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AfroSquirrel June 21st, 2011 07:33 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Ghill, did you just stale?

Also, the RNG favors Hinnom, granting it a free fort right in front of the Sauromatian army.

Ghill June 21st, 2011 07:47 PM

Turn 31: FFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
DUCK! I took my turn but didn't send it in, then I opened this morning and just got back! I HAD MY TURN DONE!

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. That is gonna cost me the lead...

Ghill June 24th, 2011 11:07 AM

Turn 34: I think...
So this next turn hits around midday where I live. Hope everyone can get their turn in.

AfroSquirrel June 24th, 2011 11:40 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I've got my turn in, but since I've been busier lately I've not done screencaps and notes for several turns. Not too big a problem for your AAR, though.

Ghill June 27th, 2011 01:22 PM

Turn 37: Really?
F. M. L.

That went disappointingly poorly. I lost every real unit I had in a fight to friendly fire.

This is driving me nuts.

LongBrodie June 28th, 2011 08:44 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
What happened, Ghill? Shadowblast your own army or something?

AfroSquirrel July 1st, 2011 10:55 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]

Originally Posted by LongBrodie (Post 779489)
What happened, Ghill? Shadowblast your own army or something?

Well, since he's not answering...

His PD archers shot and fatally poisoned them.

Ghill July 2nd, 2011 12:13 AM

I had a busy day, didn't feel up to taking turn 40 last night, and didn't have time today, so I staled again. In the middle of a critical maneuver.

Can we up the autohost time to 28 hours or something? That would give me enough flex time to actually guarantee getting my turn in without slowing the game much.

...So yeah.

EDIT: Also yes, it was in a fight against AfroSquirrel. Kind of an embarrassing way to go.

AfroSquirrel July 2nd, 2011 03:12 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
What's going on with Fomoria? A dozen turns ago or so, I heard that they were in a losing war, and now I'm seeing them making some bold moves.

Talrivian July 2nd, 2011 04:07 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Information is power and so I don't think it is very beneficial to constantly update everyone with your military and battle status. It allows us to know how badly or well you are doing and decide on whether or not we should attack you. After all, there can be only one. :)

MagicDinosaur765 July 2nd, 2011 07:49 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Put abysia AI or do something, because he is only delaying the game :(

Talrivian July 3rd, 2011 03:01 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Sadly, I can't set him to AI because he set a password on his Pretender, and thus, I cannot set him to AI. There is nothing I can do except manually force the hosting when it is only him left.

LongBrodie July 3rd, 2011 04:59 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
It's amazing what you can accomplish with a little diplomacy and magic. ;)

Sovietski July 12th, 2011 07:47 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Guys, I am soviet storm.

I am so so sorry that I disappeared like that. First my motherboard failed on the computer I was playing with you guys on. And then the email for my old forum account was compromised, so I had to shut it down and start fresh. I'm incredibly sorry for the delays I've caused, believe me. I did not want to drop out of the game at all, things just conspired against me.

Talrivian July 12th, 2011 11:21 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Hey SovietStorm! Glad to hear that you are alive. I was beginning to think that maybe you died of a heart attack or something. :P

Anyway, I'm sorry to say that you have already been defeated more or less. I have conquered all of your provinces except one, and it will be mine next turn. Sorry, I wish you could continue, you would have been a good challenge for the forces of Yomi.

Ghill July 14th, 2011 01:44 AM

Turn 50: Sorrow.
Sovietski got back just in time for Abysia to be defeated, and Niefelheim is gone. I failed my ally. : (

Anyway, it looks like we are approaching end-game and Sauromatia is no longer a world power. Should be interesting.

Ghill July 15th, 2011 05:58 AM

Turn 51: Weekend with a Wedding.
Well I feel stupid. I completely forgot I was going to be out of town this weekend. I got turn 51 in, so could we postpone the game on turn 52 until Sunday evening? I will be able to get a turn in by midnight on Sunday.

I real don't want a stale turn to eat my advantage. Again...

