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-   -   Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl. Complete. Wraithlord wins. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43958)

Dimaz December 17th, 2009 12:03 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
WL, you missed the point. Pangaea wins, everyone else loses. Just as you foretold :)

WraithLord December 17th, 2009 05:55 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running

so we either do that :yield: or that :shake:.

*Put on my best face* Peace?:o -

What? Who said that???-Not me ;)

Dimaz December 18th, 2009 01:40 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Can you postpone by 12 hours, please?

WraithLord December 18th, 2009 02:59 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running

WraithLord January 1st, 2010 11:18 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Postponed by 48 hours due to player's request.

rdonj January 8th, 2010 04:59 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
I know better than to do that :(. I realized my mistake as soon as I opened the last turn file. No idea how I managed to miss that the first time around.

Dimaz January 8th, 2010 05:10 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
What, pearls on that golem? Well, I forgot to change orders on my Gadol that was going to kill your 3 Shuras, so we are both in the same boat of stupid mistakes )

rdonj January 8th, 2010 05:32 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running

I did notice that, thought it was pretty bizarre. I wasn't sure whether you meant to take out the shuras but forgot to script your guy or what. Glad I know now. But still not quite the same category of mistake I don't think, my golem was pretty expensive.

I suppose you must have run tests and it worked, but I'm a bit surprised that kohen thinks he can kill 3 of my shura. I guess with the herald lance and quickness he has a decent shot though, especially if my shura are scripted poorly.

Dimaz January 8th, 2010 05:36 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Yes he killes them in test easily.

Meglobob January 12th, 2010 04:16 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
:doh: Thats for last turn!:o

:doh::doh::doh:Thats for this turn!:o:o:o

Currently I am doing a really good job of defeating myself!

WraithLord January 12th, 2010 04:23 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
But, but what happened?- Can you share the juicy details?

hat's off for Dimaz. I hope you liked them fried bones :)

Dimaz January 12th, 2010 06:04 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Blinded & chopped prophet is the best. I was really worried about that 90+ hp fire-immune 25+ def 25+ prot guy. Fortunately I messed with orders too much and sent Light of the Star shadowseer in stealth so maguses abandoned their script and blinded him on approach instead :).
But that was at least somewhat planned. And I've been really surprised watching my slingers slicing Jomon's shura&fully armed golem (marble, vine, frostbrand) to death. I start to like those guys even more, 2 attacks can really make a difference it seems.

WraithLord January 12th, 2010 08:25 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Good :)
And who said Gath is finished? ;)

Dimaz January 12th, 2010 09:01 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
I never said anything about Gath finished, only that helping LA Ermor is a bad idea :) and that my losses were very high (and that's true, I still lost much more in terms of gems/gold in our war).

rdonj January 12th, 2010 10:47 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running

Originally Posted by Dimaz (Post 725904)
Blinded & chopped prophet is the best. I was really worried about that 90+ hp fire-immune 25+ def 25+ prot guy. Fortunately I messed with orders too much and sent Light of the Star shadowseer in stealth so maguses abandoned their script and blinded him on approach instead :).
But that was at least somewhat planned. And I've been really surprised watching my slingers slicing Jomon's shura&fully armed golem (marble, vine, frostbrand) to death. I start to like those guys even more, 2 attacks can really make a difference it seems.

Yes, that was a real highlight of this new turn. I've never used golems before and I'm really struggling to see them in a good light after this game :P

WraithLord January 15th, 2010 06:19 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Granted a 48h extension request.

rdonj January 25th, 2010 06:44 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Sigh. Not even an affliction, even with the curse? Just not fair :(

Dimaz January 25th, 2010 08:02 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Hm? Are you talking about those stupid green beasts? Well, of course that was extensively tested and the risks were absolutely negligible. Green beasts will die. All of them.

rdonj January 25th, 2010 08:16 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Of course. Well, I keep hoping, hopefully someday one of these attempts to find a way to ward off big angry giants will pay off.

Aethyr January 28th, 2010 08:28 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
WL, may I have a six hour extension for the current turn? Thanks

WraithLord January 28th, 2010 11:05 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Why, certainly. Consider it done.

rdonj January 28th, 2010 11:01 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Wraith - if it gets close to the deadline, and you're awake, and I'm not in, could you postpone for me? I'm having internet issues right now due to weather and my ISP sucking. Hopefully I'll be in before you see this.

