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-   -   MP: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43195)

Ironhawk June 11th, 2009 03:22 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
DrP... surely you jest at being a noob.

TheDemon June 11th, 2009 07:12 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Hey Sept. We were wondering if we should avoid picking water nations due to the symetrical mapchoice likely not supporting them? Also we were wondering how the first picks for the returning alts is going to happen, the noobs have Unoptimized and the vets have Namad.

Stretch June 11th, 2009 09:01 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
I'm in 2 games currently and due to work and other RL concerns I'm not sure I could be a good teammate in this one.

Septimius Severus June 12th, 2009 12:12 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Welcome Pelthin and TwoBits. Don't forget to join the noob forum (link on opening post) and post your nation preferences there.

Dr. P, you are scaring the vets! Are you joining as a Vet or a Vet Alternate?

TheDemon, we are going for at least an 18 player start, so yes no water nations needed. Once we begin the nation selection phase namad and Unoptimized get whatever nations they want. We then draw up the ranked team lists, minus whatever they picked.

1 more noob needed.

Stretch, how bout taking a noob alternate slot then?

namad June 12th, 2009 12:58 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
how are we deciding who gets ashdod? coin flip? I get it because I asked first? or abolish the returning alternates benefit and just make every nation part of the list process? (after which teams can give some form of preference to returning alternates if they wish or do not wish)

also clearly in MA first pick is ashdod so if your going to give me some sort of preferential treatment i'll take ashdod

rdonj June 12th, 2009 07:46 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Remember noobs, this time around if you don't sign up for the forum you can't play. I'll send out pms to those who are not signed up for the forum when there are sufficient players to start the game as a reminder, but you should sign up sooner rather than later.

TwoBits June 12th, 2009 10:35 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Thanks for having me on board!

OK, I've joined the Noob Forum, but I don't see much current information there, just archives for rounds 1 and 2, and a guest forum with zero posts. Am I missing something, or will there be no action there until the game is ready to go?

rdonj June 12th, 2009 11:15 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
When you first sign up, you are immediately enabled as a user. In order to help prevent spying attempts (which, btw, have not happened nor do I expect them to) the main forum is hidden and can only be seen by those who are members of a user group. Either me or septimius can bring people in, and I've set you as a member now. So you should be able to see everything now.

Lavaere June 12th, 2009 11:16 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
rdonj needs to give you access to the current discussions. until then you can only read through the last two games archives

Gandalf Parker June 12th, 2009 11:17 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 693910)
Huh, I surely wouldn't call myslef top tier player. Micah is top1 for me too. You also missed Jurri there.

I think you want to do it too big and too fast. I can play if one of my games ends. Or if I get a sub in Faerun. But please, please, do not put Gandalf in vet team.

I know Im late seeing this but I would have to agree. A veteran I might be (Dominions 1,2,3 and beta test team) but I would not fit well in a "vet team" game like this. I would highly recommend Sombre as an alternative. He would much better fit your purpose.

Gandalf Parker
The Patron Saint of the Non-Standard. The Experimenter of Extremes. The Lord of Chances. The Prophet of the All-or-Nothing Tactics. The Unceasing Unconvincing Upholder of the Underdog

Stretch June 12th, 2009 05:06 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Yeah I will happily be an alternate. Team games mean that even if a player loses tons of ground and sees the end coming, they can still help their team (and thus can still "win"). If someone is getting their rear end handed to them, fails the morale check, and routs from the game, I will step in and fight until the bitter, bitter end. I just don't have all the time to do the prep and nation tests that are needed in a team game like this.

(Hint to new players: Test your initial expansion strategy in single player first. Make sure you can get 20 provinces to your name by turn 10 or try again.)

TheDemon June 12th, 2009 07:49 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
20 isn't easy, but 15 is definitely an acceptable new player benchmark.

Skinu June 12th, 2009 08:19 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Hello Rdonj, can you enable me for the noob forums ? thanks

Septimius Severus June 12th, 2009 10:59 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.