Sovietski July 15th, 2011 03:54 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]

Originally Posted by Talrivian (Post 780216)
Hey SovietStorm! Glad to hear that you are alive. I was beginning to think that maybe you died of a heart attack or something. :P

Anyway, I'm sorry to say that you have already been defeated more or less. I have conquered all of your provinces except one, and it will be mine next turn. Sorry, I wish you could continue, you would have been a good challenge for the forces of Yomi.

Hah, well, as long as the forces I left with orders gave you a little hell. I'm really sorry guys, like I said things just really came down on me all of a sudden and I assure you if I game with you guys again that situation will not be happening

Talrivian July 16th, 2011 12:02 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]

Originally Posted by Sovietski (Post 780330)

Originally Posted by Talrivian (Post 780216)
Hey SovietStorm! Glad to hear that you are alive. I was beginning to think that maybe you died of a heart attack or something. :P

Anyway, I'm sorry to say that you have already been defeated more or less. I have conquered all of your provinces except one, and it will be mine next turn. Sorry, I wish you could continue, you would have been a good challenge for the forces of Yomi.

Hah, well, as long as the forces I left with orders gave you a little hell. I'm really sorry guys, like I said things just really came down on me all of a sudden and I assure you if I game with you guys again that situation will not be happening

Hey Ghill, I postponed it a little past midnight (Monday morning technically).

And Sovietski, my kuro-oni had no problems butchering your low defense soldiers with their katanas and melting them with poison vomit, but your mages gave me a nasty surprise in your castle. Mass flame eruptions wasn't something I was expecting for some reason. I lost like half my army to molten showers.

Ghill July 17th, 2011 08:24 PM

Turn 52: "Allies"
I am back, thanks for postponing the game.

Now for some venting. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. What is the point of an alliance where the ALLIES DON'T HELP EACH OTHER? Now you might be thinking, "Sauromatia wants some help!", but NO. Niefelheim never asked for aid, up to and including their final stand.

It's like everyone is so paranoid of being stabbed in the back that they just jump on the knives preemptively. Also, I am kind of a douche. :D

AfroSquirrel July 18th, 2011 11:33 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Hmm... In the interest of causing chaos, who would like to know the locations of the three bonus sites that I have uncovered?

Ghill July 19th, 2011 11:53 PM

The "Message of the Day" seems a tad out of date. Could we replace it with a new one? Like "The end looms on the distant horizon as two demon driven super-powers expand outward, their borders ever encroaching on each other as their armies consume their enemies. Who will prevail? Who will survive?"

I am pretty sure Yomi and Mictlan are the most powerful nations now.

Ghill July 20th, 2011 05:36 PM

Turn 55: Balance Tipped.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA. Really? Really? Talk about pissing all over diplomacy.

So every time anyone casts a non-blood-magic spell they get horror marked. There are two ways to take this down, kill the caster or dispel the enchantment.

I don't have the gems to dispel it, but I'll contribute what I can. If no one else can cast it, I am able to, but I'll need at least 300 astral gems before I can dispel it.

The spell was probably cast by Mictlan's pretender, so if someone gives me the province number that it is in I can kill it. If anyone wants to send me spare death gems (I'll even buy them for 10 gold a piece) I can assassinate most of his mages in a few turns. It appears someone panicked a little. :D

LongBrodie July 20th, 2011 08:00 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Yay for Manifestation? :P

Talrivian July 20th, 2011 11:15 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I have a secret strategy that no one is prepared for and that no one can fight, so I really couldn't care less since I have no need of casting rituals anymore.

Oh, the joys of simple, yet cost-effective strategies.


AfroSquirrel July 21st, 2011 11:37 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Well, that was unexpected. Thank you. Yomi, your destruction of Sauromatia's army is greatly appreciated.

Also, if anyone stands to gain by having the armies of Sauro or Yomi tied down, feel free to send me your excess blood slaves!

Ghill July 22nd, 2011 02:01 AM

Turn 56: ...
F. M. L.

I...dang. I didn't realize it would be full blown horrors of this magnitude so quickly. This is pretty much over for me.

