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Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I've been meaning to address this issue. No, its not as you say welltimat, I would like nothing more than to see this game to it's conclusion, be it victory or defeat for me, as its been so much damn fun! In fact, I would say the primary cause of my downfall was so many stales and especially the near stales in the recent turns (of course my opponents were also to blame :) )
This was, at first, simply because of my crazy rl work these days. The final straw happened with the last stale: my laptop decided to finally quite on me. I tried to solve the problem and even delayed the game by 24hours, but it seems as though the real only solution is to find a sub to take over. Its possible to play my other two games on my work computer as they are in their early stages, but spending several hours at work playing dom3 just isn't feasible. Sorry guys, and thanks for being so patient, it was great playing with everyone. I'll post a sub thread now. |
It's a real shame to hear you have to sub-out Grijalve. Personally, I'm not sure it's worth the game continuing if you do, as I've seen this before, and been in this situation before, and a subbed-in leader coming in to such a big game and position, at such an incredibly late stage, always totally changes the 'feel' of the game. And almost always for the worse :( (no offence intended directly at any sub that might come in).
It was only two turns ago there was talk of conceding to you. Which would have been a fair outcome by all accounts from what history I know of this game, being a late sub myself. And also well deserved for the obvious hard work and fine playing performance you've put in to the game so far, and which got you into the leading position you have. I feel a little odd here actually, since my role in the game is so minor that I don't think I have any right to vote on any matter, or have any say in what happens regarding the outcome. But I know if this was a regular 'played from the start' game for me, I'd be saying it would be better for the game as a whole, and in order for it to have the proper and worthy outcome any good game deserves, that you should be declared the winner now. This has to be better in my mind than a scenario where your nation is subbed out, and then all the other nations take advantage of a sub coming in to a very difficult and unfamiliar position. Since I have no doubt you currently have a very big and confusing empire which, lets face it, only you yourself can handle at this stage of the game. No sub, regardless of who it is, will be able to handle the situation as well as you. So even if a sub is found, I don't feel any other nation in this game can be crowned winners as a result, since even if they defeat the Bandar nation, they won't have defeated the Bandar player. And any victory in these circumstances is completely pointless, hollow and meaningless. At least in my opinion. All that said though, I am nothing more than a basic nobody in this game, so as I said above, I don't feel my vote or opinion should count for anything. But on a personal note, I'd really hate someone denied a rightful victory right at the death, and a deserved victory based on a well played and hard fought game. It's just not right that RL should intervene and ruin five months of hard work when you are just five minutes from the winning post. If you had been able to play the last two turns, you might even have managed to win by now. So I think your victory claim is just as valid now as it was two turns ago. But again this and all the above, is just my opinion, and I'm playing a nothing part in this game, so.....? |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I appreciate the sentiment, Calahan, very well articulated and I think you have some very good points. However, as much as I would like to accept victory, I think I should defer to Hoplosternum, since he has the most realistic chance of winning if I sub out.
@ Hoplosternum, it's up to you man, I really enjoyed this game so much that I don't particularly care about who claims the ultimate victory, I'm sure I'll get another shot at winning some game in the future. If you want, you can claim victory, or we can claim joint victory if you think thats better. But you certainly played well and deserve victory at least as much as I do. As for everyone else: I'm truly sorry that you may have played the last two turns in vain, but I hope that you enjoyed them nonetheless. And I must once again commend my long-time adversary Graem, who fought hard to the end and then some more. Also, I noticed that you picked Bandar Log in re-vendetta, its long been my favorite nation and I'm curious to see how you play it. :) |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Down to me eh? The power, the power :) :p
Well if it is down to me I largely agree with Calahan. It's been a very enjoyable game and while I was happy to continue fighting Grijalva while others were up for the fight I don't really want to put all that effort in fighting A.N Newguy. Nor would it be very fair on them as even a position as strong as yours can decline rapidly. I kept expecting you to put up Arcane Nexus and had my Astral Corruption ready as a counter. I was getting 100+ Blood Slaves a turn by the end but had only recently started spamming Onaqui (I haven't played Mictlan much and they don't seem that great for their price Thug/SC wise - so wasn't sure of their role), so did not yet have the huge amounts of sacred freespawn to chuck at you. But they were beginning to build up nicely :) And although I had not seen any evidence of your Blood economy I was not sure that you hadn't gone that way. My Pretender was designed to get me in to blood easily. So congratulations to Grijalva. A worthy winner in this one. I have certainly learned a lot from our skirmishes about what works and what doesn't - don't storm castles with conventional armies against a guy who can Master enslave for one :p And while I did not take some of the opportunities that came along in this game that might have given me a good chance of victory, it has been fun trying out the late game battle spells and SC chassis. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Thanks for the feedback and thoughts Grijalva and Hoplo.
