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Lavaere July 27th, 2009 10:45 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
W9N4 is ok I think, but then you have no magical weapons. And your really gonna want those magical weapons when you start meeting other players.

Trumanator July 27th, 2009 11:04 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
you've got poison don't you? Being etherial won't protect them from that.

rdonj July 29th, 2009 03:48 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well! It seems that the merciless skaven overlords have declared war on the small and harmless nation of Itza. With this act they have truly laid bare their intention to subjugate any nation which would appear less powerful than their own. We of Itza shall strive to meet this great threat and turn it back before the shadow of dread skavenblight should spread to all corners of this most beautiful world.

As their vile god rides at the fore of the army (well, the rear technically, but he's still there...) we hereby claim right of possession over the capitol of skavenblight once the ratmen have fallen. However, should anyone decide to scavenge pickings from the ratmen we could probably be convinced to make some sort of deal rather than war over his territories.

Ferrosol July 29th, 2009 04:53 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
We the people of Algura, Have launched an invasion of the lands of Arga Dis, We wish to make clear to all that this is not of our will and we extend the hand of friendship to all our neighbours however we can no longer tolerate the actions of the leaders of this barbaric nation. They have been kidnapping young Alugran women for use in their vile religious rituals. We call on the people of Arga Dis to rise up against their tyrannical giant overlords we will refrain from any further military action only if the government of Arga dis agrees to hand over the criminals responsible and undertakes to recruit no more of their vile blood magi.


Commander Sam L. Angry,
Strategic Weapons Operational Research Division

Lavaere July 29th, 2009 05:21 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Itza's aggresion and exspantion have called to action Ratkind. There obvious march towards Skavenblight and its surrounding lands was cause for alarm. As such under the guidence of the Horned One's Avatar. We have taken action to make the borders of our lands.
Any further advances by Itza towards Skavenblight will be taken as a declaration of war. And appropriate action taken to halt such aggresive actions.

rdonj July 29th, 2009 07:02 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by Lavaere (Post 703519)
Itza's aggresion and exspantion have called to action Ratkind. There obvious march towards Skavenblight and its surrounding lands was cause for alarm. As such under the guidence of the Horned One's Avatar. We have taken action to make the borders of our lands.
Any further advances by Itza towards Skavenblight will be taken as a declaration of war. And appropriate action taken to halt such aggresive actions.

Que? Itza has only two expansion parties on the skaven side of the map, and they are quite some distance from the capitol so I have no idea what the tricksy Skaven leader is talking about. Itza has done nothing but practice the will of the Old Ones, bringing the petty kingdoms of this land together that they might prosper. That this unification of ignorant barbarians could seem "aggressive" and threatening is beyond even the most enlightened of the Slann to explain. Certainly no action made by our Unification troops justifies the all out attack of a powerful pretender and over 100 soldiers!

All should know that Itza guards its land zealously. No matter how grave the threat, we shall not allow our lands to fall under the control of another. Particularly a race so foul and twisted as the Skaven.


We the people of Algura, Have launched an invasion of the lands of Arga Dis, We wish to make clear to all that this is not of our will and we extend the hand of friendship to all our neighbours however we can no longer tolerate the actions of the leaders of this barbaric nation. They have been kidnapping young Alugran women for use in their vile religious rituals. We call on the people of Arga Dis to rise up against their tyrannical giant overlords we will refrain from any further military action only if the government of Arga dis agrees to hand over the criminals responsible and undertakes to recruit no more of their vile blood magi.
Noble warriors of Alugra, we applaud your brave efforts to rid the world of such a villainous nation and wish you well in this endeavor. The Gilgans are a blight upon the world - their removal would be cause for much rejoicing. The foul art of blood magic is an abomination... many were the Slann who have fought and died to free this world from its tyranny.

rdonj July 29th, 2009 07:17 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
By the way - NAPs. I realize that I forgot to specify whether they are inviolate or not. That being the case I think it is better to assume that one's word is law, since I think that is how most people see them. However, like just about everything else in this game, if a majority of voting players wishes otherwise, that's how it will be. I would really rather not lose players over this though, so try not to freak out over it too much if it doesn't go the way you'd prefer.

