set up a temporary gmail account Tifone.

Trumanator March 4th, 2009 05:32 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Since the hosting was getting close with no sign of Tifone's problem being resolved, I have postponed another 24hrs. I will begin looking for a sub and communicating with Tifone, hopefully we can figure something out.

Trumanator March 4th, 2009 07:05 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
It seems that I spoke too soon, judging by the new turn file. Nice to see you figured things out Tifone.

Tifone March 4th, 2009 07:07 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
I've done it, it was the new firewall which was silently "isolating" opera so everything looked fine on paper but it was sending an empty file. It was hard to spot :(
I have no problem continuing to play, I'm just sorry I don't think I can do any good now with 2 early stales in a row due to technical problems - which is a pity because I loved the theme of the game.

EDIT: oh btw of course thanks for the delays Truman

statttis March 4th, 2009 08:35 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
I wouldn't worry too much about a couple stales, the good guys have had some setbacks as well.

Tifone March 5th, 2009 10:25 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
We... lost... Pythium on turn 5? :eek:

llamabeast March 5th, 2009 11:05 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Wow! That's pretty unlucky!

qio March 5th, 2009 12:41 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 678274)
Wow! That's pretty unlucky!

If you count the odds, it was quite probable. Call it luck if you want.

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