Dimaz February 2nd, 2010 03:37 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Uh oh.
It seems finally I was able to mess everything completely, sending turn in YARG and thinking it was Sharivar.
Usually I'm against rollbacks but in my position every turn is really important. Fortunately the losses due to staling in current turn are not so ugly, but the worst is that some important things were not done.
If it's possible I'd like to ask to rehost with my 2h in (which was already completed btw. with >2 hrs spent on it). Unfortunately my old 2h was overwritten with new turn, but I *promise* to redo the same 2h as what I did before hosting.
We can arrange it in the following way: I send my 2h to WL, who rolls back and sends in my 2h and immediately hosts. That way no one else will be able to modify the turns so the outcome for all others will be the same (+/-random), and I trust WL too.
Or we can just continue. As I said the losses are acceptable.

WraithLord February 2nd, 2010 04:37 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Dimaz, I'm sorry to hear about that mess.
However, I really hate rollbacks and my position is consistent and known in that regard. I only supported rollbacks when either the game crashed during hosting or a serious unknown bug was discovered.

I am against a rollback in this situation. I'm sorry. This has nothing to do with the fact we're at war. My opinion re. rollbacks is the same even if that would have happened to my ally or myself. Would have been a bummer but I'd have to accept it nonetheless.

Dimaz February 4th, 2010 06:46 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Well, it seems I'll need some extra time to adapt some new plans and probably test some things out. Can you please add 24h for this turn?
2 All
Which reminds me. I'm tired of typing "Pendant of Luck" etc in map file to test things properly. So I decided to make some GUI which should allow one to setup a test really quick by adding commanders/items/units and selecting research levels in some user-friendly way for both sides and convert all this to map+mod files automatically, then run the test itself. Actually I don't know many of existing dom tools so maybe something on these lines already exists, then please tell me about it so I'll just use it. And if not, what do you think about it?

rdonj February 4th, 2010 08:11 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Very interesting idea. I think something like that could be very useful, and probably pretty popular.

WraithLord February 5th, 2010 08:20 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Sure, I'll add 24.

I'm not testing anything myself so can't help in this department. I prefer to rely on memory of past errors, quickly finish the turn and save more time for fun things like toll the hounds :)

Meglobob February 5th, 2010 12:04 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Yea, I rely on experience too (I like doing quick turns, more fun), but I am sure such a tool would be useful too many dom3 players and very welcome.

WraithLord February 5th, 2010 01:01 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
IW devs removed the battle sim on purpose. I wonder why?

Come to think of it I kind of appreciate that, since otherwise I'd be sorely tempted to spend more time on tests, and let's face it - it's not like we're in a pro league and getting fame and money for our achievements ;)

Sombre February 5th, 2010 01:07 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
I actually am. The rest of you chumpzillas may not be though.

In my native country I'm on top 10 lists. People run screaming from me in the street. I'm even in the news fairly often, though they usually just have slightly dodgy looking artist's impressions of me. I assume this is because my dom3 achievements are recognised.

Dimaz February 5th, 2010 02:04 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Well, I tend to do more tests lately. Since the basics were understood long ago and many finer details are already understood too, usually I have some ideas what to do in different situations. However it's hard to tell in advance what ideas are better or work at all and what are total crap. And even when I have some knowledge from previous games of similar situations, still there are some deviations which can be of great importance.
WL, you described how you make your turns some time ago, and I have to say you're much more dedicated to the game than, for example, me, with all those notes and such. So I think we both try to do our best, just use different tools.

Meglobob February 5th, 2010 03:26 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 730084)
I actually am. The rest of you chumpzillas may not be though.

In my native country I'm on top 10 lists. People run screaming from me in the street. I'm even in the news fairly often, though they usually just have slightly dodgy looking artist's impressions of me. I assume this is because my dom3 achievements are recognised.

No, its because you run around town dressed as a bog beast armed with stink bombs...:D

rdonj February 5th, 2010 03:38 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
I don't test either, though when I heard about the high likelihood of three shura being annihilated by one guy I thought they could kill, I was very tempted to! However, the amount of work I would have to go through to accomplish it decided for me. So I just believed you and stopped using them as raiders :P If your tool existed and was user friendly, I would have probably experimented some to try to see if there was anything I could do to get around that.

