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Aethyr March 18th, 2010 12:12 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 735883)
I staled even through I sent my 2h file in, notice 2 others staled as well, some sort of problem?

No, I just had a long day at work and did not get my turn in on time. :(

Meglobob March 18th, 2010 04:19 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Aethyr (Post 736030)

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 735883)
I staled even through I sent my 2h file in, notice 2 others staled as well, some sort of problem?

No, I just had a long day at work and did not get my turn in on time. :(

Ok, thanks.

I definately sent my turn (recorded in my outbox), oh well one of those, 'things' I guess...:re:

Good reminder for me to check llamaserver to make sure it registered in future.

Burnsaber March 24th, 2010 07:09 PM

Re: Ordeal for turn 31+: Pet the Destroyer


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The Sing of the Slumbering Elders will finally pass and the madness in the hearts of men will pass. However, your Ordeals are far from over. My dear Pet has fallen to the strange madness spread by the eldritch constellation and is becoming more unstable day by day. As much as I love playing with him, he needs to be put down. To make it intresting, I'm going to let you contestants do it. If you want to be gods, you certainly can handle one lousy pet of mine?

I will still have control of the "Destroyer", as I like the adorable thing, for some time. Because it amuses me, I will let my faithful servants suggest of who would be most able to defeat the beast and move him to face that contestant. One would be wise to note though I will reward the slayer of destroyer with great treasure as I crown the beastslayer as my Divine Warrior.

The Pet of the Pantokrator, called "Destroyer"*, is currently placed in the Sea of Vastness (14). Here he is!


Ain't he just adorable? Who could slay such a precious little thing? If you don't have the heart to do the deed, you can use a boon to request the Pantokrator to allow you to move him. All orders to move him have to be simple, like "move him towards province X" or "Move him towards nation Y". It will calculate the fastest route to that province/nation (if several paths are both as "fast", he will choose one in random) and move towards that province one province per turn.

You can choose to use two boons to move him "two" provinces each turn. Sure, he can only move one, but it can be useful, since if two players move him in opposite directions by the same amount, he will ignore both orders in confusion. If the orders are to move him in different directions, he will vector the directions and go between them for the best of his ability (if he can't vector the directions, he will stay still).

He is constantly fed thanks to his Bane Venom Charm producing corpses for him, but Pantokrator has not yet received the warning message of him "getting out of control" so he will likely be controllable for few turns at least.

The Slayer of the Pet will receive the following items and get one boon to their total as they are crowned as the "Divine Warrior". If the beast is not slain by turn 41, Pantokrator will kill it himself and all players will lose one boon.


Before anyone calls BS on it's starting location (which is admittely disadvantegous for some nations), I randomized the starting location from the three provinces I conquered at the start of the game, so the event really could have (and still can) affect anyone.

Also from all this point onward, all provinces under the control of the Pantokrator can be attacked without special permission, with the exception of the central island. So if it is outside the island, it's free game.

*=You really thought that I could get through this thing without at least one Heavy Metal reference? At least this one is somewhat thematical. The thing has a theme song :P

Burnsaber March 26th, 2010 07:47 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
I got a rather sudden chance to go into a boardgaming event* this weekend, and I've decided to go test my mettle in this noble sport of minds.

I have done my turn for the turn 31 and I'll the extend the next turn from within this event to host on Monday evening. I hope you fellows don't mind. Take this small break as an opportunity to do some diplomacy or something.

(Twilight Imperium! Twilight Imperium!)

Meglobob March 26th, 2010 07:11 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Pet the Destroyer is slain by the valient folk of Ma T'ien Ch'i before it could cause too much damage, the world is safe from this fearsome beast.

This was not the only large beast to beset the fair folk of Ma T'ien Ch'i, the bloodlust fuelled giants of Ma Ashdod fresh from there utter destruction of Hinnom have now decieded to add the lands of the east to there empire. Those giants with a W9 E9 and N6 blessing are nearly unstoppable on the battlefield and well Ma T'ien Ch'i will do our utmost to resist them, without help, we will surely fall. Then will anyone be able to stop this juggernaut?