Originally Posted by namad (Post 695589)
how are we deciding who gets ashdod? coin flip? I get it because I asked first? or abolish the returning alternates benefit and just make every nation part of the list process? (after which teams can give some form of preference to returning alternates if they wish or do not wish)

also clearly in MA first pick is ashdod so if your going to give me some sort of preferential treatment i'll take ashdod

You guys (returning alternates) get uncontested first pick. I was gonna give the vet alternate the first choice but decided against it. First come first serve. Who ever posts first when we begin the nation selection phase gets it. Plain and simple.

Gandalf, sorry to hear that.

Stretch, your in as a noob alternate.

DrPraetorious June 12th, 2009 11:46 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
I can be a Vet or Vet alternate, whichever is needed.

Although, as I never played dominions 1 and didn't start playing dominions 2 until a year or so before dom 3 came out, I hardly think I really count as a veteran.

Lingchih June 13th, 2009 12:16 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Sorry, been out of touch since my electricity has been out for three days now due to strong thunderstorms. I am, as always, willing to take any nation. And I will play again, though I think the game is a bit superfluous.

atul June 13th, 2009 12:33 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Young people these days count someone who got into playing Dominions like 2007 as a veteran. Madness, but what can you do.

In all seriousness, some people learn really fast, other take years to get a clue. Dunno whether that word should be ever used for qualifying purposes. Unless doing it like in fencing, where veteran series includes everyone of age over 20 or so.

Vet forum needs also people in.

rdonj June 13th, 2009 05:57 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Skinu, you're already in. Make sure if you can see Team Noob Strategic Command.

Baalz June 13th, 2009 10:34 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
I will play a nation picked by the Newbs - what do you guys want a demonstration of? Except MA Oceana, I hate MA Oceana. T'ien Ch'i might be good, I was considering writing a guide for them.

rdonj June 13th, 2009 10:43 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Hmm, well not all of the noobs have given nation picks yet so it would be hard to say at this point. As far as nations you've written guides for go, I think Bandar Log would be fun.

T'ien Ch'i could be good also, and they don't seem too popular with the noobs at the moment.

Raiel June 13th, 2009 01:35 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Well, I definitely qualify as a MP noob and I would be happy to give this a shot as my first MP (and CBM) experience.

I'd prefer to play Eriu, Shin or Bandar, but I can be flexible.

Septimius Severus June 13th, 2009 03:07 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
Vets, TheDemon, I recommend you switch in Dr. P and allow TheDemon or someone else to go to vet alternate. I'm adding him to the vet team.

Baalz, your team will likely decide what you get, of course you can take anything not awarded to the noob team after the nation selection process begins.

Raiel, welcome aboard the noob team. Please go the forum link on the first page of this thread, register on the forum and post your nation preferences there.

For the greener noobs remember to familiarize yourself with Llama's instructions for playing and joining games on Llamaserver here:


Remember not to password protect your pretender.


Septimius Severus June 13th, 2009 03:23 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Now Recruiting.
We have enough players to begin at the 12 vs 6 level.

Anyone else wishing to join will be placed in alternate slots, so don't let that stop you from joining.

Noob's and Vets sign up for your respective forums.

Namad and Unoptimized, make your nation selection first.

The teams will then draw up their ranked preference lists. Remember to exclude whatever 2 nations Namad and Unoptimized have chosen and remember we are not using water nations (23 - 3), so after the alternates pick (if my math is correct) we a list a 18 nations each from each team ordered by preference.

It is high time we get started. Nation selection has begun.

Stretch June 13th, 2009 03:59 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
I am in favor of Baalz taking any nation that produces a new guide for the Strategy forum. They're very useful and well-written.

atul June 13th, 2009 04:13 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
I say if Baalz wants to handicap himself by letting noobs collectively choose him a nation, let him.

