![]() |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
If we haven't heard from Statttis by now... (the game should have hosted like 6h ago)... bring on the sub! (Give him another 24h on the clock too, he's got a large empire to figure out).
Also, GB, what are all these skeptics doing in my lands? Don't you have better things to be doing than reducing my dominion? |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
there was only 1 or 2 I was running south as scouts and keeping them on the move so they wouldn't affect anything. Not trying to hurt you...I was under the impression as long as I moved them every turn they did no damage (per cris).
If I am wrong I apologize. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Grudge told me that Kailasa is the biggest player but heh, didn't thought it was this big :o
so well, not expecting that Statttis had diplomatic relations with any of you, but if he did than please tell me so I'll be aware of them and not break any NAPs/Alliances due to not knowing about them... |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
You were killing me, so get on with it =)
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
oh I will, once I finish cleaning up the mess those 2 stale turns made... *points at Ermor*
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Hey, I brought it up man... don't look at me.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
dunno about you but 3-4 sieged forts, 2 of which can be stormed next turn definitely seems like an attack during those 2 turns...
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
oh and I'll definitely need some more time to get the into this game. say a 24 hour extension, so Wednesday instead of tomorrow would be great.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
OK...1 more extension of 24 hours to allow Blackguard to get comfortable in his empire.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
On turn 64 Arco breaks the 5 turn Nap with Kalisia, Hostilities if any may begin on turn 69
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Grudge can I have a 24 hour extension for this turn? need some more time to do this turn in peace and quiet.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Btw, BlackGuard...
Frozen Lama is also co-admin and if you have a question you can ask either of us. Either of us can answer the question or give extensions etc. He has the authority to do anything I can do.:up: |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I've added 6h because kailasa was still not in with ten minutes left. i will postpone before i go to bed if its still not in
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I am very disappointed in the lack of dying I'm doing now.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
ok 24h added. BlackGuard is logged onto irc, but not there, so i left a message. hopefully he can get the turn in. if its still not in, i guess we look for a sub tomorrow
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
sorry guys, had a big exam yesterday evening(started at 6 p.m) planned on getting my turn in after I got home, but I was too tired and fell asleep :S
I'll get it in tonight. oh, and any chance we can extend the 48 hour schedule, we're already pretty late in the game, some people already have max research and all that, and personally I got more than 50 provinces to manage... I thought that at this stage the standard was around 72 hour schedules, so if it won't bother the rest of you I think it would be helpful to extend the hosting periods. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
How about 12 to start and if that isn't good enough we can talk about another 12.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
up to you guys, so I guess 12 can work for now, if it doesn't than I'll start asking for extensions again, and if it'll happen often I guess it won't be...
oh and I got my current turn in, sorry for the delay and thanks for the catch Frozen. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
first page
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I am not sure although I suspect he took the time to mail all of us that this game was somewhat overwhelming (and I don't blame him).
Well...what do we want to do? Squirrel, you have hung in there as long as I can expect you too and if you want to set AI if we continue I think you have fullfilled your obligation (although I think you all of all players could somehow still pull it out with the right alliances). I personally would like to continue as I am learning a LOT in this game and even if we had to set Kalisia to AI, I would still like to finish the game. I will start looking for a sub, but I need to know all of your feelings on this before we saddle someone else with Kalisia.:up: From BlackGuard sorry guys, but it seems that this game is a bit too much for me... I feel bad when I gotta keep asking you guys for extensions, slowing the game down for the rest of you, and even than I hurry up my turns, not giving them enough time considering the size of my empire and the stage of the game, I feel that I'm starting to lose it just because I'm not investing enough time in it. and now that the 2nd semester in the university is almost over, the exams are waiting just ahead and I have some catching up to do in there as well... well, I tried to help you guys out with a sub, but I'm afraid you're going to need to look for 1 again, sorry oh and I did send in my turn now, not perfect but enough to let you guys continue the next turn and look for another sub in the meantime... have fun in your game while it lasts, and it's not as over as you made me believe Grudge, Kailasa's position is not as strong as the graphs show and both you(Arco), Abysia and perhaps another nation, maybe even Ermor, still have a chance too... |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
GB I can sub if you guys want to continue.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Ok men, we got lucky!!
We got a very capable player as a sub and understands big games. He will start right away so I am extending this turn so he can get a grasp on it and will answer any questions honestly that he asks (well, not secrets..lol). Squirrel, I hope you will continue now, let me know. Buckle up boys, this will be a fight to the end. WELCOME AETHYR |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I still have an army capable of doing some damage. When that ceases to be true, I doubt i'll have much left.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I have changed the E-mail address and resent the turn.
I will let him look it over and give him latitude on timing of next turn. Thanks for holding the Fort BlackGuard...you did well but life (and school) DOES get in the way!! |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Hi guys. I'm taking a look at the latest turn now.
I've also taken the time to read the thread, and I saw some discussion about what should be done about the water provinces that Kailasa took early on. These sites (6) are still populated and generating approx.600gp & 6 gems/turn. Please let me know what you would like to see done about this. I gather that Kailasa is at war with...everyone? :) But, I'd rather not make any assumptions, so please PM me and let me know about any NAP/other agreements that I should be aware of. I should be able to get the next turn off as scheduled, but if I need a bit more time I'll let you know. A. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
aaarrrggghhhhh, Thanks for being so astute...