Also, LongBrodie guessed it in one. Guess I'll see how lucky a person can get in the end game.

Talrivian, MagicDinosaur765, are either of you planning on doing an AAR or Let's Play write up?

MagicDinosaur765 July 22nd, 2011 02:31 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I wasn't planning in an AAR, but I have all my turn archives in the gmail.

I didn't want to hurt anybody with the spell, but a lot of Ashen angels were killing my mages, and I didn't know who was casting that spells (sure Sauromatia) so it was a good spell to defend myself without having to attack provinces.

Also, that Yomi's big demon was awesome. Retreating, but berserk, burning hordes of Sauromatia's warriors.

What's about Atlantis?
Is he sending the turns?

Ghill July 24th, 2011 05:58 PM

Turn 57: The End?
Yeah, this is over for me. I'm going to stick around and see how badly I can grief Mictlan and Yomi before I bail.

I'll watch the thread and post my AAR when the game is coming to a close. Really, my only complaint was that I had a lot of bad breaks with luck and only had one flip of chance go in my favor. Both of the times I staled it cost me my lead and completely destroyed my army.

SO, no spoilers, and good luck to the survivors. I am basically out.

MagicDinosaur765 July 25th, 2011 08:09 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Talrivian, what's up?

Are you having problems sending your turns?
I know Llamaserver had problems (again), but the last 2 turns delayed about 12-24 hours.

So, what's up?


Talrivian July 29th, 2011 01:43 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Sorry, guys my life has been really hectic lately. I staled because of this. It is hard for me right now.

And yeah, Dai Oni are awesome.


Ghill July 30th, 2011 03:40 PM

Turn 60: I'm out.
Sauromatia just declared...AI, I guess.

Good game all. Good luck to the survivors.

AfroSquirrel July 31st, 2011 04:25 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Welp, there goes my one shot at breaking out of this decline. All that's left is to see how high I can pile Yomi's dead at the gates of Rocknest.

We will not go AI into the good night.
We shall rage against the dying of our light.

LongBrodie August 2nd, 2011 07:09 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Because of the terrible crime Mictlan has committed by polluting the very essence of magic with the blood of countless innocents, I hereby end the Non-Aggression Pact between Fomoria and Mictlan on turn 62.

LongBrodie August 4th, 2011 01:39 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Let it be known that MagicDinosaur has initiated hostilities immediately upon the end of the NAP-5, rather than waiting the agreed upon 5 turns.

MagicDinosaur765 August 5th, 2011 12:29 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]

Originally Posted by LongBrodie (Post 781413)
Because of the terrible crime Mictlan has committed by polluting the very essence of magic with the blood of countless innocents, I hereby end the Non-Aggression Pact between Fomoria and Mictlan on turn 62.

With this, I understood that the pact was broken.
Talrivian attacked me without wait any turn.
You are allied with Talrivian, so I supposed you would attack.

But really my troops didn't attack you.

They conquered the province without defense.
I didn't know why.

I must repeat: I started attacking because your ally broke the pact, starting the attacks.

LongBrodie August 7th, 2011 06:47 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
What my ally chooses to do does not affect what I choose to do. You had a non-aggression pact with me, and the terms of that pact were to wait 5 turns before initiating any hostile action after breaking that pact. That means no fighting until turn 67.

LongBrodie August 8th, 2011 12:48 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
On the other hand, you broke the pact long before any of this when you cast Astral Corruption, a spell that attacks every non-blood nation.

MagicDinosaur765 August 9th, 2011 03:27 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
What is going on with the game?

Yomi is the only who didn't send the turn, and the "Next turn due" has delayed a lot (and this isn't the first time it occurs).


MagicDinosaur765 August 11th, 2011 06:18 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I'm really sorry, but I can't send my turns because of a travel for 1 week.
If you can wait, it will be great, but if you can't, it's okey to search a substitute.

Talrivian August 12th, 2011 09:55 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I postponed the hosting for 100 hours. I will look for a sub in the meantime.

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