And namad already asked for Ashdod.

ano June 13th, 2009 04:28 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
Hello, everybody.
Probably it is too late but I'd like to play here but not as a sub. If there's accidentally a room in the vet team, of course.
I like team games and though I never won any, I never lost a regular MP yet, OTOH.

p.s. If there's no place, please don't put me into alternates list. Games of such kind need deep thinking and planning if you want to be successful and subbing is always a pain.

atul June 13th, 2009 04:41 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
I believe there are some more and some less enthusiastic players in the vet roster currently, so your wish may come true ano. But can't promise.

Right now what I'd like to have is everyone applicable joining the vet forum (link in the first post) and posting their thoughts on nations and the game order there. I and TheDemon have posted recently, Namad has read stuff, Baalz apparently registered and never looked back since and don't see anything about the rest of the guys. (E: ok, Hadrian's on too but someone needs to add him into the correct group...)

Just would need to see who are around, and, well, organize.

Pelthin June 13th, 2009 05:50 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
I joined the Noob Forum, but did not see anyplace to post a nation list. Are we doing that here in this forum and I missed it?

I am actually open to whatever nation I get, I like them all, and am about as umm..Good with them all. :confused:

rdonj June 13th, 2009 05:53 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
The forum you'll be using on the noob site is hidden from people who just register, I've set you to be able to see it now though.

Pelthin June 13th, 2009 06:19 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
Thanks. I posted over there. Thanks for the quick response to my questions.

Hadrian_II June 13th, 2009 06:52 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
i signed up for the vet forum, but i do only see the archives from the oldgame.

namad June 13th, 2009 07:19 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
i'll take ashdod

Stretch June 13th, 2009 07:35 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
I had cautioned the noob team at the end of NvV2 "Don't let a vet get Ashdod or you guys are screwed." Don't let me down, namad!

atul June 14th, 2009 12:20 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.

Originally Posted by Hadrian_II (Post 695829)
i signed up for the vet forum, but i do only see the archives from the oldgame.

You should be seeing the new forum now, as you've been put into the group for 3rd game.

Septimius Severus June 14th, 2009 01:21 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
Unoptimized where were ya? :doh: Oh well, it's not a killing blow I don't think. Go ahead and pick please.

Namad you are officially awarded Ashdod.:envy:

Vets, you got 7 people on yer team, I need one of ya to go to alternate. Either that or we wait for more noobs. Hehe. TheDemon had asked earlier about it, that is why I suggested him, but you guys decide. Thanks.

Septimius Severus June 14th, 2009 01:38 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.

Originally Posted by Stretch (Post 695832)
I had cautioned the noob team at the end of NvV2 "Don't let a vet get Ashdod or you guys are screwed." Don't let me down, namad!

Stretch, your not cheering the vet team on are ya?:D

Septimius Severus June 14th, 2009 02:22 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
While we are waiting for the nations selection process to finish let us discuss map selection. Recommendations and feedback are welcome.

Here are the candidates:

1. AOM Ogre - Nice looking map, the water in the middle would make for an interesting attack route since we are land bound and may buy both teams more time to prepare. Currently though, the prov/player ratio = 25, which may be too high. Placement would obviously be teams at either ends.

2. WOG Team Arena 1.3 - Enlarged version of World of Geometry. Looks like a large flower to me. Good for a land battle it looks like. Thanks Zeldor. I can easily place the vets at the center around the core and the noobs at the tips of the petals. Not much mystery. Prov/player ratio = 23 currently.

3. Planet Rorschach - Cleveland's interesting map. Seems to me more suited for a land battle with a central landmass and water on the fringes (kissed by Oceanus as it were). Also with vets in the center and noobs around the outside. Prov/player ratio = 20.

4. World of Geometry - Nice looking map, originally designed as a king of the hill type setup. Map is split in half by water with 10 land pocket starts. I could squeeze the 12 noobs into the 10 pockets I suppose and place the vets around the central core or one team on either side. Prov/player ratio = 18.