This game was supposed to be NO WATER expansion OR water travel. If there are forts can we just set them to destroy (I have heard of it but never done it)? If we all chip in a D gem a turn (I am pretty low) I can send Ghost Riders to knock them out after that. Any other ideas? |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I will be leaving Friday afternoon to play Rugby in Indy.
Depending on the turn and when its due, I will be extending it until Monday Morrning (although I get in Suday night and depending on the time, may get it done then. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I apologize, but I'm going to need a 24 hour extension on the current turn. Thanks |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Since I was going to extend it tomorrow anyway, I have extended it till Monday as I am leaving town (see post above).
Have a good weekend gentlemen:up: |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Gentlemen, it looks like we may have lost Abysia (I am not sure of the whole situation but Frozen Lama may have retired).
Squirrelloid has gamely hung in there and would not quit on his own till Hell freezes over, but I think rather than hunt for another sub, if Abysia IS not viable that we begin to thing about perhas calling this a game. I don't think there can be a winner declared (which is too bad) but I am willing to listen to any one that has an opinion. I must say, this has been a really fun game and for me it was just getting exciting, but without Abysia it will fall on hard times. Thanks Aethyr for subbing and trying to figure out what 2 other people before you was trying to do. I learned one BIG thing this game....NEVER..EVER cast rain of stones twice in the same battle when you have the bigger force on the field:doh:. I am going to delay this game until I hear from you guys in the forum so we can all see what everyone thinks. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Frozen still exists and will play his games, but you'll have to conduct diplomacy on IRC or the more-Sombre forums if you want to talk with him.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
OK...lets keep going
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Indeed. Although it is my fate to preside over the demise of the monkey kingdom, I'm having fun with it.
Maybe if I have time I'll start a new thread to chronicle my attempts to stave off destruction at the hands of the evil all-nation alliance. :D |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Frozen Lama sent me this as he would like to continue with the game also. However, due to the recent Bruha he has been banned for the time being.
So that he can post and coordinate with each of us, he would like to move this thread (not the game) to a new site that has sprung up. I have been receiving messages from there and I find it actually very easy. I have known him for a long time and I vote YES. I don't want to put words in anybody elses mouth but I believe Argatha (squirrelloid) will also vote yes. I believe this game is going to end up as a very interesting game as alliances keep changing and players are almost down and out...and the next time you look they have doubled there Provinces. Anyway, this is from Frozen Lama copied directly from his message to me asking to move the forum. I will need your views ASAP please so we can get this changed without a hassle. Sent to GrudgeBringer from Frozen Lama 5/5/10 Well i will need you to post in the thread basically what i say here. feel free to change it as you see fit: First off let me say that i certainly did act rashly in the heat of the moment. my only plug here is that a temp ban would have stopped me. Anyways, I am moving the game thread to the new forums basically because i do not wish to do anything connected to the shrapnel boards. This thread will of course still be open, but for news, diplomacy, and extension requests i would like them to come on the new forums. This is a great game with many turns left, and there is no way i am going to miss it. I will copy the OP into the new forums and update the nation lists. just go into the multiplayer subforum and look for landlubber. I know its a hassle to look at two forums, but i hope you will work with me. Only four of us left really anyways. Thank you all for the great game and understanding |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
GB, whatever you guys want to do is OK with me.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Frozen Lama and I both will be out of town this weekend from Friday thru Monday, I will be leaving around 1 PM Friday.
The turn is due Thursday I believe so we won't have that much of an extension. Frozen Lama has his in and I will have mine in soon. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
New turn has come in and I have to leave today instead of tomorrow. Turn is extended ubtil Monday but will get it done as soon as I get back...Have a good weekend guys:up:
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
It is Friday afternoon and I am back. I drove to Tulas and got rained out at 6 AM this morning, so I turned around and drove back.
Lama is still out of town though so the extension will stay in effect. I didn't notice it extended it till weds so I am shotting for Monday if we can to get all the turns in. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Will do.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Aethyr has requested a 48 hr extension as he is going out of town on Business. It is Granted, he will get the turn in earlier if possible.
Which brings up another item...Memorial day is next weekend (last weekend in may) in the USA. It is usually a time when people travel and I would expect there will be extensions for that weekend. Lets try and get in the most current turn so we have a fresh turn to work on over that weekend.:up: |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I am leaving Friday AM to play ball in Reno for the Memorial day weekend (for those ourside the USA it is a big travel weekend). Since the turn just came in there won't be much of a delay, but I will be extending it until Tuesday. I more than likely will have it almost done by tonight and will finish it up Monday. Everyone have a safe and peaceful Memorial day and remember those that arn't with us anymore. |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Being in 3 end game matches, the middle of Rugby and Softball seasons (traveling every other week), work and family is taking its toll on my quality of turns and the amount of time I have to spend on them.. I would like to add 24 hours to the turns. I can try 12 but 24 would be better. Your opinions please:up: |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I would not mind a slower pace so that everyone can get their turns in w/o rushing.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Whatever, just actually finish killing me please.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I am off to play Minn this weekend (sorry guys it is what I do). If we get this turn in I won't have to extend it and we can get a new turn that I mAY extend 24 hours as I don't get back till late Sunday night.
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I tis 6 AM and I am leaving for Minn.
There are 6 hours left for Kalisia and Ermor to get there turns in and I have not had a petition for an extension there will be none unless you can get ahold of Frozen Lama on the other site as ge is co-admin. Have a good weekend and see you when I get back!! |
Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I need a 24 hour extension please. Thanks |
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