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TwoBits May 2nd, 2010 01:32 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Do we need to slow the game pace down? I don't want to (I'm enjoying the pace thus far), but I see from the first page that we were supposed to at 8 hours after turn 10 (and +8 at each 10 turns thereafter).

Right now, I'm concerned about Helheim (Hoplosternum) - they got in their last turn, but staled the turn before, and they're the last to get in their turn now. Maybe they need some more time?

chrispedersen May 2nd, 2010 03:13 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Scratches head. Good catch Two. Believe it or not I forgot I was the administrator of this game.

I will add 8 hours to the hosting interval. If any player asks for the 8 hour extension we will go to the 32 hour hosting.

I will additionally pm hop.

pyg May 2nd, 2010 06:28 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 743257)
Hmmm.. You can put lipstick on a pig - that doesn't make it a date.

Or a socially acceptable date, anyway.

Come on chrispedersen, pucker up. I know you want it!


Peacekeeper May 2nd, 2010 07:06 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 743322)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 743257)
Hmmm.. You can put lipstick on a pig - that doesn't make it a date.

Or a socially acceptable date, anyway.

Come on chrispedersen, pucker up. I know you want it!


why arnt you dead yet!?!?!

Cammorak May 2nd, 2010 08:07 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 743257)

The giants are coming.. the giants are coming. No actually, they are already here. And no attempts to paint them as innocuous will actually render them so.

I've got 24 popsicles camped in my lands. I seem to have killed the shapeshifters.

I see you subscribe to a rather loose definition of "mine."

Although, I will admit, fortune seems to favor the luck scales in these last two turns.

chrispedersen May 2nd, 2010 11:34 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Hey guys... Hellheim is in danger of staling for the second turn in three turns.

I'd like to either:

a). page hoplo and find out if he wants to continue.
b). Find someone to take the Hellheim. The position looks viable: Top quartile in virtually all measures.

Game is in the early phase.
c). If the game isn't viable find somoene to set AI.

So persuant to this I'm adding an additional 24 hours to the clock. I believe that a delay is preferable to a staled player.
As this wasn't covered in the original game setup, I'm updating the first post, and would like comments and feedback asto what you think should happen.

Peacekeeper May 3rd, 2010 12:38 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
my vote goes to taking as long as we need to find a player

pyg May 3rd, 2010 12:53 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 743328)
why arnt you dead yet!?!?!


Cammorak May 3rd, 2010 12:53 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I agree on the extension and looking for someone to take over while we investigate hoplo's status. It's still early enough that going AI would suck.

TwoBits May 3rd, 2010 02:19 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Yeah, going AI should be the worst case option. Besides, I'm going out of town for two days tonight, and could probably use the extra time :)

TwoBits May 3rd, 2010 08:03 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Well, somebody did Helheim's turn. But I'm about to leave town for a day and a half. Could I get an extra 12 hours added?

Hm, I see we're still on the 24 hour hosting schedule. In that case, I'll likely need an extra 24 hours just to be safe. Sorry for the delay, everyone!

chrispedersen May 3rd, 2010 09:03 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
24 h added to timer, per request.

Cammorak May 3rd, 2010 11:47 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I think next time someone's staling with an army at my doorstep, I should keep my mouth shut. :doh:

chrispedersen May 3rd, 2010 01:41 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

TwoBits May 4th, 2010 11:18 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
OK, I'm back - thanks for the delay!

chrispedersen May 4th, 2010 08:03 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I am suddenly without access to a computer. I've delayed the game 24 hours. I thank you for your patience.

I'm also asking debaser to cover my position in the short term.

pyg May 4th, 2010 11:47 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 744110)
I am suddenly without access to a computer. I've delayed the game 24 hours. I thank you for your patience.

I'm also asking debaser to cover my position in the short term.

That's what you get for ****ing me off! Next time I throw you out the window, not just your computer.

chrispedersen May 5th, 2010 01:14 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Cammorak May 5th, 2010 02:31 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I'm amazed no one has used the excellent opportunity to use the word "defenestrate" literally yet.

TwoBits May 5th, 2010 07:04 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 744110)
I am suddenly without access to a computer. I've delayed the game 24 hours. I thank you for your patience.

I'm also asking debaser to cover my position in the short term.

First off, sorry to hear about your rig :(

Second, what will happen if our admin is down and out for a while? Can anyone, for instance, delay the timer on Llamaserver? Just wondering, in case there's a problem while Chris is down (hopefully, that situation wont last long!).

chrispedersen May 5th, 2010 03:20 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
during work hours, I'll continue to monitor the thread and requests for postponement.

I just don't have dominions at work..

Cammorak May 5th, 2010 05:23 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
That sounds like a terrible job. Then again, I don't either. Perhaps that explains the quitting.

