![]() |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Spit his turn out to you (or me, or anyone else (The guy admining our gaming den game would be a good independant third party) and see if it has no PW.
Alternatively, use the Master password |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
I agree about having one of us convert him to ai. the flow is more important than making sure noone gleans any information from an AI rump state, to my knowledge.
maybe don't have R'yleh do it, but otherwise... |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
So now I know what the master password is for :banghead
Turn should arrive in a few minutes. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Glad to see we can all return to not waiting the total time for Atlantis to not play his turn lol
I shall prepare the elphants. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Hi hi all. Hopefully everyone is having a good time; I know I am. :)
Some one was asking about forts, and I replied in game. I also said I'd put some link up in here, so here they are: Forts: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Dominio...uestions#Forts Really nice reference: http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Main_Page Also, jump in IRC and say hello (I'm LeafyBits): http://wbe03.mibbit.com/?server=irc....ctiveTab=false Thanks! Nathan |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Awh, Cthulu, I don't mean to. Where are you on the map, I can maybe choose to not build my temples in that direction just yet.
Not a lot else I can do. I can see... 2 different opposing domains, maybe three right now. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Colonial, check your email/messages, I'm holding my 2h until we have time to negotiate.
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Apparently I'm next to the Spanish Inquisition...
I would appreciate it, if the Inquisitoriat would'nt go further east. Go west and north and we shouldnt have problems... ;) |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Bring out: the comfortable chair!
reply sent kaelik. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
You fools! Don't you understand? Calm, peaceful conduct where one simply goes the other way, or agrees to a NAP will be the bane of your existance!
This is Arcoscephale, reporting that if you meet us, prepare for the end. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Super important question. If I move into a province on the same turn someone moves out of it, how do order preferences work out.
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Movement to your own provinces is before Movement into enemy provinces.
If both movements are attacks, I think those are simultan. It gets extra dicey if your armies would encounter themselves in the middle, then I think its a coint toss to determine where the battle is happening. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Aha! My first contact!
I seeeee youuuuuu R'lyeh! ...Lucky you're in the water. Don't make me come down there! |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
If the graphs would be on you all could see the first war.
Apparently Marignon tries to rush Vanheim I didn't expect that... On my ToDo list: Rush right back! |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Nice :D
Too bad I'm too far away to graze on the looser. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Too bad I didn't start the first war by killing approximately 10 units, primarily consisting of elephants.
I keed. I keed. I am content with my mastery over my domain, and I still have 1-2 directions for easy expansion for a little bit yet. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
of course, those elephants were all sporting luck, body etherial and gift of flight. its the only way to roll.
I'll admit, you might not have caught me at my strongest... but yeah, cant say i'm feeling cramped either. a couple of my scouts moving steadily in 2 different directions have just found a sea of indies so far. I was expecting a more peaceful early game than that from the ### of provences per person. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Had my first battle with a human's army this turn! Someone is more than welcome to offer tribute to Abyssia in order to keep the oceans from turning red with their blood :D
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Aha I (Arco) found BandarLog!
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
hmmm, tecnically I found you I reckon.
you really want to try out the elephants? I seem to recall a recipe for hummus that features puree of hoplite... |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Does anyone know if the lucky/unlucky events are effected by the scales? For example, if an unlucky event happens in a province with Death 3, is it more likely to involve population loss? As in, the same random event happens like three times already? If not, I think one of you punks is trying to spam me with a ritual, and I will find out who you are. The results will not bode well for your nation's survival.
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
I just checked the forum tonight (been super busy with work), and my goodness what a blood thirsty lot is in this game! ;)
Good thing we pangeans are safe in our forests hugging trees.... Also, did anyone want that smell, earth loving hippy we found a few turns ago? The smell of patchouli and tie-dye is really quite horrid.... |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
I hope you are not talking about me.
While Earth loving does describe my dwarven smiths and they do have Long beards, they are not exactly peace loving or tree hugging ones... |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Dwarves, eh? So THATS why you are so blood thirsty! ;) Midgets stuck under the ground w/ no sun, hangovers from the night before, and yer women folk sporting full beards.... Yes, I'd be grumpy too! Tell you what, my main satyr, Fabio, just scored a few dozen more hot looking maenads, so I'll send you one to cheer you up along w/ a small stool to you can look her in the eye. ;) With love, Pangaea |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Well look out. You know how those crazy Inqusitory are when they see naked women.