Alpine Joe July 29th, 2009 08:25 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by Ferrosol (Post 703517)
We the people of Algura, Have launched an invasion of the lands of Arga Dis, We wish to make clear to all that this is not of our will and we extend the hand of friendship to all our neighbours however we can no longer tolerate the actions of the leaders of this barbaric nation. They have been kidnapping young Alugran women for use in their vile religious rituals. We call on the people of Arga Dis to rise up against their tyrannical giant overlords we will refrain from any further military action only if the government of Arga dis agrees to hand over the criminals responsible and undertakes to recruit no more of their vile blood magi.


Commander Sam L. Angry,
Strategic Weapons Operational Research Division

An unprovoked attack on our peaceful nation! A vile move, but one that should come as no surprise from Alugra. Never fear Commander Angry, you are about to face the finest warriors mankind has ever fielded. Your soldiers will be privileged to meet their end at the spears of our hoplites.

rdonj August 5th, 2009 10:04 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
2 hour postponement added to hopefully give alugra time to get in his turn. I'm about to go to bed, so there won't be another.

Frozen Lama August 9th, 2009 11:40 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I will be controlling Haida Gwaii for the next three turns, just in case anyone has anything to say to them.

rdonj August 9th, 2009 03:41 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I think we're fine. Feel free to go rat hunting though, so long as you leave the nest for me. The nasty rat things put me rather behind where I was hoping to be by now and they must be punished for upsetting the will of the great old ones :mad:.

Ferrosol August 9th, 2009 04:32 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Alugra has nature gems to trade and desires earth or fire gems in trade. Anyone interested please contact me in game or by PM

rdonj August 9th, 2009 05:38 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
In this vein, itza has pretty much everything to trade and desires earth gems/dwarven hammers.

Lavaere August 9th, 2009 07:20 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Don't blame the rats for your lizards :)

Executor August 9th, 2009 08:12 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Touche Tharoon, completely unexpected.

Trumanator August 9th, 2009 09:10 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Wow, it appears that noone here has any desire to give up! Tharoon just refuses to die in the face of Stygia's massive armies, and right when I was about to write off the Ogres they start smashing Alchera into little bits of dreamy mist!

rdonj August 9th, 2009 09:47 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I wouldn't count alchera out just yet. He has lost some territories, but the ogres seem to be hurting rather more at the moment. Frankly I am surprised at how well alchera is performing in this game. I have to hand it to you the_vanishag, you are giving quite a good run of it this game. Perhaps there is something to be said for a nation being played by its creator.

I think it would be interesting, once a nation is defeated, for the player to talk about what they did and what they think about how the different nations interacted. This is one of the best chances I have seen to really take a measure of the different mod nations and their capabilities.

Trumanator August 9th, 2009 10:32 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well once I got a look at Alchra's sacreds my estimate of the nation jumped about 4 notches. You think shadow vestals are good? Try them with a decent shield, 12 hps, 11 strength, high damage magic weapon, and unbanishable. Not to mention their only 40 gold 7 res. I dunno about the rest of his troops and mages, but those sacreds alone make his early and mid game.

edit: I don't want to tell another player how to play his own mod nation, but just judging by their similarity to shadow vestals, an A9 W9 bless strikes me as... less than optimal. Of course if there's some master plan then consider all this my own misunderstanding. :)

the Vanishag August 10th, 2009 12:11 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
There is a plan, we'll see if it works out. It depends partially on Alchera's non-capital sacreds, the Dreamwalkers, and partially on something else I won't mention. Also, the bless is partially for the Dreamhunters (Assassins), whose invulnerability I wanted to maximize. They're too expensive to be disposable.

My kudos to Stattis for continuing to come up with the blood slaves to get more Mawtribe Ogres and otherwise making life difficult for me.

Out of curiosity, Trumantor, what bless would you have taken? Fire?

I lowered their cost from 50 gold and 8 (or 9) res in my last update to the mod. I may undo that with my next update. I'm also thinking about increasing the gold cost of the Dreamhunters but making them one year shy of old age, rather than starting old.

rdonj August 10th, 2009 01:50 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Personally I don't feel there's anything wrong with them at the moment. They have nice attributes, but they also have serious issues. Like having 6 encumbrance. But this is a good chance to find out if that really is the case.

