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llamabeast June 8th, 2009 01:27 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Okay, I've e-mailed them.

Gregstrom June 10th, 2009 09:05 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
And only one player left to come in now. Yay. As we've been waiting the requisite couple of days, I'll be kicking off the game in a couple of hours.

Executor June 10th, 2009 01:24 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Start the game, almost one month has passed and we and yet to begin!

Gregstrom June 10th, 2009 01:56 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Agreed. Check your emails, everybody!

Burnsaber June 10th, 2009 02:24 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
But alas, 2 pretenders are corrupted!

When will this madness never end? Why must everything pure and joyful get desecrated in this cruel world?

When will this game be made manifest?

Or shall it just be like a dream, fleeting, always so close at grasp but far away like the dimmest star?

EDIT: I'm somewhat upset. Because of the damned profanity filters on these forums, I need to channel my anger in a more creative way.

llamabeast June 10th, 2009 03:43 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Yeargh! I wonder why. I have no idea how to check though.

Corrupted pretender people, could you PM me your pretender designs and I will try to reproduce/avoid the error.

llamabeast June 10th, 2009 03:44 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Yeargh! I wonder why. I have no idea how to check though.

Corrupted pretender people, could you PM me your pretender designs and I will try to reproduce/avoid the error.

Gregstrom June 10th, 2009 03:49 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Hokay. If someone could tell me (or a neutral volunteer, if anyone's worried about giving away critical information) which pretender chassis were getting the error (I won't need to know paths or scales etc.), I'll look in the mod file and see if there are any obvious problems.


Edit: Ninja'd - dammit! But as llamabeast is a neutral party, he's probably a better choice of volunteer.

llamabeast June 10th, 2009 05:55 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Oh actually, no need for PMs, I used the marvellous catgod to just look at the files for me.

And I think I've hopefully solved it...

llamabeast June 10th, 2009 05:57 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Hooray! Win!

That was entirely my fault I'm afraid. I managed to introduce a typo into the server's version of the mod. D'oh! I'm rather afraid I've managed to combine a good amount of effort with really quite a lot of incompetence on this game - sorry everyone for the delays. Anyway, now we are hopefully rolling.

Executor June 10th, 2009 06:01 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Hope we hit at least hit turn 20 before the game crashes! :)

Might I just add that I like my start place very much and I curse anyone that tries to restart this game again!!!!!

tgbob June 11th, 2009 05:42 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I could use a restart, there's not enough water next to me!

Goodchild June 11th, 2009 06:18 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
When I opened my first turn it said my Black Dragon was too powerful and that they reduced his power. I now have a magic less Arch-Mage. :\

llamabeast June 11th, 2009 07:00 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Are you sure you opened the most recent restart Goodchild? I think you've got the one before last.

Goodchild June 11th, 2009 07:03 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Apologies, you are correct llamabeast. Gmail had merged both of those restarts into one mail heading and it had confused me. I tried the other and all is well, thanks.

Alpine Joe June 12th, 2009 04:23 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I have not received the second turn for Unsanity and I just got the 6 hour warning email! What should I do in this situation? I don't particularly want to stale, but that may be my only option in this situation.

Burnsaber June 12th, 2009 04:35 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Alpine Joe (Post 695701)
I have not received the second turn for Unsanity and I just got the 6 hour warning email! What should I do in this situation? I don't particularly want to stale, but that may be my only option in this situation.

According to the llamaserver page, you haven't sent in your first turn.


Re-send the 1st turn I guess?

Gregstrom June 12th, 2009 05:12 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
You'll need to download the replacement first turn you were sent (if you haven't already), then generate a 2h file from that and send it in.

I'll put 8 hours on the clock.

Alpine Joe June 12th, 2009 09:45 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Okay i hadn't known about the restart. I got everything now, thanks for the help guys.

Meglobob June 13th, 2009 05:24 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Alpine Joe (Post 695732)
Okay i hadn't known about the restart. I got everything now, thanks for the help guys.