5. World of Symetry - I think it is the ugliest of our choices so far but it will work. A bit smaller than WOG. Placement options would be similar to WOG. Prov/player ratio = 14.

namad June 14th, 2009 02:33 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
i think thedemon might be team captain :-p so he probably won't go alternate.... at least thedemon is the only one i've talked to at all about nation picks so far i guess once everyone has private subforum access we'll be able to determine better

namad June 14th, 2009 03:55 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
the veteran team will be required to make a list of 10nations (not including the preselected nations) the noob team should make a list of 16 (not including the preselected nations)


in the case that the lists are exact duplicates of each other we will have the case where the longest length is required this is what that distribution process would look like:

this list has total length of 16 and the portion for which the veterans are concerned has length 10 this results in 6veteran and 12noob nations being selected

if anyone can point out to me how I am wrong.. we can make longer lists otherwise I think the vets intend to hand in a list of this length

melnorjr June 14th, 2009 12:13 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
I have to object to awarding the vets ashdod as the first pick of the game on the grounds that in the opening post of this thread the noobs were promised first nation pick. Further, since you are granting early picks to returning alternates, shouldn't the noob returning alternate get the first pick over the vet returning alternate?

Hadrian_II June 14th, 2009 01:04 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
if there are too much players in the vet secion, i would go alternate

namad June 14th, 2009 01:49 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.

your grounds for dismal are incorrect as it does not state anything about the method or manner in which the alternates would receive their bonus only that they would receive one. the first time septimus commented on this was to say what he said, as far as i know.

anyways... I do not think this is an especially stern point of negotiation that the vet team cares about....

it is however in poor taste to complain only after I have selected my nation instead of before I claimed it (there was a day or two in there between when septimus suggested his policy and i was awarded the nation during which no one said a word)... as in the past day I've already begun trying to psyche myself up to play ashdod ( there's a lot of pressure to be the worst vet and have the first vet pick ) not to mention qm just nerfed a few of my favorite spells for being too badass!


I encourage everyone to post at least once on their private forums if only to say something like "this game sounds like it will be fun but I don't really have anything new to add in terms of nation selection opinion" just to reassure your team that you do intend to play... I further encourage everyone to post their nation selection opinions otherwise we might get stuck using atul's opinions for all of us!

atul June 14th, 2009 02:40 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.

Originally Posted by namad (Post 695903)
otherwise we might get stuck using atul's opinions for all of us!

You make it sound like it would be a bad thing. :p

But yeah, please post something in the forums even if it's "dunno". I know everyone can play any nation the team wants them to, but some input would be nice. It isn't a dictatorship (I hope).

melnorjr June 14th, 2009 03:59 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.

Originally Posted by namad (Post 695903)

your grounds for dismal are incorrect as it does not state anything about the method or manner in which the alternates would receive their bonus only that they would receive one. the first time septimus commented on this was to say what he said, as far as i know.

It doesn't say what manner of bonus the alternates would recieve no. However, it simply rubs me wrong to be promised something, (noobs have first pick) then have that turned around and given to somebody else, because it is later decided that they will get first pick. Further, my point about the noob alternate still stands. if noobs were to get first pick, then it is decided that alternates would get first pick, it would seem most fair to give the first pick to the noob alternate.


it is however in poor taste to complain only after I have selected my nation instead of before I claimed it (there was a day or two in there between when septimus suggested his policy and i was awarded the nation during which no one said a word)...
I apologize for this. I was unaware that you were given first pick days ago. However, I haven't been following this thread that closely(I'm sometimes fairly busy, and I don't get e-mails alerts from this forum) and it was just now mentioned to me that a vet had picked a nation already, and had gotten the first pick.
as a request, please keep opinions about my taste, poor or otherwise, to yourself.


as in the past day I've already begun trying to psyche myself up to play ashdod ( there's a lot of pressure to be the worst vet and have the first vet pick ) not to mention qm just nerfed a few of my favorite spells for being too badass!
For the record, I want to state that I object to being promised something, coming to expect it, and having it taken away, whether it is first pick, or anything else. It is obviously unfair.