The bless definitely makes sense with regards to the dreamwalkers, though I would be wary of w9 on a 6 encumbrance unit. Obviously it seems to be working for you though :)

Trumanator August 10th, 2009 02:20 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, despite the 6 enc, I would probably still go with the W9 since they have such high def and they kill things very quickly. F9 would definitely be an option, but I think that E9 might perhaps have been interesting as well, as would S9, though its not as useful for them as for the SVs. D B and N would probably not be good options though IMHO.

I'm not sure I understand your point WRT the dreamhunters. If they could cast Ironskin, I could sort of understand it, but its not like they can't cast airshield/res lightning? For the dreamwalkers... IMO ethereal is enough protection against most of the projectiles you're going to be worried about.

rdonj August 10th, 2009 06:03 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Man, ferrosol you sure have a habit of stealing my mercs in this game :( If only I was better at predicting skaven movements it might actually hurt me one of these days.

the Vanishag August 10th, 2009 10:12 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Is it just me, or is W9 much more powerful than most of the other comparable blesses? N9 is great for nations with really high HP sacreds (Niefel Giants, for example), and E9 is great for spellcasters and high armor-high enc troops, but those are both limited cases. F9 packs a wallop, but it's purely offensive, whereas W9 offers double move and attacks (quickness) and +4 Def...

rdonj August 11th, 2009 12:51 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I would agree, the water bless is definitely very powerful, probably the most powerful single bless, except possibly earth (sacred mages with reinvigoration are quite handy). In general I tend to feel the defensive blesses are more powerful overall. Though sometimes a fire bless can prove quite useful.

Lavaere August 11th, 2009 01:42 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Water bless are great, and I like to try and add a Air or Earth as the secondary.
Makes for some nice staying power exspecially if its good items to increase your Defence of Protection even higher.

Ferrosol August 11th, 2009 03:56 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by the Vanishag (Post 704990)
Is it just me, or is W9 much more powerful than most of the other comparable blesses? N9 is great for nations with really high HP sacreds (Niefel Giants, for example), and E9 is great for spellcasters and high armor-high enc troops, but those are both limited cases. F9 packs a wallop, but it's purely offensive, whereas W9 offers double move and attacks (quickness) and +4 Def...

Of course this is somewhat balanced by the fact that high level water magic is useless. Take an S9 bless and you have wish, master enslave etc, a E9 bless gets you Forge of the Ancients, A D9 is an excellent tart summoner etc. Generally when blessing I prefer an S9 for the defensive part of the bless with depending on circumstances nature earth or fire bless as well.

rdonj August 11th, 2009 07:16 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
No one wants to give itza hammers? :( We can offer very diverse trading agreements for them.

Valerius August 11th, 2009 10:01 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I'm back and ready to take over Haida Gwaii again. Thanks for subbing Frozen Lama!

Ferrosol August 13th, 2009 04:03 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
replacing those gilgans will be expensive 2.5k~ gold is hard to come by in your condition.

Alpine Joe August 13th, 2009 08:29 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Oh Ferrosol, we've been together so long, but there are things we just don't see eye to eye on. To better explain my feelings I've created a mix tape for you, featuring such hits as
"What happened to all my support troops" (ft HopliteProphet)
"How do I kill your invincible smiths? (without breaking your heart)"
"**** the independants" (Ft. Barbarians and Manikens)
and of course
"stale me baby one more time" (ft. llamaserver)

I hope these songs explain my feelings better than words.
I still want to be friends.

rdonj August 14th, 2009 06:04 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
At long last, the armies of the under empire have been shattered by the brave warriors of Itza. Though many have fallen, the end of war is at last in sight. Long have we dreamed of returning to our prior, peaceful existence.

The fall of Arga Dis and its vile exploitation of blood magic also seems imminent. All good news for those who serve the will of the great old ones. However, the certainty of Tharoon's doom at the hands of stygia should be of concern to all who live in this world. The might of stygia's armies is vast. Even the most horrific of casualties do little to halt their advance. Should the eyes of stygia happen to fall upon you, beware.

Executor August 15th, 2009 06:05 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
So speaks the leader of the most powerful nation...

rdonj August 15th, 2009 12:46 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Most powerful nation... eh. Materially, maybe. Our research still leaves much to be desired though. Granted, so does stygia's, but yours is rising far faster than ours is. I would hazard a guess that Haida Gwaii is soon to be the most powerful nation. Not too far from itza materially, and with research blazing along he should soon be at the head of the pack.