I urge the remaining strong nations/gods to act against this serious threat to us all before its too late. Only a strong alliance of nations can stop the giants/god of Ma Ashdod now.

militarist March 26th, 2010 07:33 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
The nation of Ashdod is ready to confirm the sad massage of Ma T'ien Ch'i.
These giants eat so much that we had to get rid of them, to let them eat someone who at least is not of their nation. We have nothing against the nation of T'ien Chi, but those stupid giants just have to be somewhere. And keeping them in motherland was prohibited after the last fight with Hinnom. Ashdod now is the most peaceful nation with awful research and other scales and has no much of perspective in endgame. If someone wants to help us to deal with T'ien Ch'i, who shown first their aggression, having send huge army to our West land few turns ago, we will be glad to share the lands. Fortunately, Protectors of the Western continent eat horses as well as their owners, so now we fight only at the "wild wild east".

Burnsaber March 28th, 2010 02:31 PM

Re: Ordeal for turn 31+: Pet the Destroyer

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The Pet has been slain! Long live the beast slayer, the glorious Rolling Thunder of T'ien C'hi!

He now is my Divine Warrior and has been gifted with trappings worthy of such a task.


(Whoopsie. Propably should have made him a touch more difficult to defeat. Well, if I make this ordeal happen again in Ordeals II, I'll be sure to slap him some form of damage prevention. Anyways, well played by meglobob.)

kianduatha March 28th, 2010 08:15 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Listen round for the story of glorious Katsumi, the best ninja to ever have lived. Katsumi was neither well trained nor well equipped, but his endless fervor for blood has almost singlehandedly destroyed Ulm. Killing over half a dozen Antlered Shaman, Katsumi was still not content.

One dark night last month, Katsumi crept alone into the Ulmish camp, singling out the largest tent--that of their dark Pretender, Red Sonja. After ambushing the enemy god, Katsumi weathered foul magic and a dozen phantasmal wolves before finally slaying his marked foe.

Truly will his name be remembered in song forever.

Burnsaber April 4th, 2010 04:20 AM

Ordeal for turn 36: The Three Maidens
Ordeal for turn 36


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The time has come for me to test your souls. I have called forth my three maidens of vengeance and see which of you suffer from the weight of sins. For the one who takes my place cannot be wicked, for he or she would place this beautiful realm of mine in ruins.

You pretenders can prove yourself righteous by turning your backs on the vile lure of the blood magic and sending me one hundred blood slaves to prove your intentions. If you kill one of my maidens in fair combat, you will also prove yourself innocent in my eyes and gain more worth.

If even one of the maidens is still spreading vengeance upon this realm after a year, all of you wicked sinners will lose worth in my eyes.


If The Pantokrator receives sacrifices totalling over 100 blood slaves, he will dispel the Kindly Ones. These sacrifices do not have to come in one turn and if several nations send sacrifices, they will be added together.

If the commander targeted by a Erinyes kills it in melee combat by him/herself the nation targeted will gain boon to their count (the commander proved himself innocent in combat, like in a judicial match). Kills by bodyguards or by spells do not count, only a melee attack by the targeted commander.

If the global is still active after a whole year, all players lose one boon and it is dispelled.

Burnsaber April 6th, 2010 09:43 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
I'm currently planing on a update for the CPCS mod that is in use in this game. If someone has any feedback or a even a problem regarding a spell in the mod, now is your chance to say something and get it fixed.

You can use my sig to get into the mod thread. You can also PM me if you don't want to spread any details concerning the game.

Baalz April 10th, 2010 12:22 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Oh my, tha legendary toughness o’ them Ashdod giants sure aint exaggerated. That province defense requires quite a mighty mallet ta smash, thankfully tha boys be up fer it. We’d a mind ta freeze out some o’ them with unfrozen but that be a hard proposition when thar be more giants than undead! Tha unfrozen be fairly tough by most standards, but them heavily blessed giants pretty much split them in half with each blow. Still I think if thar had been just a bit more o’ them ice cubes then tha giants might oh got a fatal amount of frostbite. Fortunately tha boys be much more inta raidin than those pitched battles so we’ll go ahead and take yer country while ya scrape tha unfrozen of yer huge swords. Oh, I did so hope that cuddly creature we sent ta visit yer pretender would bring him back, but ya had a fine bit o’ luck there, I think one more turn and he’d have had the important part of yer face in his mouth.