However, to take Ashdod away from you at this point would be effectively the same thing, so I will not push the issue.

namad June 14th, 2009 04:25 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
i was promised a good pick before the last game even ended... let alone before anyone even suggested using the ranked list system...
so your claim of "first"hood isn't exactly accurate either (not to mention it seems like unoptimized has simply quit invalidating the argument even further)
additionally i believe i myself have suggested before in some medium that i did not think anyone should get any preferential treatment despite myself being included in getting it (although maybe that was on irc and not matter of public record or maybe it was in the previous games forum?)...

anyways... I do not choose to reserve my opinion on your taste as it simply is poor. You rationalize that something you were promised (even assuming you had been promised it) should invalidate something I was promised, given, and received.

if septimus agrees with you I do not care but ... your claims that you were entitled to something so pointless and irrelevant and never actually offered to you is just infuriating ... this post is pretty inflammatory so if you are a forum-mod feel free to delete it... by tomorrow i'll have cooled down but it will probably be too late to use the edit function then? (or will it?)

honestly at this point my only concern is that we actually have 18players because i'm worried we do not and anything any admin can do to make sure we end up with 18players is whatever I think they should do (and i know that none of the vets will choose to play or not play in regards to this topic including myself)

chrispedersen June 14th, 2009 04:47 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
If you can't find enough players to make the game, I'll pick up a position, although you would probably put me as an alternate in any case.

melnorjr June 14th, 2009 05:23 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.

Originally Posted by namad (Post 695928)
i was promised a good pick before the last game even ended... let alone before anyone even suggested using the ranked list system...
so your claim of "first"hood isn't exactly accurate either (not to mention it seems like unoptimized has simply quit invalidating the argument even further)
additionally i believe i myself have suggested before in some medium that i did not think anyone should get any preferential treatment despite myself being included in getting it (although maybe that was on irc and not matter of public record or maybe it was in the previous games forum?)...

May I ask that you look at my post count? How long do you suppose I've been a member of this forum, to have knowledge of things that happened I don't even know how long ago?


anyways... I do not choose to reserve my opinion on your taste as it simply is poor. You rationalize that something you were promised (even assuming you had been promised it) should invalidate something I was promised, given, and received.
Finish reading my last post. I said, having a better understanding of the situation after my first post, that it would be just as unfair to take Ashdod away from you now, so your latest allegation is obviously wrong. You accuse me of poor taste on the assumption that I knew things that I did not know.


if septimus agrees with you I do not care but ... your claims that you were entitled to something so pointless and irrelevant and never actually offered to you is just infuriating
I was never offered first pick, but the noob team was promised it. this is a matter of public record, as it is in the opening post of the first page of this thread. subsequent to that, this privilege was taken from the noobs and given to you. Being one of the noobs, this is unfair to me. but as I said, I do not wish for Ashdod to be taken away from you, as it would be just as unfair to do that.

Now would you please stop insulting me for not knowing things that I have no reason to know, and leave the topic alone? As far as I am concerned, it is well over and done with, and dredging it up further for no purpose other than to insult me actually would be poor taste.

Hoplosternum June 14th, 2009 07:12 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
I love team games :) Unfortunately I am not really a noob or a vet otherwise I would love to play :(

But I am fairly rubbish at mp. Especially at MA :p So maybe I could be considered as a noob or an alternate for them?

Lingchih June 14th, 2009 11:52 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
So, let's have a game.

Septimius Severus June 15th, 2009 01:20 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM, Nation Selection Underway.
Melnorj and namad there is no need for this bickering. We've other things to think about now.

Melnorj, you are right that it is stated that the noobs were to have first choice in the ordered list process, but it is also stated and has always been the case that returning alternates would recieve priority in nation selection before everyone else. It is a NvV tradition.

Our returning alternates from both teams were given an equal chance to respond with their nation choices, namad responded first when the process was officially begun and thus was awarded it. Unoptimized has not responded to my PM's as of yet, so he may have flaked out altogether. I hope not, but in any event lets move forward now. I don't like it anymore than you melnorj, but I gave my word. Lets us move forward.

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