Hoplosternum May 6th, 2010 03:31 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Phew - got my turn in with 5 minutes to go :)

Anyone have any Earth gems? I have Death and Astral in exchange. Or Skull Mentors if you like that kind of thing :p

Willburn May 6th, 2010 05:46 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I am not sure yet but I might need a delay during next turn. Appologize in advance if thats the case.

chrispedersen May 6th, 2010 06:25 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
sure, let me know during business hours EST.

Debaser8 May 10th, 2010 02:09 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I came in for Yomi as a temporary sub (10 turns), and now it looks like Yomi will need a longer term caretaker. I enjoy playing the demon ogres of love, but I can't keep up with the pace. I think I might have to start looking for a replacement soon.

TwoBits May 10th, 2010 11:31 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Hm, sounds as if chrispedersen might be out for longer than though :(

On an administrative note, can anyone clarify the VP situation? How is that going to work?

chrispedersen May 10th, 2010 12:41 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
When you take a VP, it only counts if you report it.
Each turn that you report it - you earn 1 vp.

Game ends when someone has acquired the requisite number of victory points.

When you report it say something like:

Marverni - Turn 45, Province 431.

I will update the First post to keep a running vp total for every nation.

TwoBits May 10th, 2010 12:54 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Intriguing! So you need 100 points total? For example, holding 2 locations for 50 turns (but only if you report)?

And there are six locations, correct? The north half of the central island, and the 5 surrounding sea provinces - are there any others?

And you say no fortifying the victory locations - OK, but what if you get a castle via a spell or luck event?

Yeah, I guess I wasn't paying attention (or have forgotten :D ) to earlier discussions of VP conditions, but it's getting to the point where it might start to matter, I think.

Verjigorm May 10th, 2010 07:03 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Casting a spell to fortify a province would count as fortifying it. Having a random event castle form, I would say, would require that you demolish said fortification the turn it appears or as soon as humanly possible.

pyg May 10th, 2010 07:17 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 745205)
Casting a spell to fortify a province would count as fortifying it. Having a random event castle form, I would say, would require that you demolish said fortification the turn it appears or as soon as humanly possible.


TwoBits May 10th, 2010 10:44 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I guess I should have been more clear, what I wanted to say was a fortress from a site searching spell (especially, the common undersea fortress you can get casting Hauruspex).

Is the consensus that they be demolished then?

Debaser8 May 11th, 2010 12:00 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Trading for boots of youth Items/Gems.


chrispedersen May 12th, 2010 10:10 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
VP totals from a site will not count if a castle has been found on the site.

After 6 turns, a castle on a VP site will *cost* you 1 vp.

Verjigorm May 12th, 2010 01:32 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I claimed a VP at the beginning of this turn (31).

I would also like to point out that the current game settings indicate that a win (as far as the software is concerned) occurs when 7 VPs are accumulated. The score graph supports this as the ceiling is not far off, so... if we're supposed to be accumulating 100, but the game is going to go "Game Over!" when we hit 7... is there a way to fix this or am I incorrect wrt how the VPs work?

DrPraetorious May 12th, 2010 03:19 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
That looks like total VP rather than accumulation to me; otherwise you and Arco would've gained at the same time.

If it's set for total VP, why don't we just integrate under the score graphs (assuming no forts), rather than having people self-report which is weird?

Peacekeeper May 12th, 2010 04:35 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
7 vps that are all adjacent to each other is going to make a poor winning condition. Might as well just say that 1 of those VP provinces has to remain independant and play it as a normal game.

DrPraetorious May 12th, 2010 11:30 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Especially since we're not allowed to fortify any of them - it's rather easy for a well positioned-player to just grab all seven and force the builtin win. Is this not allowed?

Personally, I would've spread the VP out somewhat more and used the built-in VP accumulation system; I don't know why people don't like it.

Verjigorm May 12th, 2010 11:52 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
While, all of those are interesting points, we're on turn 31. Since it's set to only go to "Win" condition when someone acquires all 7 provinces means that if we want to maintain the 100 accumulated VP idea, we do, in fact, need to ensure that no one can control all 7 provinces as doing so would break the game.

This is what I would recommend.

No one can control all 7 VP provinces since doing so will ruin our fun.

An "acquire all 7" victory condition would be better, I agree, were they spread out.

chrispedersen May 13th, 2010 12:02 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 745389)
I claimed a VP at the beginning of this turn (31).

You have to also provide the province number:

Turn 31: Abysia, province ???

Verjigorm May 13th, 2010 08:00 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 745437)

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 745389)
I claimed a VP at the beginning of this turn (31).

You have to also provide the province number:

Turn 31: Abysia, province ???

I'm Arcoscephale and in general I prefer not to reveal the province number since it is useless for scoring purposes but useful as spying data. You can see on the score graphs that I have 1. ;) If someone who can see me wants to reveal the province number that's up to them, but if it were me, I would charge for the intel. :P

TwoBits May 13th, 2010 12:36 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I'm only seeing six victory locations on the map - 5 in the water, and one, on the north half of the central island.

