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-   -   MP: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Finished (Ulm won by agreement) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47704)

Mightypeon September 26th, 2011 02:52 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by Lung Drago (Post 784479)
I'd like to salute the honorable, brave and fierce warriors of Shinuyama, the great nation that, alas, came to an unfortunate downfall. The people of T'ien Ch'i recognized their unique and interesting culture and shall forever remember the goblins as people that fought hard against the prejudices about their past or appearance.
Countless Followers of the Way have reportedly appeared out of nowhere in all places in our land to pay their homage to the fallen people. As my own sign of respect and as an expression of feelings of a whole nation, I, the Emperor of T'ien Ch'i, called Two-Spirited for my double-gender personality and Four-Handed for my most striking appearance feature, hereby share with you a song I personally helped to create.
Let it be that this piece of music art continues to carry the honor, strength and very soul of mighty Shinuyama for thousands upon thousands of years. Bakemono of Shinuyama, know that spirits of millions shall be with you in your final charge for your honor.

You shall never be forgotten.

Daichi Moyu, Ballad to the Shinuyama Bakemono

Well, the Peoples Republic of Ulm predicts some rather big Fireworks in or near Shinuyamas capital soon.

FAJ September 26th, 2011 04:30 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Yeah, probably shouldn't have sent soldiers. The idea was the horrors were to soften you up for proper Axe-recieving. But instead they just killed everybody.

It was a spectacle though.

krpeters September 26th, 2011 09:09 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I just realized something. I'm going on vacation for a week on Oct 12... I won't have internet/Dominions access then... what's the proper thing to do? Look for a temp sub for the week? Look for a perm sub? Try and get killed before then?

FAJ September 26th, 2011 09:45 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I am fine with a weeks downtime. We went through roll-backs and bugs; I don't think a couple days is too bad.

jimbojones1971 September 26th, 2011 09:56 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Yeah, I am happy either way. Getting a sub can work well, but pausing is also quite reasonable.

If you want a sub, I might be able to talk CthulhuDreams into it - he's generally a good player, unless you count playing Vanheim, in which case you'd probably be better off just staling as the outcome will be much the same. (But seriously, dude is a ninja - want me to ask him for you?)

jimbojones1971 September 26th, 2011 09:57 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I can't get the hymn to Shinuyama to open from work, I shall have to try it from home. I hope someone remembers to write a hymn for Ermor in the event that we too get horribly murdered!

BewareTheBarnacleGoose September 26th, 2011 10:18 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I also just remembered vacation plans. I will probably be away for most of next week (the 1st through the 7th). Im not sure of the exact dates yet. It will probably be 3-5 days. Could you talk to CthulhuDreams for me too?

cool_hc September 27th, 2011 09:01 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by Lung Drago (Post 784479)
I'd like to salute the honorable, brave and fierce warriors of Shinuyama, the great nation that, alas, came to an unfortunate downfall. The people of T'ien Ch'i recognized their unique and interesting culture and shall forever remember the goblins as people that fought hard against the prejudices about their past or appearance.
Countless Followers of the Way have reportedly appeared out of nowhere in all places in our land to pay their homage to the fallen people. As my own sign of respect and as an expression of feelings of a whole nation, I, the Emperor of T'ien Ch'i, called Two-Spirited for my double-gender personality and Four-Handed for my most striking appearance feature, hereby share with you a song I personally helped to create.
Let it be that this piece of music art continues to carry the honor, strength and very soul of mighty Shinuyama for thousands upon thousands of years. Bakemono of Shinuyama, know that spirits of millions shall be with you in your final charge for your honor.

You shall never be forgotten.

Daichi Moyu, Ballad to the Shinuyama Bakemono

:cry: *cries* ..so sad...

momfreeek September 27th, 2011 09:45 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by FAJ (Post 784509)
Yeah, probably shouldn't have sent soldiers. The idea was the horrors were to soften you up for proper Axe-recieving. But instead they just killed everybody.

my previous stategy of throwing more unicorns at the problem doesn't seem like it'll work, those big horrors are much scarier than i'd anticipated

Lung Drago September 27th, 2011 10:13 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
If I understood correctly we have 2 vacations foreseen, one from 1st to 7th October and the other one starting 12th, right? I won't object if everyone agrees that waiting these days out is OK, but since those vacations are spread out and we have only one player away at a time, I'd think a sub would be a better choice. I could ask a friend of mine to sub someone. He's also a raw rookie like the rest of us. In that case, it's wise to make sure he understands your goals and strategy. My point is that we would postpone total of 14 days for one player at a time.


Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 784537)
I hope someone remembers to write a hymn for Ermor in the event that we too get horribly murdered!

Actually, in best case I would like to eventually "compose" a hymn of honor for every nation that loses the race for the ultimate power in this game. Even if I lose this game, I will continue to do so for the next nations. I think it's a nice way to say that you weren't useless or played "lolnubingly", instead you will receive a nice thank you for the game.
My only concern is that it will become rather tricky to do role-play wise for nations I haven't met yet. It's so unimaginative to help myself with the "rumors" thing each time. :cold: I also somewhat count on that I will actually read up someone got defeated here on the forum, as I might not catch that fact in game (my Byakugan does have a distance limit) :re:

Anaconda September 27th, 2011 10:29 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
As far as I understood the vacations wont be whole 7 days straight? Did the first guy say 3-5? And there will be a free-for-all wekk between them vacations so we can catch up pretty well after the first one... I would say lets wait if it really on takes up 5 days. (palying one turn just before taking of and one right after coming back doesnt sound that the delay would be intolerable).

If the players are ok with subs, then let them, btw.

Mightypeon September 27th, 2011 03:20 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I would also prefer subbing.

krpeters September 27th, 2011 07:29 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Exact dates are Oct-13th through Oct-18th. If you can get a sub for me, that would be great. Instructions are simple: don't die. That's better than I would have done :)

krpeters September 27th, 2011 07:39 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Woa, is anyone doing anything about Ermor's zombie hordes? I have some priests that could vaporize them easily if I found them...

Anaconda September 27th, 2011 09:00 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
So whats the deal with Bakemono, is he still with us or did he lift his hands up already? If so, he didnt set on AI and thus is holding us back.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose September 28th, 2011 12:22 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I'll get back to everyone with my exact dates soon. But as to Shinuyama, Im not sure what happened. Last turn he went on a final rampage in my territory, so I assume that he is going to fight to the last.

Mightypeon September 28th, 2011 06:22 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
He propably will do that. And a final rampage in your territorry has better odds of success than attacked what I have in his Cap.

Mightypeon September 28th, 2011 12:35 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
And here were are,

Ulm News: Fair and Heavy

From the various wars:
Pangea vs. Marignon
After initial advances by Marignon, the Pangeans seem to have reversed their province losses. Pangean forces outnumber Maginons, but much of this will be due to Maenads. Comparing the slopes of both nations army graphs, it seems that this war is still quite undecided.

Ulm + Ermor + Ctiss vs. Shinuyama
The main Army of the Peoples Republic of Ulm has captured both Shinuyaman forts this turn. The Shinuyaman army is now attacking Ctiss, seeking to go out with a victory against the opportunistic Lizards, rather than a last stand against Ulms Wall of Black Steel and Severe Firepower. Ermor grabbed a couple of provinces and has for all intents and purposes ceased to fight Shinuyama. A lack of a Border with the Bakemono is most likely an explanation for this.

Abysia and Atlantis vs. Man + Ctis
Ctis took a province from Abysia, partly due to most of the Fire Kingdoms armies being preoccupied with Man, while Man has seemingly thrown Atlantis back into the sea.

jimbojones1971 September 29th, 2011 06:38 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by krpeters (Post 784627)
Woa, is anyone doing anything about Ermor's zombie hordes? I have some priests that could vaporize them easily if I found them...

Bring it on, fish freak! Anyway, looking at the army graph I am struggling to believe you have much of anything left, let alone enough priests to seriously trouble the People's Paradise of Ermor and our Hordes of Content and Peaceful Proletarians (aka zombies).

BewareTheBarnacleGoose September 29th, 2011 08:33 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Ok, so Im going to be gone from the 2nd - 8th (at latest). I might be back sooner, but let's assume I wont. Sorry I didnt figure this out sooner; it was sort of spontaneous. That doesnt overlap at all with krpeters, so I assume everyone would prefer if we got subs. Lung Drago, could you please ask to your friend for me?

krpeters September 29th, 2011 06:33 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 784704)
Anyway, looking at the army graph I am struggling to believe you have much of anything left, let alone enough priests to seriously trouble the People's Paradise of Ermor and our Hordes of Content and Peaceful Proletarians (aka zombies).