@ Grijalva - It appears that the ruler of the Mictlan nation has agreed to bow to their Monkey overloads. The Priest Kings have even just asked for part roles in the next Planet of the Apes film, so they can get used to the changes to come. So it appears your monkeys are the rulers of all man and beast. Well played again Grijalva! Well played indeed Sir. @ Everyone Else - Is there anyone who doesn't think Bander/Grijalva is a worthy winner? And if not why not? Since the current turn is due to host in around 20 hours, so it would be good for the all players to know if there is any reason this game hasn't finished at this point right here with Hoplo's / Mictlan's above concession. I personally can't see anyone else having a realistic claim on the win, or part claim. But then I only know the full history of the last 15 or so turns. Graphs don't indicate any though. So please post now if anyone has any comments or objections to the game ending with a Bandar victory. If not then please post anyway to congratulate Grijalva on a well played game and deserved victory :clap: Edit: Grijalva - It might be worth adding 24hrs to the timer in case a last minute call comes through to save the game just before the switch is thrown. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Calahan can just take over Bandar Log
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I graciously and humbly accept ultimate rule for the One Monkey God: ooo ooo OOO! (sic). Even though he did not live to see the eventual victory for his chosen...uhhh....people.
Its my first victory in Dom3 mp and (not sure about this one) maybe a first for Bandar Log too? Let me give a quick ARR: I started off with a simple s9 bless and crazy good scales, s9 because its cheap but also because it would later help protect my mages/communions from those nasty first shots. And of course the pretender I eventually got easily turned the tide several times in the many back and forth wars fought by the monkeys. The main key to this game though (more than any tactical move I made) was diplomacy, fast and aggressive diplomacy. I quickly took out Eiru with my tiger riders, (easy to mass with a cheap blessing) and secured NAP3s with all of my immediate neighbors. Two of those four early NAPs were never broken the whole game; Ctis and Machacka soon became my allies and played a vital role by keeping my backyard secure. At that time Ermor had expanded like crazy and built an insane number of castles, talk went around of a joint war with him, but in the end only my dear ally Jarko (Machacka) joined in. I would say our combined might more or less equaled Ermor's when the war started and we slowly won battles and gained ground. However, Ermors strategy was quite clever, IMO, ignoring research, using his grandthams to create hordes of undead horsemen and b-lining it to nether darts. Oh so many monkeys are to this day feeble-minded, jabbering fools....hmmm...sounds about right for a monkey, actually. At one point I was getting seriously worried that Ermor would wear us down, and indeed it looked that way; he could summon a nice army of horsemen at his cap every turn. But eventually Graeme (Ermor) committed a large army to invading Machacka, which got bogged down by wrath of god and eventually became a liability (I think). That army became the predecessor of Calahan's current fiefdom. I also managed to efficiently smash his armies with solar-rays and some dust to dust spam from those indie-1D-Raptors, lucky break for me there. Eventually things started to move quickly and, before I knew it, I had inherited Ermor's giant, castle-laden empire. I felt bad that Machacka couldn't reap the spoils as well, but had to keep moving as there was little I could do to help my ally anyway. Then came a critical moment, Abysia sent me a message imploring me to attack Ashdod, my new neighbor, since the two were bogged down in a war far from my borders. That got me thinking, I didn't have NAPs with either of my two new neighbors, Ashdod and Ryleh, both of whom were involved in bloody wars. The icing on the cake was that Ryleh didn't even have PD in many of his provinces. Though I new it would mean war with everyone, I had to take what I could get; I reasoned that I would never have such a chance again. From there it was brutal warfare with Ashdod and Ryleh, accompanied by some nasty little scrapes with Mictlan. It was at this point that my pretender carried the