The only time I've run into what seemed like extensive simming of battles was in the NvV series, particularly the second game with TheDemon. My impression from reading the vet team's boards was that he simmed probably every important battle before it happened. I don't know how common that is among members of this community though.

Sombre - Hey! I saw you on the news today. Raising soulless at your local cemetary for use in your dom game. That's what I call dedication.

WraithLord February 5th, 2010 05:22 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Sombre, the important question is, does it help with the girls? :cool:

Dimaz, your dedication to the game is perfectly ok, even admirable. And you're right, I was quite dedicated to the game in the past, I made more notes and gave more thought to my turns. It took me a long while to understand that I'm *too* much dedicated and when I started cutting down on the extra stuff per turn I suddenly had more free time to do other fun things. To each his own and most of us go through different stages WRT to mostly anything. So do your magic testing thing as much as you like so long as it suites you.
I could stop here but I want to extend a friendly advise, from someone who has walked the extreme dedication path in the past, don't spend too much of your precious time on the game. Not worth it. Don't stray too far from the fun factor the game's supposed to provide :)

Dimaz February 5th, 2010 05:48 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Hehe, Qwerty was really top of it. I play more relaxed now, too.

WraithLord February 5th, 2010 05:58 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
OMG. QWERTY. I shudder at the memory of that game. Thanks for bringing that up! ;)

You sign up for a team game, then your partner loses interest so you end up playing two nations on a huge map against top tier players. Seriously - I spent insane amount of time on this game.

Now I try not to allow the dominions monster to devour too much of my life. Stay put dominions, you bad MM heavy (yet deliciously addictive) game!

Dimaz February 7th, 2010 04:00 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
WL, your manifestations seem to have hidden targeting bonus. 2/3 critical mages of 15 commanders in 3 casts. I should consider using more bodyguards.

WraithLord February 7th, 2010 04:51 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Yes. That was really uncanny. The last mark was the cream of the pie.

Oh and if you're gonna conquer me and Jomon you better hurry up or you'd be facing them tree hugers all around you ;)

WraithLord February 14th, 2010 05:28 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
48h extension given.

WraithLord February 19th, 2010 08:18 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
And a 36h extension given.

rdonj February 20th, 2010 11:15 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Weird, I just got a message that sharivar is hosting in 6 hours, even though there's still almost 48 hours left on the clock.

WraithLord February 20th, 2010 11:56 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
yes. weird.
This is the current status:
Game: Sharivar1
Turn number 57
Next turn due: 09:00 GMT on Monday February 22nd

C'tis 2h file received
Ermor 2h file received
Gath Waiting for 2h file
Jomon Waiting for 2h file
Midgard 2h file received
Pangaea Waiting for 2h file
T'ien Ch'i 2h file received

Meglobob February 20th, 2010 01:19 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Its possible Llamaserver is ignoring postponements and may host at 2200 hrs tonight. I doubt wether I will get my turn in by then, in which case I will ask for a rollback, due to faulty Lamaserver.

Just letting everyone know in advance.

rdonj February 20th, 2010 01:27 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Understood and accepted.

WraithLord February 20th, 2010 04:01 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
I've re-instructed the server to postpone. I hope it catches.
If not, then I agree to a rollback.
MB, in case the server hosts I'd like to ask to you not look at the new turn. I'll consult with llamabeast on how to perform the rollback with all the original turn files + you own.
Also, the server shows that Dimaz has not sent his turn, so in case of a premature host I'd like to ask the same of you Dimaz.

I hate rollbacks but this may be one of those circumstances that call for it.

rdonj February 20th, 2010 04:22 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Yes, I agree, having two of the major nations staling for no good reason would be excessive warping of the game. Normally I am pretty against rollbacks also, but I have no problem with one if it turns out that the game hosts earlier than expected here.

Dimaz February 20th, 2010 04:43 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Just saw the issue. I have no time to finish the turn now, so let's hope it will host correctly. If not, I too request rollback. I promise not to look into incoming turn if it hosts today.

Meglobob February 20th, 2010 04:49 PM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
Well, I have managed to get a turn in, which I am happy with, but if it does host early, I will support a rollback for Dimaz, as tech problems are the only real justification for rollbacks in my opinion.

WraithLord February 21st, 2010 05:42 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
server pulled through. No call for RB :)

Dimaz February 21st, 2010 06:10 AM

Re: Sharivar - LA game 4 bussy ppl, running
And we can finally enjoy the new turn :)

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