I got bored with armies. I have plenty of H3 priests preaching to the fishes that wouldn't mind taking a break and vaporizing your armies!

Lung Drago September 30th, 2011 09:57 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose (Post 784714)
Ok, so Im going to be gone from the 2nd - 8th (at latest). I might be back sooner, but let's assume I wont. Sorry I didnt figure this out sooner; it was sort of spontaneous. That doesnt overlap at all with krpeters, so I assume everyone would prefer if we got subs. Lung Drago, could you please ask to your friend for me?

Bad news. My friend is apparently full-time occupied by his college next week, so he won't have time to sub next week either. I can ask around more but it might be a good idea to create a sub request thread or ask CthulhuDreams as suggested by jimbojones anyway.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose September 30th, 2011 10:27 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
[quote=Lung Drago;784791
Bad news. My friend is apparently full-time occupied by his college next week, so he won't have time to sub next week either. I can ask around more but it might be a good idea to create a sub request thread or ask CthulhuDreams as suggested by jimbojones anyway.[/QUOTE]

No problem. Jimbojones, do you have contact information for CthulhuDreams? Or does anyone know any other potential subs?

BewareTheBarnacleGoose October 1st, 2011 12:05 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Err, so Im going away tomorrow, and I haven't found a sub yet. I know this isnt standard practice, but could one of you just play for me? Preferably someone who doesnt have a vested interest in destroying me :)? But honestly, I dont really care. Anything is better than stale-ing for 7 turns. PM me if you want to help!

Anaconda October 1st, 2011 03:36 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
How about just waiting for him?

jimbojones1971 October 1st, 2011 05:42 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I'm asking the question now of CD, if that fails then I am totally game to wait.

Anaconda October 1st, 2011 07:18 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I got one of my IRL's to submit for a sub. He should be posting here anytime now...

Musseboy October 1st, 2011 07:19 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

I can play as substitute. I was asked for this job by Anaconda. I have some experience of the game so I believe I can handle this task. But in order to do my masters bidding I need the following:

1) Link to the map you are playing
2) Link to the Mod
3) Last but not least the guidelines I am to follow during the next couple of turns

p.s. I can play apx 3 turns next week: su-mo/wed-fri/sat

BewareTheBarnacleGoose October 1st, 2011 09:18 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Hi Musseboy,

Thanks very much! I'll private-message you with the information you need!

P.s. Thanks Anaconda!

BewareTheBarnacleGoose October 1st, 2011 09:33 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Hmm, it looks like you haven't enabled private messages. Anyway, here is the link to the map:


And the mod:
(This is a bundle of Mods, but you want the fixed version of CBM 1.84)

Can you enable private messages so I can send you instructions? If I get to dont talk to you, then just try not to die :p.

momfreeek October 1st, 2011 10:42 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
3. send Lucy lots of pretty gems

jimbojones1971 October 2nd, 2011 06:37 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by krpeters (Post 784753)

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 (Post 784704)
Anyway, looking at the army graph I am struggling to believe you have much of anything left, let alone enough priests to seriously trouble the People's Paradise of Ermor and our Hordes of Content and Peaceful Proletarians (aka zombies).

I got bored with armies. I have plenty of H3 priests preaching to the fishes that wouldn't mind taking a break and vaporizing your armies!

Armies didn't really suit you anyway. The whole "lets run up on the land and die like beached whales" thing gets old fast.

Tell you what, you bring your fishy priests, I'll bring my undead hordes, and we can get it on in province #23 (C'tis) - how's that work for you? Let's settle this once and for all!!

Mightypeon October 2nd, 2011 05:13 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Ctis pretender is so weak it makes my mages go off script tsssss....

Also, my cunning plan of combining his Pretender, his Capital and a Black Halberd to a "perpetoum Mobile eternally regenerating Curry Shashlik" did not work at all. I blame the 2nd law of Thermodynamics. Stupid reactionary laws of physics, they dare to defy the historical dialectic!