day, easily winning several crucial battles with master enslave (for Ashdod) and arcane domination (for Ryleh [more efficient]). Graeme put up a hell of a fight when he took over for Ryleh and even pushed me back, some very interesting thug/anti thug tactics were involved in that showdown. There were some mean fights between his reverse-communion-thugged starspawn and my white ones + celestial thugs, very cool. Ashdod also tried like hell to push me back. He had me worried too for a minute. Indeed our battles sea-sawed a bit just by the shear mass of his forces. In the end, however, he just kept feeding me more of his Adons with lots of gear. The real problem was that his research was not up to snuff. But one piece of advice I would offer is not to accompany your SCs with so much chaff when you know a master enslave is on the way, the chaff just worked in my favor every time: they became MY chaff. Funny side note: at one point I enslaved, healed (Chalice) and GORed his Adon prophet, I went overboard on that one :) During the whole period of the three-front war I had only one goal in mind: conquer territory faster than Mictlen could take it from me. In the end though, Mictlan and I ended up staring down the barrels of each other's guns, each waiting for the other to blink. I think we both blinked a few times and suffered for it; Mictlan managed to wipe out an army or two of mine and I killed a few of his thugs. By the end, I felt fairly secure in eventual victory (good Artifacts, Tarts, and a least one fresh Ruhdra per turn, a mage recruited in every fort) but the task of organizing such an outcome proved herculean, especially since every single battle I had to fight relied heavily on communions and various teleporting assets. When my laptop pooped out, well...that just about settled it. So thanks guys, that would have been a long grind (which I wished I had time for) and I'm glad we could agree on victory like true gents. I look forward to playing again with all of you. :) |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I try to strictly sub-in only to dying or last stand positions. Strong, good postions, like the Bandar one, have no interest to me at all. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Anyway, we can wait a little longer to see if other people want to find a sub and continue. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I'm good. Bandar beat me as Ermor when I made a few stratgic mistakes. I went for E4 S9, so my bless was very similar to Bandar's, and I expanded through the use of shadow vestals, principes, and later longdead horsemen. I had a great location, with huge amounts of room to expand into. Unfortunately, I got attacked before my massive investment in castles could pay off in hordes of longdead warriors. The plan was to skip most human troops, and rely almost completely on reanimated ones.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
If you can't find a sub, then I'm fine with ending this.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Well, in the past few days no one has replied to my request, probably for the same reasons that Calahan gave. Also, it seems Mictlan has staled, no doubt because he expected the game to be finished....which I suppose it now is :)
I think I'll go ahead and send Hadrian a msg asking him to change the thread title declaring victory/declare the game finished on lamaserver. After that I'll go ahead and post in the HoF. cheers! |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Yes I thought we were finished. My turns take a while (and not in a fun way) and why bother if its all over?
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Yes we have a worthy winner, congratulation Grijalva:first::clap:.
I also want to congratulate Hoplosternum for his sportive spirit :clap:and to thank everybody for this nice time. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I do not agree with crowning Bandar Log as a winner.
I do not agree with crowning Mictlan as a winner as well. Given the choice i would continue. Bandar Log needs a sub. Very experienced sub. Lets delay the game until he finds one. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
And one more thing. I do not really understand WHY would anyone "declare" a winner in such situation when ooh-so-best-and-mighty-winner Bandar control LESS THAN 25% of the map and at least 7 other players still play. Some games start with less people!