Awfully fast with burning on the stake they are. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
If you want to start a pointless war we can do that though? I'm happy to abandon playing for the win this game and just make it '**** abysia right up the ***' if that's what it boils down to. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Abyssia... Is attacking the oceans? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of fire radiation
Me and Cthulu have been friendly, so don't make me send any elephants down into those waters after you, Abyssia! ...As soon as I figure out how. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
As to why I'm attacking you, there are two reasons... we're obviously interested in grabbing the same areas, given that there is only one province between our capitals that we both attacked. That could probably be dealt with by a non-aggression pact. The more serious issue, however, and one that seems to trump a non-aggression pact, is dominion. You have cold scales, and I have heat scales. I don't think there is any way that the two of us can exist next to each other because of that. Could we bury the hatchet personally, and let the pretenders do the fighting? Thanks. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Well, if Abysia is going into the sea, at least be nice enough to let us know which province. When all that fire meets water it is going to make one hell of a nice steam bath for those of us on the shore. :)
Also, Patolixo, did you get my message about a 5 turn NAP? I'll also agree not to go into the sea if you agree not to come up onto the land around my provinces. - Hag-a-rific (nrasch) |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
@Nosantee - Doh! Well don't I feel silly now. ;) I guess the AI isn't going to agree to any NAP now is he? ;P
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
@earwicker7 - I see you and I have found each other. I offer you a 5 turn NAP. I also propose that you don't cross the river to your west, and I'll stay on the other side.
Oh, I also want province 126 as a buffer zone between us. Sound fair? :) - Pangaea (nrasch) |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
I'll put a fiver on cthulu.
or 500g if anyone wants to support Abysinia... |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Either you stop attacking me now and tear down that temple, or I'll see you in hell. While that temple is there, it's a standing declaration of war. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
I tried, REALLY tried (as anyone who looks in this thread will see) to keep things from getting personal. Apparently, instead of seeing this as me trying to be a good sport, you saw it as a sign of weakness, and decided to keep being nasty. Well, you better get used to me posting these quotes every time I see you try to join a new MP game from now on, because NOBODY wants to play with people like you. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
We didn't have any sort of deal as far as I am aware. How would those rules have prevented anything? I had exchanged no prior communications with you at all in any format, and even when we 'bumped heads' in that neatural province, went on my merry way. I didn't message you in game, PM you, OR post in the forums about it. Sure, I was annoyed because I'd lost an expansion force and my start was already pretty shakey.. but thems the breaks in the big city. Subsequent events A) You posted an threatening demand for tribute B) You invaded one of my underwater provinces that I'd for several turns C) You built a temple right next to my capital for the explicit purpose of dompushing me. You claimed it was to keep cold dominion out of your turf, but I don't think I even had a single candle on your territory. At this point I get rather snippy and tell you I'd appreciate it if you shoved off unless you want to start a total war. Your response was to attempt to invade me again. Then you are acting hurt and wounded by my stinging barbs to the effect of 'It's on now, and I am going to murderate [sic] you right in the face' What did you think I was going to say when you invaded me? 'Welcome to the land of cuddly puppies here in Ryleh, and over there, we have kittens!' Quote:
A) We bumped heads in a neatural province B) You threatened me C) You invaded me D) You are now trying to dompush me. This is why I presume you are blatantly misrepresenting the candle situation. That is HIGHLY aggressive behaviour from you. I didn't even talk to you AT ALL until you tried to invade me. I'm not even sure what I did that you think is being nasty? It's pretty puzzling overall. I haven't made a single move against you to this date.. and I took what as a sign of weakness? All things considered I'd rather not fight you, and I would have happily lived in peace and harmony, until, and I make this very explicit, you started it! And then having started it, you kept on at it! All I want is to be left alone. - Squids. PS Mate, nothing is personal - we're both trying to win the game. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Look, our nations are at war, and it's probably going to stay that way... sorry, but it just looks like too good of a strategic option to ignore. That doesn't mean you need to be angry at me personally. It's a game, sometimes you're going to win, sometimes you're going to lose. I fully expect to lose this game in the end, because I've had some fairly crippling random events happen to me. I'll say this again, just like I did before... let's bury the hatchet and keep the game friendly. When I say this, I mean all of us who are sitting behind our computers should be decent to each other. I'm not saying we have to keep it friendly in-game, as that would kind of defeat the whole purpose of having a game where you can win or lose. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Reckon you two could move the yelling match to pm? I'm trying to watch the war (:P)
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
PS. Attacking me an extremely poor strategic option. Your flaming fire infantry is EXTREMELY dangerous to everyone at this point. Except it cannot actually go underwater. Maybe if you've got the research sure, but you'd be better off tooling up with flaming evocations and attacking someone on land. At the end of the day, Abysia has three great advantages A) Blood magic B) Fire Magic C) Seriously hardcore flaming heavy infantry. None of this works underwater. Attacking me is just picking a fight you cannot win. Sure, I doubt you will actually lose as I don't have the capability to fight your best troops on their own turf, but you're much, much better off attacking someone else. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Open call to Marignon, I sent you a PM, you didn't respond.
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
any thoughts on shinuyama? staled and is now among the last to upload...
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
It'd give a pretty big advantage to whomever is near him though since he'd go under AI control and be easy to seige his cap. Why people must drop I don't know. |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
it does get annoying...
I guess stalling going awol is more common for new players, less mental effort invested in the game... |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Let's do an quick vote,
AI or turn extension? |
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
If he stales again, set to AI.
Re: Rock the Cradle--Noob Only! (RUNNING)
Agreed w/ Nosantee. Otherwise a fun game, and thanks to our host for setting it up. :)
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