Cammorak May 13th, 2010 12:58 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Well, looks like I sent my .2h file while the new turn was en route. Stale for me.:doh:

Regardless, it looks like all I have left is to wait and die at my capitol. Good game, Yomi. Come kill me. Or Helheim, since your army's been camped outside my capitol for at least 10 turns. My only hope is that you two fight over my corpse.

Verjigorm May 13th, 2010 07:24 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Claiming 2 VPs for turn 32.

Current total: 3.

And yes, there are only 6 crowns. The southwestern portion of the island does not appear to be a VP province.

chrispedersen May 13th, 2010 09:58 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Veri: the administrator (thats me) will provide a bonafide VP count. And will update it the opening thread.

But the requirement to post the province # was not optional - its specifically to allow people to gate to a place they may not have a scout in.

So, I'll give you your VP - (this once) but you really do need to report the province numbers. No tickee, no washee.

Also note as listed in post 78 or so, their are only 6 VP locations... one on the isle and 5 in water. And as stated in post 78 or so this is to provide a challenge and make water more required.

chrispedersen May 13th, 2010 09:59 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Thanks for playing. You were a great sport and a worthy opponent.

What did you think of the bid mechanism.. did the 25 points make a difference to you?

You going d3 really hurt yomi...

Verjigorm May 13th, 2010 10:26 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 745544)
Also note as listed in post 78 or so, their are only 6 VP locations... one on the isle and 5 in water. And as stated in post 78 or so this is to provide a challenge and make water more required.

Very well, the provinces are:

105 & 101

The former (105), held last turn and this turn (2 points), the latter (101) held this turn (1 point).

Also, I missed a turn of phrase, perhaps it's regional thing, but what does "no tickee, no washee" mean?

Oh, and for the record, I wasn't trying to be deliberately contrary. Spy information is one of the most valuable commodities in games like this, so I prefer to keep secret those things which I consider valuable information. As I had saw no reason to reveal the province numbers (as the current number of vps can be identified on the score graphs) other than to provide people without said information with a means by which to locate and attack/observe and since said requirement was not stated anywhere in the original contract and only in your more recent post, I decided that discretion would be more appropriate. However, since you have stated that the deliberate intention of the province number revelation is to encourage attacks and not for any other reason, I shall have to accept that since I apparently have no ability to control it.

I will, however, state that I politely disagree with this necessity as I always prefer conditions which favor secrecy. I feel it adds a lovely note of risk to the whole thing when you randomly pop in to a province, not knowing what is there or have to send a spy to observe goings on in a far-away land... Revelation is less interesting.

Hoplosternum May 14th, 2010 01:42 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 745550)
I will, however, state that I politely disagree with this necessity as I always prefer conditions which favor secrecy. I feel it adds a lovely note of risk to the whole thing when you randomly pop in to a province, not knowing what is there or have to send a spy to observe goings on in a far-away land... Revelation is less interesting.

I think in this game though it is fair that who owns the vp sites need to be declared openly.

The vp locations are all in one area and we do not all have equal access to them early. It is possible on this map to have become large and powerful but still have no direct access to the vp sites nor the power that is taking them.

No one seems to have gone for the vp sites early on, though that seemed a viable option. By now it would have been possible for a power to have built up a big VP score and we have not yet entered the late game (I hope :)) so many powers don't have easy access to cloud trapeze/teleporting Thugs and SCs at this point.

In short the victory conditions highly favour those who started close by them. Keeping who holds them secret just increases that advantage in this case.

chrispedersen May 14th, 2010 10:07 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
yeah, in retrospect, I really do wish that I had stuck with arena. The object really was everyone fighting over equidistant and centrally located vp.

When I acceded to the change in maps, the implications for game play didn't hit me.

I was also surprised that *noone* made an early play for vp.
Would have been perfect for caelum.

As for 'no tickee no washee' I'm told that it comes from early on when you sent your wash to a washer - you were issued a ticket. To get your clothes back - you had to present your ticket. No tickee.. no washee.

And usually I agree with you Ver, about the importance of secret information. Its just not the format of this game. Sorry!

TwoBits May 14th, 2010 11:04 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Well, as a power right by the water, I thought about making an early play for the VPs, but Marverni isn't exactly an early game powerhouse - I figured launching a land grab that early would just get me clobbered.

I figure anyone who wants to collect 100 VPs will eventually have to lick everyone anyone anyway (almost like a 'normal' game), the only difference being that he'll have the option of forcing everyone else' hand, instead of just waiting for it.

Oh, and I see someone has added extra time for me - thanks! - but I should have my turn in shortly anyway.

BTW, how long are we going to stick to a 24 hour schedule?

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