![]() |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Hm, I probably should be more careful with what I'm asking for, but at least Baalz reminded me of the ice cream I had forgotten to put back into the freezer... and I had to look up jell(o/y), since I'm not a native speaker, even though it sounds like the gelatin it mainly consists of... ;)
But at least I managed to do half my turn already. Will see how long the rest takes me. |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
I need another 4 hour extension. Legends and Beardaxe constantly falling on the same hosting cycle is brutal.
Jazzepi |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
There's just too many provinces to handle for you. Let me lend you a helping hand in that one....
Re: Beardaxe is go!
I need a 72 hour delay. I probably won't use all of it. The turns have gotten a lot more complicated with Abysia's BETRAYAL of our NAP, but, what are you going to do :V
In any case, I've got finals on Wednesday, I've got a group project due Monday, meeting Saturday, picnic to run Sunday. So I'll do the soon ASAP, but I'm swamped right now. Jazzepi |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Come on, you can't really expect NAP's to be honored when you put up Arcane Nexus...twice, can you? Putting up the Nexus is essentially declaring that you've already won, would anybody care to dispute it? Particularly with the two large AI nations, it seems very silly to expect several turns of sucking in hundreds of gems to not be seen as an overtly hostile act....
Re: Beardaxe is go!
The all caps was to emphasize sarcasm. Jazzepi |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Ah, my sarcasm filter gets disabled at drunk o'clock on Friday. ;)
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Ahem, I'm sorry about not telling that I'm leaving for a day and just returned. Pretty bad if you're game admin, I know, but of course one always prefers if the delay requests roll in earlier - so I hope you're not that pissed and please excuse that slipping. I'll inform about "aways" in advance from now on - if you still need a delay now, please drop me a PM.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Postponed for 24hrs due to Jazzepi's request.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Delayed for 24 hours due to my humble request.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
I've been dragging myself back to this game again and again. If it isn't clear that I haven't had a focused agenda for Marignon for the past several turns, my inability to defend against the barrage of assassination spells should be proof of that. Even before the huge set of stales, I was starting to just submit "maintenance" turns recruiting wizards, forging gear, summoning stuff. Especially when I thought this game was going to end, I just stopped really caring.
So, like if Baalz is okay with shutting down Legends of Faerun with the 2nd or 3rd most powerful nation at his commands because his turns have gone to boring-slog mode, I don't see any reason why I can't bail on this one for the same reason. I won't submit an AI turn unless I'm asked to, but please find a sub. Jazzepi |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Well, I couldn't claim I was feeling sure of any victory chances against you, especially with that AN up. In fact, all of us are worried about what you're bringing all the time, considering your huge gem income and the strikes that you deliver, even though you're "just submitting maintenance turns".
I mean, when the game was about to stop, you stated "I'm happy to continue whatever happens.", and it would be obvious that a game in that stage was always going to take some time to play. Would be a shame to let this one here die, now that the conclusion approaches... :/ I'll postpone for 48hrs, until this matter is resolved by discussion - don't know if a subbing that late in the game is a realistic idea...? |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
I was pretty pissed when I put up my last post. Give me a day to think it over. I don't really feel like ruining this game for anyone.
Jazzepi |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Ping - may I ask for the result of your "think-over"? Added another day delay.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
I would also be mightily interested in the outcome of that thinking.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Together with a delay. Hey, Jazzepi, don't leave us hanging! (we know you were around in the forums :P) |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Sorry, I keep putting this off.
Baalz's poor admin skillz, and inability to follow his own personal pledge shouldn't affect this game, so I'll try to continue. And I'll get a turn in tonight. Jazzepi |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Well, I had not really bothered to check out other games than this one here. I'm really sorry that there are .. disputes out of the game which are not related to ingame stuff.
And as much as I'd love to play this game, I'd also love to have people play a game here - means, your nations are fighting each other, not the players. There probably is no fun in submitting a turn for a game where you feel pissed by either the conditions or another player - so I'd love to get you sorted out that stuff. Please notice I haven't mentioned anyone specific "you". |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Ahem. Bad style probably, but I had prepared my turn to be finished tonight. Maybe half an hour left to do, but I got so tired I wouldn't get a decent last stand put up - so I'll postpone it for the morning (~9 hours) and will submit ASAP then. Hope you don't mind too much.
Toran. |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Dang. I have just returned from hospital where I was for a knee surgery. They had promised I would get back yesterday, but then decided to keep me there for a boring night. With two games to complete for submitting a turn, I wouldn't really manage to get a single one in with a proper turn. I hope you don't mind me if I postpone for 24 hours - the lengthy games/turns take their toll, but I still enjoy 'em - hope you will as well, even with that delay.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
I don't mind the postpone - I had a long day at uni and would've needed to rush in the turn myself too.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Okay, hostrun has proceeded with everybody having got his turn in.
The next hostrun is postponed slightly to accomodate Jazzepi's weekend traveling activities. If you lose a dozen Harbingers during that trip, noone would be too sorry :p |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Great. There ain't a good time for a PC power supply to smoke off, but mine did (at least it seems so). Means, I managed to stale in Lapis and just installed Dom3 on a friend's notebook.
I'm adding 12 additional safety hours in case I won't manage to redo the full turn until this evening. Plus gotta check/buy a new power supply. |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
So, wanted to take the pulse of this game. Without being able to bring down the Nexus it seems a long drawn out war against Marignon is unwinnable. My last hope was that we could all blitz him hard enough before he got critical mass, but obviously that's not happening. The way I see it is Atlantis is impossible for me to deal with without devoting a large portion of my resources - ignoring him along that long coast is killing me. This leaves in the medium term Marignon relatively free to focus on Pyth and C'tis who don't seem to have much traction on a fast assault. With the AI presumably spending its large gem income Marignon is probably pulling in several thousand gems over the next game year including the bloodstones and clams he used to originally power the nexus. My vote is we call the game for Jazz unless you guys honestly thing that there is anyway else this is going to end.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Well, I don't want the game to become a burden for the players, otherwise I'd just call for an end.