I did PM you a week ago about it!

You where the only player not to get a confirmation on the PM, so I guess you never checked your PMs.

Always a good idea to check your PMs every couple of days, only takes a minute. Helps with diplomacy in MP too.

Glad you got your 1st turn in.:)

Executor June 15th, 2009 11:52 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Oh come on!!! Is this amount of bad luck even possible?

All right, who put the hex on me?

Gregstrom June 15th, 2009 03:11 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
It's good to know that the black cockerel didn't die in vain :D

Executor June 16th, 2009 09:39 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Hell NO! That did not just happen again.

A little insight up to turn 5, I don't care about disclosing my affairs.

Turn 2.
My awe, ethereal, high HP, extremly high protection pretender dies to a hand full of cavalry.
The very first strike makes a critical hit of 25 damage, even with my awe and high defense and eternalness and gives him a chest would of +5enc. Next round of fighting my pretender misses even with his high attack life drain weapon. Next round he misses again and by this time his enc is over 20, lowering his defense a lot. Than come 3 hits in a row, even besides my awe and eternalness and very high protection and take what's left of his HP. Pretender killed by 10 cavalry, 5 were horse brothers.
Still turn two, unrest event in my capital.

Turn 3.
Unrest even in the one province I captured. Lack of money prevents me from buying a mage or priest to bring back my pretender or buy any real troops, so I buy Bulerk City guard.

Turn 4.
Unrest in my capital again. Again, only one province captured, Bulek City guard died to 5 horse brother which killed the commander with a single arrow. Still lack of money for troops or priest to bring back pretender.

Turn 5.
Unrest in my capital , AGAIN, and also in my highest income province besides my capital.

Can't wait what to see what turn 6 brings. Wouldn't be surprised if Kurgi attacked me right about now.

Gregstrom June 16th, 2009 11:26 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
You have my sympathy - that's awful luck. You're still probably doing better than I am though, so my sympathy is limited.

Meglobob June 16th, 2009 03:53 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Wow! That's bad luck Executor.

I take it you have misfortune scales? Although that in no way explains those unlucky DRN rolls in battle.

Executor June 16th, 2009 04:08 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
My only regret is not taking misfortune 3, I can't possibly imagine anything else going wrong.

Fakeymcfake June 17th, 2009 01:31 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 696313)
My only regret is not taking misfortune 3, I can't possibly imagine anything else going wrong.

Suddenly your cap is overrun by knights.

Fakeymcfake June 19th, 2009 04:58 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I'm going to need to delay not this turn but the next one as I'll be away for the weekend. Sometime midday EST monday should work for me.

Alpine Joe June 19th, 2009 08:17 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Actually I could use a 12 hour delay on this turn, in case that doesn't overlap with fakey. Is that doable?

Gregstrom June 19th, 2009 02:04 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I've put 12h on this turn, and I'll put 36h on the next one. I think that should cover it.

tgbob June 20th, 2009 05:12 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Damn it Jotunheim! Why did you take Senior Cuddle Bottom's toys?! Now he is in the corner, weeping. Do you have any idea how many people have been driven insane by his weeping?

Meglobob June 20th, 2009 02:11 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
On the plus side Froste loves his new sword...:)

Btw glad to see everyone (who I have seen) has taken one of the new pretender types.

Executor June 22nd, 2009 09:09 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Finally, my luck has changed to the better, well almost, it's sad when you get a highly improbable lucky event that gets useless after a highly improbable unlucky event.

Arco is buying boots of youth or the crystal heart or... the chalice... the Ankh? or any other item that can prevent a mage from dying. :(
We will also gladly accept aid in the amount of 90 death gems to empower to death and cast twiceborn.

Meglobob June 24th, 2009 03:04 AM

Oceania don't have much faith in there god at the moment, with a dominion of 12!

Did you start with Dom 1? Dom kill anyone?