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
As for "you are the best, everyone who would replace you would be worse". Dominions is by a large chunk is a game of diplomacy and highly based on luck, initial placement, neighbors etc. If Bandar/Machaka/Ctis had an alliance since almost the beginning, no wonder they got to there they got.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Welltimat - I wasn't blind to the threat you were likely to pose, especially as the main Blood Sacrificer (with Vanheim being fairly weak at this point). Which was why I checked our NAP was over. Just in case.
But I think you overestimate your chances. I don't think you have no chance. I can see the potential strategy. I just think it would be very very hard to pull off from here. The trouble for you is that you only have Blood Hunters from your Capital and I already have 2 Demon Lords, 2 Ice Devils and an Arch Devil so you are not even going to clear up the Blood Uniques. (I could also summon one of the remaining each turn if I wished) Crucially I can summon Blood Hunters with slaves including ones that spam sacred bats. You can't. You may have some indie blood hunters, but apart from Blood sacrificing what can you do with the slaves? Blood has some great SC killer spells but does not help you so much against regular armies and mages. I can summon more and better Bloods than you and ultimately out blood hunt you. Plus my Fire Bless makes horrors or even the better Blood troop summons fairly easy for me to kill. And I have plenty of Life for a Lifer casters and the two banishment spells casters. I also have life for a life casting assassins. On current income I could summon 4 of those a turn. And as they make great Blood Hunters themselves I could ramp up my Blood economy easily. Unless you have been very lucky with blood indies I can always increase blood hunters faster than you. I can put Burden of Time up every other turn with my current Death income - every turn with alchemy. That would keep down your numbers of mages as only the Demonbred are not old or borderline old. Sure you will have some boots for the better warlocks but what will save the rest and all your fire mages? How will you research? Or Blood sacrifice for long? Even if you dispel it each time I put it up it still effects for one turn. My mages are sadly rubbish, I can stand their loss as my Coatls, SCs and Demon summons will not be badly affected. And my research is complete. Your plan relies on us all leaving you alone for many turns. You are way behind on research and you will need a lot of internal strength to resist raiding once you start your dom push. Probably a lot more forts to protect your temples from raiders. You'll need many many turns worth of blood slaves in the bank before you begin. But if you don't join the war then we will know you are either in alliance with Bandar or building up for your own win attempt. I, Ashdod or R'leyh could all have offered a peace/alliance/joint win with Bandar at any point. I suspect if any significant power joins Bandar the game is won. Which is one reason I'd rather just give the game to him now. Otherwise he simply chooses who comes joint first and when. Of course that person may have been you! And I am sorry if that was your hope and the potential ending of the game kills that hope. But I suspect that we (R'leyh, Ashdod & I) would all make better progress against you than Bandar so you would find yourself under severe pressure very quickly. Why fight Bandar when I can fight you? Bandar can't safely expand quickly against all three of us while we would batter you - at least initially - to see if you could take it. You have all those lovely territories now. I always had dozens of mages and hundreds if not thousands of troops close to your border and many uncommitted SCs. One thing is for sure we wouldn't just have gone on fighting while you stood behind us building up. You putting up Arcane Nexus gets you piled on very quickly. And the AN/Astral corruption combo, even if not taken down, is not that deadly to me. The problem is that all the scenarios would take many many turns to play out. We were already strategically stalemating and I think either Bandar gets the better of us or chooses one of us to join him in victory. He really wasn't losing to the three of us before he started to stale. The game has been fun but I have certainly begun to be burned out by the long turns with no real end in sight. Bandar seems to be in the same position. I can see you have a slight chance of victory. We all still do, especially if we all take down Bandar. But this would all take a long, long time. And after Bandar goes it probably won't leave a clear winner. If I thought you had a decent shot of victory I would hang in there but I think your chances are slim at best. And it will take a long long time to find out. I wish there was some better way to end these big games. Sometimes the winner is clear but in a lot it seems the end game can be longer than is welcome. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
is bandar now officially the winner, or has he to fight aby first?