Ta Jomon I be sayin’ wait yer turn! Thar be plenty o’ spaces in the gallys and plenty o’ oars ta go around. Ye be sadly mistaken if ye hoped ta find the boys strung out and easy pickins as we go giant hunting, and now I think yer’ll find ya’ve bitten of a bit more than ya can chew. 2 on 1 aint be but a bit o’ warm up fer the boys, they be rather hard ta nail down and stop from making off with what they will. They be coming fer yer girls and yer booty now, and I do hope that big snake can come out ta play. Them ghost generals may have been a bit spooky ta the children yer used ta playin’ with, but we be tha masters o’ undead, and o course have a priest or three left over from preachin yer younger brother out. I think we be havin ta come kill all them necromancers ya been recruitin ta keep ya from getting ideas about who the undead serve. I do have a good belly laugh at ya figgerin ta take tha water away from Atlantis. Crabs and shrimp sound mighty fine, mighty fine indeed. Bring some lemons!

Burnsaber April 12th, 2010 04:26 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Month by month I become more pleased upon what I see on this realm. Only now has the game truly begun! The bloodshed! The courage! Seeing it all pleases me so. Only the greatest of you have survived this far, but only the best of the best will be worthy enough of my place.

Fight Pretenders! Fight for your life! For there is no other place for the losers than the torments of Tartarus.

(I'm having a blast watching all these battles)

militarist April 13th, 2010 11:09 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Burnsaber,set me please to AI, I send turn and killed it.And it appeared like I sent a wrong file. Thanks everybody for the game, especially Baalz :).

kianduatha April 13th, 2010 11:32 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Alas, for the cruel overlord e'en of Jomon's God has stricken him down at the most inopportune time, thwarting all plans to fight off the cruel invaders.

(Boss kept me an hour later at work, causing me to stale...sorry all, I'll try to make the best of it)

Lingchih April 14th, 2010 12:17 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Congrats Baalz. You played this one very well.

Of course, there is always the next one.

Baalz April 14th, 2010 12:43 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Game's not over yet, just the giants.

Burnsaber April 14th, 2010 03:16 AM

Ordeal for turn 41: The Four Horsemen
Ordeal for turn 41: The Four Horsemen


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

As most of you know form the common prophesies, the apocalypse was originally intented to be performed by the Four Horsemen. Death, War, Pestilence and Famine. But as I desided to leave this realm to a new ruler instead of destroying it, I banished them to Tartarus as their purpose became moot.

However, it seems that the Four have somehow managed to escape tartarus to wreck destruction upon this realm as per their mission. However, they seem to be greatly weakened by their escape and do not hold their tools of vengeance. But I am sure that some spark of their formal might still lives in them and it would be wise of you pretenders to destroy them as soon as possible.

They seem to be heading towards the central island, towards my realm with fanatical adherance. Stop them! Prevent the gathering of the four!

Sorry, I apparenlty forgot to send a in-game message of this ordeal. Hopefully all of you have learned to cehck the forums regurarly for new developments.

This turn "Ghost Riders" were casted at 4 different provinces over the world. Those dudes are the four horsemen. The attacks will move towards the central island, using the shortest path possible. If the "Ghost Rider" attack is defeated, that horseman is dead for good and its slayer will get a boon to their total.

If a horseman gets to one of the four uw provinces bordering the cental island, all player who got attacked by that horseman lose boon (for failing to stop him). If two horsemen end up in the same province, they will combine forces and s'it will happen. If three of them combine forces, big s'it happens. If all four get together, you're all in big trouble.


Originally Posted by militarist (Post 740530)
Burnsaber,set me please to AI, I send turn and killed it.And it appeared like I sent a wrong file. Thanks everybody for the game, especially Baalz :).