Build temples, quick, Oceania.

tgbob June 24th, 2009 04:05 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Looks like the Great Underwater War will start soonish!

llamabeast June 24th, 2009 04:21 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
How are people finding all the mods?

tgbob June 24th, 2009 04:43 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I summoned one of the new summons, I was unimpressed. I was bemused when an indie priest spammed faith healing during a fight. Then my pretender ate his brains.

I do like all the H spells though, finally something to do with priests! And the nasty nasty special sites. Oh! And those random indie attacks. Bogarus is a sissy compared to some of the ones I've been hit with. This is all in a single player game of course.

Meglobob June 24th, 2009 02:59 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 697687)
How are people finding all the mods?

All working well so far but still early turn 12.

Mainly coming across the new sites so far, which are interesting, most seem to just add flavour but nothing to gameplay. Got a couple of interesting ones in this and a identical SP game, which give a few extra options but are very balanced.

Still mainly just casting the early level holy spells so far which are okay but nothing spectecular. I am sure there is alot more fun to come.

A little concerned about the low VPs thou, 6 out of 18 is not alot and do the underwater ones still count as double?

Gregstrom June 24th, 2009 04:00 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
They do. 6 of 18 is what the map recommends, but if it means the game is over quickly I'll cheerfully host a rematch with higher VP settings.

The new holy sites seem easier to find than others, but maybe that's because I was more actively searching for them. They're an interesting source of non-capital sacreds, too. I think Holy War definitely increases the value of taking even a couple of minor blesses, and may add noticeably to the power of nations taking a major bless strategy.

Gregstrom June 24th, 2009 04:06 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

I'll be interested in seeing the Mytheology pretender evaluations - I'm not quite so sure about the Mytheology spells, but I haven't really used them in anger yet. The pretenders might be reasonably balanced, with any luck.

I have high hopes of CPCS and the Site Mod - more later.

Burnsaber June 24th, 2009 08:08 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
I can understand if people don't want to be too elaborate about feedback at this moment, since the game is on, but once one gets eliminated, I'd be absolutely delighted to hear more detailed feedback.

All for the improvement of these mods.

Executor June 24th, 2009 08:16 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
No comments about the mods so far, but I do have one question,
Is there any point making a rush to construction 8 since all the uniques seem to be in those special provinces?

tgbob June 25th, 2009 01:04 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
There's still a bunch of artifacts that aren't held by indie specials. They range from great to okay.

tgbob June 25th, 2009 12:28 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
The Great Underwater Fight has started!

Since ancient times, Fish has sought to conquer his fellow Fish. The march of civilization has done little to quell this need. Pretenders have outlawed violence at their own peril. Since the last Pantokrator, we have brought fish together to fight like Gentlefish: with knuckles, claws, and wits. Three days, three acres, three thousand fish. Only one will win The Great Underwater Fight.

Alright, Atlantis and I don't really have three thousand fish, and a single province is probably bigger than three acres and a single turn is like what, a month? But it's still a fight!

Alpine Joe June 25th, 2009 02:15 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
Could I get a 24 hour delay on this turn? I'm having some computer trouble and can't make the mods work right on my backup computer. A day should give me enough time to sort it out. If that's too long of a delay, i'll just weather the stale.

Gregstrom June 25th, 2009 03:07 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
I've slapped on a postponement, as it's not really fair to force a stale on you for having computer problems. Best of luck sorting the problem.

Alpine Joe June 26th, 2009 11:36 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 697978)
I've slapped on a postponement, as it's not really fair to force a stale on you for having computer problems. Best of luck sorting the problem.

Thanks Greg. I foresee having my comp fixed and my turn in in a few a hours. Sorry for holding up the game!

Strabo June 27th, 2009 12:10 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
The Great Underwater war is coming!

But Atlantian fishes are so scared...

Executor June 29th, 2009 08:21 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
An unfortunate stale but not too much harm done.
Oceania, may that be a lesson for what happens if you dare invade my Empire.

Gregstrom July 1st, 2009 02:01 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Playing.
I may not have any underwater scouts, but the war for the seas still looks to be going apace.

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