It's definitely the case that Atlantis is pounding on Abysia (as at everybody, probably), and I don't have enough of an overview to assess the situation correctly. From what *I* am feeling right now, Mar's grip starts to losen around me and I'm gaining an upper hand on several fronts (Mictlan's pressure has been taken off as well). But of course this could just be due to Baalz taking the beating right now, I'm just seeing a couple of Harbingers (definitely not unbeatable), I don't have the full intel. Difficult situation for me - I don't want to cancel it too early, but don't want to stretch it too far for other players as well. If Jazzepi tells us "honestly" that he's getting >250 gems per turn and has 2 dozen Seraph/Tartarian class SCs ready (I'm at ~1 dozen), I'd definitely concede. Dang. How to get an impartial ruling on that one? :) |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
I don't know that we need an impartial ruling on that benchmark, as a worst case scenario he's close to it. He's showing via score graphs ~140 gems per turn income. I know for a fact he's got a bunch of clams from when I spammed earth attacks at him (lots of clam holders got hit). With the large AI nations, along with whatever the human nations (including Mari) are spending it's pretty hard to imagine the nexus isn't pulling in 100+ gems per turn - particularly as we try to push a war with Mari. My guess is his overall income is over 300+ gems per turn, maybe as much as 400+. Bluntly, I'm not going to be able to be too much a threat offensively for the next several turns, and even after that I'm faced with the choice of either trying to dig that damn AI out from under the waves or trying to fortify my incredibly long coast.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
It's not as if I was questioning your judgement (llamaserver says he's getting 180 per turn, and he's using at least 100 pearls every second turn for wishing the Chalice away ;)), it's probably just that I'd love to be crushed myself before conceding.
Of course I could see that this could take some time - I was hoping he'd focus on me rather than one of you. |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Well, I haven't seen much resistance at all - been just waltzing around his lands and sieging a few forts that I can. Gathering speed and such, but I don't know how big a dent I can make in marignon's total forces. I have limited options on what to do, due atlantis raiding my provinces also with mismatch-equipped casters and troops that can beat my PD but nothing else. Still, I know a bit about what happens in other fronts - if Baalz/Toran don't think we have a decent chance of bringing Marignon down, I can vote for his victory.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
That's my problem as well - haven't met (that) much resistance the last few turns. If I saw heavy resistance over here, AND Baalz was under pressure, AND Quitti was going to throw the towel, I'd be more than willing to concede.
I'm just wondering why we're still up - according to Baalz' numbers we should be, but instead Quitti and I are making progress...? |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Yeah, progress is being made - only limiting thing now is basically that I can't move my troops much faster to capture provinces. I don't doubt that it might change at any time, but still, it'd still leave Toran "free" to do whatever he wants.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Postponed for 24 hours on Jazzepi's request.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Ahem, sry guys, my turn's done, but there remains a single (important) problem for me, which is technical:
I have an army that refuses to move for several turns now (I thought it had moved finally, but I realized today it didn't). I have read somewhere in the forums about that before, but can't get the key words up to re-find it. What's the solution for that behaviour (other than hefty cursing), I think the cause isn't really known so I could avoid it? I hope you don't mind if I put 6 hours in, since I hope/think/feel/guess that one of you will be able to give me a hint about that one at least. After that I'll submit right at once. Toran |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
If you have any stealth units in the destination province, you could try moving (sneaking) them all out to a totally different province. I saw a recent post where someone said his army finally managed to move when a scout of his which had been hidden was discovered and killed.
Other than that the only known solution AFAIK is to go around and use a different route. |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Interesting. I've not heard of that problem before - have you tried moving it simply the other way like vfb said?
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Hm, unfortunately there is neither a cloaked unit inside that province, nor is there any other way to that province without going around half the continent.. :/
Will see what to make from that. |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Delayed for 18 hours due to Quitti's request...
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Heya, @Jazzepi: You haven't just been silenced, but not submitted a turn for two rounds now - surrendering, or what's up?
Re: Beardaxe is go!
He only responded to me by PM and will hopefully post to this thread here as well, but Jazzepi stated that he won't play on.
No comment on that part, but what's the conclusion? Should I be declared winner, even though it'd be an AI-Wars game from now on, or does the rest want to unite vs. Pythium (duh! :P)? A shame that there's another game ending due to inactivity... Toran |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Indeed, a shame. You probably have the biggest forces at the moment from the active players, while I still might have a chance to beat you (at least, if not alone, then with Baalz), but the game is becoming quite tedious, so I guess I'd be willing to pass the game to be your victory. I'd like to hear Baalz' opinion before finishing the game though.
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Sure, congrats Toran!
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Very well, there's not much point in going to turn this into two-player game. Congratulations Toran :)
Re: Beardaxe is go!
Well, thanks for the game then. It was fun for quite some time, mostly when there was no AI around ;), and at least I got quite a decent amount of heart beating from my (short) war vs. Baalz.
While I'm not sure I would have managed to stay against Jazzepi (although I had acquired the Ultimate Gateway :p), I'd definitely have enjoyed losing the end game in some major battles rather than winning just by concession. Well, at least the major wars I had were versus humans and not the AI. Thanks again, guys! |
Re: Beardaxe is go!
I actually fought more skirmishes with the AI Atlantis than any other player. At least it feels like it. I did take some land from Marignon, but he wasn't there to defend it with any major forces. Just a few mages & royal guards vs my 25+ lizard shaman communions with disintegrate spam backing them up. And horribly crippled tartarians eating enemy fire.
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