If you want to turn AI, that's okay I guess, but you can still put up a fight. Get some defenders to your caps and kill as many as you can. However, in any case it is *much* easier for you to set the nation AI that it is for me. I'd appriciate it if you did it.


Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 740547)
Game's not over yet, just the giants.

This is definately true. All sorts of nasty nations are still in the game..

Burnsaber April 14th, 2010 09:05 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Okay, some general announcements.

Boon tables have been upgraded to yield more stuff.

And since it is quite obvious that militarist does not wish to continue in the game, I got a sub for him. Dear Pretenders, Give a big round of applause for Sensori, the master of "hopeless" subbing situations!

Sensori April 14th, 2010 09:11 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Yes indeed, I'm basically subbing for an AI. The situation seems quite, um, grim, but I bet I can do something, like bleed on Baalz most profusely!

Baalz April 14th, 2010 09:11 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ah, this be makin' more sense fer it be mighty puzzling where them ghost riders showed up from. No worries on that pestilence fellow, we be setting up some lines he'll have a hard time ridin' through.

Sensori April 16th, 2010 07:19 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
After... Rallying to spread the Word of Change among our armies, the forces of Ashdod have begun their exodus from the province apparently repeatedly hit by unnatural coldness. Even diseased and hungry, our forces defeated an army of the undeath-loving filth, and successfully left everywhere around that land to spread the Word!

While defeat looms over our heads, we shall give no quarter to the hated enemy! We shall fight them in the plains, in the mountains, in the swamps! We shall spill as much frogman blood as we can before the end!

Death before dishonor!

Baalz April 16th, 2010 04:29 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Indeed we tip our stylish hat to tha mighty giants o’ Ashdod. They do indeed pull a mean oar with those big meaty arms and absurd reinvigoration. They eat like ya wouldn’t believe though! We’ve been having ta toss darn near two bakemono apiece every day ta each of our new…erm…employees. I dunno how long our stockpiles be lasting at this rate. I do have a solution some o’ the boys came up with that ya may find useful if food is scarce though. Between the eatin’ and the bellyachin’ there be more than one ship decided that undead giants be making much better oar pullers. Them guys what made that decision aint ever smelled a rottin’ giant though, that’s about the only thing that smells worse than a live one. Hmmm, maybe frozen undead giants would work…them Unfrozen lads didn’t smells so bad. We’re gonna needs some more bodies though fer experiments, we’ll be around shortly ta collect ‘em. Let them hungry lugs know they won’t be fer long.

Oh, and it looks like it falls ta the boys o’ Atlantis ta handle two o’ them horsemen. Looks like Death has a er…death wish as well. Should be a good laugh watchin’ them skinny little bone horses splashin’ around in tha water. He came a hair from bein’ fish food this month, but the fish in question had a belly full o’ shrimp warriors and ran out o’ appetite. He had a nice big fish poop now though, and be apparently lookin’ fer some bones ta chew on after his big meal.
(morale failure with a 18 morale and 80% of his hps left. Musta just been full. )

Burnsaber April 20th, 2010 03:08 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

And now all of the Riders have disappeared from this realm. Congratulations to the Bifrons and the mighty Pirate Queen for defeating Pestilence, Death and Famine. They have more worth in my eyes.

The Rolling Thunder and The One Who Got Away have displeased me for failing to prevent War from reaching the central island.

Also, Nobunaga the mighty champion has fallen! Not even his speed and strenght was enough to fend off the darkness from the north that has befallen upon Jomon.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.

Burnsaber April 21st, 2010 05:11 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Bifron, the mighty god of Lanka has proven himself and taken the role of the destroyer, the flayer of this realm. He has murdered countless warriors on his quest for godhood and there is no end in sight for his merciless reign. I see that if he were made to sit on the Throne of Thrones, no one would dare to oppose him. Fear him, for he will surely have qualms about flaying you on sight.

So says I, The Pantokrator, and I have showered him gifts to make it be as it should be.

Lanka finished his personal ordeal.