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Besides, trying to trivialize why I was successful (luck, placement etc) is immature and won't change the facts as they stand. In fact, welltimat, you've had an "alliance" (NAP3) with Mictlan for a long time and it didn't get you anywhere...well, maybe it kept Mictlan from destroying you :) You even used an "alliance" with Vanheim to help you destroy Ctis...you just made your move too late I would say. I know how you feel though, its endgame and you're just started to wage your successful little war, thinking "OMG, I'm doing so well in this war, it can't be over!" Well, it is, and it wouldn't be fun for you if you tried to take on Mictlan. Hoplosternum was being perhaps a bit too kind when he said you even have a chance against Mictlan. As he said, he's already out-blooded you, and blood-summons are (aside from tarts) is pretty much MA Abysia's only endgame. I, for example, could have dropped Rudras-scs all over your turf and then had them merrily fly around raiding, whilst summoning new ones each turn. When you see the mechanics of it, you realize that is would just be a perpetual war of attrition. One that Abysia, even in late game, lacks the mobility for. Remember too, that I had already been at war with Mictlan, Ryleh and Ashdod (three game leaders) for many turns and had steadily gained income, provinces and gems during that period. Although they all gave me a really hard time :) Im going to go ahead and say that this ship has sailed. I do appreciate everyones' good sportsmanship in agreeing on that though, as its not always easy. :) |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Yes we were losing ground. But if Abyssia joined in, we might have been able to turn things around.
And you haven't won anything.All you did is quit the game and ruin it for everyone. That makes you a loser, not a winner. Half the games I'm in have been ruined by people quitting in he middle of the game. It takes a lot of nerve to ruin the game, then come here and brag about how great you are. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I didn't say I was great, I never said that it was 100% guaranteed that I would win. I'm just saying that it was very likely to be either me or Mictlan, and good luck finding a game where people play to the last province for complete world domination. I'm not bragging, but I won't let someone sit there and tell me that all of my hard work and strategizing didn't matter because it was "luck" or an "alliance" that won me the game. The "MIDDLE" of the game? Are you serious? This is the "end" of the game my friend. If you remember ghoul, I was quite happy to concede the game to Mictlan, or if he didn't think he could win, someone else, so don't go calling me names. Anyway, I made it clear that the term winner, or loser really means nothing to me, I had fun. Gosh, I was so pleased with how polite, gracious and sporting everyone had been until now. More so than victory it felt good that we could all agree that we played hard and fought well. I'm sorry that I couldn't play on forever in a never-ending multi-front war, and if you really think I've ruined the game, I'm sorry you feel that way. Go ahead and take a look at how most games with this setup end. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
My initial reply was actually to Ermor player, who said that there could not be so great leader and skilled player who could continue playing Bandar Log instead of you without drop in effectiveness. He was wrong. There could be. Notice, i agree that your current position is the best (and that you have got to it using excellent strategies and skills). BUT. I do not agree that you have won this game. Period. And i don't really care what others think about it. You control 25% of the land and even less percentage in other areas. That is obviously not enough to claim a victory. You can declare yourself winner, that would be only your problem as you could also declare yourself winner on turn 1. Quote:
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Thanks for clearing that up welltimat, you are indeed entitled to your position. But I never declared myself winner at all, it was the majority opinion as I read it. And yes, I do think that being game leader by far in every respect (in the endgame) is a good reason to claim victory, but, again, I only accepted that position...never claimed it.