Still, stygia is powerful far beyond what its possessions or knowledge might imply.

Valerius August 15th, 2009 01:04 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Hey! What's with putting a target on Haida Gwaii? Not very neighborly...

rdonj August 15th, 2009 01:33 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I tried to steer it back towards stygia.... We bear no ill will towards your people, regardless of how much research you may have. Haida Gwaii has thus far been a peaceful nation, whereas stygia is an aggressive and ruthless conqueror. Clearly one of these is more dangerous than the other.

Executor August 15th, 2009 02:45 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
We resent such accusations, why is the nation of Stygia being singled out?
We are a friendly and peace loving nation, the war with Tharoon was merely a defensive act and an effort to protect our people from their evil ways!

rdonj August 15th, 2009 03:20 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Was it? From the score graphs it would appear that the war with tharoon was completely offensive in nature. Of course it is always possible to misinterpret score graphs. If so, you can assume you have been singled out to confuse the masses :D

Executor August 15th, 2009 03:23 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
A good offense is the best defense!:)

rdonj August 15th, 2009 03:35 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Then I must stand by my original accusations, and call you out as an enemy of all! Not that we are in any position to do anything about it.

Trumanator August 16th, 2009 08:04 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
After that turn, the question is this: Are the Ogres REALLY prepared to take on the secondmost powerful nation in the game...

statttis August 16th, 2009 09:30 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Why should the most powerful nation fear the next in line?

Ogres smash!!!!!

rdonj August 16th, 2009 09:42 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I want to thank lavaere for sticking it out as long as he did. He stayed and fought until all his armies and his god had been vanquished. Well done.

Personally, I am very interested to see how the nehekharan war plays out. That part of the world seems most turbulent.

Trumanator August 16th, 2009 10:12 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Obviously the Ogres are laboring under some severe misapprehensions... Oh well, if they wish to waste more of themselves against the skeleton hordes, so be it.

Lavaere August 16th, 2009 10:21 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
yes rdonj, well played

Trumanator August 16th, 2009 10:23 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
The same thanks should go to Tharoon. They certainly kept Executor exceptionally occupied.

Sombre August 18th, 2009 08:38 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I'm guessing these are the pre update Ogres too. Well done to their commander!

the Vanishag August 18th, 2009 01:11 PM

Going out of town for the weekend

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 706070)
I'm guessing these are the pre update Ogres too. Well done to their commander!

Did you make them even <i>more</i> powerful? I know they have expansion problems, with the blood sacrifice and no cheap blood mages, but I had their perfect counter: etherial troops when the Ogres have no units with magic weapons and limited attack spells, and we fought more-or-less to a standstill.

That said, statttis has been playing them <i>really</i> well.

But that isn't the main reason for this post. I'm going out of town this weekend and will not have Internet access Saturday or Sunday. I should be able to get in any turns that are ready on Friday (Aug. 21st), but if it's not in by 22:00 GMT, it's not coming. After that, if the next turn could be pushed back to Monday (the 24th) at about the same time (22:00 GMT) I should be fine.

Thanks and sorry, everyone.

rdonj August 18th, 2009 04:14 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yep, these are the pre-update ogres. I've not felt brave enough to try and incorporate the update into our game, especially after another game with the ogres in it had issues because someone did that.

In the last update, ogres gained: Stationary h3 blood sacrificers, a spell to turn slaughtermasters into thugs for 13 or so blood slaves, and some magic diversity summons. Also I believe ogre recruitables had their prices decreased. So it was a fairly decent update for them.

Also, I am sure your schedule can be accommodated vanishag.

Executor August 20th, 2009 03:07 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, Itza seems to be doing very well...

rdonj August 20th, 2009 04:25 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Says the nation whose research will soon be passing mine with half the number of forts.... I guess I am doing reasonably well though. But I would hesitate to say I am the strongest nation, despite my gem advantage. For one thing my nation is one of the least efficient with gems :P Alugra, haida gwaii, and nehekhara are all probably at least as strong as me. Nehekhara for example is fighting two nations at once right now and not doing so badly.

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