Baalz April 21st, 2010 05:38 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Hmmmm, is Gaze of Azrael bugged? It seems much more effective than the description indicates, pretty much wiping out one block of my MR-15 wights every turn with 100 precision.

As a side note: good lord those giants are tough with that super bless. With the water blessing I can't hit them enough to hurt over that regen even after dropping iron bane, and I never would have picked a 10E for the bless but 5 reinvig makes them damn hard to choke out. :/ Time for plan B apparently...

Sensori April 21st, 2010 05:40 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Whilst with each passing month we lose more of our number to the marauding hordes of frogmen and their dead minions that seek to annihilate us, there is some reason for celebration on this day, for we drove the Atlantian filth out of our homelands. Even if they were supported by their cowardly would-be Goddess who left the battlefield with incredible haste!

Very few of their forces managed to flee the onslaught, as just two of their 135 undead made it out intact and none of their living troops, while a good number of their so called "commanders" (indeed, their "Goddess" included) fled before they could even meet us in battle.

They seek to whittle us down, bleed us out, and yes, they have been quite successful in this endeavor. But no matter. Our deaths are inevitable, indeed, but they shall be glorious!

Sensori April 21st, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 741617)
Hmmmm, is Gaze of Azrael bugged? It seems much more effective than the description indicates, pretty much wiping out one block of my MR-15 wights every turn with 100 precision.

Actually, no, the description indicates that it should wipe out undead like crazy and cause tons of decay on the living. Which would make it utterly overpowered for the research cost combined with the low magic skills needed...

I was 100% sure I was losing that fight, but that Gaze of Azrael turned the tide!

EDIT: Actually, I looked at the mod's info on Gaze of Azrael, and it seems to use Dust to Dust's info for the undead killing effect, so I guess that's why it was so effective!

Baalz April 21st, 2010 06:03 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Hmmm, yeah I was looking at the magic resistance negates part of the description, but 100 precision dust to dust is certainly what it felt like! :)

Burnsaber April 22nd, 2010 04:41 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 741617)
Hmmmm, is Gaze of Azrael bugged? It seems much more effective than the description indicates, pretty much wiping out one block of my MR-15 wights every turn with 100 precision.

Yeah, like Sensori said the spell also cast "Dust to Dust" wherever it lands. That sounds really great but the thing is that the AI does not realize it. AI will just target the spell towards the dudes with most hp since the AI does not "realize" what the #nextspell does. My intention with the "Dust to Dusting" was to have the spell to have a somekind of effect against Undead, because decaying undead is just a wasted mage turn with their immense lifespans but the AI does not know that and likes to cast the "aoe decay" spell on undead.

But after seeing the battle, I see the spell could certainly be unfair in this kind of situation where the AI goes right after the high hp undead. I'll change the secondaryeffect to "Maggots" which is less drastic anti-undead effect. (They "melt" under the gaze of the angel of death)

Also, I'll probably bumb the Fortuna's Meddling to be BF wide instead of just 50% of the battlefield. The situation in the battle should have been ideal for it (chaff horde vs few high mr elites) but it wasn't that impressive. Those "Grips of the Marshlands" did not help thought.

Burnsaber April 23rd, 2010 04:39 PM

Ordeal for turn 46: "The Cleansing"
Ordeal for turn 46: "The Cleansing"


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The air is filled with magic as the Ascension Wars draw to a close. I fear that such amount of eldricht might could draw the attention of the forces behind the appearance of the Sign of the Slumbering Elders. If their gaze becomes focused upon this realm, only madness and destruction will follow.

So I have decided that one global will be purged for the good of the realm. Each pretender can cast a vote on which global will be dispelled.

Each nation still in hold of their capital fortress can vote. The global with the most votes will be dispelled (Note that the "Kindly Ones" by Pantokrator can also be voted out). Like in the ordeal "silver tongue" votes can be sold, bought, strongarmed for, etc.. All votes will be made public once all of them have been cast.

The owner of the global will get random gems equal to the gem cost of the global as it is dispelled (not gems of the type used to cast the global itself though).