OOC: I love the banter in this thread.

jimbojones1971 October 4th, 2011 02:19 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Marignon is about to stale out again. I suggest we have a short impromptu extension to give us a chance to try and contact him, then set him to AI if we can't (since he seems to be in a world of hurt).

Anaconda October 5th, 2011 10:57 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I think he just left the game behind.

BTW, the TRN just received from the llamaS is old, several turns...

FAJ October 5th, 2011 02:43 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
What does that mean? The turn I received was current.

Anaconda October 5th, 2011 02:54 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Say what?


Originally Posted by FAJ (Post 785170)
What does that mean? The turn I received was current.

If you got a TRN today, say withing 8 hours, its not a legi TRN.


There hasnt been host happening for 24 hours at least


However I, also, got one for a reason or another.

There is of course possibility it was an echo of a resend request long lost in time and space. Nut I wasnt the only one, and our game wasnt the only ongoing game encountering this phenomenon.

Lung Drago October 5th, 2011 02:57 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
It seems Squeelch has not logged in these forums for a while. It is unfortunate that he didn't tell a thing, though. Right now I am divided between extending the turn time or, well, counting him out. He does seem pretty much screwed at this point.

Anaconda October 5th, 2011 02:59 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I would say count him out, but on the other hand I should sustain my self from voting.

However, if some1, preferrably for example Musseboy who is not gonna play with us anymore, would turn him AI the comp would at least do somethin'. At this point he simply is a feast for the predators.

Lung Drago October 5th, 2011 03:07 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Right now, I am genuinely scared to screw around with the email adresses on llamaserver, since I am dead tired yet again :D So, if Musseboy has nothing against it, Ill set his mail address as Marignons tommorow.

Musseboy October 5th, 2011 03:30 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Sure, I can turn autopilot on for Marignon. Just send me the trn and I'll see it done tomorrow.

jimbojones1971 October 5th, 2011 11:34 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by Musseboy (Post 785176)
Sure, I can turn autopilot on for Marignon. Just send me the trn and I'll see it done tomorrow.

Awesome, thanks for doing this :-)

BewareTheBarnacleGoose October 6th, 2011 06:27 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Hi all! Im back from my trip somewhat earlier than expected. How do I go about resuming control of my dominion?

Anaconda October 6th, 2011 07:35 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Email should be changed and turn resend requested. I am pretty sure Musseboy should brief you on whats currently hot. What I have heard (mummers, bards etc) its not only hot, its on fire :mean:

Musseboy October 6th, 2011 02:26 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Marignon is now on autopilot.

Lung Drago October 6th, 2011 05:28 PM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
And with that, I would like to officially pay my respects to another of my fine neighbours. Not all Masters have accepted the fate of Shinuyama yet and already another grim news of a tragedy struck the land. The humans of Marignon possessed remarkable zeal that resulted in such outstanding morale that even baffled the Imperial Generals. Marignon's faith in their god was unquestionable and their righteous zeal even gained the favor of Heavens itself, a feat that truly rivals the Empire. And yet, as we now learn, faith alone is not enough. However, I'd like to ensure that no one here will ever forget the example of loyalty and zealous determination that Marignon was, and therefore, I present to you:

The Angel's Choir, Celestial Memento to Marignon

I cannot help but be dazzled by works of independent, not-so-known artists, so I hope it is not only me and you will enjoy the music too :)

Musseboy October 7th, 2011 12:18 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I wonder if I should play and send the .2h file of turn 27. I got the reminder mail of C'tis turn 27, but I understood Barnacle Goose was back in action and the turn was resent for him.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose October 7th, 2011 02:08 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I havent received the turn, so you might as well play this one for me too. We can try to figure out how to get it to me tomorrow.

jimbojones1971 October 7th, 2011 05:04 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I'm going to PM Lung Drago and suggest an extension, so C'tis doesn't stale out while BewareTheBarnacleGoose works out how to reclaim his nation. Stales are no fun for anyone :-)

Thanks Musseboy for subbing in.

BewareTheBarnacleGoose October 7th, 2011 08:30 AM

Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Ok, I got my turn....almost wish I didnt :shock:! Anyway, thanks for covering for me, Musseboy! And thanks to everybody else for being patient with the technical stuff.

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