This whole endeavor has left a sour taste in my mouth. I don't care who is declared winner and never did. Of course I tried to win and was happy to accept that position when people thought it was right. Welltimat, if you felt so strongly about this, why didn't you say something two turns ago? You waited until I had another stale or two and started complaining? I propose to just put it to a vote: if you want find a sub after four stales in a row for Bandar and continue playing, say so. Or whatever; the game's a draw, Mictlan's the winner, I'm the winner, Abysias the winner, etc..vote for whatever you each think is the right outcome for this game...I'll abstain. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Well, if we are going to keep playing, then I`m going to declare peace with Bandar Log, and start attacking Abysia. Grijalva has been a much more effective diplomat than Welltimat
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Look I do understand what Welltimat is saying. But I don't think every game has to be dragged out every time. It will take scores of hours for each one of the main players to carry this on in a war of attrition with Bandar. Which may not succeed and even if it does only proves that huge numbers (in gems/armies/mages/provinces) can overwhelm good play. Hmmm. I don't think anyone is saying Bandar is unbeatable at this point. Just that the only likely single winner is Bandar within the next dozen or so turns. But we may have prevailed, especially if you and Vanheim help. Then the game would last many many turns beating him. Then dozens more as the victors would then have to fight each other. That is a huge investment. And we are likely to get a less worthy winner at the end. Bandar has played a good game and there is no shame in losing to an alliance of all other main powers attacking him at once. No one else will be able to say the same. Simply that they played a part and got lucky or simply out lasted the rest. I wish there was a different way to determine victory that people agreed on. Does everygame has to be played to the bitter bitter end as Welltimat seems to suggest here? Then it becomes a war of attrition both in game and with Dom 3 fatigue in real life. I especially don't like permanent subs in such situations. At least then when someone leaves they (and their power) should go :) |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Thats an interesting way of stopping the game. Alliance of players who dont want to play vs rest.
I guess if 3 top players don't want to continue you cant force them to. Now you can kiss each other and babble how great and unbeatable you were. Next time should just do it at turn 2. Less time wasted. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Diplomacy is the key to winning large dominions games. If your idea of diplomacy is to insult the leading players to the point where they get fed up with you and decide to play kingmaker for somebody else, then you're not going to win many games.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Considering you already quit the game and 'nominated' 'the winner' thats not a 'game diplomacy'. I don't quite understand where you've seen insults coming from me.
Basically, you don't want to play, and i can not do anything about it. But from my PoV that situation looks like "oh, i am powerful and unbeatable, and you are powerful and unbeatable, we won the game". whatever. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
To Hoplosternum:
I have never proposed to fight "to the bitter end". Establishing 100% world control would take too long - it can be decided way earlier. Lets say 50 or even 40 percent of the world control would be sufficient, usually after this everyone agrees. There could be other things going in the world except for the war with Bandar Log. After all there were still 7 players, with their own plans and strategies. Thats what annoys me most. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Ok, i give up. Thats a stupid discussion. What i can and what i can not do should not be proved on forums, but rather played in game. Lets consider that traitorous leaders of R'Lyeh and Mictlan banished their pretenders and succumbed to Bandar Log who archieved world domination shortly after.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Bandar Log Victor
It can happen that a game ends without a player being beaten before. (Usually happens to the last water nation sitting in the pond) But it only happens if that nation was turtling to long, so if you are more active in the next game, you might notice that it will be a much better experience. :)
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Bandar Log Victor
Does someone with the admin codes want to do the honourable thing and officially end this game on the llamasever to stop it sending any more turns out.
And @ Grijalva - You should certainly post this game as a win if you wish, as two of your main peers have said you deserve the win. And you certainly shouldn't listen to the bitter turtles who think they have some right of veto over your deserved, justified, and well earnt win. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Bandar Log Victor
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Bandar Log Victor
You said yourself that you were just a bit player in this game, so you shouldn't be able to give an opinion. But of course you had to give one anyways. Calahan, I know you like to start trouble and call people names, but give it a rest already. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Bandar Log Victor
thanks everyone, it was fun playing with all of you, especially those who were so sporting about the end. :)
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