I have received concers of this ordeal being a bit too "much" and I admit that this is really on the limits on what "GM" should do. I however feel that it is fair because of the politicing involved and that you can buy votes to protect your investment in the global. Also remember that I made these Ordeals before the start of the game, anyone could have had globals up on this point.

But, you players are the real stars of the show. If I get more concerns, I'll call this one off and take it as a lesson learned for LOII.

Burnsaber April 23rd, 2010 05:10 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The mighty Pirate Queen has brought victory upon her chosen nation! She has called upon the maidens of the rivers dead and the awakened the ancients slumbering in ice. Freezing death is hers to give, the coldness of the grave at her fingertips. Who could resist such might? She will just kill anyone who opposes her and then awaken them as her servants. Fear her. Fear the Icy Queen.

I could see her as fitting to take the Throne of Thrones and have rewarded her to make it be as it should be.

LA Atlantis has finished his personal ordeal

Isokron April 24th, 2010 06:31 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
How long do we have to vote ?

Oh and the Lankan demons would be terrible upset if they saw anyone trying to vote away their health benefits which might show up as random arrows from the sky or hurricanes etc.

Gregstrom April 25th, 2010 03:28 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
On an unrelated note, my vote's for sale.

Burnsaber April 25th, 2010 10:06 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Isokron (Post 742094)
How long do we have to vote ?

Until the start of the next ordeal (Turn 51). So the votes will be counted either when 1) I have received all votes or 2) It's the end of turn 50.

Remember that the "Kindly Ones" expire on turn 48, making all players lose 1 boon unless the last kindly one is defeated.

Also, votes are not set in stone. You can change your vote anytime you want.

Sensori April 25th, 2010 04:25 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
This month was disastrous for Ashdod, as our armies were finally defeated by the frogman filth of Atlantis. We will hold onto our lands for as long as we can, but the end is nigh.

At least we have managed to slow down this defeat by several months so far.

Baalz April 25th, 2010 04:37 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Har! The notorious plan B never fails! Now, ta get ta raisin' them humongous popsicles so they can help with breakin' down them humongous walls.

The lady does now be acceptin' gifts and *** kissins fer them what wanna get inta her good graces before she ascends. Declare fer tha Frost Queen and ye may spare yerself the trip to Tartarus fer the time bein'. Giants and more giants, demons and the very horsemen o' the apocalypse now lay stiffening under her cold banner - what hope have the rabble that remains? Spare yerself her breath, this game o' musical chairs be leavin' some without her favor so I'd not be waitin ta see how it plays out or y'ell find yerself left out in the cold, and this is going ta be a very cold winter.

Trumanator April 27th, 2010 09:55 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Well, I'm definitely disappointed that I didn't get to have an epic capital defense, but I'm out (btw, why the hell can't tomb kings preach?)

My strategy proved somewhat disappointing, and I had extremely bad luck with getting cut off easily by both TCs. GG to them (though I'm not sure I can tell which one ended me :P)

rdonj April 27th, 2010 10:00 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
What? Tomb Kings can definitely preach. They're quite good at it, in fact. Maybe there's something buggy about that game....

Trumanator April 27th, 2010 10:30 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
LA Ctis Tomb Kings.

rdonj April 27th, 2010 10:31 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals


I was never here :D

Aethyr April 28th, 2010 12:04 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 742585)
GG to them (though I'm not sure I can tell which one ended me :P)

GG to you, the patience that you displayed in this game was incredible. Oh, and it was definately the "other" TC, I expect R'lyeh to wipe me off the map shortly. :D

Burnsaber April 28th, 2010 12:58 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The One Who Got Away has brought glory upon his chosen nation! He has tamed the eldricth forces of the void and brought them to terror the coasts of this realm. But he also proved to hold the minds of men in his grasp as he took away the sanity of hundreds with nothing but a quick invocation. Who could resist such might? If you ever dare to oppose him, only insanity will be your reward.

I could see him as fitting to sit on the Throne of Thrones and have showered him with boons to make it be as it should be.

MA R'lyeh has finished his personal ordeal

Meglobob April 28th, 2010 06:03 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 742585)
Well, I'm definitely disappointed that I didn't get to have an epic capital defense, but I'm out (btw, why the hell can't tomb kings preach?)

My strategy proved somewhat disappointing, and I had extremely bad luck with getting cut off easily by both TCs. GG to them (though I'm not sure I can tell which one ended me :P)

Yes it was me (MA Tien Chi) that dominion killed you! Believe it or not I have been trying for about a dozen turns, so it was a very incompetent dominion kill. You probably were preaching its just I was preaching more and using, 'wierd advanced undercover tactics'.:) Which actually are pretty rubbish btw.:o

I was too scared to storm the castle head on, as I would have probably lost and my army wiped out btw.:re:

Well done for playing to the bitter end Trumanator and it was really, really very bad luck to be sandwiched between EA & MA Tien Chi.:up:

Meglobob April 30th, 2010 04:53 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Hi All,

With Summer fast approaching my workload increases where I work. Also more pressure to go out and about in my free time from friends & family. Also I appear to have foolishly (again) managed to reach the late game in 4 seperate MP's of Dominions. I can continue to do my turns but need a move to 72hr turnaround, in order to account for all the above. If we can't move to 72hr then I probably won't be able to continue to play my nation.

Hope you all understand,



Burnsaber April 30th, 2010 04:57 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Work is going to be a killer with Walpurgis Night (or 'vappu' as we call it) upon finland. I work in a grocery store that is open 24/7 and I won't have the time to do my turn before sunday evening, so I extended the clock. Shame to do so though with all this intresting stuff that is going on..

Burnsaber April 30th, 2010 05:01 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 742930)
Hi All,

With Summer fast approaching my workload increases where I work. Also more pressure to go out and about in my free time from friends & family. Also I appear to have foolishly (again) managed to reach the late game in 4 seperate MP's of Dominions. I can continue to do my turns but need a move to 72hr turnaround, in order to account for all the above. If we can't move to 72hr then I probably won't be able to continue to play my nation.

Hope you all understand,



According to OP, we would be moving to 72h hosting on turn 60 anyway. We could just move that on turn 50 instead. I need more time to deal with the map & mod for LO2 anyway.

Burnsaber May 3rd, 2010 02:49 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

I have dispelled Bifron's enchantment of "Gift of Health" for the good of this realm. Hopefully this will prevent the gaze of the ancients ever crossing this realm. As to not tip the scales of the contest, I have sent some arcane gems to Bifron.

But I am wrathful! All of you were incabable of proving your innocence in the eyes of the maidens. All of you sinners are worth less in my eyes. Hopefully the upcoming Arena fight will lift my spirits after this dissappointment..

The votes went like this:

Gift of Health: EA Atlantis, MA T'ien C'hi, EA T'ien C'hi, MA Ashdod, MA R'lyeh
Kindly Ones: LA Jomon, EA Lanka

GoH got dispelled. Lanka has received 50 RND gems.

Everyone lost one boon from their total because the maidens were not defeated or dispelled in the span of a one year.

Also, one would be wise to take note of the Arena event. Send in your champions!

We also have moved to 72h hosting ahead of scheducle.

ano May 3rd, 2010 06:27 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Sorry for OT, but after having read the whole topic I absolutely fell in love with the concept and the game itself. Will keep watching it with great interest. Fantastic work, Burnsaber! I hope to take part in Legendary Ordeals 2 if it ever happens.

Burnsaber May 4th, 2010 05:28 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by ano (Post 743760)
Sorry for OT, but after having read the whole topic I absolutely fell in love with the concept and the game itself. Will keep watching it with great interest. Fantastic work, Burnsaber! I hope to take part in Legendary Ordeals 2 if it ever happens.

It will happen and I'll be sure to contact you on a pre-sing up when the time comes for it. I've already put quite a lot of work on the map and the mod for the sequal and I won't see it go to waste.

ano May 4th, 2010 07:01 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Thanks a lot and good luck :)

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